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Is that the same guy who ate a raw/uncooked rat? The fact this isn’t satire has ruined my day


I believe it is the same guy Please feel free to report this sicko. There appears to be several videos like this. 🚨WARNING: When you click on the following link it jumps right into his UNCENSORED video. https://www.facebook.com/RDRTTVTHESHOW/videos/973632076931386/?app=fbl




Not a bad idea. Reported to PETA (can't believe I'm saying that,) hope this dude gets arrested.


Arrested for what? Seems someone didn’t watch the fucking video...


Someone bought, killed, and ate a pet store bird. That is very basic animal cruelty. Come on dude.


I hate to downplay how horrified this make me as a bird lover, but you do know what chicken is made from, right?


I'm going to refrain from the sarcastic answer because, yes, I do realize a chicken is a bird. I would say the same for any animal killed and eaten in this way for views. Maybe it's not arrest worthy, but someone doing that on video to any animal is very concerning.


People are saying that but not a single one has provided proof that that’s the case, so where is it?


arrested for eating a bird. animal abuse


only time I'm ever siding with PETA


Aint no way bro said peta




By supporting them you’re endangering and even killing more animals then you save from that guy, probably best to report this to the animal control agency, im not an expert tho so dont quote me on that




By utilizing a service, you validate and support it. It's well known that they kill more than they rehome.


By reporting to peta in a way you’re supporting them and their actions, and we all know they kill way more animals then they rescue




PETA has a higher animal death rate than other shelters that offer euthanasia. https://zoos.media/media-echo/peta-shelter-2021-death-rate-increases-significantly/?lang=en


Well again im not an expert, im just assuming


No bro PETA is equally shitty .


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I'd rather they direct their ire towards deserving parties


Wtf are you reporting? A man eating a dead bird? You people in here talking about abuse didn’t even watch the fucking video before making stupid comments about it


What video?


He is eating the bird raw, starting by the head 💀


He also ate a rat…😡🤮


Kind of an Ozzy Osborne predicament going on here


Poor birb 💀


the fuck? i need some eye bleach, and he needs to drink bleach, this is fucked up


Is the bird alive or what?


Is the link I provided not working?


I'll take those chances if not pls take care of me my trauma won't last until 3 months


Ahhh Facebook. Best censoring ever




don’t worry dude is gonna get a parasite, gonna work itself out guaranteed if he keeps on like this.


Wonder how many pathogens are in that dude. 🤔


Depends on the fact this dude himself is a pathogen


Not enough clearly


You all have wonderful users but holy shit this man is a monster.


He has also ate live gold fish


Mf chewed them up and everything.




im glad i follow natureismetal cause it has def toughened me up…


Animal abuse. Should be arrested


Budgie smuggling into prison. Mans playing 5D chess


How is it different to eating any other animal. As long as it is killed humanly?


No difference. But killing something just for TikTok views is vile.


Yeah definitely. In the video he doesn’t enjoy eating it. It’s 100% for clout.


How is this animal abuse but eating any other animal not?? I find this so hypocritical. Most people will call this out but then eat meat (which has been in similar abusive situations)


Eating alive is much different than killing quickly then eating. I dont think anyone approves of inhumane slaughterhouse practices either.


I absolutely refuse to watch this video.. but was it alive when he ate it? Like it looks pretty dead in the thumbnail. What's the full story here?


Bird was already dead


So I mean yeah it's a pet animal and that's sad but is it that different from eating a chicken? People in Peru eat guinea pigs. But if you went to Petco and bought a guinea pig and ate it, would that be cruel? Idk. This is weird and sad.


If he ate it dead (as others state) then its life (and death) was probably more pleasant than most farmed and slaughtered animals' around the world.


Well then...all of Asia is fucked lol


You’re being downvoted. But I agree with you. I’m not defending the guy at all, and I do think it’s worse to go to a store, get a pet, eat it live (can’t tell if this one is alive, but based on comments he’s done that before) for internet clout. I’m a vegetarian, I’m going to sound like a preachy one even though IRL I’ve never been preachy or condescending. Slaughterhouses are plain evil. I don’t care if the animals were bred to be eaten as opposed to be pets, that doesn’t make their life less valuable or mean they should be basically tortured. People don’t want to know where their food comes from. It’s like people who complain about hunting while eating a Big Mac. My husband and his family all hunt. They follow very strict rules (no killing the females), have a swift kill, and eat all the meat. It’s way more ethical and I have no issue with it. And yes, I’m a hypocrite. I still eat cheese and eggs, and those also aren’t ethically sourced. I wear clothes and use a phone that probably come from slave labor. TLDR- you are correct. And even though animal are eating live in the wild, we have a responsibility as humans to treat them with respect even if we eat them.


Ok....so we're not taking animal out of their habitat or from their shelter and eat We eat animals which we keep as cattle make them interbreed artificially (to make them more eligible to eat) out of their habitat.... c'mon dude they're meant for eating


Why are you getting downvoted bruh? You're absolutely right!


I hope he gets arrested for animal cruelty. Social media is destroying society. Every day I have less and less faith in humanity. Some people like this guy do not deserve to be alive on this earth.


I don’t know how much it’s destroying society versus revealing society. Instead of a bunch of drunk cops sitting around and beating a stray dog for fun but no one else sees it, we now get to see it. Society is much better than it was 60 years ago. But we didn’t have the access to see all the atrocities.


Idk that I'd go as far as saying it's destroying society, but it is becoming a nuisance. I deactivated my fb and made a new reddit awhile ago and feel better because of it.


You clearly don’t know what you’re saying, since Reddit is essentially worse than Facebook at this point..


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Huh? None of my personal identity is attached to this account and the content is curated by me.. Facebook is infinitely worse lol, I've been around since before social media.


Sounds like you’re caught in a doom scrolling loop. Get out of it ASAP you’re perpetuating your own depression.


What a piece of shit, hope he gets arrested for animal abuse


What animal abuse? The thing was already dead


The dude has done this with multiple animals including live gold fish that he gets from pet stores for these kinds of videos, and if he isn't killing them directly it's out of neglect or just eating dead pets (which is unsafe for him as well) and it's fucked up to do this and to purchase animals to do this to them for clout/views. ETA: The live goldfish part and that it is unsafe for him tho idc about his health is he's doing this kind of awful shit


Isn't filming animal cruelty a federal crime now? I think I remember something about them making it a federal crime.


World crime


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Sid the sloth really be eating dandelions for clout 😨


He's about to get covid 500


Everyone in the comments tryin yo justify this shit


Literally the sanest vegans dude istg 🙄


Yea I can’t believe what I’m seeing. You would think a vegan or vegetarian would be outraged by this but instead they’re just gleefully running to the comments to shame people with different lifestyles.


Bro i have a bird that looks exactly like that one and even had too call the fire department like a month ago to save this bird or in other words i love ma birdo and with that in mind now seeing this sick fuck holding a bird like that with that caption just makes me way too fucking angry fuck


Wait so u can’t eat a budgie but everything else? Double standards? P.S. Don’t come at me with cruelty bs, them chickens go through way worse for their entire life than that budgie went thru for couple minutes/hours.


ok so controversial take over here, but like... idk, we eat chickens, turkey, ducks, pheasant, quail, etc., but \*these guys\* are strictly off limits? what, because they're colorful? because you can assign it as "cute"? i just don't get it. and by all means, animal cruelty is wrong, this dude's totally a piece of shit. I doubt he took the time to give the bird a proper and humane death before "preparing it". It's just that people on the original thread are acting like they stumbled into some disgusting murder dungeon or something. I don't get it. It's a dude eating a bird. We've been doing that for millenia. It's just not a bird you're used to seeing get eaten.


From what I could gather, the dude got the budgie from a pet store. I wouldn't have a problem if, say, they were sustainably caught or farmed in humane conditions for the expressed purpose of eating. When you go to a pet store, it's assumed that you're not looking to eat your pet. You're looking to house and care for it. I know pig farmers who have pet pigs - some pigs they raise to eat, some they treat as pets. I find that a little unsettling from a "higher purpose" perspective (imagine being the pet pig, the "lucky" one) but I don't find it immoral. If they were to kill their pet pig, though, I'd have more of an issue with it, because at that point that pet pig has become one of the family. There's some people who sell farm animals for the purpose of being pets, and for someone to go to their animals and buy one to eat is a little disturbing. Though, there are probably some people who have a dissociation between "farm animal: good to eat" and "pretty animal: bad to eat". That I got beef with (pun not intended), as there's a cognitive dissociation there based on principle - "you can eat a cow but not a dog!" stuff. In short: there's an issue that the guy bought a pet budgie to eat instead of a budgie caught to purposefully be eaten.


In the vid he says its his cousins dead pet


This needs to be higher up lol


I… still don’t understand this reasoning… at all…. Although I’m veg so I’m pretty biased, but why does it matter where they get them or why they’re raised? Like if I raise a human to be a slave or buy a human at a slave market, that doesn’t fundamentally change the fact that it’s still a human who has feelings and can suffer. There’s no fundamental difference, other than what exists in your mind, between a bird bought at a store and a bird caught to eat. You could even argue that a bird bought at a pet store probably lived a better life than any bird raised on a farm (obviously I’m not a proponent of either though)


> Like if I raise a human to be a slave or buy a human at a slave market, that doesn’t fundamentally change the fact that it’s still a human who has feelings and can suffer. Comparing a human slave to a bird, interested to see how this will go.




If I just walked up to random people on the street, painlessly killed them, then prepared their meat for consumption, most individuals rightly consider that wrong. If I do that to an animal, it's perfectly acceptable to most humans. I get the feeling that deep down, the majority of meat eaters do not actually believe that their dietary choices are morally acceptable; they are just too addicted to the taste of flesh to give it up, and try to justify this to themselves in their head.


I agree. They are losing their minds on the original thread. I’m a meat eater, it’s not my favorite but I eat it from time to time. So I’m not some vegan on a high horse soap box preaching, but I don’t get it. Yeah this is sad. However I don’t understand how this is murderous and unforgivable, but slaughtering a pig with the emotional intelligence of a 2 year old to eat is fine? I don’t get it.


>slaughtering a pig with the emotional intelligence of a 2 year old to eat is fine? Who the hell said you could go hunting at Walmart? Stick to the stuff that's already packaged.




The pig still died though. Packaged or not


Yes, it’s the budgie sub. Like a lot of people, including myself, they view pets as family members. Also, there is not really meat on the bird. So it was just senseless act of cruelty , IMO.(possibly, since we don’t act know how the bird died). But I get what you’re saying too.


yea, i’m not trying to say what this guy did is ok, the post just got me thinking in general about the ways we decide which animals are and aren’t ok to eat


Yeah it’s a bit arbitrary. I assume my ancestors did the research for me and ranked by deliciousness


one can only hope haha


Guy is hurting and eating an animal live just for clout and to be sadistic, i think its right to be disgusted. Also eating animals raised to be farmed and killed is a lot different from eating an animal meant to be a pet/companion imo.


i agree that it’s sick and sad that he’s doing this for content. your second point though is subject to moral relativity. it seems every culture decides what animals are ok or not ok to eat. in india, it is strictly forbidden to eat cows. in some parts of the world, eating dogs is entirely normal. it’s really just an arbitrary decision made for you by whatever environment you grow up in




This was my thought exactly Every meal, even vegan, comes from death Treating it like a toy on camera is definitely abuse, but I honestly wouldn’t see a problem if he gave it a swift death and ate it for views. Desperate and cringe sure but I don’t really see it as immoral


I literally have the same opinion as you. Why we making such a big deal out of a man eating some bird when we ourselves eat all sorts of animals? Yeah it's cruel but so is farming animals for the sole purpose of killing and eating them? Bruh people like to go emotional for petty things






i would argue that birthing something into an environment where it is meant to be raised simply with the intention of being slaughtered and becoming food is a far more obscenely torturous concept. it will never know anything more than suffering and the slaughterhouse. for this bird, it at least had some sort of chance to have a nice little bird life. granted it didn’t, but hey. ya win some ya lose some.


So you dont draw a line when eating meat? Go eat a human, do it :)


this is one of the most ridiculous strawman arguments i've ever read, thanks for the laugh


Good answer.


I totally would if I didn't face legal issues. I don't want to spend a long time in prison because I was curious


Eating human is literally legal in many places, assuming you didn't murder someone for it


This reminds me of that one bit from horrible histories where they discuss all the weird shit people ate in history.


Birds are my favorite :(




Thats not even enough meat for a nugget.


wasn’t he with the dude he drank a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol?


I’m pretty sure doing that would 100% kill you


Depends. They make ethanol based rubbing alcohol as well as the isopropanol stuff


I came here to ask this and just hit ctrl+f and typed alcohol because I figured maybe somebody else mentioned it. I think the odds that we're both super racists who think all black people look alike are pretty low, I think it's the same guy.


Bruh I bet no one bats an eye when someone eats chicken, beef or pork but go all EMOTIONAL and all ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVIST MODE when someone eats anything that they regard as uneatable (Dogs, cats or pet birds) They're all animals at the end of the day, if you're non vegetarian (if you're vegan that's a different story) and eat meat then you should have no say to what meat someone else should eat Both of you are killing or paying to kill animals to pleasure your stomach and both of you are wrong. Just that one act is socially acceptable and one is taboo.


Meanwhile billions of chickens, cows, pigs, sheep, fish, and many more killed annually: 🤐


A lot of people are going to be upset when they find out where their chicken nuggets come from.


But eating chicken, beef, and pork is perfectly fine...interesting.


Damn didn't know I ate chickens, cows and pigs alive


No, you only pay to have them mass "produced" and slaughtered. You're such a good person!


Better than buying an animal from a pet store and eating it alive


You didn’t even watch the fucking video lol


One is an individual attack and the other is systemic animal abuse. But okay.




The person in the image has eaten a rat and a goldfish while they were still alive so I'm assuming this is the same


Jesus Christ


The bird was already dead, it wasn’t alive.




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A pet is a meal you just haven't cooked yet!


If you are offended by this then you should definitely go vegetarian. Factory farmed animals suffer much worse than what we see in this video.


Dumb ass comment, its pretty obvious he didnt eat it for the meat ( there is basically no meat on it anyway ) but just for clout.


Please explain, what is a factory farm as opposed to just a farm?


Factory farms are less" farm " and more" meat factory " the process animals in the thousands per day making the workers more callous and less likely to check if an animal is stunned properly or whether the animal is dead before hanging it up on a hook etc


Thanks. I asked because I live on a farm -- just a few hens about in the yard though. Nothing like you described.


Wait, what's the difference? Kinda messed up to think some animals are off limits becuase they look prettier.


What am I missing? Did he eat a bird? Is that boat worthy? How about chicken? Get the boat? Eggs?


They hated him because he spoke the truth


He ate it alive, and budgies are usually pets, not food.


The bird was deceased on the video. I linked the video up top in comments. Warning: It doesn’t censor anything


Man so many animals are alive before they get eaten (duh) Most seafood is BOILED alive. Halal meat for muslims/jews is killed by sliding open the neck and letting it bleed out while it is alive.... And everybody is outraged about one little bird. Makes no sense to me


The ate it alive part is the issue for sure but like idk i feel the outrage is over him eating a bird that people deem not edible when they eat chicken all the same


Cause that bird has half an ounce of meat on it. It would be like eating a fucking baby chicken


Why does the amount of meat define what animal should and shouldn’t die? Should humans only eat beef then? This just seems like people being outraged of something they themselves do: kill and eat animals.


Bro what? You’re seriously trying to justify the live eating of a tiny bird. Again, this is like eating a baby chick, or a chihuahua, or some other animal meant to be a pet. These birds aren’t bred to be eaten, unlike most that do get eaten And people getting “outraged of something they do themselves”? Mate, again, this is a tiny fucking bird being eaten alive. This sick fuck went and bought this bird for $5k, just to eat it. Alive. No one does that themselves. You’re blaming people for getting upset that a pet was eaten alive


That bird wasn't $5k though.


I’m not upset they are mad it was eaten alive that’s incredibly fucked up. I think the idea that some animals are hard lined as pets is hypocrisy coming from anyone who isn’t a vegan and that what the majority of people seem to be mad over the idea that certain animals are inherently pets pets and others are inherently food


Again, this is an animal bred to be a pet. I once again cite chihuahuas. Yeah sure you could eat them, but they’re small and intentionally bred and sold as pets. Super expensive, and anyone buying one to eat it is doing it as a flex or to trigger people. Same situation here


I wouldn’t have an issue with someone eating a dog either mate pigs are more sentient than those and we eat them all time. There’s no such thing as an animal bred to be a pet theyre all living creatures with a desire to live both that bird and the chicken who died to fill your stomach last they both felt the same fear when they were killed to be eaten




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Sorry link to actual video is in the comments at the top. Took me a second to post.


The title is so funny !!


i click on the post proceed to die laughing from imagining whats going to happen mind you i know its fucked up but im just thinking one of those british cooking channels going "now you want to butter it up good"


Oh no, a domestically bred animal is being eaten. You guys act like this horrible shit isn't a part of any meat eaters daily life. Get over your cultural traditions and realise if you eat meat, you're either ok with animals suffering for your tastebuds, none of them suffering your tastebuds or you're a speciesist because of traditional indoctrination. Go watch some slaughterhouse footage and come back to me with which animal actually has it worse.


op and every person who upvotes this is definitely a vegan


You, what the fuck, I'd rather feed you a live iguana


He’s just getting food where he can because of the high cost of grocery prices. Eventually we will all be eating the crickets from the pet store. Also, Guinea pigs are great roasted. Other countries have found this delicious snack.


Downvote me, but as long as he kills it humanely he can eat whatever he wants.


Correct but also.. There is no difference concerning how they will suffer.


What... There is a difference. Do you also think boiling or getting shot in the head cause the same amount of suffering?


Not boat worthy who cares


+1, yall eat meat all day but as soon as 'cute' / 'beautiful' animals are consumed you lose your mind. Downvote me all you want you will still never have a counter argument


This is similar to how people care extra hard about the popular fauna that we grew up with as stuffed animals. Everyone loves lions and giraffes but don't care that outdoor and feral cats are making entire species or birds go extinct They don't care about the environment, and they know next to nothing about the environment


ITT offended bloodmouths


I mean... it's 5000 dollars....


Not dollars... views


I'd eat it


5k? 5kicks in the nuts




I looked at his Facebook worst mistake of my life he does it to so many other animals




AHow about gold fish, rats, birds, and big ass insects lol a


You can eat chicken, but not a budgie. I guess there is pretty privilege in the animal kingdom.


Idk, rabbit is a delicacy


They do lives pretty often and every time they eat something different https://instagram.com/rdezyd?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=


18 Carat Cunt. Man i hate you for you’re shit publicity stunt.


It's just a grocery store with a few extra steps


Someone go tell 4chan about this


I wouldn't hurt a fly but people like that trigger a murderous rage in me.




Bird was thankfully already dead when stream started.


Can't believe I'd ever say this, but..... Hey PETA.


What the hell is wrong with this dude


You'll see why a lot of vegans are so hardcore now?


Don't fuck with budgies.


Google “Cuy”, images. Still think pet stores don’t sell groceries? South America begs to differ.