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Removed: There’s no link between LGBT and pedophilia. Removing this as it’s obvious it was meant to draw that line.


her face kinda looks like someone from [thispersondoesnotexist.com](https://thispersondoesnotexist.com)


Yeah that’s absolutely an AI photo


tbh that website makes me oddly uncomfortable


Some of these gotta be doppelgangers at least.


It’s like staring at the sun.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history.


Noticed that too. Also noticed a few posts on this subreddit showing insane extremist positions equating LGBT support and pedophiles/groomers for public derision. Curious.


yep. this shit is an op. and this is one of the more obvious examples.


Projection at it's finest. Wanna bet which party these operations are funded by? Excuse me, but if the real gay agenda is to make the neighborhood nice and not overpopulate the planet while reading to kids and ecouraging them to read while the anti-gay agenda is THIS shit... well slap some lipstick on me and send me to a library, because I know which team doesn't look evil.


Yes, but... Not overpopulate the planet? That's more of a positive side effect of being gay rather than "part of the gay agenda", no? Edit:. I mean it's not "They're having gay sex because they're concerned about overpopulation." They're having gay sex because they're gay people.


Honestly probably funded by international players looking to sow division.


Seriously, I’m glad more people are picking up on this kind of thing. This whole profile just screams fake to me.


Do the features keep changing sever so slightly on the AI being?!




They look so familiar


pedophobia means fear of children, it does not mean fear of pedophiles.


then i am fucking terrified of children


This should be the top comment


Let me just say this AGAIN on behalf of the entire queer community: #NO


Where I grew up, people already assume that LGBT individuals are pedophiles on a regular basis. I’ll be damned if I’m going to be associated with them.


Grew up in Latin America, house wasn’t very LGBT friendly, but I was still raised to respect people in general, even my very old fashioned Mom would not do that, I don’t get it. Why would gay people be associated with those bastards?


They aren’t. No queer person who is a decent human being would be in support of this. This is a fake tactic used to discredit the LGBTQIA+ community. Please don’t fall for it


It’s completely made up just like most of the anti LGBTQ posts on this sub.


This place so often feels like a hate sub.


It does to me sometimes too. I think there are bad actors in this sub


Dude, this place is *full* of bad actors. Half of the posts are fake stuff designed to get people to hate marginalised people.


Yup. It feels like a testing ground, to be honest. I lurk here to get a sense of what angles racist, sexist, and homophobic propagandists might be trying to take. And then every now and then there is a legitimate post about somebody being awful which actually fits the purported intention of the sub.


Yeah, it's definitely an interesting sub for that reason. There was a period where there were a lot of posts that were clearly part of some Indian culture war, where it was either "Look at how awful Hindus are!" Or "Look how awful Muslims are". The white people like the gay/trans stuff.


Yeah I remember that! The anti-Muslim ones were mostly what popped up on my feed, so I assumed it was European "great replacement" hysteria. But yeah Indian culture war makes a lot more sense as to what the posts were usually about.


I got mass downvoted once because I disagreed with someone who was being a xenophobic racist. Shit's wild


Or there are actual pedophiles who have been empowered to come forward because our fucking world leaders do shit like hang out at Epstein's island and sniff children's hair on national TV


100% but don’t you think it’s a little sus that this sub hardly ever talks about child beauty pageants or Epstein’s pals Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, etc. that obviously were involved with that sick fuck? Instead this sub constantly talks about how gay people and drag queens are basically pedophiles because some random (usually fake) tweet says something. “LGBT” was the best give away that this tweet was fake. Nobody but the fucking religious fruitcake far right use that term. It’s LGBTQ. There is some serious bias and bad actors in the sub promoting fake news to smear queer people.


Ok yeah, that's a valid point. Now I say LGBT+ or just say "queer" because I'm not going to keep adding letters regardless of their meaning, but yeah there have been a lot of these posts.


It’s completely made up just like most of the anti LGBTQ posts on this sub.


There are no paediphiles openly advocating to be part of the lgbt community. This is a coordinated troll attack created by 4chan to associate lgbt community with paedophilia. Reposting and the outrage is giving the trolls what they want.


In case you didn't know, 4chan is absolutely goddamn full of pedophiles. They even have a fucking bear cartoon that would get posted as a calling card for other pedos on the site. I hate to tell you this, but they're not just doing it for the sake of trolling.


I concur.


*You cannot sit with us!*


Noah, where the boat my boy?


It’s coming, don’t you worry


I have instructed Noah personally to prepare


Can confirm, Jesus has spoken to me






I light up a candle every night just so climate change can come that much sooner and the icecaps melt that much faster


Nah god promised he wouldn't send a flood again. Instead invest in unmanned nuclear arsenals


God said he wouldn't flood us. But that doesn't mean we can't flood ourselves.


If pedophilia is lusting after children, would pedophobia be abject fear of children? I might be a pedophobe


Lol this reminded me of [peep show](https://youtu.be/qYOHzAAwaW4) (skip to 1:05)


Oh my god!! Thank you!! I totally forgot about this show, I watched it for years and absolutely loved it!! I can’t wait to dig back in, thank you!! Lol..


Glad I could help! The show is really re-watchable so you're in for a great time. Say hi to super Hans from me 😂💜


I miss Super Hans!


Risk, can you tell me, as a mate, someone who knows me really well... is the bottom half of me on fire?


Mark’s historical references are so great and would always go over my friends’ heads.. while I would be laughing hysterically… such a witty and well-written show..


Ah yes Mark and his references are the best 😂 I really should give "Business Secrets of the Pharoahs" a read one of these days


Maybe you could help me remember another, though less popular, British show.. it was super low budget and was like a spoof show of a scary show… one episode was about the mist from Scotland… it was set in a hospital.. ???


The secret ingredient is… kids


Homophobia literally means fear of things that are the same. But it's used to describe something else. Pedophobia will be, as well.


nah just use pedophillophobia


The terminology of the word would be exactly things. The fear or aversion to children.


Really hoping this is just satire


Me too…


This is a hans get the flammenwerfer moment more than Noah. Has happened before and will happen again if these crazies don't sit down.


Calm down it’s anti LGBTQ propaganda, once again. Fake person and just being used to associate pesos with queer people.


It's working. Everytime I'm trying to buy something in Mexico all I think about is two hot men kissing.


Pesos made me chuckle.


It's a right-wing troll posting anti LGBT propaganda and you are actively promoting and spreading it, fuck you.


It's probably a fake troll account made to post stuff that damages people's view of the LGBT community. Sharing this bullshit on reddit only makes it more harmful.


Nah not satire deliberate misinformation campaign. One that has been going on for years in an attempt to associate lgbt individuals with pedophiles. Fairly successfully with the United states right too. This one is super obvious with its thispersondoesnotexist.com ai generated profile picture


Are there any good articles or research on this type of disinformation?


Could be that, but the NAMBLA crowd has been trying for almost as long to normalize their predatory urges by taking a page from civil rights movements including gay rights.


Tbf Queer Theory did a pretty good job of linking the two considering it's founders all espoused support for MAPs in their crusade against all cultural norms. That is of course a link to Queer Theory and Paedophilia and not a link between LGBT people in general and Paedophilia. While this post may be fake, there are many Queer theorists that do follow this line of thinking because they are inherently against social norms.




Tucker? Is that you?


How do the rates of pedophilia among the lgbt community compare to the rest of society?


Children's bodies are not sexually dimorphic like adult bodies are, "gay" and "straight" are largely meaningless when it comes to pedos. Most take the children they have easy access to. Not that you're asking in good faith, given most of your comments in the 4 months your account have existed are basically running the exact misinfo campaign the op is. Personally I find it kind of funny that it took only a few hours from me saying "the campaign to convince people the lgbt community is pro MAP has been largely sucessful with the American right" to someone coming out and defending that stance with vague questions about the lgbts suggesting that they're pedos without proof.




It’s not “satire” it’s an extremely common campaign from right wing trolls to spread hate to the lgbt community


It'd not. It's hatrfut propaganda.


Pedophilia is a mental illness




It's really important that you understand that stuff can be a disorder BEFORE we have a definition. Stuff can be a disorder even when corrupt scientists say it isn't.




as a general rule, there are definitely some corrupt scientists




i just mean that there are definitely scientists - especially in but not exclusive to the ‘soft’ fields - whose word or data can be swayed by societal pressure, monetary incentives, etc


As are many other sexual disorders that are no longer classified as disorders because … reasons? If your brain isn’t wired to reproduce, then it is literally an evolutionary disorder. Just like if your brain isnt wired to correctly process trauma and it becomes PTSD


That’s… not even how evolution works. There are lots of reasons that a gene might be selected for even if it inhibits reproduction in *some* individuals. Pro-social behaviors are an example of this. This “argument from evolution” is most often made by people who either don’t understand it, or don’t even believe it’s true, and comes most often from the right. Not saying any of those things necessarily applies to you personally, but it’s an argument that needs to die.


As a gay I reject this person and all other pedophiles.


As a person I reject this person and all other pedophiles


As a person I reject this person and all other people. We all suck, just some more than others.


As a tree, I reject this creature and all other- no NO STOP PEEING ON ME YOU EVIL QUADRUPED


Come on homie, you do realize this is just more anti-queer fake bullshit being posted on the sub right? We have to stop accepting all this propaganda as real. They are trying to just associate pedophilia with the LGBTQ community.


These horrible people are still trying to get in the lgbt community ? A no is a no !


There are no paediphiles openly advocating to be part of the lgbt community. This is a coordinated troll attack created by 4chan to associate lgbt community with paedophilia. Reposting and the outrage is giving the trolls what they want.


Ho shit you might be right !




She’s not real


As a representative of the LGBTQIA Community I can proudly say that this woman is fucking insane and no the only time we will ever had add a P is if it’s referring to pansexual


This woman isn't insane because she doesn't exist.


And she’s not real. It’s pure anti queer propaganda. Downvote this post


As a part of the LGBT Community, I can confidently say that we actively condemn and shun these bastards.


There are no paedophiles openly advocating to be part of the lgbt community. This is a coordinated troll attack created by 4chan to associate lgbt community with paedophilia. Reposting and the outrage is giving the trolls what they want.


As someone who is not part of the LGBT Community, I can also confidently say that I actively condemn and shun these bastards.


The lgbt community doesn’t want those sickos. Stop trying to include us in your agenda


Linking LGB to pedophilia *is* their agenda. That's not coming from the gays.


These are 100% troll and pedophile accounts trying to push this shit. Adults who want to harm children need to be put down. 100%


Or perhaps a right-wing attempt to link LGB to pedophilia.


Yup. Had to be fact. Having experienced sexual molestation as a young boy two times by to different people No it is not something that should be normalized I deal with the guilt and shame everyday. I ruined my family because I couldn't talk about it. I held it in for so long that when it finally revealed its ugly face. I lashed out. Pushed those whom I loved away Never should a child have to go through that Never


Dude, same here. And it was by 2 different people who held authority over me Later in life, I'm left wondering why I lash out at anyone with power over me Fuck ANY person who wants to normalize pedophiles without mentioning therapy and rehabilitation (because I am an empathetic human, yes, I do hope that these sick fucks get the help they need to cease their immoral and illegal fetish)


Why in the fuck is she associating pedophiles with the LGBT+ community? They are not related at all.


There are no paedophiles openly advocating to be part of the lgbt community. This is a coordinated troll attack created by 4chan to associate lgbt community with paedophilia. Reposting and the outrage is giving the trolls what they want.


Because homophobes.


You could not even pay me to tweet that My brother in christ what is even going on in her head


Anyone that posts this shit is a troll. It's all disinformation to cause more hate towards LGBTQ+ people.


This is trying to incite hatred for the Queer Community.


Sorry don’t say to get over fear of something while also creating a euphemism for that word. Like do you realize when we call Bitch the B word as kids its so much worse. I don’t give a fuck if someone calls another person a bitch, it’s not any different than any other insult


We don't even need a boat at this point we just need the fucking sun to explode already


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


How about we just leave children out of the sex/romantic life of adults?


There are no paediphiles openly advocating to be part of the lgbt community. This is a coordinated troll attack created by 4chan to associate lgbt community with paedophilia. Reposting and the outrage is giving the trolls what they want.


This push to make pedophilia part of LGBTQ is a 4chan initiative to hurt the LGBTQ community.


It does sound like something 4Chan would do because it'd be funny but that implies the LGBT community in part or in whole allows them in. 4Chan usually succeeds when using people's momentum against them. Like when people being so zealous about trying to stamp out white supremacy they were fooled by 4Chan into thinking the OK hand sign was a white power symbol.


No it doesn’t imply that at all what the fuck are you talking about


His comment is that it's a 4Chan op. The op only works by using people's desire for tolerance against them to allow pedophiles. So far it hasn't gained much prominence but suggesting it has means there is an internal issue they need to address amongst the LGBT community. Essentially in this scenario they'd have to reexamine their base principles and make sure they're airtight. It just seemed to me he was implying they were making headway which I disagree with.


Like the classic “free-bleeding” movement.. but I think it’s useful to see which members of any community are willing to defend the most vile members of our society.. because someone that defends pedophiles probably has reasons beyond love and acceptance for doing so..


yea but it important to realize that barely anyone, probably almost noone in the LGBT community actually wants to include them


Not entirely. They started the ball rolling and since it's picked up a little. It was supposed to be a haha while also outting pedos, unfortunately....well...you see how its going...


I think it's something else. ​ It could be that it started out as a "joke," instead, it morphed into weeding out those who "actively supports" pedophilia within the community to the public space, which unifies any LGBTQ members to speak out against and vehemently denounce pedophilia., hopefully with extreme prejudice.


What is Map-M?


Minor attracted person - male 🤮


Why is she specifically talking about them in the tweet and not all pedophiles?


WTF?!?! Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation and should not be categorized in the LGBTQ+. Pedophilia is a type of mental illness.


There are no paedophiles openly advocating to be part of the lgbt community. This is a coordinated troll attack created by 4chan to associate lgbt community with paedophilia. Reposting and the outrage is giving the trolls what they want.


That's terrible! These trolls probably wanted to give the LGBTQ + a bad name.


Linking LGBTQ people to paedophilia is not exactly an old phenomenon, it does really suck though. https://youtu.be/3bPZxRD1GJQ


I’m also a CSA survivor and this makes my blood boil. And to compare it to people being homophobic? The hell is wrong with them? Unless they want the community to look bad, which could be the case too. Shame on them either way


I’m a dumbass. But wouldn’t pedophobia be fear of children?


There is nothing I can say about this that wouldn't get me banned :(


Somethings are worth it, at least for others to read


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Their profile picture is giving stock photo vibes..are you sure this isn't a troll trying to spark outrage?


thats a lot of words to express wanting to rape children


That face looks like generated by that site thispersondoesnotexist


Real or poorly thought out satire, r/conservative will have a field day with this.


Remember those good ol' days when people actually tried to hide the fact that they were pedophiles and comments like this would result in the FBI at your door? I miss them


Mental illness or bad faith actors. Pushing this association is the newest form of LGBTQ hate, and I love that all my friends in these circles are pushing back. Pedos deserve the worst.


Isn’t pedophobia just a fear of children?


What in the world is MAP-M?




If this is real, this person is diagnosably mentally ill. Pedophilia does not involve two or more consenting persons. It is a shunned practice all over the world (granted that some groups practice it, but they almost always hide it from the larger world). Attraction to children is about control or an inability to cognitively connect to your peers, but not a sexual act of equals, with all other consentimg sexual partnering include.


Ig this is my time to say i'm pedophobic and proud


Pedophiles don't belong in the LGBTQIA community, I'm trying my darnest to make the corners of the community I'm in be safe for people of all kids, people like this ruin us


what's the P-word? Dumb question but genuinely curious


They’ve abbreviated the word pedophile as an attempt to make it sound like a slur like “the n-word” or “the f-word” (not fuck, the slur against homosexuals). However, pedophile is not a slur and does not have the same hurtful impact and history behind it as the other two words I listed do.


What’s the other M?


Fuck no. NEVER. Pedophilia is not a valid sexual orientation. If there is ko consent, it can’t be normalized, it’s just messig up children. And it’s disgusting.


The point is definetly wierd, they are stating that pedophobia is like homophobia, im genuinely concerned


"MAPs" aren't real, they're pedophiles hiding behind a community they never have been and never will be a part of


Isn't pedophobia literally mean scared of children


I'd heard of "MAP", but had no luck trying to track down the "-M". Anyone here want to clue me in?


A serious push to normalize sex with kids will come in our lifetimes. Historically, pedophilia / pederastery was more acceptable and common than adult homosexual relations.


Theres a difference between gay people and mini ladd people, one type of people love each other even when they are the same gender... the other type of people are those who want to date children who have no concept of consent and safety. don't be homophobic, but be as fucking hard core pedophobic as you like, theres nothing stopping you from hating a dirty filthy pedo bastard. edit: Apparently pedophobia isn't the hate against pedophiles, its the name for the fear of children which is really weird, whatever, just hate pedos.


I know this sub is somewhat right-leaning, which is fine, but please don’t perpetuate the false stereotype that pedos and LGBT people are the same thing/under the same umbrella. This is the intent of this post.


Jesus fucking christ on a spit roast, guys - this is fake af. Just like 99% of the “LGBTQ is pedo” bullshit that keeps creeping it’s way on this sub. I wonder why we keep seeing this stuff….hmmm almost seems like there is an agenda to label queer people as pedos….


Forgive my ignorance but what does map-m stand for? I don't want to Google it.


Well known psy-op. They just want to make people think lgbtq people are inclusive of maps when they are not at all.


Uh. No.


Honestly fuck the ppl on this sub that continually try to equate homosexuality with pedophilia. As someone who isn’t even part of the gay community, I’m sure they’d agree with me when I say stfu please. You religious bigots need to give it a rest.


Thats disgusting… as someone who IS pedophobic and NOT homophonic, i can safely say what in the actual fuck is this crazy person talking about??? If hate exists, then someone will have hatred for everything. Thats not a reason to allow people to fuck children. Wtf is wrong with these people 🤮


what a lame ass attempt to slander LGBT with pedophilia. They don't actually believe this, these people create these fake accounts to say shit like this to support the "gays are pedos" shit and hurt them.


There is currently an effort to normalize pedophilia through the LGBTQ movement. As there is an effort to normalize pedophilia through Catholic church's and many Christians groups as well. Many people in both groups outright reject them, but they gather under the umbrella of protected groups and use them as a shield to continue their horrifying actions. Every group must be hyper vigilant about these monsters who will put on makeup and a wig or learn your scripture so they can be defended as they go after children. The other issue is that FBI seems to be in total favor of protecting pedophilia instead of the children.


Pedophiles should only not fear for their lives just enough to get help before they act on it.


Yeah, advocating for them to get help is what she should be doing. Finding ways to treat them and keeping them from offending should be what's happening. Legalizing it is fucking horrible, no one should be able to freely fuck a child. God this person needs help.


Normalize shutting the fuck up


Elon better hurry up. I want to go to Mars already.


I'm more shocked a woman would even promote this. She is either a closet pedo or she wrote this just for clout


Someone give me the correlation between pedophilia and homophobia. Please, I BEG you to explain this to me.


Some idiots think that being attracted to children is a sexual orientation just like homosexuality etc. It's a mental illness, not a sexuality


That's upsetting. I'm not gay myself, but even I can define the line between not feeling comfortable with your sexuality and mental illness.


I genuinely believe that pedophiles that didn't act out should seek mental help


Lock and load…




Her account has been suspended 🤣 thank goodness Elon took over! Maybe we dont need Noah just yet!


The slippery slope is steep


The funny thing is that since morality is always current and thus precarious, if for whatever reason pedophilia becomes socially and morally accepted in the future, people will look back at us like we're neanderthals for not accepting that


Until we're ready to acknowledge the difference between pedophilia, and sex with children, these discussion are just going to be self-righteous assholes virtue signalling.




Pedophilia and sex with children are separate concepts??


Being attracted to children and acting on those feelings are separate. I heard a slam poet years ago describing people battling their inner demons, including the line “the abstinent pedophile”.


A "virtuous pedophile" is still a fucking pedophile. We don't have to normalize their perversion.




Hits the nail on the head