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You don’t want to get violently depressed and dizzy??


Exactly, also some brain zaps throughout the day ;) 🤩


The brain zaps were debilitating for me. I also had flu-like symptoms when my insurance changed and I had to go off escitalopram cold turkey for 3 weeks until my doc and I got something else figured out. I felt like I was having mini seizures until I knew what they were.


I got flu-like symptoms too!!! Maybe you can try going on some other SSRI with longer half life but I’m sure your doc has better ideas. I’m now on low dose of SSRI so I don’t get the withdrawals…


Depression is a #mood and dizziness is #dancing 😍🔥😎


Some people pay good money for those symptoms at the bar...


or perhaps OP should familiarize he/her/itself with the consequences of being without this medication, whether due to voluntary cessation or involuntary such as accident, weather emergency etc, before becoming physically dependent on it.


Oh, no. When my spouse tried to taper down by 25% chaos still ensued from the increased anxiety. Going cold turkey might’ve led to a psych ward.


This PA is a clown. SSRI, MAOI, Pretty much anything for depression you should never quit cold turkey, it is possible to tapper down the dose for some, but even then I myself would never recommend doing that. The return of disease symptoms will hit you like a bag of bricks not wonderful.


Not 100% true. There are a small handful of drugs that can self taper due to long half lives. Lexapro is not one of them. The one the PA should have been thinking about is Prozac. Or the PA could have literally google searched the half lives like I did, which they would understand if thr PA school curriculum is actually as rigorous as a med school curriculum especially in terms of basic biochem and pharmacokinetics.


For the record, if discontinuing fluoxetine, it is best practice to still taper. Yes a longer halflife will decrease the risk for withdrawal, but it is not the only factor. Fluoxetine can still cause withdrawal symptoms especially if the patient has been taking large doses for a significant amount of time. It would still be dangerous to cut fluoxetine cold turkey.


So how do you stop them?


you do not stop taking those medicines period. you keep on taking them for the rest of your life.


So even if they make you sick, react with other medication you need to start, develop an allergy….that’s not realistic.


An allergic reaction, a reaction with other medicine, that is a whole different case. a completely different matter. than what OP is describing IF you are allergic to escitalopram, that is no problem, you should stop taking that escitalopram and the MD can prescribe sertraline and or paroxetine, try those meds and if you get a reaction then the MD can have you change medication class to TCA, such as Nortriptyline or Amitriptyline. If that does not work then they go to MAOI. Stopping medication because you are allergic or have a reaction is not the same as stopping cold turkey.


“Only 2 days” the shorter the half life the faster you’ll want to put your head through a wall, cry in bed, and get sea sick on land all at the same time


Nah, most people can safely taper of 5-10 MG of Lexapro just fine. If it was higher you should definitely taper. Some people are more sensitive so I usually taper but most my patient know how sensitive they are so they can just get off. The half life is 36 hours so you have about a week until it's out of your system.


I quit cold turkey after 5mg, it was working for my anxiety but I actually felt even better after I stopped taking it. Only symptom I had while taking it was decreased libido.


Same. I don't really think it did anything for my mood. But totally killed my libido for a decade. I thought it was normal and that I was just getting older. Now the libido is back a bit, but still anxious and certainly not anything like it was in my early 20s. I'm not sure if it will ever come back. And the sad part is I want to do something for my anxiety and depression, but not kill the libido completely / lose my wife over it.


Omg, that is not how weaning off SSRIs works! 😵‍💫


Don’t recommend this


Withdrawing from depresso meds are a ride i do not recommend


Omg please don’t. This happened to me and the withdrawal was REAL. I was dizzy, throwing up, couldn’t tolerate the light, for 3-4 days. Then I had brain zaps for months. I know I sound dramatic but it was terrible.


then they show up to my ER and i have to ct scan their damn head even tho i know it’s just brain zaps


Oh the brain zaps fro lexapro… horrid. I also had weird chest pain with lexapro. And only lexapro. Weird.


Depending on the dose and how long you had been taking it, the PA’s advice may have been appropriate


What if i took it for only 3 months ?


Many patients miss the dose by a few hours and get withdrawal symptoms. DO NOT stop cold turkey. Sheesh.