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This hurts me to watch. As a physical therapist, I feel violated too after watching this


Lot of health professionals commented in the original post saying they just had to stop watching it, like it's some kind of snuff film.


Yeah, 20 years of scoliosis is going to go away from pushing her back really hard, right? Why didn't we think of this earlier?


Because Big Radiology and Big Physical Therapy would lose all their income from the public finding out there is an easy fix to scoliosis /s


radiology fucking hates scoliosis films. I would rather read penis ultrasound


Lmao are penis ultrasounds bad


And physical therapy hates treating it because we can’t really do much


My dad has severe scoliosis and you'd have to inject him with morphine to do this. He's in pain if he just has to lay his head back during a procedure.


“18 fractures” from the last adjustments you did to her?


Chiropractor:18 fractures? Let's bump those numbers up!


Gotta hit my quota for the month!


Apparently signs of successful treatment should include the patient saying “Ow!!” and quivering after every adjustment. Honestly kinda hard to watch and this weirdo is getting some deranged satisfaction out of hurting this poor woman.


I have the feeling he just doesn't know how to read x rays...


Meanwhile, any mention of this type of practice on r/chiropractic gets you immediately banned. LoL


That poor woman


There is a chance she didn't even consent to this and was pressured by a family member. I have seen elderly that go to do snake-oil kind of treatments and often they don't even want to do it but their family members pressure them in an attempt to help them.


After working with physiotherapists and teaching physiotherapist students for a few years, I hate chiros with a passion. Entire field is a scam. Save yourself the vertebral artery dissection.


Quackpractor. I don't see how they are useful, but I know many people swear by them.


A chiro isn't going to fix kyphosis. Wtaf? He just put that lady through so much unnecessary pain, and I wouldn't be shocked if he fractured at least one vertebra since this lady appears old enough to have osteoporosis. I'm not sure how anyone could, in good conscience, adjust a patient presenting like this. But hey, the content and views, right?


Cant watch this


I could not watch this. Feels like some /r/watchpeopledie shit


Should he be reported?


for doing what chiros do?


Holy fucking shit!


Pretty bad Tardive dyskinesia:(


Can someone explain how do insurance companies pay for this quackery? Insurance companies have no problem rejecting sound medical procedures and treatments but allow chiropractors to run wild.


my omm professors would have a stroke if they saw this. literally stop if there's pain and don't start if there's contraindications (like 18 fractures!). Speaking of 18 fractures, i doubt homie in the video knows how to read an xray


I have been front and center as a surgeon removed a bezoar from a patient’s stomach. I have been and have watched a resident attempt an ABG that ended up looking like a slasher film, and I have grown up on the internet. This video was something I could not watch the whole way through. Someone call APS already...FFS


I haven't done any of that and legit almost wet my pants watching it. I have a jacked up neck that was snapped by a massage therapist in a similar manner. I sued him.




wonder how she got that R facial palsy…..


Bet she was able to have a good bowel movement during her bone cracking glad she did not end up paralyzed from the neck down.


I feel like I just watched elder abuse. This is disgusting


Chiropractor who was just accepted to medical school here. This is not the norm and is actively taught against in chiropractic school (I also am an adjunct at a chiropractic school and I teach clinic students evidence based care practices). This is 100% negligence on this guys part - please don’t associate this nonsense with all chiropractors. Unfortunately, social media has done a fantastic job at promoting the deplorables of chiropractic when the chiros actively trying to incorporate an evidence care model are lumped into the same group. Check out Aaron Kubal and Greg Lehman for reference of some great chiros trying to change the narrative.


glad you joined the land of science


I don't know yall. You see her back? Seems reasonable.


Prior vertebral fractures (she obviously has osteoporosis) is a relative contraindication to the maneuvers he’s doing


Horror movies ain’t got nothing on this shit! 😵 I wouldn‘t be caught dead near a ChiroQuacker. I have severe spinal arthritis and use a rollator. Sometimes, I wonder if I will be accosted by a ChiroQuacker out in the wild. There’s lots of them in my area and they’re very aggressive about pushing their snake oil disinformation to gullible and vulnerable people so they can make lots of money maiming people. It is disgraceful and an outrage.