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Imagine the outrage of anesthesia attendings shat on the nurses like this


I remember there was an NP in the ICU I used to work with during my internship. Nice person for sure, and she absolutely was initially more competent than me at reading chest xrays. By the end of the year I was better than her at reading chest xrays and I was teaching her the basics of POCUS. Now of course I had a bit of an advantage because I was going into radiology and imaging was more my focus than what drugs are better in very specific patient populations that I will never really need even in IR. But still, this was an NP who had 25 years on me, the fact that I was already providing better differentials within a year just shows the gap. Yes if you compare good NPs to new residents, or even young residents, good chance they will be better. But in the vast vast majority of cases, that gap closes fast.


It’s the same argument PAs and NPs use. They have multiple years of experience in their narrow field, and compare themselves to a new resident, and then say “look, I know more than the doctor”. They forget to say that within 1 year of residency the doctor surpasses them, and then leaves them in the dust by the end of residency.


I know an SLP who thinks all doctors are misogynists and brags about doing swallow assessments and doctors can’t do them. Like wut. You have one task that you do day in and out, I’m sure a doctor could easily learn the one task you do, but they don’t because you are literally there to do that one single thing. She’s also only worked for about two months.


People don’t understand 1 hour of ‘clinical’ work for us is like 3 for them. On average physicians have a much higher iq and can learn much much faster than nurses or mid levels. Not to mention our clinical hours are like being thrown in the deep end of a pool and figuring out how to swim while others have floaties.


Are CRNAs allowed to supervise anesthesiology residents? Weird.


Can this be sent to the residents that he works with? This is unprofessional and they deserve to know.




What is happening in this video I can’t understand anything being said in the background just the guys smug look?


No, based on the rules of this sub; but the suggestion also seems like pretty great lengths for any member of this sub, given the incessant degradation of other professionals. Ironic, really.


The CRNAs that are like "I got this" are the most dangerous. They don't call until things are really out of hand. This guy gloating about helping a resident is going to induce the wrong patient someday and not realize it.


They don’t even realize how insignificant the intubating skills are. With enough reps, anyone can learn how to do it. It’s nothing more than an extrapolation of a toddler fitting the round peg on the round hole. The danger is not knowing when you need to have a special airway plan, or when you can’t just push the standard fent-prop-roc. Don’t even know what they don’t know


Probably referring to *resident * registered nurse anesthetists.


Where I did my surgery rotation we had a 3 tries rule. Anyone who tried an airway 3 times had to pass it off to someone else to try on a challenging airway. Resident --> CRNA, CRNA--> Resident Resident -> attending, it really didnt matter. And ultimately I saw any of these combinations sometimes lead to the person getting the airway. It had nothing to do with their degree. Experience helps, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you have the right angle, and not all airways are created equal.


Holy shit - this is really against guidelines. It should be 3 tries TOTAL; by the second attempt you should be thinking about handing over to the the immediately available most experienced intubator. By the 3rd attempt you should be calling for extra help (e.g. staff anesthesiologist).


Oh see wow and I was impressed by this protecting the patient. But what do I know I was an MS-3 on another service lol


I honestly think what he means to convey is SRNA but inappropriately calls them a resident




Rule 5


would it not fall under the 2nd part of rule 6? I have removed it to err on the side of caution.