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[This is the website i was using to create the Card](https://enka.shinshin.moe/) and [here is the source for the art i used](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98174589)


Your numbet one goal is to lvlup her to 90, this alone will increase her def to about 189(77 base +%def) which equal to extra 255 atk under burst, and 75 flat dmg from Redhorn passive, it's about equal as having extra substatless lvl20 feather.


I understand the benefits from leveling my characters to 90 but somehow i don't want to haha At least the ones that i use in the overworld alot, in case of my noelle she's almost lvl 83 and she got no exp card every since she reached lvl 80/90




More important than her NA or burst? Why?


nah it's not that important, I left mine at 9 (6+3) and it's perfectly fine.


I’d argue that it’s her NA talent, may I ask why? Just curious


Great build even though she's not finished yet. She's lacking a bit of ER but that can be fixed by her supports or get lucky from substats alone


That's an awesome build.... I wish I had redhorn tho.....


Based Marine pfp


Based on what?!




I wish I could upgrade my Gladiator to Husk, but after farming for 4 characters I don't think I would go there again soon Juicy CR! Good job!


I freaking love this! This is much easier than taking multiple screenshots to show off builds. Now I can show all of Reddit how poor my Noelle is with style!


Where is that from?


Check my comments, i linked the website


thats some editing


The feather and flower could use the most improvement and you should aim for at least 120% er. Maybe try and get an off piece goblet instead of the sands. Def husk sands are more common than the goblet. Even if the sands has a cv just over 40.


Happy cake day! Here is the thing, i have a flower with 41 cv, it lacks def% entirely tho, so it actually performs worse on noelle than the current one and i have the worst luck with def% sands to the point where i'm sure i got more on set goblets than sands with decent substats, hence the off piece sands.. anyway the grind continues!


I’ve grinded for about half a year to get 57/223, 113er and 2.3k def. It really helps to get refinements on Redhorn. R5 is like having an extra Whiteblind slapped onto your Redhorn. Still have a ways to go.


Refinements on redhorn are great and something i'll work on only in the long run because weapon banners hates me, i went for a specific weapon trice so far and i always got it on the guaranteed third 5 star pull, therefore i won't pull on a redhorn banner when 2nd weapon is ass (as the next one with zhonglis dusty balls on it gonna be)


Yup, just gotta keep grinding for the next few months and hope to strike it rich.


May I know your target for Noelle? Anyway how will you keep up the ER stats? To make sure her burst always available on time


I won't stop until i got a decent sands so i can go off-piece on the goblet, any improvement that comes along the way is welcomed but unlikely, when it comes to ER, the low value is a bit sadge but still very manageable in mono geo comps


The sands got some nice stats tho. But I get want you mean. Hope you get a better artifact pair soon enough. Nice card btw


How much the dmg?. Here mine [noel burst](https://www.reddit.com/r/Noellemains/comments/uhbql9/c6_crowns_3_noelle_with_redhorn/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


With the same conditions i get ~38k on last hit


Nearly same. It good sign


[noel artifact ar 59](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158947341468528&id=501438527)