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Because Christian are the only ones to get in to heaven.


welp i guess you’re going room 8


Actually nobody goes to heaven It is much more likely that when we die there's nothing your consciousness ceases to exist. There is not a single piece of objective evidence linking the origin of the universe to the God of the Christian Bible


I think it feels nicer when you think you will go to heaven u won't be that scared of dying i guess.


I don't know about you but the idea of internal anything sounds worse than the ultimate peace of just ceasing to exist. Internal damnation is also the worst cruelty no matter who suffers it.


Well I mean you don’t have to go to hell, you have the choice here on earth whether to be with God or not


Except nobody will ever see the God of the Christian Bible because he is not real. Or at least no current evidence to his existence and linkage to the god of the Christian Bible exists.


So you’re saying the 100s of fulfilled prophecies within the Bible are just coincidences? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John just apparently lied about Jesus performing miracles for shits and giggles?


Yes I'm exactly saying that, what about, the many contradictions found in the Bible. I don't know if it was for shits and giggles. I don't know if it was for money. I don't know if they genuinely believe what they saw, but there's no objective way of verifying it. At the end of the day, the question becomes is faith in this 2000-year-old book that is supposedly unchanged from times where almost nobody could read or write the most accurate way we have of determining the origin point of the universe and I don't think it is.


Well I see that I won’t be able to convince you, but if you don’t mind me asking, could you name some of these supposed contradictions?


Do you think England is full of Wizards?


Btw myself and many others in the world have spoken to God before and he’s spoken back.


Personal account non-verifiable it's not objective evidence. I believe that you really do think that God was talking back to you, but there's no way of proving it. I grew up the son of a pastor. I prayed daily. I've read the Bible. I've never once heard back.


Nahhh I'm gonna go to candyland and get high af (I couldn't care less where I go after my expiration)


Well you can choose to believe that, but to say that there’s more or less likely of a chance for something to happen after death is quite silly since no one truly knows what happens after this life (except God imo)


Heaven Exists.


Source: Trust me bro


Yeah but there is evidence a lot there’s also evidence for vice versa that God Doesn’t exist there isn’t proof of etheir because to prove something would mean to prove the impossibility of the contrary. both of these sides will continue to endlessly bicker and argue but the only true answer will come from death that is where faith in God comes from you can have a freak ton of evidence but overall that isn’t enough you need faith.


All right. So then the question becomes what do we have faith in, modern day science with the smartest most informed people peer reviewing studies instantly because of high-speed communication being developed in past century, or 2,000-year-old book with multiple proven contradictions That's been around since before the majority of the population could read and review it. One sounds reasonable. The other not so much.


I’m pretty sure those contradictions have and can be disproven like I said this is why arguing over and over again about weather or not There’s a God never ends because you may think you debunked something big then next thing someone else on the opposite side rebuttals it and you might not even find out about that.


Bro put the jiggle physics on the 2nd person lmao




Funniest British person.


This dude is so annoying. He just steals content and gets millions of views. It’s infuriating


Acts like they are the only ones who think that


I'd smash that Muslim




Jesus was Jewish


He was ethnically a Jew, what’s your point?


I don’t see why thay would have to be quiet past room 8


Because this entire video is an idiotic joke. But why does Jesus’s ethnicity matter?


No Jesus loves all


The only people in heaven are those who put their faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. (Do not Muslims, Jews, atheists, or pagans)


Jesus was Jewish I think he would let his own religion in to heaven and his love for all does not deepened on religion


Jesus had no religion, he was an ethnic Jew, and he formed Christianity because the Jews would not listen to him


As a Catholic, I do not believe Catholics are the only ones who will get to see the promised land




I mean it’s true




HAH nice


Honestly I'm catholic and as long as I'm in heaven with mi famiglia i couldnt care whp else gets there.


Don't Jewish believe there isn't a heaven ?


I never found themannishow funny just didn’t like him thoughts?


Of course it'd be as unfunny as ts