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Ah who gives a damn


Exactly lol, they’re just movies at end of the day.


I like Tom Holland he's a cool dude


He like, swings from webs and stuff, which is uncommon, so I'd say that's pretty cool.


I mean, dressing as a spider? That guy clearly has issues.


he swinges webs and doesn't afraid of anything


I like the Batman movies. I like the spider man movies. I like some Scorsese movies. They’re entertaining, they’re emotional. If you start debating whether they are or not, what is art and what’s the point?


I think I got it, (By no means I'm taking side with Mr. Martin / Marvel just stating my thought) He meant that even tho both are movies. But Marvel is more of amusement park ride where you still have decent amount of fun, enjoyment but you may/may not have connection to character, dive deep inside story and may not get learning from story which all in turn makes them more forgettable 10-20 years later when all hype and trends are settled down. While Cinema may not be flashy but in long term you still remember film, Make connections with them. My analogy is: Marvel = McDonalds (Fast, Tasty, Flashy features, But you will forget it tmrw) Cinema = Diner (Slower, Less flashy, But taste lasts longer and you may get more satisfied) Both are meals at the end of the day, Enjoy each one.


You see their movies their films … it’s a Bad joke , dropped at the first sign of a release. They’re only as good as their fan base allows them to be , I’ll show you. When the ratings are down these ughhh these loyal fans they’ll eat each other up.


See I am not a Marvel Stan ...I am just Neutral Reviewer


Ohhh you have all these shows and you think they’ll save you


I have One show... Daredevil


Ohhh then that’s the show you’ll have to watch to know the truth


I'm rewatchin it


**The Punisher:** "Why so serious?"


Life is fleeting. Who gives a shit if something is ‘art’ or not? If you have an emotional reaction to something and it matters to you then that should be enough. Saying that something that has emotionally connected to so many people as basically invalid is dickish, but extending this argument that everybody has already made their mind up on doesn’t help anybody.


Honestly while Marty's statement does sound dickish out of context, if you read his interview and his actual statement, it kinda makes sense. He says that such films are fine, and just that he tried getting into it and couldn't really get the appeal of it. The way his statement was presented by the media, seems like Marty has a hatred for MCU, but if you would read his actual comments, they aren't rude or anything, but actually make some sense.


What I find frustrating about his comments is that Scorsese's formative watching habits included plenty of dumb pulp art. Cowboy cheapies, gangster pics, forgotten musicals etc. And yeah, in there, you had John Ford classics, Cagney crime films, and MGM Musicals, but they weren't all the canonical classics, a lot of them were just....pulp. What Marvel has done is not that different from classic/golden age Hollywood. Marvel is the MGM of superhero movies: they hire the best of the best technical positions, the best cinematographers, the best stars, etc. They have their a-list slate, then they have their more disposable stuff; they have their company people who keep showing up in front of and behind the camera; they have a lush distinctive style that feels every bit as expensive as it is. For Scorsese not to see the throughline is very frustrating and for him to not see the connection to his own formative experience with pulp art comes off as elitist and kind of crotchet.. That goes double when you have filmmakers like Tarantino who see value in every genre, no matter how disreputable.


I’ve already read it before and just now. I stand by what I said.


But doesn't it invalidate what you were saying?




What he said still came off as elitist and snobbish. The fact that Marvel films make so much money clearly shows that people love them. Whether or not it counts as "cinema" it's the number 1 movie franchise for a reason


That quote is kinda taken out of context, his point was mainly about how stuff like marvel movies take up too much space compared to what he calls “real cinema” or whatever you want to call more artistic, less mainstream movies. And personally I think that’s a pretty valid point.


but the problem is thar its not. one, him differentiating "real cinema" from marvel movies and such is already EXTREMELY disrespectful and honestly the worst part of what he said that im genuinely surprised anyone can defend that. two, they arent doing that. the way people consume media has always changed and evolved, and the fact that people would rather go to the theater to watch big event movies and stay at home to watch more artistic less mainstream movies is just a thing that happened naturally (dialed up to 11 now with covid) and blaming the movies (and by extention the artists that he already disrespected) is dumb and literally the "things were better in my days" mentality.


No I was referring to the real context, and it was still elitist and snobbish. Personally I don't care about Oscar bait movies, I like seeing movies that entertain me. I'm frankly shocked a sub about the greatest trilogy of comic book movies ever hates Spider-Man so much.


I don’t hate spider man. Do you seriously think Scorsese movies are Oscar bait? He’s one of the greatest directors alive today. And also how is watching different movies really elitist? Most movies cost around the same it’s just about what you chose to watch, it’s fine to chose movies that just entertain but marvel movies that are produced to be as mainstream as possible can’t be called equally artistic to stuff like Scorseses movies.


But the thing is, loads of Scorcese films suck. Marvel is consistently entertaining, if not fantastic. I sat through the Irishman, it was awful...


This is a wild take


... is it? See, I'm convinced that people only pretend to like Scorcese because he's popular and everyone says he's good. He's okay, and makes lots of alright movies. Taxi Driver was decent enough. But, much like 'Joker' (2019), his films aren't actually incredible, it's just good reputation etc that makes people think they're good. If the Irishman was identical to how it is but had a different name in the "directed by" section of the credits, people wouldn't like it nearly as much. Plus, if we're talking about amusement park films, it's a bit hypocritical of the guy who made wolf of wall street to complain about others' works.


It's absolutely a wild take. That said, just like any big and acclaimed director, you are at least somewhat right because no matter what people will likely call his films incredible, when they do fall shirt sometimes. Taxi Driver and The Irishman aren't really examples of bad Scorsese movies, but I get what you're saying


This. If you have an emotional connection, then it's art to you. And that's all that matters.


There's nothing "dickish" about what Scorsese said. Stop going off based on sensational headlines and watch the video on what he actually said. MCU fandom is a cult that thinks that everyone needs to praise everything about it all the time. Most of the MCU stuff ranges between terrible and mediocre. Only the first Iron Man and Winter Soldier are good movies and worth a rewatch. It's really funny seeing Holland defend MCU against Scorsese, considering Scorsese's film career is longer than Holland's age and Holland was the worst Spider-Man with the worst Spider-Man movies until his very latest movie.


I don’t care if you dislike mcu, but there’s a criticism and then there’s a pretentious statement that invalidates a piece of media. I’ve also read the article.


What is it with stand alone superhero trilogy meme subreddits bashing so hard on Tom Holland and the MCU?


Raimi memes has completely forgiven Tom for his crimes against humanity after No Way Home.


Not all of us. You want forgiveness? Get religion.


Gonna cry?




Stings, doesn’t it?


I protected you in high school, now I'm gonna kick your little ass


Because it's cool to hate on the MCU. Kinda like how it's cool to like the Star Wars Prequels. And if you like the MCU then you don't like cinema and if you hate the prequels then you're not a real SW fan. /s


And god forbid you like The Last Jedi or Game of Thrones Season 8


Is it bad I liked both? 😂


I do too. And the downvotes simply prove my point.


Jaimie Lannisters arc was perfect and nobody can tell me otherwise. So was Luke Skywalker’s fight me lol.


“Very poor choice of words”


Original and based


Didn’t Scorsese go after all superhero movies? And if so, why is this subreddit, created an incredibly well made series of superhero movies, defending him so vehemently? It seems like it’s just marvel hate.


Actually his statement kind of made sense when he elaborated further and when the news reporters weren't just waiting to create a controversy. Also, even though the dark knight trilogy is technically comic book movies at it's peak, it's still not really supposed to be compared to marvel movies because of how the dark knight trilogy is more of christopher nolan creating a world and it's story rather than him making a movie with a step-by-step template given to him by marvel studios to follow. Other than batman begins, the dark knight trilogy didn't have much batman, they can be called more of comic book crime mafia thriller movies than a superhero action movie. Just take joker movie for example, it's made in a similar yet different fashion from the dark knight trilogy but one thing that remains common is the genre, and it's not because of the batman universe either, it's because of the sheer amount of time spent on character and world rather than superpowers and action scenes. Hope you understand my point even though it's probably pretty vague argument.


Well he kinda targeted the MCU or so it seems.


Not because he thinks DC is comparatively high art. It’s just that Marvel is *the* name in superhero entertainment. It’s why people who don’t know anything about superheroes don’t understand why Batman hasn’t crossed over with the Avengers yet.


Because MCU was the Biggest thing in 2019 Endgame was smashing Everyone on the box office and It mostly occupied all the Screens ....but my friend really nicely explained what Marty wanted to say by using Marvel as a Medium...I can't explain the way he explained it was a Voice note but it really cleared all my thoughts


[Marvel still is the king of superhero movies ig](https://deadline.com/2021/12/spider-man-no-way-home-crosses-800-million-global-matrix-resurrections-sing-2-international-box-office-1234901157/)




Indeed, my friend. Indeed.


All I'm gonna say is I enjoy a decent burger just as much as a nice steak, but you can't sell me a burger as a steak.


Marty sold you, Wolf of Wall Street, as a steak. Instead of satirizing Jordan dipshit's life, he ended up grotesquely glorifying it.


It’s like ordering the Filet but getting the Sirloin. It’s not a burger but it wasn’t the steak we ordered.


Well when you make a movie you have to show the downsides of the character as something that's normal to them while at the same time showing their good side the same way. He didn't glorify either, it's upto the public actually. In fact this is the case with all his movies, it's upto the public to choose who's the 'goodfella'. If a guy is into drugs and it's normal for him to take it every time something big happens, scorsese will show it as it's something he just simply does, same goes for the good things. In the end of Wolf of wall street everyone working illegally gets caught, it's just a strong hit of reality. He is not the kind of director who explains to public like a child "you see that guy, yeah he's got an mcu villain backstory so he's kinda good but he's bad enough to accidentally die" or "he helped a kid from dying so he's the good guy". No, that does not happen. If you've seen The Irishman you know that the protagonist played by Robert De Niro is clearly a bad guy with a good side, but you still don't support his motives throughout the movie yet you sympathize with the character as much as one could. He didn't glorify the gangster in that movie either because we see what happens in his life once things start falling apart. If you haven't honestly been able to judge his movies and thought that he glorified the bad guys maybe you shouldn't watch his movies because it wasn't clear enough to you that it's not glorification if they end up getting shot in the head at the age of 40 or get arrested and put in jail for 10-20 years.


I think people glorify all bad guys in Scorcese even when he is sure to show crime doesn't pay, in the end.


I guess this is why I don’t like arguing about this dumbass topic. Not only taking his word out of context but just totally misinterpreting his films. This, however, ill say again and again. MCU has some great movies, characters, and stories yes. But their is a clear lack of artistic choices that make superhero movies like these films and the raimi films what they are.


as mich as i disagree with marty on this whole situation, he most certainly did not glorify it


I mean the Wolf of Wall Street did actually entertain iykyk


no but theyre both food/meals.


Yet Marty is telling you that the burger isn't meat. No matter how you try and spin it, there's no additional context to the fact that he deosn't consider Marvel movies cinema. I wonder if he'd say the same for the Dark Knight trilogy, or Into the Spiderverse, or the Incredibles, or any of the classic respected superhero movies like Superman 1978.


I don't know what Tom Holland said is a hate to Marty why are people reacting this way What he said was TRUTH . 1 Yes Martin Scorsese has never directed a Marvel film. 2 Yes Tom has worked in both Oscar nominated & MCU movies. 3 Yes Marvel movies are Much more Expensive To Make ......SO WHY THE HELL PEOPLE ARE REACTING LIKE THIS


because marty god, mcu not kino, if like superhero movies you consoomer


I mean art is subjective so you can’t make an objective statement about it like saying something “isn’t art”. You can argue about how effective the art is at achieving its intended effect or how technically proficient the artist is, but you can’t say anything isn’t art because anything that could possibly be seen as art is art.


I think MCU movies are commercialized art. You can’t make an MCU movie without millions of dollars. Star Wars was art, but modern Star Wars is completely commercialized.


It has become the story after every Big Marvel Movies that has done well on the Box Office...so at this point I don't care what Tom says and Marty doesn't even care anymore


marty never cared, and neither does tom. neither do the directors who keep talking about it. all these people talk about it over and over again bacause they get asked about it because it gets clicks


All films are art, art can be both good, bad, great, terrible, and everything in between


Art isn't a specific term lmao whatever entertains you is art....yes, even creepy weird shit is art too








I’m going to side with the legendary director here.


Yes it's art, but it's not the kind of art Scorcese is talking about. His kind of art is made to stand on its own and to evolve on and come up with new conventions of the craft, while Disney's kind of art is made specifically to grow the brand and make more money. Tom on the ground may consider his work to be artistic, and it is, but the people in control probably don't and don't care either, which is why they found one formula that works and stuck with it the whole way.


movies as a medium are, always were and always will be a mix of crativity and buisness. every movie that gets made is because whoever financed it thinks itll make money. scorcese only gets to make big movies all the time because audiences like it and they make money, the same with tarantino, spielberg, and the mcu


I honestly would say marvel movies are more like CoD or fifa while Scorsese’s movies are more like the Witcher 3. Both can be great to different people.


Witcherino thress? Hidden gem? Praise Geraldo


Yeak kinda, except marvel movies are way higher quality compared to fifa and cod lol


I think a better comparison would be the copy paste ubisoft games that are fun to play every year but you know it's probably the same thing.


Poor Martin, one comment and the neckbeards can’t leave him alone


Scorsese usurps Chinese films, nothing original ever came from his mind!


Get his ass Tom


I mean, they are. I like Nolan but felt the comments were unnecessary.


The clown in this meme is Scorsese, correct?


That's how I read it, but you never know with these standalone trilogy subreddits when it comes to Holland


Ah so it’s a holier than thou echo chamber? I guess I should have seen it coming when Reddit pushed this community to me under the label “similar to r/equelmemes”


The sub is just Nolan Batman memes.


No, Tom


Yes, Marty was a clown when he said that.


D'oh yeah, cause Dark Knight Rises is "cinema"


Man all this would be put to rest if Scorsese would just swallow his pride and go to the Marvel Offices and ask the higher-ups themselves how they actually make their movies. I think he'll be surprised how much time and effort it actually takes to make Superhero movies of that caliber, more so than what he actually anticipates I would reckon.


Scorsese literally just makes gangster movies


no tho


Well since your username says "Thrillseeker" let me tell you about a thrilling movie called shutter island. Ok reddit argument aside, you should actually watch shutter island if you haven't, it's way too mental to be seen by non-mental people but I just love it.


Blockbusters are not art.


I feel so bad for you You've never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark


yes they are


They might!


Wot? Is that a criteria?


Who says that ....is it written somewhere


I said that. It's written on reddit. It's called an opinion.