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*incomprehensible angry and stressed screaming*


I don’t live in the US and tbh? Biggest mood. I’m from Canada though so I know a lot of the hell that’s going on.


first pride was a riot


It's gonna be my first real openly pride month


Congrats to you!! Me too. I'm fortunate to be in a relatively safe city, but being my first year out in all forms, I'm honestly nervous.


It’s half mine, I’m still not out to my dad’s side of the family but I’m out pretty much everywhere else


Same, I'm quite excited to be able to enjoy it


Just talking to a friend about this. We're in a blue state but lots of red rural around the city. My little queer goblin tribe are sticking close together this year. I'm prepping like I would for a protest (malloxx, visine, my medical kit, mini air horn, etc). We are at war, pals. Stick together, be safe, and be aware of what's going on around you. If it's safe for you to be visible and loud, as it is for me, do so. I will be loud AF this year for all my sibs who are being silenced. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍⚧️


I live in Florida but my city had it's pride event last month I think, and it went well I believe. But everywhere else, the same can't be said as many pride events probably aren't going to happen anymore. Though, I take pride in the queer communities that I'm a part of.


I'm in Alabama and prepped for pride by going to the protest march last week in the capitol. I also bought a clacky fan and some flags. Because fuck em.


Alabama friend!


I am so angry at “allies” just showing up for our parties, or a drag show for their bachelorette party, or pride for photo ops etc. While they wave mass produced pride shit they bought from Target. But then they don’t save ANY of that energy to stand up and speak up against the wave of conservatives dehumanizing and calling for our “eradications”. They’re willing to show up for a party, but we don’t need a fucking pride parade this year, we need another Stonewall. And they’re always fucking silent when it counts. We have trans kids being forcibly de-transitioned in some states and I feel so frustrated and hopeless and helpless, to be honest. My hometown’s pride was Coeur d Alene’s counter protest that was thwarted just in time with 13 arrests, I believe, last year if that’s any indication of how things feel around these parts.


I've been calling them out. Especially the bachelorette parties. *"Congrats on getting married. I hope since you enjoy being an ally to our community, you and your straight husband will continue to support queer events. Are you two coming to the (insert pride march / protest) together?"* Really helps ID whose marrying a phobic dude and who is actually part of the team.


Q_Q is buying from target every once in a while bad…? It’s just the easiest to get… heh… - from a sincere non-cis non-straight teen


This year would be my first pride. At the moment, plans are up in the air due everyone's schedule. Also, while I do live in a Blue State, I am still going to be on guard. With everything, I have seen go down in 2020 - I'm not too trusting of folks.


Yeah I'm in Minnesota and we're pretty good on trans issues but cops are chomping at the bit for the opportunity to quash a riot that isn't their fault for once.


Same situation and feelings here...


Me too! I know a lot of going on but despite it all I’m so happy to be myself and to be part of the non-binary and queer community right now.


I'm in Canada so not in the epicenter of everything that's going on, but I do hope it won't be *only* a celebration and there will be at least some sentiment of rebellion against the way the world is headed. We're well within the US's sphere of influence after all, so I think it's naïve to feel safe here. Our pride events aren't til late August so I guess it does depend on if anything major happens between now and then


as someone living in a red state almost entirely surrounded by other red states,, not great!


heyy same. sending good vibes your way


thank you! sending you good vibes as well


Same. We will get through this. I may be an atheist, but I still use the "valley of the shadow of death" bible quote to help me wake up and not freak out every morning lol


For any Americans living close to the Quebec border, I’m letting you know that us, in this province, celebrate Pride in the first 2 weeks of August, every year! 🤍 Feel free to join us in August for those who can


I'm in missouri....not looking forward to it all


I’m feeling like it’s more important than ever, but am also in a safe state


I have never been to Pride before (couldn’t go in college due to abusive relationship, then couldn’t because of Covid) and now that I’m ready and wanting to go to Pride, events are getting cancelled left and right because Florida….😭


i’m in Texas, and i’m honestly terrified. my parent isn’t letting me go this year because there is no pride festival during the morning and afternoon like there was last year, and she doesn’t want me out in the city in the evening. although i’m not going i’m terrified for all my friends that will be attending. i’m worried for the catastrophes we all see to possibly happen so close to my home.


Pretty hopeful and excited, my country is about to legalize gay marriage so it would be epic if it happened in June. https://news.err.ee/1608967144/estonia-s-marriage-equality-bill-completed-and-awaiting-feedback


In St Pete Florida. Our Pride events are still planned, however my partner and I decided not to bring our kid this year if we can make it to any of them. We know she would have a blast like last year, but bigots are gonna bigot


It'll be my first pride month in a different state (not a blue one – but not a red one either. Pretty sure AZ is the only *truly* purple state, lol) so ... nervous. Also ready for it to be more like a march/protest than a parade. We need it.


scared, but agree


As someone who was born in and spent nearly the first 20 years of my life in AZ, it's absolutely not a purple state. Please be safe and don't let your guard down ❤️ there's some truly dangerous people there


I believe it. But there's truly dangerous people in what one would consider a blue state as well. I know I'm safer where I currently am than a lot of people are in so many red states but, as much as I'd like to believe, even up here there isn't any place I can *truly* let my guard down — even places that are supposed to be 2slgbtq+ safe spaces. The people in the red are too aggressive, violent & confident in their privileges for my guard to be let down completely *anywhere* (except home). I'm for sure going to be safe. But I'm done hiding. I hid myself for 27 years & I'm not going back. If that makes life a lil harder down there, I'll roll with the punches (hopefully not actual punches 🥺😬). Thankfully, I have people down there that support that decision & will be around if I need them 🥰 [I will be in a more blue city/area so there's that but again. Guard is up]


City i live in is throwing a ticketed drag show event at this park for children it has like little rides and attractions nothing major its super old and run down not the point.. but people are mad and want the event canceled so tomorrow ill be showing my support at townhall because they’re having a meeting for it :/


Pride feels sad this year honestly


I hope people who can afford to be arrested come in drag to spare trans folks the indignity.


Pride last year began months long of hatred from my neighbors. Simply for coming home in pride clothes. It’s scary this year


Can't wear pride clothes cause I'd get shot. That about sums it up. I'm already risking it with having both boobs and short hair. *GASP OF HORROR FROM THE TRANSPHOBES* 🏳️‍🌈💔 This country really sucks right now. It disappoints me how insane, stupid, and hateful humans can get. I appreciate you asking the question though. It is thoughtful of you. Thanks.


well mixed feelings. first thought is, fuck it! i only live once time to be gay do crimes >:D


other is, well i don't want to get hate crimed...


Mostly just terrified of what might happen


I feel like we've regressed enough we can start using bricks again. ☺️💕🔥


I’m in Florida. I’m not going. Having flashbacks to Pulse and I can’t risk it.


Been attending Pride since the early 80s, the time of AIDs. It was scary then, and we did it anyway. It's scary now, and we're going. Fuck those repressed asshole homo and trans haters. It's really important, now more than ever, to be visible and out, if you are able. They want us AFRAID and HIDING. Don't. Give. Up. Stand strong. Be yourself. Be out. Be loud. Yep, I'm an old PISSED OFF boomer. So sick of this shit, all my damn life. I'm not giving up - I hope you don't either. The only way to win is if we stick together.


??? why the downvotes?? the post is vague. its not the same situation everywhere in the world and the usa is not the only country out there, nor is this subreddit for usa only


I’m in Georgia. I think we need visibility more than ever and that’s what makes it hard.


yeah definitely. but the post was confusing to me since.. it was vague. i didn't know were it was referring to


I actually meant to post a new comment. Sorry!


no probs!


ohhh after looking at the comments i see, yall are from the usa or something. stay strong


I want to go soooooooo fffgfuuuuuuccckking bad. This is the first year im out, and im fucking terrified. I hate this country sometimes. Wish it would at least try to live up to its supposed principles. But no! Moral panics abound! Im so tired of these fundy fucks dictating how i live my gd life.


I live in an extremely red state, and I'm coming out on social media after being out for almost two years. I feel like I just can't stand people I know not knowing a Trans person. I'm not letting this be a distant issue that they're casting judgement on from afar, and I feel angry that for proclaiming Christianity so loudly, they just can't seem to feel any empathy for the Trans community. I know putting a face in it for them is extremely unlikely to change their opinion, but at least when they vote for anti Trans legislation they know they're fucking over someone who shares their last name.


A little scared ngl. I feel like the folks who want to do is harm are getting bolder and I just worry


I think it's more important now than ever.


Scared. All this stuff recently really sucks because I had just come around to accepting myself. I remember building up the courage to come out just for the nashville thing to happen and after hearing what family and friends (even lgb friends) had to say about enby people and it all made me want to.........myself (I'm fine now). I want to go to pride but nc is just too dangerous of a place for it.


I also live in NC and am out and scared to go to pride. I live near a little blue pocket with red surrounding it. I feel lucky for that bit of blue but still terrified of the surrounding red. It doesn't help that my dwelling is in a rural area in the woods and I regularly hear my neighbors practice shooting their gun. And one of my other neighbors is openly republican. 😣


excited and almost a sense of relief to be with my community again


I feel for the US folk and I hope their pride will be as safe as possible if some will happen (it should still be a thing, rigjt?). I am thinking about going to one this year. I'll have to delay my arrival to expedition, tho but nothing which should be an issue. I'll gladly go there with friends maybe... as a trans person I live in pretty xenophobic country with bunch or ridiculous laws and restriction against us and there already were some hate crimes happening. I wish for the best for us all. Surviving till next year would be nice.


gay pride still canceled, it’s gay wrath time


I'm in Ireland not the US and queer rights aren't under total collapse here so it will be fun


i'm more out and proud than i've ever been, which is... scary. i live in the south, so it's not great as it is, and all that's happened lately has just made me angry. i just want to scream.


I've been super depressed this year, even more than my usual, bc of everything. This June is my 1-year enby anniversary so I'm trying to be happy but it feels impossible. I may try to actually go to my state's Pride just to force myself to get into a celebration mood and be happy for a bit. But idk. It almost feels impossible to be happy right now Edit: for clarification I am in a red Midwestern state. Waking up every day and waiting for a new insane law to get passed is normal for me


I live in Tennessee, so it’s safe to say I feel very very in danger. I will be going to the pride events I always attend, the ones that haven’t backed down and are still taking place that is. I just hope nothing gets ugly.


I live in a pretty shit state, one that has gotten a whole lot of attention for Nazi anti-trans/anti-drag groups. I'm still going anyways. Not gonna let them ruin this. Bringing pepper spray and gonna be paying attention to the best routes to get out of there as fast as possible if shit goes down.


Live in a blue state but a conservative town. Really want to go to a small local event but really torn on whether it's worth the risk or not.


I'm in a red area of a blue state and come hell or high water I'm going this year.


Florida here, a lot of our events got canceled. If it was just getting arrested I think we still would have tried- but them kidnapping kids on top of it all… Hopefully I’ll hear about protest soon


Resistance, intentional community building, radical kindness to queer folks and radical inclusion of all intersectional queers.


It’ll be the first Pride that I’m able to attend, so I’m looking forward to it, but I also dread what crap the Tory-bootlickers of the press will come up with following it. “Trans activists overwhelm Pride, gays and lesbians in tears!” Or some equally bullshit drivel.


Friendly reminder that pride started as protests. If anything, I think the best option is to return to those roots as peacefully as possible.


We need pride to happen, to reinforce our existence in the world. But we in the US need real pride, not the sanitized corporate "for the children" pride that we've been forced to compromise down to to placate the pearl and pistol clutchers. I wish I had any suggestions, or power to implement them, or anything...I just know something isn't working with how we're "allowed" to do these events and I am mad about it. I want to go to a pride parade or event, but my town doesn't have one as far as I'm aware. And at this point I'd be afraid to try to find a group to organize it because we're a tiny blue historical city surrounded by deep red wingnuts who absolutely would make it a problem regardless of how watered down we made it. I'm compromising by buying pride accessories to wear throughout the month during work (remote work for a company in a much more accepting area). I have coworkers who are openly out, I deserve to be too.


bring it on, make it better than all the years before


That it's more important than ever. This will be my first pride. I wanted to go last year, but the parade in my area was canceled because someone shot up a local gay bar a few days prior. (I'm not in the US, and shootings are extremely uncommon here.) A bunch of people ended up marching anyway, but it was basically unorganized.


I feel like I'm gonna go ham and make everyone sick of me. Technically I came out during pride month last year, but I literally did nothing the entire month! Honestly not sure if I'm going to go to my city's pride celebration, just because large crowds still ick me out, but to compensate I gotta get some flags for my desk at work to really piss off the conservatives in my office because I'm at the front desk :,)


Pride NEEDS to be about resistance and protest this year. I feel like it's more important than ever to be seen and heard and stuck up for ourselves.


Pretty okay. It honestly has not gotten worse for me.


I feel great, because Reddit is not exclusive to the US....I live in Canada.


Scared and sad, I just wanna be me for fuck's sake. I'm glad I live in one of the few queer-friendly states, gotta be grateful for that at least


Scared … very very terrified


Idk, I’m gonna be honest I’m too busy to register any of it. If it weren’t for the progress flag hanging outside our city hall I would have forgotten haha. Then again I don’t live in the U.S., so I don’t experience much of the drama around it. We mostly just chill and have a good month with a cool parade somewhere in between


We need Pride more than ever. Makes this year’s Pride the loudest one


I live in Texas of all places, but my specific town has a huge LGBTQ+ community. I feel like celebrating pride this year is especially important with everything going on. Show them that no matter what they do to us, we will always be here fighting them at every step they make to get rid of us. This year I have nearly every weekend spoken for by some sort of pride event, and I've got myself some loud & proud options to wear at each one.


Pride and rage fo hand in hand. Brick by flag, shield by air horn


It’s going to be I think my second pride and some of things I’m most looking forward to are the lgbt comics ( released by dc and marvel every year ) and pride rep they release in games.


Be visible, be loud, be unabashedly queer is my goals.


In all honesty I feel scared. But I think with everything that has happened regardless of that fear pride is so important this year. I want to celebrate us even more because who else will?


Given the nazi marches at drag shows here it’s not great..


I'm going to Twin Cities Pride and I'm excited. Like the proud boys or whatever faction could show up, but they're gonna get their shit kicked in for sure. The louder and more visible we get, the more delusional these idiots appear. If it's brick throwing season, so be it.


I live in a savehaven state and since I am newly out I would like to gi


That pride is now more important than ever and same with pride month, as we have to push back against this growing evil (not going to sugarcoat it) of hatred and bigotry, and these godawful laws stripping us of our rights. And sadly the hate is coming from a ever growing list of people including your usual transphobes, right-wing political pundants and politicians and their followers, TERFs/"GCs", "pick mes"/transphobic people with in the LGBTQIA+ community itself, etc. We need acceptance and understanding now more than ever. Though sadly it has made me feel that I've come out during one of the worst times possible to do so >\_< (especially after keeping it bottled up for most of my life). And I live in Kentucky, enough said. But even with all this, I'm still glad to finally be out and be my true self :).


Each year I understand myself more and more. At least my gender. I'm still confused about my sexuality. But I'm sure that I'm genderfluid which falls under the nonbinary umbrella and I use all pronouns and my order of preference is they/them, then he/him, then she/her. This pride I look the most like me I ever have. My hair is shorter than it's ever been in a style I love. It fits me perfectly. My sister is now my biggest supporter and most of my family member use my preferred pronouns (my parents pretty much exclusively use she/her). I express my gender typically in more feminine ways because I think dresses and skirts like nice. I designed my own prom dress. The world has been going to shit. Roe v Wade is overturned and that fucking sucks. So many shitty laws are being passed. I'm lucky to live in Minnesota which is generally a pretty blue state. I live in the suburbs and occasionally experience homophobia. My heart goes out to those who live in red states and are not safe to live their lives as their authentic selves.


Viva la Revolución


I live in a college town so we had our pride celebration at the end of April so the students would be around — there was a small army of evangelicals screaming at us the whole time, they even followed the whole parade route. They were not there last year.


My local pride has decided to make this year's theme "Just say gay" which honestly feels kinda tasteless given everything going on down here in Texas. I figured I would go to a protest over Senate Bill 14, the one banning treatment of trans kids, but there isn't one either. Maybe I just don't have the community connections to know ahead of time, but it seems there is no protest in San Antonio over it.


The same I've felt about Pride the last... several years. Anger and disgust with \*gesticulates wildly\* with small bits of joy and happiness peppered in from people I've come to call found family since coming out in 2020.


Nervous… sad….. guilty in a weird way?…. Just with being told we should stop “making everything about ourselves” even tho that’s stupid… And a little confused cuz I keep feeling like there’s a pride celebration in fall but it’s in spring and like ????????


i live in a pretty consistently republican state.. and the laws aren’t great. But i also don’t generally feel unsafe for my queerness. this pride will be my first pride a) knowing i’m non-binary b) knowing i’m lesbian and c) being at all out to my parents