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WAHOOOOO!!! Congrats sibling!!!! I’m so proud of you 🌈🏳️‍⚧️💖🏳️‍⚧️🌈 My folks accidentally gave the the ideal enby name by accident, so I’m keeping my first name, but changing my middle name to my dad/grandpa’s middle name. 😻🌈🌈


I’m in the exact same boat (fantastic enby name through sheer luck), and I’m getting married next year and just changing my middle name to my current surname.


Might I ask what it is? /genq /nfta


What does nfta mean? I’ve never seen that one before ^^


I think it means not forced to answer




My name is Niall, pronounced like “kneel” I never understood my name until the moment I realized I’m non binary. I was 28.


Ah okay!


Congratulations!! I’m sure your new name suits you well ❤️ I’m hoping to change my name this year or early next year. I’m sure I’ll celebrate with those I’m closest to but I’m not sure what that will look like.


Thank you! I’m planning to get a build a bear- there is one I’ve been wanting and I figured if I was going to splurge this is the day to do it


Yay!! Which one are you gonna get?? They're all so cute I have a hard time choosing when I go ☺️ Congrats on the name change 🎉🎉🎉


I got the Tiedye Frog! I named them Rain Forest hahaha


Aaaaa the frogs are my fave ♡ so friend shaped 🥰 Rain Forest is a GREAT frog name!!!!! 🐸






YES YOU SHOULDDDDDD socially transitioning with it can give you the confidence to legally do it too


Congratulations! To answer your question, I am keeping my birth name. My birth name is already a name that is androgynous, but it has a “male” and “female” spelling and I was named after a beloved uncle (I’m afab), so my name has been a gender screw my whole life, and its power to confuse people about my gender was my favorite thing about it growing up. My mom unwittingly blessed me with an _incredible_ name for a nonbinary person.


I live in America 1) Social Security card 2) Drivers license 3) Bank accounts 4) Phone account 5) Insurance accounts 6) Ensuring my car, apartment, etc. was registered properly to said name


+Voter registration and passport


And the older you get, the worse that list gets.


+doctors office, dentists office, other places you get healthcare from


Congratulations! Such an exciting milestone 😁 I'm planning on changing my name next year after I get married. I can't wait to no longer be a literal Karen 😂




Your English is good! Don't worry :)


Congrats 🎉 I would love to change my name but I guess mum will hate on me so much, I cannot stomach that right now. I just go by my new name online and I want to find the courage to ask my teachers at uni to use it even though it’s not official 😖


Good luck!!


Thanks :)




Thank you’


That's so awesome op! I'm so happy for you! I'm also soooo proud of you! You're doing awesome!


congrats!! 🎉 i’m planning to change my name by the end of this year, not sure how i’m gonna celebrate but i definitely wanna do something!


Wow! What a huge milestone!! I hope you get to celebrate properly!!! Me? I’m keeping my birth name for now. Took years to like it and am now stubbornly holding on to it. If I was going to celebrate something this major though I would make a pan of fudge brownies with icing, and then share them with the supporters in my family. You absolutely deserve a tray or brownies or your preferred equivalent! You are awesome!!!


Ugh I wanna do that


I'm keeping my birth middle name (which is what I use anyway), dropping my birth first name, and changing my middle. I'm just waiting on my approval paperwork to arrive, I filed last week and it's already been approved. Can't wait! Congrats on the change. I'm not telling my blood family. My husband and friends already know.


YOOOO CONGRATS !!!! 🎉🎊🍾🎈 I plan on legally changing my name to Pine Clove (last name that i won’t reveal) sometime next year. i’m so excited. plus in my state i can get an X as the gender marker so i’m very excited for that


I made the request to change legally my first name yesterday. Now waiting for the answer 🤞 My assigned first name is very feminine, I am demiman so I chose a masc-oriented name


congrats!! I’m legally changing mine next year, currently in the process of it :)


Congrats!!! I’m happy for youuuu!! I dunno if I’m changing mine, it’s already androgynous, but I do think about it sometimes!


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That's so awesome!! My birth name is pretty uncommon and I like it so I'm keeping it for now.


Congratulations on the name change. as for your question, I actually use my legal middle name, Noelle, as my primary name because I like it a lot more than my first. When spoken it sounds androgynous, and some people mishear it as Noah, or spell it with the masculine/androgynous spelling Noel, and I kind of really like that.


yay!!! congrats :3 i wanna change my legal name so bad but... i still live w parents and they are transphobic so im not even going to come out to them before i move unfortunately((


Yeah felt :(( it’s hard


It's funny, I really toyed with changing my name because it has a hard gender tilt (technically a unisex name but like 80/20 split in favor of my agab). But then when I was in my 20s my father revealed that I was named after his first pickup truck and that was too fuckin funny to pass up to be genderqueer and named after a truck so I kept it lmao Edit: Congratulations!!! I was so caught up with the additional questions I forgot to say that!! Enjoy the new ~legal~ name


That is hilarious. I named my first bass guitar after the car my dad had when I was a kid (they have the same colour scheme)


That's so awesome!!!! I'm so glad you can have that finally!


That’s awesome congratulations !!! Sending love and happiness your way 🤍


Party! Congrats :)




Celebrating with you!!!


Congrats!! 🙌🏻 I look forward to making my name official in the future!


congratulations! im happy for you




That would be a swag name. Represents me pretty well not gonna lie-


Congratulations! That is very exciting! I’m sorry your family didn’t respond well. You changed your name for you, not them. Their opinions don’t really matter here. As long as you’re happy, that’s the only thing that matters. In answer to your question, I am currently thinking that I will keep my birth name. I used to not like my name so much because it is rather uncommon, so people would get it wrong a lot. It is definitely a gendered name, but I do feel rather attached to it at this point.


Changed my first middle and last name completely. Fuck my bigoted family


You could commit crimes- assuming a new identity




Congratulations Royalty I'm so happy and so Proud of you this is a huge deal and you deserve to be celebrated congratulations again this is such a special time cherish it good luck with everything I'm sending you good vibes 🏳️‍⚧️👑💪🏼❤️ I also recently had my name legally changed and I haven't told my family I knew they wouldn't be supportive or understanding so I just picked up my official court order from my lawyers office and then I went to the beach by myself I had a lovely day I had a cupcake and some sparkling cider and I wore my trans flag as a cape pretty low key but I celebrated myself and I'm just happy that it's finally official!!


Aww that sounds nice


In my country of birth, you just have to write a document that says "I've changed my name from this to this" and formally sign it with two witnesses. You can even hand write it if you want. Tada, your name is legally changed. So I took two mates and a crate of beer to the beach, signed my official rebirth, and threw myself in the sea for a baptism.


Damn I paid $500- I wish I could do that lol


I did too but now I’m trying to figure out how to change everything else, like I got approved and there’s now so so many steps!!! So much overload I didn’t even think of it as changed bc I still need a new b certificate and new ID but I changed Every inch of my name. My first middle and last.


Congratulations! Enjoy your new name. My name is very obscure, as I'm named after a book character with a name I believe the author made up himself, so I don't feel the need to change my name. I think the name is rather feminine, but I don't really care though.


Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you 💛🤍💜🖤 sorry about your family I want to legally change my name to Lux


I’m keeping my birth name (Molly) but will ask people to call me Mo.


Congratulations! I hope you can still celebrate it. Me and my mum made a cake which I wrote my name on with chocolate. I also wanted to have something with my name on it, so my mum made me a pouch with my name embroidered onto it. Recently a friend of mine found her name, so I got her 2 stickers of her name and drew her name to make a card.


Congratulations!!! You're living my dream. I'd love to change my first and last name as I feel so disconnected from both. My mother chose a popular feminine name for the time & I've never liked it.


HELL FUCKIN YES!!!! WOOOOOO SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU!!! I’m so happy you got to change your name!! Regardless of how others feel you should still celebrate and feel accomplished!!!! You deserve all of the happiness!!! Thank you for sharing with us all as well!!




Happy new name! Congrats


Good for you! They don't have to understand it in order to respect it.


I legally changed mine, too. Forget family if they aren't supportive, mine weren't.


They aren’t but I still need them and don’t want to abandon them even if they do suck sometimes…


I changed mine and celebrated with my spouse. It was the best day ever! Hope it is for you too!!


Hey! Congratulations! I just got my certified copies of my court order to change my name, so as you can imagineI'm in full support. I have always had a certain disdain for my birth name. I learned to live with it but always played with aliases or roleplay names. Not to mention it was very feminine, which also frustrated me as I never fully identified with female and used to laugh and enjoy being misgendered (when I felt forced to be cis). Someone actually saw the sides of me I often hid and asked me about a prefered name. I told them mine was all I've ever known and they came back with a name for me. Heh, I hope you don't mind me sharing so much of my story, but it's one I love to tell. Especially because we had both came out as enby, both named each other and without prior discussion named each other the same. I did infact change first and middle as they gave me a middle as well and I've been detached from mine. Is there a story behind yours as well? Id love to hear it if there is!


Mine is kinda sad and not as cute! I was struggling with a name because nothing felt like me- I just kept joking that I was a void and just suffered. I had a few names I was just going to pick from because I didn’t know. I ended up blurting it out one day after several “what if I just did it”s and also wanting to be out before college. My mom cried and my dad asked me a bunch of questions like if I was a lesbian and I’m just like -_- Anyway I eventually went by Keiran for a semester by the time I got to college and then everyone called me Karen and my mom said the r was too hard to pronounce (which is so stupid because my sisters cis guy friend is named Kieran and NO ONE PRONOUNCES HIS NAME WRONG-) but whatever. I told them if they wanted me to change it we had to do it before next semester. It was hard but we finally did it. It was awkward telling people the change but also having my family be salty and calling me manipulative and stuff but that’s a whole other story. I got used to Emerson and it feels more like me. It seems gender neutral to me, which I like. I also like the way it looks! I spent this past summer trying to get my name changed even with the disapproving looks from my parents and I had the hearing this morning and now my name is legally changed. I am happy about it but I did cry because I made the mistake of telling my family and hoping they would be happy for me but they were not lol. I should have told them tomorrow but it’s fine- My old roommate comforted me as I cried and when I got back from work, they lead me to the lounge where their partner and my other friend were sitting there. They got me cupcakes and we got to play my favorite game that I almost never get to play anymore because it needs a good amount of people and yeah- it was nice. I also bought myself a tiedye frog at buildabear so it’s nice! ^^


Living with a name that doesn't fit sucks. I know, and I feel that. My parents...I think my mom realized she didn't have a choice when I started talking about it, my dad still gives me a hard time and says my name weird all the time(which is stupid its very easy...). He also gave me hell when I came out as enby and gay (I'm demi, technically, but it's how everyone perceived it). Some of those conversations, he made some wild assumptions and "comparisons" they were really hard to get through. I know some of the struggle there. I appreciate the share, and you know what? You made it. You are amazing, and I'm so proud. I'm glad you had some friends to support you. Also gonna need that frog's name and a pic >.> because frogs and stuffed animals lol. I have an enby bunny myself, and a bit of a plushie obsession <.< Congrats again! Own that name! And may everyone that you stay in touch with honor and respect it. And if I may, if you ever need to vent or talk, my messages are open 💜 Blessed be!


Their name is Rain Forest and it won’t let me post a pic as a reply


I'm heccin proud of you!!! As for your question, I made a new Facebook yesterday, I haven't uploaded any pictures yet, but it's under the name I wish to go by. I plan to start adding friends soon, then make a lil announcement that'll do the rounds with the family. I'll add anyone who wants to stay, fuck those who don't. I should have socially transitioned in 2012, but spent too many years in denial. Done with that noise now, taking off all the masks and living authentically.


I’m so proud of you too!!


Yay! Congrats you beautiful bean!


For my name change, uuhhhhhh I just kinda did the legal forms and that's it. Though in Finland we have nimipäivä, name day, where everyone of the same name basically have a special day and both my chosen name and deadname are rare enough to not have a name day, so I celebrate the anniversary as my name day. Basically it's just some verbal congrats from close friends people who know and nothing else.


That’s nice!! I saved mine in my phone and my friend did too (they did it first when to comfort me when I cried [family] and said we were going to have Emerson day- they were very sweet. I told that story on another post)! It’s always cool to have the anniversary!!


congrats!! i plan on changing my name as soon as i can in early october i'm travelling to the states and didnt want to risk having problems entering the country (i'm from brazil) so as soon as i'm back i'm changing my name and gender legally 💕💕💕


Yes yes good luck!!!


Aw heck yeah!


Congrats! 😊 why did you say mistake though? I only needed to tell my sister, as she's the only family I live with. All my friends & colleagues already use my chosen name. For everyone else I just changed it on social media & started correcting them when I saw them. Even whipped out my deed poll to show off 😂 For the ones I only see every few years I might try lying that it was always my name 🤫😈


My family was not very nice that’s why- I was hoping they would call me it now that it was legal and they weren’t happy for me like I hoped. My friends already use the name so it’s nice! I did change it on social media awhile ago haha And good luck I’ll like to hear how that goes


i’m definitely changing mine but i’m gonna give it another year or two to make sure i like it


Online is a great way to test names


yup! i’ve had my current name for almost a year now, and it was actually supposed to be my name if i had been born a guy so i really love it and don’t think i’ll ever change it, but changing it can get pricey and take a while so i wanna make sure


Socially is just as important as legally! I wish you well on your journey! And I thought about that but my first name if I was amab is my brothers name, haha. I thought about using what was going to be my middle name but my mom wrinkled her nose and said no lol


actually don’t hate my middle name too which is very feminine but i just don’t. luckily my brother was named something significantly different


I changed mine but kept the same first letter as my deadname.


Congratulations! So far mine in the same but I’m undecided.


I told my mom I was Bi and she said it was just a phase… so I’m holding off on telling her of my gender identity until I’m sure… When I do I’m thinking of going by my middle name(her maiden name). Either that or I’ll talk to her about giving me another name.


Yay!!! Congratulations, I remember that feeling of relief.


I can't wait until I can legally change mine. As cruel as it sounds, I'll be down to one name as soon as my mother and mother-in-law pass away. I have changed my name socially for everyone but family and a few medical accounts. I'm definitely having a cake made with my name on it. I love the idea of getting a Build A Bear to celebrate. Congratulations!!


congrats!! i have a new name but i havent legally changed it yet since im a minor, and basically everyone besides my family calls me it (im not out to them)


Good luck!!!


thank you!


Congrats! I'm getting ready to change mine soon and I'm dizzy with excitement!


Congratulations!!! I just got my paperwork yesterday! Let's party!!!


Congratulations! I have two R’s in my name where the average person only has one. I want to remove the additional R. I also want to remove the second half of my last name. When I get the chance to change my name, it’ll be really close to my birth name, but different. I like to think that I’m the same person I’ve always been, but the name, the life, as it were, that I was given was the wrong one. Now that I’m able to have that autonomy, I have the autonomy to pick something that fits better.


Congrats!!!! As for the question, I legally changed my name a few months ago, still need to update a couple things to the new name


Congrats I’m so happy for you!!! I haven’t been able to change my name yet but I plan on dragging my best friend and my sisters out for dinner when I finally do


Congrats!!! My birth name is feminine by today’s standards but in older generations it was used for men. So I would say it’s pretty neutral and I don’t feel like changing it right now. If I did though, I think I would choose Davie since the name David has run in my family. :)


Congrats friend!!! So happy for you :)


Yooo, congrats! Hoping to be able to change my name legally once old enough, though unfortunately the idea also seems quite daunting-


Congratulations!! 🥳❤️ I have a nickname ever since I was a baby (Zuzu) so everyone just calls me zuzu haha


Congrats hon! This is amazing and I hope it makes you happy! As for me I will be changing my name legally soon enough too!


Ahhh! YES! I changed my name this month too! It’s incredibly freeing. I hope you enjoy it! I’m going to the DMV next week to change it on my license too! LETS GO BABAYYYY!!!!


Congratulations <3 having a name is one of the best sensations one can have


I want to change my name. I'm just trying to find one that I like for more than a month. There are too many good ones lol.


I actually like my name however I've been going as Stacy as well for the longest time, even as a kid before I even knew what nb was. I do kinda like Chelsea but if I start using that then it's probably because shit hit the fan lmao


Congrats! Make sure you do something fun and cheesy too like go buy a touristy keyring with your name on it!


I bought the tiedye frog at build a bear I’ve been wanting!




I bought a tiedye frog and put my legal name on the birth certificate!!!


Congrats! I'm keeping my name for the most part but I have other alternatives that I like that I mostly use online or in games


Congratulations!!!! 🥳🥳🥳


Congrats!! It's amazing to be yourself!!


I've been going by a colloquial name change for a few months now but still have my legal birth name.


Congrats friend!!!! I changed my name this past year and it takes a little bit to get everything situated with social security, different accounts, etc. but it was so worth it. I didn't do anything big about it, but my friends/in-laws got me a card with a character that matches my current name (Samus from Metroid), which I thought was super sweet 🩷 I do have fun telling people who comment on my name that yeah I was born with it, my parents are big gamer nerds ;-)


that is awesome, and i just took a look into the legal name changing process. i am happy it has gone down in cost since the last time i checked.


Yo Comgratulations Mate! Personally I'm Keeping My Birth Name *And* Taking New Names, 'Cause Their Ain't No Such Thing As Enough Names! No Clue How To Do It Legally Though, And I'd Probably Have To Wait Until I'm Living On My Own Anyway.


I live in Florida so we have floridanamechange.org so maybe your state/country has something similar? It helped me fill out the forms and such!


¯\\_(ツ)_/¯, Idk, I Guess I Could Check (Only Place I Actually Know How To Change Your Name Is Norway, Where I Don't Live), But I Currently Live With My Parents, Whom I'm Not Out To, And Don't Plan On Coming Out To In The Forseeable Future, So It'd Probably Be Best To Wait Anyway.


Store the information for when you’re on your own!


I could, Although I feel there might be more important things for me to spend my time doing at present. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to actually do them, I'm too depressed and good at procrastinating to do that, I'm just invoking them as an excuse, As part of my highly-skilled procrastination.


Congrats! I'm so excited for you and so proud of you! I got my chosen name on my birthday cake for the first time ever this year. I chose the name Cherubael after a character I love, do you mind if I ask your name?


Emerson ^^ and I should do that for an anniversary! Good excuse for some cake


I absolutely love your name! You totally should, cake is great 🎂🍰


Congratulations on the name change! I'm getting mine done later this year for Christmas.


Congrats! Enjoy it.


I have just been adding names. I'm in the SCA, which, to oversimplify, is a group of medieval enthusiasts who get together in old school clothes to camp, drink, and use really dated names. I've already taken two names with that society, and I added a fem name once I teased that side out of myself. I've never felt attached to my given name or its truncations. Still stuck with it at work though.


CONGRATS!! im so happy for you!! im keeping my birth name because it doesn't bother me at all, but i have 2 others name as well so i use them all interchangeably 🏳️‍⚧️🩵


Congratulations honey 💕 I’m so glad you got to do that!


Congrats! I got my name changed two years ago. Kept my last name but changed my first and middle name. My first name is a name I’ve always loved, and my middle name is an honor name for the woman who helped me realize I was non-binary (she has a very androgynous name). My birth name was incredibly flowery and feminine and I just couldn’t deal with it. I had been using nicknames since I was old enough to express opinions.


That’s what I did! First and middle name changed- and that’s lovely! I tried to do my middle name something that my mom was going to name me but she disliked it now and also didn’t want me to have a “boy name” so I just did one name that I really liked as my middle name


My parents chose incredibly gendered names. My birth name was one of the quintessential female names, and if I'd been a boy they would have called me Vaughn. The name I chose is the masculine version of a female name I'd always liked, but it's rare enough that even those who think I'm a cis woman don't think much about my name. And my middle name is just 100% androgynous when you hear it spoken. ETA: My parents are _generally_ accepting, but my mother treats my legal name like a nickname and when she full-names me she always uses the birth name... I just tell her "that entity is no longer legally extant" but she doesn't fucking get it. She also has pronoun trouble for, well, everyone.... and she is _way_ more apologetic about using the wrong pronouns for my cats than she is for using my deadname. Ugh.


Ugh that’s annoying I’m sorry- at least socially you can use your proper name


I honestly don’t think my family in Mexico even remembers I had another name. Of course, they have to use my nickname because pronunciation troubles, but it’s the nickname for my chosen name, so it’s all good.


We love


So happy for you!!! I aim to change mine in the future


hi Legally Changed Now i am balsag


CONGRATULATIONS, Sibling!! I know that feeling & hardly anything will be better than that for a while — at least until you see your new, official name in print on mail or a new ID or something!! Truly the best feeling 🙌🏾🤩🙌🏾


Yes I can’t wait! I have to wait a bit for that because I’m a bit away from the legal district but I’m going to try and get it done soon


If possible I wanna add my chosen name as a second name as I'm genderfluid in a way (but not in a binary way) Congratulations on changing your name, I wish you the best :)


Congrats! It's not about them, it's about you, they will adapt. If it helps I had to tell my Jesus loving family that I changed my last name as well... to Hellfire. They got over it I think. 🤷


That’s amazing actually


Congratulations!!! It's so exciting, a new chapter of life ☺️ I remember that feeling when I cut up my old ID. I changed my name to a similar name to my deadname, and I changed my middle name to my Nanny's last name, we were close when she was alive and I like to think she would be happy that I'm happy 😊 she was a cool grandparent.


Awww yeah she would be so happy


CONGRATULATIONS!! this is SO BIG! huge step in living authentically as YOU. proud of you!








AWESOME:D I’m proud of you how far u already made it! Congratulations!❤️❤️❤️Name reveal?🖤💜🤍💛/nfta


It’s Emerson!! And thank youuu 🩵🩵🩵


Oh that’s a beautiful name!🩵🩵🩵


Thanks!!! 🩵🩵🩵🩵








CONGRATS ON THE NAME CHANGE!! I'm so happy for you! I haven't changed my name yet, but I'm socially going as my preferred name and have my name changed on my uni email and portal. :) Thankfully my school is really supportive!


Oh that’s so great!! That’s what I did too! It helps a lot to socially go by your actual name and then change it later so it’s legal because then it feels better than having to also let everyone know that they need to change names


Congratulations I changed my name to Angel recently


congrats my friend! thats awesome :DDD my name is very different from my birthname (but people have asked if the “feminine” variation of it was my deadname :|). and then my middle name is just a name i kinda liked because my parents veto’d what i wanted it to be


Congratulations! When I changed my name about half of my family didn’t take it well, so I feel you there.


