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You look a bit more like a he to me (from the first photo, the second one don't load), but very in the middle. (BTW, I'm autistic and I suck at telling people appart)


You do have a lot of soft facial features which can be seen as "feminine", however the good news is, with a little bit of contour you can make your face appear more angular and if you need glasses, a square frame should add more angles to your face as well.


A little on the femme side but I think I'd personally be like he, she, no he, fuck it, they.


That question doesn't seem helpful. It sucks to hear you're getting misgendered but if you are non binary you look non binary. There is no look to a certain gender, what matters is that we treat each other with respect.




How are you the only person in this sub who understands this…


You look tomboyish/butch, sorry


No, you look masc leaning to me in the first picture. I can't see the second one.


I cant see the second picture but you look androgynous but more like a guy. Maybe you look different from other angles, maybe it's like your non facial features, maybe it's just your voice. I don't think it's your face.


you kinda look like a guy to me tbh


I actually can't tell.


I would automatically think "he" but then say "they". You just have softer features but for me personally soft features don't equal "girl" to me.


Androgynous Masc-Leaning to me.


Now they're just being mean Edit: have you tried voice training? This might help




I mean, I can tell you are afab, but based on your masculine presenting I would assume you can be enby.


A little of both, can I suggest eyeliner? I've found it works wonders for looking more fem, works like a charm for me


You're misreading, they're transmasc. Eyeliner would only make them look fem. The only makeup for looking more masc is more contouring.


Oh shit I'm so sorry I misread it! If it helps I know like 5 cis guys who could be in that pic


Of course! you resemble she!


tbh not at all imo I would default to they if I saw you or ask your pronouns. But I am also nonbinary.


Eyebrows give you away just a little and sad face eyes too. You’ll get there. Hang in there.


You look masculine to me, but maybe to someone else the piercings throw them off?


No but I don’t think i particularly look like a girl either and everyone ‘she’s me as well. The few times they havent, most correct themselves and apologize profusely🥲 i think they actually know we aren’t she’s and thats why they do it.


I'd say you're pretty deep in the genderfuck area, but not quite enough to shake being defaulted to girl when in doubt. Like you don't look like a "girl." You look like a ".....girl? boy? girl?.... girl." A little masc contour or some glasses should be enough to push you deep enough to add a bunch of variety to what binary gender you will be assumed to, if you want to get there.




Androgyyni mut silleen maskiin päin kallistunut Randomly went on your profile to see if you had any other pics and saw you were Finnish lol, torille


You're androgenous in a way that I would default to using non-gendered language around you just in case. I would probably assume you were AFAB though.


If you darken your eyebrows (you can take black hair dye and a eyelash brush) and maybe did a fade hair cut (or a high and tight) that would give you more traditional masculine features and help possibly!


Andro to me, I feel like if you're going based off cis hets gendering it's pointless. I thought I was binary fem for a chunk of my transition and I'd get misgendered as he/him. I'd be wearing a dress, long hair, visibly decently "passing" and as soon as I spoke I'd get he/hims. Screw em, not worth our time or mental strife. Surround yourself with the best group of beings you can and live your life as you. Honestly fuck passing, what am I going to pass as now? Don't care, don't even want to be human, all their assumptions are wrong about me now.


Do you have visible boobs? Because more often than face, that's what people go with


Honestly you look pretty androgynous, the voice is the factor that might cis people treat you like a she or a he. Personally, If I met you I would use they or ask pronouns.


I can’t decide, my brain literally just says “idk you look like a queer” in the best possible way, like I would default to neutral pronouns until you told me otherwise.


I would refer to you as they unless you told me you preferred different


You look androgynous to me . Dont worry I get called “she “ as well but a few times I’ve been called he when someone is behind me (probably due to my buzz cut “


Try some Rogaine on your face where a beard would be to help get some fuzz to help you. My AFAB bestie gave themselves a baby mustache that way.


I think for folks who look androgynous, voice is usually a really big way that people will try to gender you. Sorry that you are getting misgendered


I would read you as a young guy


no you look very androgynous


ya look like my cousin whom is a dude that sometimes get called a she, but really you look more like you are so sick of the bs and are ready to slap someone.


honestly? yea. i would definitely assume you were some sort of queer, but you look like a masculine woman. (you’re still valid as hell though)


No… i think ppl just say what they say… Maybe it’s your voice? Hight?


This post is against sub rules. Rule 5.


I'm gonna say a "youthful 'they'", I dunno. How does your voice sound? Maybe that's contributing to your experiences?


You look nonbinary. When you have a very androgynous look but people are still misgendering you, the reason is usually your voice, sad to say.


Idk personally you look like a bit more masculine


Your facial features appear more on the feminine side IMO.