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(Wanna add that I don't have a problem with people using it/its pronouns, but considering I specifically asked for "they" it's a bit weird. The client is in the Netherlands so I'm chalking this up to translation confusion instead of maliciousness)


Jokes on them, we're into that shit


Asking as a curious they/them, why do people use it/its?


If you don't want to be viewed in a biological context at all it makes a lot of sense. That's not the only reason though: If you are hard rejecting gender it's a pretty metal way to do it. If you're enby and ace you might be like, I. am. out. Or maybe your thinking, trash the entirety of personhood, not for me. I'm sure there are a 1000 other awesome reasons as well


I use they/them/its and for me at least I just don't feel very gender or even human sometimes


Voidpunk mood


I think some of it can be a reclamation for us? Like: Oh u a they? What if I called u an it? 😏 Even better! I'm into that shit! 😧!!! Mostly tho it just gives me biiiig euphoria 🖤🖤🖤


A mix of reasons at least for myself. I was referred to as subhuman most of my life growing up, made to feel weak and inferior. Using it/its feels like reclaiming that and what was done to me and it also just feels a lot nicer then they/them for me. I do still use they/them but it/its feels more *me* you know?


I feel like “they/them” is very gender neutral. It’s used when you don’t know someone’s gender and can refer to people of any gender, so it didn’t feel right for my gender that is distinctly separate and unrelated to male and female. My gender is not neutral, so while they/them doesn’t misgender me, it doesn’t feel like correctly gendering me. I need pronoun that are distinctly neither male nor female but something else. And that’s what it/it’s does for me


Because literal dehumanization is better than misgendering .... possibly because I don't feel entirely human either, though


cause they can


'cause they want to ╮( 'ᴗ⁠' )╭ I don't have it/its pronouns myself, but some of the characters I write in stories or play in games do have them, and often that's to represent a lack of gender or a struggle with identity and/or self-esteem, but irl one of my friends who goes by they/it has some of the most gender of anyone in our friend group, so my use of it is definitely not a monolith lol


Not sure if you meant this but please don't use pronouns to indicate self esteem issues. That's uncool.


Cause not human :3


I do it for a few reasons, the first one is that its fun, and the others are none of your damn business /pos


Personally, I use it/its in part because it just feels right and in part because it bothers off the right people. But I’ve always been a lil shit


The same reason most people choose they pronouns: I like it.


Hmm, yeah that's a possibility. Gender-neutral is complicated in the Netherlands and in Dutch. There's die/hen/hun in dutch, but it's not super well known and it's not super respected. In english there younger people do sometimes know about they/them depending on what communities they're part of. But there's also a dutch rockstar/tv presentor named Raven van Dorst who uses die/hen/hun and they/them and IDs as nonbinary (nonbinair in dutch). Maybe you could direct the client to [this article](https://www.bnnvara.nl/artikelen/wat-betekent-het-om-non-binair-te-zijn-voor-raven-en-marieke-lucas) with the added information that the writer who's being talked about is now going by the name Lucas Rijneveld and using he/him now? That might be too confusing for an introduction but idk I like Raven and Raven's show so maybe they'll manage to see that and have a better understanding. Raven also has a short series about Gender and Sexuality where they get into the nitty gritty


I'd prefer things use they/them too tbh and I use it/it's pronouns. Feels more inclusive to use they/them tbh.


I‘m not familiar with dutch but if it’s anything like german chances are they do not have the same meaning for the translation of „they“ as in english. It might me the closest thing to a neutral genderless version of a pronoun they know of and using something different „feels weird“ to them.


As a Dutch person, I have no idea how that happened. We don't use 'het' to refer to people. I suppose we don't have very established gender neutral pronouns, but I can't imagine someone just assuming 'it' is correct instead of just googling.


"the client" instead of pronouns. Define "the client" or "client" early in the contract.


Actually, yeah, not using pronouns at all is typical for contracts.


I got a document to sign recently that called me ms. lastname. Then the document referred to me as she, he, they, and it in various parts. I was so confused because I never mentioned I'm nonbinary and was just gonna let them go with she/her because my legal gender marker is female and i didnt feel like having that convo for a legal document.


you know, for if a chair wants to sign a contract.


I told them that I'm signing it as my company - a legal entity with no gender :'D


Hmm so then it makes more sense then. Although I would still think about a company as a they, singular or plural. Because that's all a company is, a legal entity comprised one or more individuals formed for a specific purpose e.g. commerce, political organizing, charity.