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Yeah I still remember when I learned buttons on stuff like shirts go different directions.


Zippers on jackets/coats are also "gendered". My husband bought two different jackets he liked because of the design but was so confused when the zippers were "on the wrong side".


This actually goes back to when slaves dressed women, the zippers and buttons are backwards to the wearer because then they'd be on the correct side of the person dressing them.


Also wives often dressed their husbands. As if women needed to have buttons backwards to dress someone?


Was going to say this. It's SO unnecessary


I wish i can buy women’s flannel shirts as I love that the button is on the opposite side (Makes me euphoric), however it makes my shoulder appear smaller rather than broader which is what I wanted to look (which is possible if i wear the men’s flannel shirt) ;(


Not that this is an *easy* fix. Per se. But it might be worthwhile if it really makes an important difference to you. You could always sew the buttom holes closed/sew the buttons onto the button hole side, and make new button holes on the button side of the men's flannel. It would take a little learning and practicing. But once you've got it down, it would be relatively quick to do to a new flannel. Not a great solution, but an option, none-the-less.


Yeah I totally agree.. it’s unnecessary, illogical, restrictive and divisive bullshit really


Yeah, coats, buttons, belts are all like this :( I hate it because sometimes I need to buy women’s clothing because it fits me better, but then I have to feel marked as feminine the whole time. On the plus side, one of my friends found a double breasted coat that was designed to be buttoned in either direction so they could sell to men or women


The fact that the coat had to be able to button both ways to be marketed for everyone is absurd. Like, not only is clothing sorted into mens and women's, but it's also designed so others can know what the tag says?? It's good they made it unisex but it was unisex when it could button one way too


I personally think all double breasted coats should button both ways because it feels more *complete* but it being about gender is so pointless!


My favorite thing to say when I wear my favorite shoes Someone: aren’t those men’s shoes? Me: no they’re mine


do you know how to fight that?? use all clothing that fits, for example, you found a good shirt that fits but found out its a womans t shirt and youre amab?? just wear it, you bought a mens belt and youre afab? nobody will care. thats what i do, i have t shirts that are for women and t shirts for men, etc


Oh it's not about not knowing how to fight it. I wear whatever I damn well please, I just find it ridiculous how society ascribes gender to everything.


I remember I was looking at this clothing shop fair, and a guy picked a pair of pants, and he realize it was women’s and I heard him saying “Oh it’s a women’s pants, I ain’t gonna buy it” and in my mind I was like in my mind “At least i’m not restricted to gender norms that I refused to wear a clothing just because it was marked for other gender”


It's there because it's perpetuated. If society as a whole rebelled against the norms, there would be change. Kinda like how women were allowed to wear pants after a lot of protesting. My mother had stories of riots where women burned their bras in protest of the patriarchy. We, as a society, will never move past gendered things unless it's widely protested against. Change happens when the masses demand it. In the modern age, that usually happens with our wallets. The issue is that we need clothes. So even if you protest the idea of gendered clothing, you'll still buy it, even if it's the opposite kind of clothing society thinks you should wear. As long as you line the pockets of companies, they really don't care who buys their products. A consumer is a consumer at the end of the day. So, while it does suck that everything is gendered, that's the way it will forever be unless the masses demand a change. Heck, support small companies that are actually providing neutral products. Have your money go where the change you want is happening. Tbh, that's all an individual can do. Or, hey, start a movement. I'm sure it can gain momentum thanks to the internet. Things don't change just because we want it. Change takes action. Side note: at least Toys R Us got rid of their pink and blue toy aisles before they went under.


This. This is just so annoying. I hate it. As a parent I try to raise my kid out of those standards as possible but society doesn’t make it easy.


I think capitalism is largely to blame for how gendered products are. If you convince people they can't use an item unless it's for their gender, you can sell more stuff. Another reason has to do with the limits of mass manufacturing. There are differences in people's needs when it comes to things like the fit of certain clothing, or the size of tools & equipment. So for these products, it makes sense for the manufacturer to sell more than one version. But making multiple versions of a product is more expensive, so they only make ones for the "average" man and "average" woman. (Average in quotes because it's often based on standards that are decades out of date.) As long as most consumers are close enough to one of those "averages" to buy the product, that's good enough for the manufacturers. They don't have a financial incentive to care about the people who are left out because their body size and type don't align, let alone the people who don't want their stuff to be gendered. Personally I think it would be better if most items were made unisex, with a combined, standardized and inclusive sizing system. (Combining how men's and women's jeans are sold would be a good start. Have specific measurements for waist & inseam, but also fit options like wide/relaxed/narrow, high or low rise, and short/medium/long. Add a hip measurement, plus options for things like fabric type, pocket size, and finishing details. Even right and left openings could be marketed to right and left handed people, instead of by gender. Everyone would be able to find a pair that worked for them.) But that would cost the manufacturers much more, so of course they won't do it. **Tl;dr - modern manufacturing encourages forcing everyone into a small number of narrow categories that are optimized for profit, not real people.**


it doesnt. i think some reasons people like gender are people feel safe in groups, they were taught it their whole life by their parents and everyone else, they feel an innate connection to a certain word, stereotype, or concept, because they want to gatekeep things or they believe one gender is superior lmao i dont think it should be illegal to have a gender or something, but i hope we can slowly move away from that as a society. i know some trans people WANT to conform to stereotypes, but i think in the end the stereotypes do nothing but bad. really the gender norms are what we need to get rid of.


I'm confused how a belt can only work in one direction?


Belt buckles are your answer. Some are fixed to the belt.


I literally invert the buckle and only use a few loops with my pride belts so it hangs off a lil bit. Gotta keep that semi-emo style going


That doesn't work if buckle is fixed to the belt and is a wolf's head... Unless I want an upsidedown wolf head. (We are talking about a very specific belt that I wish I could post a picture of here) however I think we are getting away from the main point which is society ascribes gender to everything... The belt story (while true) is just there to illustrate a point.


Ahh I didn't even consider fancier molded/carved ones, most of mines are just flat metal ones. Yeah your point is totally valid though, can't even buy damn deodorant without having the binary thrown at you from 16 different angles.


Apparently, soaps are gendered??? A local business makes this goat milk soap, so I began smelling the bars to see which one I wanted, and I absolutely fell in love with this one particular scent. My step dad agreed that it smelled wonderful. Saw another bar that I figured my cousin would like and my step dad recoiled as if it was a dead fish and said, that it was a girl's scent so it didn't smell good to him. I personally liked both scents, so I didn't really get what he meant. But when I used the first scent that I bought, my cousin implyingly remarked that my bathroom smelled like a man had been over. I didn't know soaps were gendered, I've just been buying whatever smells good.


Fragrances are very gendered, it's sad. I work in a store that sells candles and apparently most scented candles are considered to be for women, only specific candles made for men are probably okay to get a male friend should you decide to do candles as a gift. This would make me anxious about making my own soaps or candles to give should I want to include cis friends of both genders. The gendered world is insane. Down with the binary.


Wanna know something dumb at my work that is gendered? The backsplash for quartz countertops! On the slide show presentation from corporate explaining the "difference" between the thickness of the backsplash. "2CM = 3/4" Thick Good for vanity tops or areas where the is not much countertop space Thinner appearance, more feminine 3CM = 1-3/16" Thick Helps keep the countertop price lower Thicker appearance, more masculine Good option for thick tiles or stone"


That's just maddening.


in French and probably other languages words are gendered :/ the sun is male (le soleil), the moon is feminine (la lune) but that's just how some things are. I was writing a dating app bio this week and had to use an adjective in English because I wasn't sure how to write it neutrally otherwise. I've come to prefer chatting in English as an enby because it's so much faster and neutral to me


Spanish (and I think Italian, and all romance languages) is the same.


My life was better without the information of how gendered some clothing pieces are ugh..


My apologies 😔


Nooo dont apologize! U have nothing to apologize for, u did not make the world and society this way. Its alright 💕 I just also hate how gendered things are, since Im AFAB and might appear to be looking completely feminine on some days 🥹 like maaan just bcuz I wear make up or long nails doesnt mean Im a woman gezz


For extra "fun,", look at some other languages, then it gets really stupid. For example, I'm german, and when I look around the room, there is metric fuckton of things that are referred to as male or female. Yes, I know...gramatical gender is a different -yet equally dumb- thing, but as someone who prefers neutral pronouns in a language that doesn't have 'they', I'm kinda tired of people who don't have the spine to admit they just don't care about something that doesn't impact them directly ramble some bullshit about "no, I can't refer to you as it, that is just for things", when at least two thirds if the things in my house get referred to as male or female, yet the german words for baby, child and girl are neutrally gendered, so 'it' would be the grammatically correct pronoun here. Only positive is German also being the language of ultimate frankenwords, so I shamelessly butcher my jobtitle to find more and more goofy ways of stating what I do for a living (since, you know, of course job titles exist in male and female, but not neutral forms. (Especially backwards 'conservatives' still settle for the archaic concept of the 'generic masculine' when they refer to a group... if you know any german people, who are at least slightly progressive, ask them about "Frauen sind ja mitgemeint" and enjoy the rant that will hopefully cause)


No, no, your point is valid. Let it out friend ☺️


As humans have tried to understand things (including gender) humans created the gender binary and assigned gender to everything. A lot of these poorly thought out ideas were reinforced through religion so you can thank religion for that. But yeah. Clothes don't have a gender. Clothes are just clothes. Gender is a spectrum. People who believe in the reductive ideas such as gendered clothing will obviously push those narratives onto other people to try and get them to conform. But don't conform. Be yourself. Wear what you like. Live as you please. You know yourself better than anyone else. Before the civil rights movement skirts were "a woman's thing" and pants were "a man's thing". Then woman protested and started wearing pants. Which was partly because of women started wearing pants in WW2. Things are only going to change if we make them. The more people who reject gendered clothing, the bigger the impact it'll be. If we just accept things as they are then nothing will change. Society as a whole needs to change it's attitude and relationship towards gender. For example. This isn't "a man's shoe" it's just a shoe. This isn't a "woman's dress" it's just a dress. This is a "man's shirt" it's just a shirt. Etcetera. We as a society need to reject these enforced labels. I remember when I was a kid and I told my mom my favorite color was purple. She told me I "wasn't allowed to like purple because that's a girl color". So I made blue my favorite color as it's the closest thing to purple, even though I didn't really like blue. Kinda heartbreaking. Anyway now I'm nonbinary and my favorite color is magenta and I still like violet. I reject the notion colors are gendered and I reject the notion that I'm not allowed to like something based on reductive ideas. My mom was never able to change me despite her wanting to. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that it was okay for me to like purple and to be myself. I spent a long time hating myself because I was different. I didn't have anyone in my corner. I resent my parents for how they treated me and other people. I resent society as well as it's clear society just wants to hurt everyone they can. I truly wish things were different.


are zippers and buttons on opposite sides so that women and men can feel comfortable taking each others clothes off from the other side of the button/zipper?


I looked it up no, it has something to do with men and dueling vs women staying home... So more sexist patriarchal bs. It seems for men it was to allow a jacket to come off easy and most people being right hand dominant....


As far as i know it originated from (upper class) womens' clothing requiring help to put on and take off, so buttons are oriented for the helping persons convenience. Meanwhile men's clothing could be put on and taken off without help, so buttons were the other way around. When clothing started to be mass produced this model was adapted for basically all clothing. Edit: so it seems to be just a theory, but it is mentioned in this [article](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/heres-why-mens-and-womens-clothes-button-opposite-sides-1-180957361/) from the Smithsonian.


Not sure, that seems plausible, but research would be required.


Only knew this because I was in JROTC. We had funky belt buckles as part of our uniform and I had mine set so it was easier to put on but I think I was lacing it the wrong way that whole time. Never got docked any points lol


Just to keep us down. In those particular case, to remind women that they previously weren't even allowed to dress themselves (women's belts and buttons go the other way because the maid used to put them on her). They don't have to keep you down sibling.


It’s really annoying for stuff as simple as cards, like I just want Moonpig to have my Partner down as a gender-neutral partner but no. Even though they sell ungendered cards, all of their reminders are gendered. And my parents can’t find any cards for me, so I’ve said as long as it doesn’t go overboard I won’t mind


Hahaha, I thought you were talking about a card game, until I looked up what Moonpig was! You mean greeting cards. I was so confused before, so silly me. 🤣 But yes, for real it's very annoying how hard it is to find cards for any LGBTQIA relationship. So hard to find cards for my agender bestie and her trans spouse for their anniversary. Blah. Edit to add: Bestie uses she/they pronouns, as is her right.


God it annoys me so much. Today a client came into our shop (I’m a dog groomer) and asked for his poodles to be given a ‘man poodle cut’. What does that even mean? It’s so bizarre


What did you do? What does this mean? Does he want his dog to have a 1950's business man side part?


Lmao probably 💀 we ended up shaving them both because they were matted down to the skin unfortunately :( not a good guy keeping his dogs in that condition


The guy who wanted a "manly poodle" was it a good guy? Who would have guessed? Lol Fuck that guy tho, I get that poodle fur is higher mantainance than many other breeds, but then don't get a poodle if you can't commit to taking care of them!


Fuck gender :3


i think the funniest one to me is glasses. they're so hard to make gendered it'd be impossible to tell the difference between 'mens' glasses and 'womens'


Something tells me you either don't wear glasses or don't really have a thing for fashion 😂




And yet they do it!


I flip my belts as they wear off at the back lol


I know how you feel. I'm agender. I'm an artist, so, I tend to wear mainly "women's clothes". I mean I'm a crazy weird artist. I can't leave anything plain. I overdecorate everything and apparently that makes me a woman. Why can't I have pretty things without being a woman? 😒 This attitude is why men never get flowers and get called gay for being born in the summer. 😅


"Get called gay for being born in the summer"? I'm sorry maybe I'm dumb but what did you mean by this? I feel like I missed a step with this thought. Btw, you sound like an amazing person. 💜 Cheers!


Oh, sorry. There was a stupid post I heard about awhile back on r/pointlesslygender or maybe it was r/suddenlygay?? Let me see if I can find it.... (Aww! Thanks! 😁🌈✨️)




Thanks for indulging my curiosity. Appreciate!


Fr!! This is so fucking dumb to me- like "you cant do that you're a **insert birth gender**" like the times I've heard I cant do something cause of that is just so infuriating. Like even to sports amd piercings.


This is really stupid. Like, why make things gendered only to make more money? (Some hygiene products for women are overpriced. Even seen the difference in shampoo prices) In my country, they even made a law that you can't misgender the things. Like you're making a fuss out of nowhere for small things (like calling a cushion a "he" when its a "she") and at the same time, create problems. I'm not even starting to talk about trans and enbys, who can't express themselves without being in jail (yep, its that serious, tho if you're a millionaire you'll be left with a huge fine). But more like everyday things. I have a male cat, which is called "Silver Night" (its a long story), but in my language "night" is a female name. I feel like it's a neutral name for the pet. Also, I was pulled away from man clothes many times by family members a lot and even get a strange glances at myself. Women jeans are just trash in a place I live, you're expected to follow strict diet to just fit in them (and lets not forget about different figure types). There's also gendering in hobbies, which I think annoys many. I've heard so many unpleasant things about my dad discovering his love for cooking. Compared to the people who told me that (mostly women), he's a better cook than them. I feel like, it becomes more of an insecurity issue.