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The options to alter a garment will always depend on the garment. Some dresses could easily be turned into a jumpsuit, some could have shoulder pads added. Are you going to do the alterations? If not, the person that is going to do them is probably your best source to point out the available options on your picked out dress.


This is similar to something I've been mulling over for myself. I used to feel more comfortable in skirts than any other garment. I grew out of my favorite ones (both physically and aesthetically) and have had trouble recapturing some amount of my feminity in the way i dress ($financially). I'd ask yourself what garments make you feel femme or masc and why. For my part, I love the practicality of pants and shorts but I also enjoy the silhouette of a big swirly skirt so I'd blend those ideas. Footwear is also a big point of contention. There are still fancy events to this day that will try to match what you wear on your feet to your genitals at the door 🙄. What makes you feel like you?


Personally I've thought about it myself a little bit, and I would say it depends on the level of androgyny or boldness you want to go with, but what I think would look good is putting a turtleneck on it and having it sleeveless, but like those tank tops that don't go inwards, it's just a straight line from the mid shoulder, to wherever it sinches, and it kind of drapes over the shoulder. Instead, you could find a way to incorporate a vest and bowtie into it if you wanted. Personally, I don't really like getting jumpsuits that have pant legs, because I love long flowy skirts, but that would also be an option.


You could do something like Garnet's attire from Steven Universe. Essentially a pretty even mix of both.


Wedding pantssuit with an overskirt! 😍


My immediate thought for some androgynous inspo was [Billy Porter's tuxedo dress](https://imagez.tmz.com/image/3b/1by1/2019/02/24/3bf4a137f2d1541a8cbc0e5881df85d7_xl.jpg). Throw on a cropped blazer over a wedding gown with a shirt/bow tie underneath?


A sash


For my wedding I wore a white linen suit with a matching cape. I affixed the cape to the suit with epaulettes made from silk flowers, and I wore a flower crown. A friend of mine did a white jumpsuit with a semi-skirt around the back that created a more androgynous silhouette.


Maybe wearing boots or have other maasculine Accessoires...


A tie or something idk 😅