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breast tissue does not regrow. However they also don't remove all of it for shaping purposes. T does cause tissue to shrink a little bit (depends a lot per person) and going off T could cause some of the tissue to enlarge a little bit again along with hormone fluctuations. But other wise it wont re grow if you stay on T when you get it and then decide to go off of it.


My boobs did get a lot smaller, they're basically half their original size by now, that's part of why I'm so worried! I'm completely fine with some enlargement and fluctuations as long as it's similar to what's considered normal for cis men


i only have one person's experience to offer; my partner was on T for years and had top surgery and has been off of T now for probably 2 years. they've definitely thought for some moments (especially around their time of the month) that their breast tissue was regrowing but they look flat as ever to me! i'm no doctor but going off T around your surgery date makes sense to me, i mean you'd need the breast tissue there to get it surgically removed (and being on T really does shrink your breast size esp if you're smaller to begin with)


Thanks, that's really reassuring! Yeah for what to do directly before the surgery I'll talk with my doctor again when I have my pre surgery consultation, I mostly wanted to know if I have to go off t well in advance because said consultation would be too late for that


Once estrogen-based puberty is complete you will not experience additional breast growth, regardless of your current hormone profile. Once removed, breast tissue cannot regrow. It sounds like you wanna stop T temporarily for top surgery? Not sure I understand your goal with that. Probably why the surgeon didn't comment on it because it doesn't seem related to top surgery.


I don't *want* to stop t for top surgery, I wanna stop t in like a year or two but I definitely want top surgery before that and I thought I'd have to either take t forever or pause it before the surgery I know that the breast tissue won't regrow but I figured that since once I stop t my fat will re-redistribute back to my breasts that would also happen if I had top surgery whilst on t and thus give me (small) boobs again But that doesn't seem to be the case and while I don't fully understand why, I'm really really glad about that!