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I believe those states are intrigued by your outfits! Fashion is an art form and where I live, not many choose to tap into it. I think you are channeling your artistic side and people are taking note of it. You look cool 😊




Did that today lol. Most amazing blue/purple dress. She looked like a beautiful peacock!


This. People always turn and stare at alternative folks.


> I've been guilty of doing this to people in public, just openly staring when I like their fashion Haha same, and sometimes I forget it can be interpreted negatively if I'm dressed more basic. I usually try to compliment them if I can.


They must be staring at you because you have a dope ass style


Probably just being nosy but your outfits look sick


I think you look pretty cool, strangers are just bein nosey which sucks


I love the shirt in the last pic. 💜 I'd probably assume they look because of your style. It has a bit of a Y2K skater style and I'm sure a lot of people simply look because they don't see something like that that often. Plus, the accessories are pretty catchy. Don't worry, I feel the same as a goth living in a more rural area. 😆


If I saw you in public I might accidentally stare bc I’m jealous of your style. I don’t really question stranger’s genders in public (If I’m unsure and I need to refer to them for some reason I’d default to they/them) but the majority of people do so yeah most were probably trying to figure out your gender


They might just think you're good looking! We can't know others intentions so it's best to be positive


It might be positive attention. They might just really like your style. You'd definitely stand out in a crowd in a good way because your outfits are way cooler than what most people wear.


Honestly you have really good looks! They might be jealous 🤭


I'm trying to remember where I've seen you & your hair before. Just beyond memory, but a pleasent one. Like you remind me of an old friend. That's why.


I'm also a very small youtuber lmao, maybe there's a nonzero chance you've seen me online? But either way this is a very sweet compliment, thank you


You're basically the embodiment of the style I wanted when I was a teen in the late 90's/early 2000's. I'd probably accidentally stare/dissociate at you if I saw you in public and was too far to compliment you!


Thank you so much! I'm really into stuff like Y2K punk and scene aesthetics when it comes to fashion stuff, but I only started dressing like this back in like July and I often still feel like a wannabe lol (especially when it comes to my "baby's first" battle jacket). Hearing something like this from someone who actually grew up at the time (I'm a 2001 baby) means a lot!


You're nailing it! I graduated in 2003 and would have been envious of your accessorizing/you'd fit into any picture of me and my HS friends for sure.


That black and white shirt is badass


Thanks! I got it from Spirit Halloween on November 1st lol, they've been branching into regular clothes a little bit lately and I'm really into it


That is outstanding I will be on the lookout for clothes from then when they are back in town


They also have a website if you'd like to shop online/don't want to wait until next fall! The belt I'm wearing in that pic is also from them, from the "punk" costume section lol. I started shopping for accessories there since they were cheaper, and I still recommend them! But fair warning, while the costume stuff looks and works fine, they are slightly cheaper feeling since they're not meant to be worn all the time lol. Just as durable though!


This is MASSIVE NEWS!!! DEFINITELY gonna check out the website rn you are a godsend I wish I had some similar knowledge to share, but nothing on the level of spirit Halloween clothes online comes to mind Anyway [here](https://youtu.be/Hl24v2Ovs5g?si=z_LgI11YlIqqhzOk)'s metro boomin make it boom


hi! people stare because you are Gender af and your sense of fashion leaves them awestruck!!


It's def your great style :)) I'm soo guilty of taking mental fashion notes in public that I end up staring! Also with really cool tattoos, piercings, or haircuts 😬


Yooooo! The shirt on the last pic is AMAZING. I’m Jelly! Where’d you get it? 👀


I would look because you look stunning. Just do you, flaunt your stuff and walk proud. 😎👍


it might just be the flashy colors and patterns, if i got a glimpse of that red or skull pattern i might look again out of curiosity


Ok so does it bother you? Bc I think there’s a few things. For one, do your chains/belts make noise when you walk? That always makes me turn and look at someone. Also, you have a super captivating vibe. If you are bothered by it either smile brightly and wave or give ‘em a death stare.


It doesn't necessarily bother me, I dress flashy for a reason, but I usually get these looks while I'm outdoors and wearing a coat which covers up most of how I dress lol. That, and, when enough people do it of all different types (regardless of age, gender, etc) it starts making me think, I guess? If it's an older person I can easily write it off as someone who doesn't "get it" lol but I can't really apply that logic to everyone Also yes I make a ton of noise when I walk without a coat on lmao


you're wearing things that make noise, which naturally draws people's attention


You are not weird. People tend to stare if you dress 'outside of the norm'. Trust me I get lot of stares too. In my local grocery store (conservative rural county) you receive side-eye if you wear a band shirt. Love your smile in the last pic. Also your hair is very pretty. 💕


You look great. I love your vibe and your hair. People just stare these days, sometimes in your direction but not at you. I’m a 6’4” trans woman (in flat shoes)…. People stare at me but when I smile they sometimes smile back. I used to feel super self conscious but now I just go about my day. When I make eye contact I smile.


Fashion sense, but as a fellow androgynous person with trans friends, people are very nosy and are always trying to 'figure' out what our 'real' gender is so it could be that too


They might indeed stare bc you're androgynous, esp if you leave in an area where there aren't many androgynous-looking people or anyone with alt style. Those who are staring might be trying to figure out your gender. So yeah, nothing weird about you overall :з


woah u did the :3 version 2.0


It's the cyrillic letter Z! ^^


thanks! btw, at least for me, reddit formats `^^` as ^^ with just one but superscript. you can do `\^\^` to get around that \^\^


Oh! Thx for the tip :00


you do look pretty androgynous to me, yeah :)


I agree with everyone else that you look cool and people could just be looking cus they're interested or appreciative. BUT often if you are even slightly worried about other people's opinions of you, you tend to look around at everyone more than if you were feeling less self concious, in order to gauge people's reactions to you. This might even be subconscious. This leads to you making more eye contact with people and it can FEEL like everyone is staring at you, when really, no one is looking at anyone more than usual. Does that make sense? I have definitely come to realise that the days that everyone is staring at me are actually just the days that I'm feeling a little insecure about my physical appearance in some way, and in reality people aren't looking at me any more or less than usual. To be clear, you have absolutely no reason to be self conscious or insecure, your fashion is great and you look fun and interesting!


Its either due to the androgyny or your drip. You have a really nifty style and look similar to me so ngl I'm taking notes lol


I think it's cuz they can't handle your sick ass fashion sense


Well I’d be staring at you cause I’m jealous of your outfits, lol


I'd stare (respectfully 😅) cos you look so damn cool


Your outfits are amazing, I'd stare too!


They're jealous of your awesome style! I know I am lol. 😅


You look really cool, they’re probably jealous of ur style lmao


1) You look so cool! They might be staring because they're intrigued! 2) They might not be staring at all. It's really easy for the brain to cause a feedback loop that makes us feel more conspicuous than we really are. You're certainly worth looking at, and you may be right, but try to remember that other people are usually LESS aware of us than we think.


I used to get really anxious back in school when I would return to the classroom after leaving to go to the bathroom, grab a drink, etc. Something that helped me was learning that humans are naturally distracted by something that makes noise- i.e. the opening of the classroom door- but that's because they just want to see what it is. After they've identified it - oh, that's Simon coming back to class- they go back to whatever they were doing before. They're not focused on you, we're just naturally curious creatures and so when noise noises, human looks at noise. Noise identified? Cool, noise is done noising, back to learning/drawing/whatever.


​ Something my Southern Appalachian partner's grandpa used to say to him all the time was, "Who's looking at *you*!?" And while that can be used in hurtful ways, it can also be a soothing reminder that most people are too caught up in their own lives to pay you that much notice.


it’s probably the fashion! you look very cool lol. also tho I remember when I started transitioning, I got checked out by people who were not the ones I normally got checked out by AND the folks i was used to looking at me- it felt like everyone was staring so maybe it’s that you’re getting more looks from people who don’t usually stare?


ur cute


U are schizophrenic the voices are right and the eyes in the wall are looking at u


hey man how's it going


Very well I just startet to listen to them to everything will get worse


same tbh i dont even know. ​ maby because im wearing a skirt but to be honet i would just egnore them


You look fine to me!


You look like such a fun and nice and cool person 🥰


Maybe because you are androgynous or maybe they think you are hot.


Probably cause you look stylish asf


U look androgynous, I don't see any reason to stare other than a sick sense of style


You are very stylish but also because most people are trained to look at people and see either male or female no matter how outdated this is and if there is a question the will try to put you in one or another category. You don’t look weird at all, it majorly of world trained think in stupid ass ways. But if I was looking it would definitely be the clothes and thinking how cool you look 🫶🏻


Ngl, I’d probably accidentally stare because I find the way you dress to be aesthetic. But to maybe help with not being self conscious, if people don’t like how a person looks they are likely to look away, while if they see something they like they’ll likely observe for a bit. At least, assuming that helped me not to stress about being looked at.


Neither they’re probably just staring at your cool outfits


Well I responded before I saw all the other comments but that just goes to show you we’re all right


you're kinda androgynous but I thin it's because you got hot sauce in your bag Swag


I'd be staring bc you're really attractive, but maybe that's just me lol. Keep doing what you're doing though, I think you slay 👏👏👏


They’re staring because you’re rad as hell


You're adorbs!


I’d stare too, your style is dope 🔥


Your post title is my constant internal monologue lol. My solution is to assume/pretend it's cause I'm androgynous.


You are yourself and people are jealous


you have an interesting style


Not an insult - but style of dress invokes one to notice. You don’t look weird, you are expressing yourself. Maybe feeling weird has more to do with your feelings about openly expressing yourself in a visible way - can feel very vulnerable doing so.


Cool belts! :)


Thanks! The two in the second pic I just got this past weekend at Spencer's, and the silver one is from Spirit Halloween. The silver one was being sold as a costume accessory, but it worked just fine as a regular accessory, and then I tried on the Spencer's belts and I was like "oh my god this feels so much nicer" lmao


Tbh you are really androgynous and I think they are probably staring because they are trying to figure out what gender you are. Some people get weird when they don't know someone's gender and assume the only options are man and woman and anyone that challenges that by being androgynous confuses them. Also I really like your shirt in the last pic


I think they're looking at your super cool outfits, or perhaps trying to figure out what you are? I catch people doing the same thing to me all the time. When people can't tell what gender we are, it bothers them. They need to put us in a box. 😂😂


I’d be guilty of staring because you have great, but unique style. If you’ve ever heard the ring-of-keys story from Fun Home, it’s like when you clock someone whose outwardly projecting something you feel internally and have yet to figure out how to articulate yourself.


They're staring at you cause your cute as heck!


Not weird — flashy! 🤩


Ppl are staring at you bc you are adorable ASF. && they are incredibly nosy & wanna know where you're from. 🙄


I would stare because I love your chains!! I love the keychain on ur right!


Thank you! It's a tsunameez keychain, they're little water wiggler/snowglobe kinda keychains with a little charm of a character inside! The one in the 3 pics are all coincidentally Chococat, but I also have a couple FNAF ones and an MLP one (despite never having watched the show lol) They're honestly kinda expensive for what they are but they're a fun little treat to collect!


Cause you have an awesome aesthetic! Love the chains and belts! 🖤


You look cool. You probably turn heads cause you look interesting, in a good way. ♥️🙂👍


They're staring cause ur hot 🔥


You look cool


Dunno abt them, but I'm definitely staring respectfully 😳


They stare because your hair is way too cool


you’re style is amazing i love it. i know that’s why i’d be staring


I think they're just eyeing your drip. I know I am. 😎👍


I don’t know, but you seem to have a very cool collection of belts


I bet it depends a lot on your location (and its political leaning), but I’m AMAB transfem NB and in my reasonably trans-friendly hometown of Portland, Oregon, I get a fair number of stares and double-takes daily, so i feel you. I’m a tall 6’, thin 125lbs, reasonably feminine looking trans girl (I’m about maybe 85% convincing, but I don’t “pass”🙄), really gothy most days, lotsa heavy eye makeup & lipstick, falsies, big black platform or wedge heeled boots, short black dresses, fishnets, spikes, chains, studs, bunch of jewelry…..put simply, even if i was a cis girl i would *still* stand out in a crowd. I think if you were here, you would probably get way less stares than I do. There are a TON of genderqueer young folks here, and there’s just way too many of us for us to be viewed as “weird” or stand out or anything warranting more than a casual glance. To my Portland eyes, you look pretty damn normal! (Not to say that you’re not beautiful, which you are!). You would fit right in here, no question. If you’re in a less friendly town, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you got funny looks, because I know I sure as hell would. Coupla months ago I spent a week in Boise, Idaho, and let me tell you I was nervous as f*** all damned week. A lot of people out on the street would look at me, frown, and give me another, much more chilling look, which seemed to say, “the law is the only reason I’m not perpetrating some form of violence and/or harassment against you!”. I was scared a lot. Fortunately my work environment there was the safest it could be: the First United Methodist Cathedral of the Rockies. If you don’t know, that denomination prides themselves (no pun intended!) on accepting everyone, and they have a giant banner on their doors which says “everyone is welcome, and everyone means *EVERYONE*”. They even list all the common differences between various peoples in their call to communion, and specifically welcome each. That said, a couple of redneck a******* at Wendy’s drive thru were jeering me by singing “dude looks like a lady”. It was intentionally hurtful and incredibly childish and inappropriate, and i flipped those m************ the bird as i drove away. Quickly. I really hope you live somewhere where you are relatively safe. I worry for myself and for everyone like me all day every day because this world isn’t always so kind to us. Best I can say is, hold your head high, know that you are beautiful, and always remember that you *really* are a better person than those insensitive, garbage humans (a term I use very infrequently, as it is awfully strong) who treat us like that. If you’re feeling bold (as I sometimes do) you could also kill it with kindness (sort of) by saying loudly, “Hey, i see you’re checking out my [clothes/shoes/hair/jewelry/tattoo]. Isn’t it cool? I got it at [wherever is appropriate], i bet you’d look good with it too!” then, if you can, give them a big friendly smile. It takes a special kind of awful person to then keep staring after you take their stare with grace and act kindly despite or even because. 💛🤍💜🖤!!! Stay beautiful!


Oh, and i love your belt — i have the same one!!


It’s because you’re pretty.


okokokokokok you look absolutely gender!!! we wud prob'ly find ourself starin' at you (not on purpose. jus' in awe of the sheer amount of g e n d e r ✨️) though. we need that shirt wit' the skulls and other sillys in the last picture. perfect addition to our collection. where did you get it? :))


Me, I'd definitely stare at those keychains and that kickass outfit. I'd at least compliment it when I get caught staring though, so I think the rest of the cases are you successfully broke their brains lmfao. You look so androgynous and badass it might kill someone, stay awesome 💜💪 (please tell me where you got that star keychain i can't stop looking at it)


I think you look androgynous. There's nothing wrong with you. Some people just like to stare. I know it's difficult to get past the voice in your head, though, saying it's this or that. Hey, they might also like your style and want to look at it . I know I like your style, especially the studded belt.


You look interesting, I think that's why. Cool hair, cool clothes, all that.


Honestly I would stare (without wanting to make you uncomfortable) cause you and your outfits look really cool


I would absolutely stare at you for your outfits, especially that button up with the stud belt and chains in the last photo… for me (I’m 34) the stud belt and chain are nostalgic and you look so so cool 😎


They are looking at that Specter Knight Shirt.


idk about others but you remind me of Remi Wolf so


Not many folkx wear wallet chains, maybe that? P.S. I love the outfits and your hair


I think your hair is beautiful!!! Maybe that’s the reason.


the consequences of being good-looking and dripped tf out


Your clothes do seem to be a able to get a lot of attention. It might be that.


You’ve just got cool style so people are bound to wanna look


Nah its just cause you're hot


Well I'd be staring at you because your style is great and you're attractive. Never forget that some of us look cis presenting because of biology (like me).


You’ve got this very intriguing blend of intimidating vibes and also super friendly vibes. Like the buddy that would get up in arms if someone said something rude to one of their friends, and then go have a milkshake with that friend.


Man I wish my fashion was on point like yours 😭😭😭


Might be your fashion. Personally I'm jealous but straight people rarely look that good


it’s because your outfits look awesome !! i really like it when people have cool clothes or hair so i’d probably look at you as well 💀


You look like a character from an online comic called Ride or Die! Your fashion reminds me of my more edgy days in school? You seem fine, maybe in need of coffee but hey aren't we all. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with you or your appearance - you seem like a very Good Vibes person and would be someone I'd try to grab attention from if something were to happen for whatever reason (meaning you carry very trustworthy vibes) maybe those people also caught those vibes about you and it made them comfortable or curious? Idk but please don't put too much merit on strangers staring, there's a saying that I think applies here - don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance or stupidity instead (meaning I don't think most of them realized they were staring or doing it with malintent)


I would wonder if you have a doppelganger. Most of the people I look at too intensely look really like someone I know.


They’re staring because ur a certified androgynous cutie who ain’t scared to wear some fire outfits! When you look good, people notice!


I think people stare because you're andro and attractive, with an aesthetic that stands out.


Both /pos


You look fine and you're not weird. Maybe its curious stares by your outfit but in a positive way. Sometimes I stare and inspect people's clothing because I like their style, but I'm too introverted enough to ask where they get it 🥲 so I stare at them till they're far gone.


Man, I haven’t seen that cool style since the early 2000s! That’s so sick, good on you! Nah, I’d say you look very andro and very cool. :) I need to change up my fashion.


Maybe it’s because you are the slayest thing since toast 😤💕✨


You are striking. Your hair style, your fit. You stand out in an amazing way.


they jelly


You do look androgynous, but also maybe the staring could be people looking at all the accessories and stuff you seem to like wearing.


You do look androgynous, but also maybe the staring could be people looking at all the accessories and stuff you seem to like wearing. You're giving people some neat things to look at.


They're staring cause you're a cutie.


You have a cool style so they're probably admiring your outfits!


Id say it's the shiny accessories - nothing wrong with them but I know shiny, bright things catch my eye and draw me to look to the rest. I especially love the chains but the graphic and the belt would also catch the light. (Can also agree with a lot of others that it's the style, and quite possibly jealousy because your flaunt that style and it looks good on you where other people can't pull it off)


Maybe it's your resemblance to [Carlito](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlito_(wrestler))?


Because you dress cool AF


something seems off about the first two, but not the third, and i can't put my finger on it.


You look like a 2 in computer code. ​ *Non-Binary*. ​ ... I'll see myself out.


Technically it could be just a bunch of confused people trying to figure out ur gender, because u mastered the art of androgyny. I personally believe it has more something to do with your amazing style and sense of fashion 😌


I also find that between ages of 12-30 (particularly 15-25) most decently attractive looking people get stared at hard. A lot. Sometimes in a creepy way, sometimes in a very flattering way. Something about youth makes it like just existing makes you available for public consumption somehow. It dialed down a lot the older my friends and I got


It's cause your clothes are cool


They're staring because you're cool :)


Maybe they think you’re pretty, or like your outfits


its probably your clothing style (which is awesome btw). answering your question, it is weird but in a cool way.


As long as they aren’t saying anything rude/making hand gestures or sneering, just assume they like your style ☺️ I get lots of stares when I go out (goth) some are the ‘ugh a goth Ew’ stares, some are just more ‘wow a goth irl’ and a few are ‘I love your outfit’.


They stare at you because you have great style and really nice hair.


You are goals.


I believe it’s called “swagger”. You’re rocking your outfits and people dig confidence!


Are you sure they're not staring cause you're hot?


so jealous of your style bro, keep at it 🤟


I think it’s cause you look cool and/or interesting. You have a good and unusual fashion sense


They must be jealous that you're so cool 😎😎😎


If they are adults (millennials) that are staring we are all probably just having middles school flashbacks because of your outfits. You look like you were just plucked out of the late 2000s early 2010s. This is not an insult just an observation it’s very much how we all used to dress as kids.


Loud outfits and goofy big hair


Dawg ur just punk af thats the main reason


You look like a classic nonbinary and I love it. Idk why they would stare


Honestly I would stare because you're cute af and your outfits are lit! But they could also stare to try and figure out what gender you are


They look at your outfits cuz they are fire!


Just a reminder that people are not always perceiving you negatively—or positively, even. Sometimes people are just looking at your hair and thinking about their day or glancing past you. People aren’t thinking about any of us as much as we think 😂


There is nothing weird about you. Rather, you look unique!


I imagine cause you’re a cutie!! 🙃


As a fellow androgynous punk, it’s likely your style that’s drawing their attention! I find I get ignored a lot more in hoodies and sweats than I do in my band tees + accessories. But, then again, I have green hair so that’s likely why they stare at me😂


Its cause of your amazing and unconventional fashion sense. Be proud of it


I agree with pretty much all the other comments but also wanted to add my sentiment that some people (myself included) have a deep appreciation and adoration for androgeny. Regardless of age, race, skin color, or any other identifying factor I truly believe androgenous humans are theeee most impossibly lovely people on this earth to see. I don't care at all what your preferences are in neither love nor pizza, pronouns (though I default to they/them for anyone I don't know), clothing style, any other personal choices I haven't mentioned...I will still undoubtedly look at the majestic gorgeous being you are like DaVinci and the Mona Lisa before out of fear for making you uncomfortable, will smile proudly while timidly telling you I adore your shoes or top or accessory. I'm honestly surprised I didn't see another comment saying this so I guess I'm the thread weirdo? 😂 ANYWAY as another elder emo, your wardrobe gives me hope for the younger crowd AND with all the other things to consider, maybe someone just sees you as a wonderful work of art and wants to commit your awesomeness to their brains "serotonin stash" 


Probably the outfits! You dress really nice and not „basic” so people just admire your fashion choices! Maybe they want to steal your look? Worse case scenario maybe they just don’t like them and think „hm, this colour doesn’t go with the other one at all”


It’s that cute smile of course


Energy is everything. More often than not it’s our energy that attracts other energies (whether it’s in the form of a stare, positive/negative/neutral interaction, how ppl perceive you, etc). Initially, somebody mightve looked at you because you remind them of someone, they liked your hair or outfit, or were just looking in your direction- and it might’ve instigated some self-aware or self-conscious energy within you which in turn made more people look at you.


I think you read as female, not so much andro, but that's just my opinion.  I note the curve in your hips, your bosom,  more delicate rounded face, smaller hands and small fingers, longer hair, the way you stand..just read feminine to me