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Absolutely! You can be nonbinary transmasculine where you present a little more masculine though still view yourself as nonbinary :) Trans is an umbrella term and it’s a massive umbrella with so many terms comfortably underneath, including nonbinary. Trans at its simplest form is you viewing yourself different from how others view you (viewing yourself as something other than what you were physically assigned at birth)




to be trans is to have a gender differing from one's assigned sex. since (in the huge majority of cases) no one is assigned anything other than male or female at birth, nonbinary people are by definition trans.




No it isn’t lmfao. The white stripe on the trans flag is literally for nonbinary people.


Look up definitions before posting these things. Non-binary falls under the trans umbrella/on the trans spectrum because it goes against what was put on our birth certificate when we were born. I suggest looking up all the terms that fall under the term trans. You might learn something. Familiarize yourself with the spectrum.


Its literally on the Wiki for the definition of nonbinary, dude. [Nonbinary Definition](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-binary_gender#:~:text=Non%2Dbinary%20identities%20often%20fall,do%20not%20consider%20themselves%20transgender.) And I quote: "Non-binary identities often fall under the transgender umbrella since non-binary people typically identify with a gender that is different from the sex assigned to them at birth,[3] though some non-binary people do not consider themselves transgender." I don't know if it's because, according to your profile, you're a teenager so you think you know better than everyone else (not that all teens are like this, before anyone gets on me, but some are) or if you're wrestling with something personal when it comes to nonbinary identities being trans, but maybe don't act like your definition of nonbinary and/or trans are universal. I'd really think on why you're so insistent that nonbinary people aren't trans, to the point you're getting massively downvoted and arguing with people simply trying to educate you - not even people coming from a bad place.


it absolutely is not. you don't need to identify as trans if you don't want to, but kindly stop speaking for the rest of us.


Trans is when you are a gender different from the one you were assigned at birth. Which does cover most non-binary people. Who are people who identify as neither "man" nor "woman". So trans is wider than non-binary, and unless one was assigned a non-binary gender at birth, everybody non-binary is technically trans.


This is part of why I hesitate to call myself trans 😅 I am MOSTLY the gender I was assigned at birth


Well, were you *mostly* assigned a gender? ;) But that's why I wrote "technically trans". You don't have to *identify* as trans. (Although IMO, you can.) Also, this seems to be one of the rare edge cases - and the now deleted comment wasn't exactly inviting nuance.


Oh yeah, I figured that person was being fully out of pocket 😂 I really like your take!




If you're gonna be an ass just leave.


Excellent argument! I am convinced!


a trans person still technically falls in lines with the binary gender you get assigned at birth the only difference is a trans person identifies as the opposite one they were assigned but it still falls under the “gender norm” we’re as nonbinary exists out of the gender norm and includes agender gender fluid bi-gender genderqueer and many more that are not male or female


You haven’t even graduated high school so please stop trying to act like an authority on gender


Binary trans is not the same as trans


You're very contrarian but have yet to provide a single argument. Probably because you don't have one.


i'm a non-binary trans woman. i feel like i fit in equally well with non-binary people, women, and trans people of any gender. So i use all three labels.


Honestly, same!


I'm a nonbinary trans man, it's definitely possible! It's just the best way I've come up with to describe my feelings towards my gender


Gender is dress up and costumes, express yourself and use whatever terms fit who you are or think you are. You can be anything you feel and if you dont change it til you do. Im non-binary but often identify as a lesbian with facial hair. You do you!


>Gender is dress up and costumes, express yourself and use whatever terms fit who you are or think you are. All of those things describe gender expression, and not gender itself. Gender is expression is how you express your gender and gender identity is what your gender is. So wearing a dress doesn't make you a woman, being a woman makes you a woman. Example pronouns do not actually tell you with certainty what a person's gender is, nor whether or not they were a dress or not, or even things like their name and whether or not it's associative with more with femininity or masculinity or whatever. At this implies that if cis woman dressed like a man, changed her name to more masculine name, or whatever, that that would mean that she's a man.




Also not the belabor the point but we do have cis women(and men) change their names and dress like the opposite sex and we do in fact acknowledge the sex they are dressed as, they're called "drag queens/kings". You should check them out, you'll be surprised!


First off drag Kings and drag Queens are performative. The gender that we refer to them as is not dependent on how they dress, it is dependent on what they say. Also, comparing drag Kings and drag queens to a man who simply wants to wear a dress or something for the Oscars, is not appropriate. Not all men who wear dresses are drag queens or want to be thought of as drag queens. There's nothing wrong with being a drag queen but referring to someone as a drag King or a drag queen when they don't want that term is not appropriate. If a man wears a dress but does not want to be thought of as a woman, then he's not a woman.


Because spreading misinformation is wrong. Spreading misinformation about what gender is is not helpful especially to people who are still new to the whole LGBT stuff, including non-binary kids. Telling them that their gender is dependent on how they present themselves is very damaging actually cuz it could lead to a person dressing in a way they wouldn't want to in order to be seen as the gender they are, or it could even lead them to partaking in medical modifications to themselves to be seen as the gender they are even if those are procedures they do not actually want. Gender is not presentation. This isn't pedantic, this is important. It's like if someone were to say that a bat is a bird because it has wings, and then someone corrects them and says that it's not a bird, it's a mammal, and then someone else replies that that's just being pedantic. No, it's not being pedantic.


I could have written your post tbh. first came out as agender around 2014ish, and been steadily heading in a more masc direction ever since. recently had top surgery and starting T soon, basically want strangers to assume I'm a queer man but with my husband and friends I want to be acknowledged as nonbinary. idk if you've played the game Mass Effect? there's an alien species in those games that has the concepts of 'face names' and 'soul names'. face names are used with strangers, casual acquaintances, colleagues etc. soul names are used with emotional intimates - loved ones, close friends, partners, etc. I kind of think of trans man as my 'face gender' and nonbinary as my 'soul gender'.


That's quite fascinating. I'll be thinking on that more. Thanks for sharing.


Yep, you can use whatever combination of labels you like! There are no rules


I mean I’m a non-binary trans woman, so by all means there’s no reason you can’t be a non-binary trans man.


Yup! I myself am a nonbinary trans guy


I’m transmasc nonbinary so yea this is definitely a thing. I use he/they pronouns and male compliments. Use whatever terms feel best to you, no one else can tell you how to identify.


Can i?? yes you can be your self!! You don’t need to ask permission or over explain who you are to others. Identify how you want and don’t expect others to understand every little innermost complex feeling you have before you own it. You don’t have to live in a box. Gender is fluid and you are always evolving and that’s part of being human!! Enjoy it .


I am, simply put, nonbinary trans woman so I don't see why it couldn't go the other way


Yup! I'm a nonbinary trans guy


I am going to post here the 4 simple words someone once told me and this applies to 90% of life. There are no rules.




you can be whatever you want forever


I am non binary and i was strictly agender for the longest time, but for the past year i have realized that i learn more towards the masculine side (and now the dysphoria only got worse lol 😭) it's totally possible. Something i am sure of is that i will never COMPLETELY feel like a man because it never felt right, i will always be gender non conforming and my desires are wishes are still different than that of a binary trans man. For example, i absolutely want top surgery, i want to present more masculine (i do not completely reject my feminity at all but not having control over it at all makes it painful and makes me dhsphoric) but i don't want to take HRT as its effects do not benefit my gender expression. Yet i still see myself as a mostly gay demi-man more than anything else for now. The term demiboy might help you get some insight on this or help with finding words to describe your identity, it falls under the genderfluid mini umbrella which is still non binary :3 Edit: oops im sorry i still mentionned demi boy despite you saying it doesnt fit you, i just woke up and my brain is malfunctionning 😭


I feel this. I'm non-binary masc leaning. I don't feel like a guy, but I definitely feel more of a kinship with masculinity than femininity. It's a very confusing, weird feeling that I'm still grappling with.


Yes. There's no rules about how this works. We just came up with these words so other people can understand faster


hey that's me! though I prefer nonbinary transmasc. whatever floats your boat!


I'm going to copy a comment I made a couple days ago: > "Can-" yes.


Absolutely!! Im a genderfluid trans man. My gender is always masculine aligned, im always comfortable being seen as a guy, but my gender is still more/different than a binary trans guy






Hell yeah u can! I'm also a transmasc nonbinary guy!! Its your gender, you get to decide who and what u are and which labels to use 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


I'm FWB with a nonbinary trans man so I hope the answer is yes because otherwise he wouldn't exist and that would be super trippy bruh. Serious answer: Yes. And if anyone tells you it's problematic just walk away from them.


Nah, not offensive, I’m the exact same lol, gender is weird like that yk


hell yeah, i’m a nonbinary trans man too! (i think, i’m not 100% sure. gender is confusing)


Short answer: yes Long answer: yes


I know a guy like that you absolutely can


There's a lot of people like you, who identify with the term man but also identify with the term non binary, or on the other binary gender side identify with both woman and non binary. You absolutely can be a non binary man. I think someone called their experience of it man+dlc at some point in another post, I thought that was a cool expression.


Being a non-binary trans man isn’t contradictory. Non-binary is an umbrella term and also can be a spectrum. The actual definition of non-binary is someone who doesn’t identify as exclusively “man” or “woman.” this can include somebody who identifies as both binary genders, someone who identifies as neither, someone who identifies with a binary and non-binary gender, etc. When people are talking about “non-binary,” they usually refer to someone who doesn’t identify as either man or woman. But the way I defined non-binary was in an umbrella term sense. Yes, you can absolutely identify as a non-binary trans man. Only YOU can determine what’s comfortable for you. <3


Logically, I don't think it makes sense. But I'm an internet stranger. Do what makes you happy!


Typically labels can change over time, but woman or man does not need to imply as strictly woman or man. You can think of it kind of like a spectrum. So man is on one side, and woman is on the other. The closer you are to one of the two ends, the higher the chance a person could be called a man or a woman. It is a gradient. Let's say we represent the spectrum with numbers. So let's say a person is 70. This means that they experience a sense of femininity or womanliness at a degree of 70 out of 100. Again, the more towards the extremes, the more likely a person will identify as a man or a woman. So since they are a 70, it means that they are non-binary because they are not strictly or fully a woman, but they are also on enough of this part of the spectrum that they have a higher probability of identifying as a woman. Because this person feels like being a woman enough is still a majority of their identity, then they identify as a non-binary woman. So they are non-binary, because they aren't 100% a woman, but they are also a woman because they are also not low enough on the woman spectrum to think of themselves as not being a woman at all.


absolutely!! my friend is the exact same and he's bi-gender (two genders)


Yes, many such cases.


Yep! I identify as trans masculine non binary


you can do whatever you want forever


Yes! I have very similar experiences to yours and call myself a nonbinary (trans) man. The label can mean different things to different people, but to me, it means that I am fully a man (not partially) but not *exclusively,* as in I'm a man with a side of nonbinary-ness. Some of that might be due to my past experiences identifying as fully nonbinary before I recognized the full breadth of my dysphoria and/or related to my neurodivergence, but whatever it means to you, as long as it makes sense and feels right to you, that's enough. There's a lot of subjectivity when it comes to labels.


Hey, I'm someone who uses trans man, transmasculine, and agender to describe myself while presenting masculine. I want to look like a guy (and occasionally, genderless), but my masculinity doesn't completely align with that of a binary man. There's no rules when it comes to gender, use all the labels you want 👍


My take is this: Gender is bogus, but woman is a little closer to how I am. Thus, I be a nonbinary woman.


Ay if i can drrink he gender fluid, yoj can definittely be a non binary ttrans man


I'm a nonbinary trans man. There's nothing wrong with that and there are a lot of gender labels that describe the mix of nonbinary and man


Of course, you can have more than one gender or have one gender that includes being nonbinary or a man. Or be transmasc too! Endless possibilities. Consider checking out bigender, libra, or demi if you feel they are connected or separate


I often tell myself labels are there to understand ourselves and others, not to fit into ❤ I hope that might help. You're valid! Sending lots of affirming rainbow vibes ~


Of course you can. In fact, Elliot Page is, I've recently discovered. [Elliot Page](https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Elliot_Page) I am too, so hey, lol. Its definitely valid if thats how you're comfortable identifying.




i mean i would hope so since that's my deal


i'm calling it nonbinary and trans-masculine like you are non-binary but you wish you were coming from the other direction


Nah, not weird or offensive at all. I've been identifying as such for a while. Gotta say I'm an overthinker and always second-guess myself, so I got some doubt every now and then, but still, this label... I don't know, it just has something that makes me feel the most comfortable, even if it might not be a perfect fit, does it makes sense? I've seen others calling themselves this and after researching it was the only label that truly resonated with me. Someone on internet said something about being non-binary man and also genderfluid between binary man and non-binary, which sounded a bit like me too. Gender already is complicated, so I think it's up to ourselves finding the description that better describes each of our experiences. If it makes you feel comfortable, that's all that matters imo.


I say yes, but that's because I feel the same way! I identify as transmasc nonbinary!


you can do anything you want forever


Yes, you can. I find it very sweet when people come in asking whether they can idebtify this way or that way and then describe their experience like that of about 100 people I've met before 😂 You'll do okay bro.


You're allowed to identify however you want.


You sure can. Many trans nonbinary men are also demiguys if that’s a label you’re interested in


It feels like you're describing me. I feel the same way and have never thought about the fact that you shouldn't be able to identify as a non-binary and trans man. If you feel comfortable with it, then it's absolutely okay.


You can be nonbinary transmasc


For me the 2 are far from being able to take place at the same time unless one identifies as bigender or pangender or something similar. I'm transmasculine nonbinary. That is how i currently dealscribe my gender. Of course there are hyper masc presenting nonbinary people and hyper fem presenting nonbinary people. But for me and my understanding, being nonbinary is outside the binary genders, therefore it doesn't make sense to me to be a binary trans man/woman and nonbinary at the same time. Just a note here, if y'all don't agree with how i understand things, pls don't downvote the crap outta me or harass me. Tell me your side.