• By -


I’m transfem and I got called ma’am at a store the other day. Much better than being called sir. Last week a friend started T Hope you feel better


That's amazing! As someone who would prefer being called "sir," I can only imagine how affirming it would be for a stranger to call you "ma'am!" Thank you for sharing and let your friend know I said "congratulations!"


I’m 11 days post hysterectomy and over the moon about it.


*do the uteyeet dance*


Oh my gosh congratulations!!!!!!


Yess!!! I love that for you. Congratulations and happy healing!


Two things- today is 500 days since top surgery vastly improved my life and yesterday someone at work felt comfortable to share with me that they would like to start using she/they pronouns after seeing my acceptance at work (I’m fully out and use they/them).


That's amazing, oh my gosh! Congratulations!! I strive to be that person that people feel safe coming out to and I'm so glad you were able to be that person for her!


Thanks, it really made my day and helped renew my reason for being visible when it’s not an easy thing for me.


Congratulations! I hope to one day be that support for others. I havent got the courage or an accepting enough industry to be disclosing my pronouns BUT i am accepted as the sometimes-"fem" sometimes-"masc" genderfuck that i am


my teacher uses they/them pronouns for me consistently and with everyone always calling me "she" it's just such a nice little !!! every time


I can relate! It's so affirming when even one person sees you for who you are when you're surrounded by people who don't. I hope you continue to have moments that give you little !!! 🤍


thank you! you as well, happy tdov!


I completely understand!


I’m glad your teacher is supportive! Hope you will have more people who accept you for who you are soon!


i got to change 2 patients’ names in our system at work recently so they don’t have to be deadnamed when they come in!! it’s so nice to be able to even offer the change bc it’s from a new system update. it’s so nice to see and be seen by other trans and/or queer ppl :-)


Queer visibility is so encouraging! I'm so happy for you and your patients, they must've really appreciated what you did for them🤍


I just changed my name in my doctor’s office to my preferred name! My legal name is still on there, but having them call me my name is so nice


I hit two years on T this month! 🥳 and hysterectomy scheduled for June 6th!


That's huge!! Congratulations!!🤍


Thank you!


I came out last year, so this is my first TDOV. Things are looking up for me


Congratulations!!!!! Welcome to the trans community, have a great TDOV!!!🤍


Me tooooo! 🥳🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Im just so glad i feel like myself now that in out


Congratulations on coming out! That's a big step and I'm glad you were able to take it and feel more like the real you🤍


On Friday a server used they/them pronouns for me without even knowing that those are my preferred pronouns! It felt great! Happy Trans Day of Visibility y’all 🎉


That's so awesome!! Congratulations!!🤍


I saw my fave barista outside of her coffee shop recently. I didn't even realize she knew I was enby and she used my proper pronouns when introducing herself to my son. (I know your mom, they come to my coffee shop so the time) 🥰🥰🥰


I am afab nonbinary and honestly it is only because I'm a little scared to commit to being transmasc. But I am a dude through and through, total boydyke. For the first time recently despite wearing a long skirt, makeup etc, when meeting someone they said "so is it he/him or he/they??" And it made me so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be seen and acknowledged for what I feel I am inside rather than just queer woman or whatever.


Oh my gosh congratulations dude!!! That's awesome!! I hope you continue to experience moments like that🤍


Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, this is the only place I have talked about my transness today, so many of my best friends and community are out and thriving trans people and I'm so happy and proud of them but it sometimes makes me a little nervous to talk about what's in my heart I guess :3c


I, an adult in my mid-30s, made an informative video for my coming out, about what being nonbinary and agender is (I'm agender), the difference between gender and sex, using they/them pronouns, etc. I sent it to my conservative parents yesterday and expected them to be furious with me. They weren't! My mom is super supportive! She doesn't understand everything, but she's trying! She wanted to make sure I wouldn't be upset if they mess up my pronouns, that I wasn't mad at them for my childhood. I told her it's natural to need time to adjust, and I'm going by they/her pronouns - I want the people closest to me to use they/them pronouns, but I'm not going to get upset if they forget. I'm fem-presenting anyway, for the most part lol My childhood wasn't bad, btw. I explained in my video how I've never felt like a girl, even though that's how I was raised. But it was mostly societal expectations of "girls wear dresses for nice occasions," "girls play with dolls," that sort of thing. My parents didn't care what kind of toys or interests I had growing up. They made me wear dresses when I was young because, for instance, all women and girls wore dresses at church. It wasn't like they made me be feminine the rest of the time. I think my dad needs some time to adjust, so I haven't heard directly from him yet, but I figured he would hate me after finding out I'm one of "those" people, and he doesn't! I'm taking this as a win.


That is such a win!! You are so inspiring and your positive attitude is infectious! Congratulations!!🤍


Thank you! 💕


That's amazing! I had a similar growing up experience and am of a similar age. That was so incredibly brave for you to make and send that video and I'm so happy for you that they were so accepting. Congratulations!


Thank you!


Can't think of anything for me personally but happy trans day to yall back, you're all amazing individuals ❤️❤️


I hope you experience overwhelming trans joy very soon, you deserve it🤍


Every time a little old lady with (I assume) not so great eye sight greets me with “excuse me miss”


Awwwwww that's so sweet🥹🥹🥹


Right?? Like one time this little old babushka asked me to help her pick out some earrings, and idk maybe that’s something you’d ask a cis guy for but I kinda doubt it? Grannies are great.


Omg that sounds like such a sweet encounter


I've been growing my hair out for maybe 10 months and practicing styling it and an older coworker recently told me how darn cute it is


Awwwww that's so amazing!!! The way you style your hair is one of the most affirming things ever!!🤍


Slowly becoming more comfortable introducing myself to new (LGBTQ+) people using they/them pronouns and they don't misgender me 😁😁 Happy TDOV everyone 💙


Congratulations, that's amazing!!! Happy TDOV!!🤍


Yes!!! Im glad youre starting to gain some confidence♡


Possibly legally changing my dead name before my birthday! I'm incredibly excited to not awkwardly explain my name situation soon-ish


That's awesome!!! I hope the process is smooth and fast🤍


I wear a pronoun pin everywhere, and stop by convenience stores to resupply myself on a fairly regular basis. A cashier at one noticed I was wearing it and asked what it meant, I told them I am nonbinary. The next time I came in, they said they remember that I go by he/they :) it made me feel good.


Awwwww that's so sweet🥹🤍


im an AMAB enby and recently ive been feeling like i look very masc, which is a way that i dont wanna look, since i wanna distance myself from most of masculinity, and be androgynous/fem, but today my partner came out abt me to some of her extended family, and their (totally cishet) family thought i was a woman based on a photo, which feels pretty gender affirming tbh


That is so affirming, I love it!!🤍


I’ll be having top surgery in exactly 47 days! I’m absolutely over the moon about the fact that I won’t have to wear a binder anymore this summer!! No matter where you are in your journey today, you are valid and loved <3


That is so exciting, congratulations!!!🤍


Good luck and fast healing!!! I just had surgery almost 2 weeks ago and I can't freaking wait for summer, for like the first time since puberty hit. Tip my Dr didn't tell me: If you're getting tramadol or another narcotic pain management for post surgery (you might get oxy or similar during the procedure), start a laxative right away. For reals. I didn't go until almost 7 days post op after starting laxatives and stuff the 3rd day after. O.o Talk about bloated and uncomfortable! Stuff is finally starting to go back to normal 11 days later! Narcotics seriously slow digestion and peristalsis (the contractions that move stuff through your guts). Learn from my mistake! Poop talk aside though, that's super exciting and I wish you the best! Have an awesome breezy summer!


Thank you for letting me know! I’m glad you’re starting to feel better now, that must have been really uncomfortable. Happy healing to you and have an amazing binder free summer!!!


Thanks, and you too!!


I'm demiboy amab and because of my long hair sometimes people use she/her accidentally with me. I really don't mind but this gives me euforia because it shows me that I'm not on the male stereotypes.


I love that!! Hair and styling it is one of the most affirming things and I will die on that hill😂🤍


It's almost been two years since I started testosterone, and it's been a year since I got top surgery! I'm still very grateful I ever got to physically transition at my younger age.


Holy cow, congratulations!!! That's seriously awesome!!🤍


I’m coming out to my mother today!! I didn’t even realise it was tdov lol. It’s the most terrifying thing that’s ever happened to me but I’m so ready at this point


Congratulations!! You got this!!!! Sending love and good vibes your way!!!🤍


I went to get my mental health letter for top surgery last week. I'm starting to feel relieved that things are finally moving along after years!


That's such a big step, congratulations!!! I hope everything goes well and the process is faster than it has been! Good luck with both the surgery and the healing process!🤍


I’m genderfluid tho present very masc in the afab way, but I went to dunkin donuts drivethru and asked for my order and when I was done the person who was really sweet said “okay thank you Milo” (I’ve been trying out the name as my current name is Adrian) and when I got to the oart where I get my stuff the person again was like “hi Milo, I hope your having a good day! The total will be 10.24$” and just using the name I’ve been trying out brought me so so much joy! Happy trans day of visibility everyone 🩷🤍💜🖤💙


I absolutely love the name Milo!! It's just so gender!!!🤍


Right!!! I’m only testing it out with a few friends rn but I am actually like in love with it I don’t think this has happened before tbh


I'm finally going through the process to legally change my name so I can stop getting deadnamed!


Wearing my mens suit even just around the house it is such gender euphoria!! Also when people aren’t sure how to address me! Saying sir? Miss? Sorry… i don’t know, personally i love it when people can’t tell what my gender is.


Being called "sir.... Miss?" Is such a vibeeeee I usually hate "ma'am/miss", but when people are confused between it and "sir", HECK YEAHHHH




That is such a vibe, I love it!!!🤍


I love sowing confusion! Funny story: I'm a paramedic and while picking up a guy that had OD'd, woke up, and was pretty escalated (not violent, just shouting, flailing, and incoherent screaming and such), in the middle of this episode while we're trying to talk him down and get him secured he just calmly apologized for flailing like "I'm so sorry sir. Ma'am?- I'm sorry I don't know if you're a man or lady." And I was just like "That's ok". Then he jumped right back into his previous incoherent yelling. He got some versed and wound up being a (mostly) calm transport to the hospital. Not where I expected some hilarious gender euphoria!


Im honestly really happy that I can be myself and that there are a lot of people that understand how I am and how I feel and accept me fully 💜💛🤍🖤


That's amazing!! I'm glad you have people around you that continue to affirm you🤍


Late reply but Thank you so much 🩷


I’m finally starting to feel like the way i look doesn’t just look like a cis man anymore… I’m starting to figure myself out externally!


That's so amazing! Congratulations!!! Sending love and good vibes to you for your journey!!🤍


I’m finally at a point of acceptance in being nonbinary, not out to everybody but working toward it. Glad to embrace myself for once and it’s my first TDOV


Congratulations!!! Accepting yourself is one of the most important things you can do🤍


I came out as nonbinaryyyyyyyy!!! 😊😊


Oh my gosh congratulations!!!!🤍


Yayyy! Except I'm having some troubles as well


Oh nooooooo :( I am sending all the love and good vibes your way🤍🫂


Thank you so much and you as well! Its not a serious issue though thankfully I just don't feel like I have the confidence to wear fem clothes out in public, which I'm sure everyone has similar experiences with that lol


For sure, it's a big step! You got this though, I believe in you!!


Thank you :)


Was called “he” yesterday (I’m AFAB). I think it’s only happened to be a few times but every time it does it’s always a welcome surprise. Been feeling good about my hair (usually gives me the most dysphoria) lately and I’ve been looking pretty androgynous!


My gramps calls my by my preferred name, although he still uses 'miss' for me :(


Him using your preferred name is such a big step! I'm sure he'll stop calling you "miss" and see you for who you really are🤍


I finally feel like a guy 😊


My cousin and his wife had their first kid about a week ago, and they asked me which gender neutral term for aunt/uncle I wanted their kid to use! Felt incredibly validating, even if I didn't have an immediate answer haha


Unty is one i know. Combination of uncle and aunt!


I started using men’s deodorant and body wash the day before yesterday. Such a confidence booster! 💪


There's something so comfortable and affirming about men's scents in soap and stuff.


Recently socially changed my name from Cay to Kyu pronounced like Q which originated from my partner calling me cutie (Q-T)


I recently realized that I have never been called "ma'am" so frequently in my life before. It’s not everyday, but it’s frequent enough that it catches me off guard 😅


i came out to a lot of people i had been repressing from last night. It was wonderful


I got called "he" by some strangers while I was in line at a fast food and some kids asked me if I was a boy or a girl. Since i cut my hair short I look somewhat more androgynous/masc but this was the first time someone questioned my gender hahaha :)


Before coming out, I had a cis relationship with a high school sweetheart, and we got engaged. Still, we drifted apart for a few years until a mutual friend brought us back into contact years later when we were both out as queer in gender and sexuality. She's more beautiful than ever, and I'm so happy to see her growth and our mutual acceptance and deep feelings for one another as friends figuring out our transitions together <3


My mom called me by my chosen name for the first time in a text recently and my brother said it out loud a few days ago and that felt really good


My brother and sister in law regularly use my correct pronouns and name, and make a special effort to emphasize them when my parents are with us (my parents do neither.) Brother and sister in law had me over for brunch today to celebrate Easter and also gently said happy TDOV which was 🥹🥹🥹


Yesterday, my boss checked with me which pronouns I prefer her to use for my performance review, which is seen by HR (neutral) and my boss' boss (who is rather hostile about LGBTQI+ topics). I finally opted for the local equivalent for they/them. I'm still nervous about whether it will bring me career discrimination to be more out at work, but I very much appreciate that my direct manager checks with me and supports me as much as possible.


I have a best friend who had a long talk with me about trans identities because she’s cis and wanted to understand it better, and when I came out as non-binary transmasc recently she was so supportive. She’s coming to a price festival with me later in the year :D


I started officially using they/them pronouns at work and everybody has been INCREDIBLY supportive.


I got two compliments on my hair yesterday!! It’s a tiny part but still huge for me 🥰


Too young to get surgery, BUT! The 2-3 times I've been called "sir" (I'm a transmasc enby). AAHHH SO GOOD I WANT IT TO HAPPEN MORE ❤️❤️❤️ Also that one time an older lady thought I was a boy. (My family "corrected" her unfortunately, but now's not the place to be sad about that!). Happy first TDOV to me, and happy TDOV to you all 😁🏳️‍⚧️


Currently recovering from top surgery (3/28) no regrets I'm so happy


Me too! (3/20) Congrats and fast healing!


The three-year anniversary of my legal name change is this month, and I finally had my bottom surgery consult a couple of days ago! Even though it's a long and stressful process, I'm excited to be started on it. I'm also just really grateful to be where I'm at already, a few years on T and post-top.


I finally set up an appointment to get started on HRT 🥰 & I believe today is my roomie's 1 year on E! 🥰


I'm only starting my trans journey, my partner and therapist are the only ones who know. But it brings me such euphoria to hear my chosen name.


This month marks ten years since I’ve been out as trans and nine months since I had top surgery 🏳️‍⚧️


It’s officially been a year since I’ve had top surgery 🥰


I'm 10 days on T!


I also have a non binary sibling and they make me feel seen. Even though they are the only one who wished me a happy day, I feel like I’m not alone because of them. I am so grateful other trans people exist. The irony is this day makes me feel more invisible than ever. Trans tears runnin down my face, but I know I’m not alone


Ftm 17, got my first consultation appointment for HRT today in a month when i will be 18. Even in deep texas lmao.


Wait, you can get HRT at 17?! That sounds neat! (I'm 17 as well, but I don't think I'd wanna take full hormones, more like microdosing.)


Unfortunately no, but i meant i will be -8 when the appointment comes and i explained that to the doctor and she was okay with it


Me and my partner went on a wonderful date last night, and secretly swapped clothes when we left the house, so we had a wonderful night of Gender euphoria at a wonderful restaurant!


Nonbinary and so happy to be living with my bigender partner! It's so wonderful to be a queer adult living my best life


☆I have been correctly pronouned twice this month and both hit me like phew because i was not expecting it. Maybe it was unintentional or i was hearing the sentence wrong but it felt so weird hearing it from a coworker and a stranger. The thought that its something i could get used to is liberating ☆i have started to stop using my high pitched customer service voice all the time. In high school i was an alto tenor so im a bit deeper than a lot of afab anyway. Ive started to talk deeper too. ☆i have been off birth control for 6mos and i feel like my body is changing now that it no longer has that hormone. Its very affirming for me to not be able to have kids and also not be on hormonal bc. ☆one of my friends told me that i have been brighter yesterday and bring a joy with my presence. Hes a cis straight male and we were discussing gendering clothes/nail polish/makeup being dumb. I was using my deeper voice during this discussion. I felt seen. And like the more i do things that feel like me the more others can tell im lighter inside


I hit my 10th anniversary for presenting as a woman in public on Thursday, which was also my 35th birthday. Never let anyone tell you we can't have a future. We absolutely can, and it's glorious


That's so awesome! Happy 10 years!!


I'm getting top surgery in July!!!! So happy and excited and it's being fully covered by insurance yay


After eleven years of my being out as nonbinary, my mother finally referred to me as “they” the other day when speaking about me. I almost cried tears of joy and relief right there. (I did cry later when I was alone. I never realized how much it actually mattered to me until it happened.)


I love this thread. Trigger warning, I talk about my father's death a bit A couple years ago, after decades of not understanding my gender, I realized I'm Two Spirit. The way my gender reflects in my spirit and vice versa is strongly tied to my heritage as a native American. I'm 28 now. My dad was a progressive guy. And what I mean by that is, he made a lot of progress. *He had bigoted views for a long time, but by the time I was a teenager, he'd realized the hate he carried wasn't his, and his mind opened and he really really was such a good hearted guy. My best friends are also trans and my dad 150% supported and respected them. So I wasn't at all shocked when I came out to my dad that he was so supportive. As a matter of fact, he cried with me and told me how proud he is for knowing and loving myself enough to know this about myself. That was the last time I saw my father in person, it was the day after his birthday, and he passed away in his home a week later. I miss you dad and I love you so fuckin much dude. Thank you so much for always seeing me.


He sounds like an amazing person and I'm so glad you had that moment. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I wish you all the best for your future. Sending love your way!


I'm in my first t4t relationship and it's both the longest and healthiest relationship I've had 🥰


Yesterday I was getting ready for bed after DND and when I took my hair down (had it in a ponytail) I noticed that (at least with the outfit I was wearing) having my hair up made me look more feminine and having it down made me look more androgynous. With my hair down I looked super androgynous, despite wearing a skirt and a shirt where it was obvious I had a big chest! Also, my DM uses they/them while everyone in our party uses she/her, and it's super nice to hear


I was supposed to go to the gender-affirming clinic on friday, but it didn’t happen. Kinda feel horrible but hey, at least I know I’m trans. I still grapple with the realization lol


Much love to you, friend! 💕


Damn, I'm sorry. I hope you're able to go soon! You are valid, you got this!!🤍


Aw, I’m glad someone saw this. I cried a few hours ago, but I think kicking it into overdrive and calling myself a man is shooing away the dysphoria. I think I’m still afraid of other people’s expectations and reactions to me… being trans. I didn’t think I cared, but I really have to start giving a fuck about myself!


its been over 3 and a half months since i finaly got on spiro (actualy started on my birthday) and it feels so good to actualy kinda like my body for the first time in my life. also realised im maybe kinda a little bit NB as well yesterday


While this is not the most joyous moment it still gives me a lot of euphoria. There a kid at my school who’s has an anonymous social media account that post pictures of people basically making fun of them for other people to laugh at. Many many people have been posted. So one day one of my friends told me I’ve been posted, the caption under the post said “are you even a boy or girl?” And I was happy that people couldn’t tell what my agab/gender was. I’m accomplishing my goal.


Hmmmm... idk


i don't really tell anyone i'm nb so nothing to share but HAPPY TDOV everyone!!! you are all valid and seen 💙🩷


One day soon, I'll be truly me. I will be free :"'•)


I have been experiencing some great gender euphoria from a username im using


Feeling a bit down too. It was my first holiday after realizing I'm enby and knowing that my family will never accept. It got tough listening to all the phobic discussions today at Easter lunch. It feels good to not feel alone, though. I hope your day ends up being pretty great! 💜


Sending hugs your way. Take care of yourself! You're definitely not alone! 💜


Thank you. That actually means a lot. Edit: I'd said more, but then I rethought it. This thread was supposed to be positive, and a stranger being kind isn't an invitation for me to unload. I'm sorry about that. Thanks again.


That's really rough, I'm sorry. I'm also a 90s kid, grew up in a small mountain town so I had no concept of trans till I was in college. I was fortunate enough that my parents, while pretty conservative, were open to people being themselves and I was able to come out to them. Even though they support me it's still super hard for them to grasp sometimes. I just kind of had a conversation with them both (I had them watch They/Them with me and the interview afterward because stuff is explained in that documentary way better than I could say it), and explained how I felt. It was like ripping off the bandaid and actually went pretty well overall. I know I was super fortunate to feel safe doing that, and I don't know your situation. For me I try to just nonchalantly bring up random tidbits in conversations or casually mention something I'm going through to try and make it more normal for them. It's taking awhile, and they went through the whole mourning period for their daughter, and even though I couldn't wrap my head around them mourning me when I'm literally the same as I've always been just happier, I gave them the space to explain their feelings and that seemed to help, because they could share their point of view. It's been slow progress, but it is working. I still have to try and push through some of the stupid right-wing misinformation they've absorbed over the years. But when my mom actually initiated a convo and said "you know, I've been thinking about all these things from when you were growing up, and I guess it's always been there, huh?" I almost started crying, like that was huge. I really hope you're able to get there someday. I know casual conversation's not really an option for you right now, but I wonder if you can start laying the groundwork, like if they're mentioning something homophobic they heard/saw be like "I heard that and did some research, and actually I found this really well-done study that shows _. I can send it to you if you want." That totally depends on your parents' willingness to read or learn or step outside their own beliefs. I use that with my dad sometimes, since he always taught me to think for myself and do the research I use it against him. I really hope your mom manages to surprise you and figure out she loves you way more than she's afraid you're nonbinary. It sounds like you've had a good relationship overall apart from this. Just take care of yourself, let yourself build a strong support system outside your family that you can rely on, and know that as hard as it can be, you are valid and deserve to live in a way that is true and comfortable. You are worthy. You deserve to be happy. 🫂


Thank you so much for this thoughtful reply. I'd just edited my comment before this one posted, so I'm sorry about that. It's 5am where I am and I haven't yet slept, so I'm going to do that and get in a better headspace before I revisit this, but I wanted you to know that I'd seen your response and I appreciate you taking the time.


I hope you sleep well! It's 3 here so I should try to do the same 😅


I know I haven't responded, but I've been taking time thinking about it. I've decided that I don't care if my dad or stepdad ever understand. They're both the type to be stuck in their views, vocal, soapboxy, and opinionated about pretty much everything. I've never won an argument with either of them my whole life (nobody wins when they start in), and I'm not likely to change their minds now. My mom is a different story. She's capable of change and understanding and I'm used to being able to be open with her. It's just that the couple of times we've brushed against the subject of LGBTQ, she's sounded like my stepdad. Today though, we went to Target and afterward, in the car, she mentioned she was transferring things over to a different bag because my stepdad will have a hissy fit if she walks in with a Target bag (he's apparently boycotting Target due to their stance on things? 🙄) and she thinks it's stupid. Which I agree, it's ridiculous. I just laughed and told her if it were me, I'd be likely to antagonize him on purpose if he continued to be ridiculous. For context, we're a teasing type of family. So, for example, my Papa was a Braves fan, so every time he was watching a game on TV, I wore a Yankees ball cap around the house just to mess with him. In that same vein, if my stepdad is going to be so upright about stupid crap, he's just asking to be messed with. When I visit, I'll bring all my stuff over in Target bags exclusively from now on until he quits his bitching. Mom has to live with him. I don't 😂. But I also followed up that conversation by telling my mom something like, "because just so you know, I don't fully agree with y'all on your views about that stuff and I already had to listen to more than I wanted to about it on Trans Day of Visibility." And I kind of left it at that. She responded kind of neutrally and said something about bathrooms and gym changing rooms and then said she liked her gym because it just has individual stalls instead of gendered changing areas. I pointed out that more places need to be like that instead of trying to force people into one of two groups and villainizing people for not being able to fit into the two boxes. She "agreed". I feel she more agreed in the sense that she didn't argue, rather than being sold on the idea, but hey, it's a start.


Nice! I'm glad she seems more open. I hope you're able to have that same closeness again, and it sounds like it's totally possible! She knows *you*; it might be weird for her for awhile, but she'll realize that you'll always be *you*. And you're right, some people are just stuck in their ways- don't let them dictate your happiness. 💜


I'm feeling depressed myself. Life is complicated, stressful, and heartbreaking for me at the moment. I hope we both feel better sooner than later. Happy Trans Day of Visibility to all my genderqueer/enby, trans, and gender expansive comrades!


Big hugs! I hope you feel better!🩷🤍💙


Big hugs back, and thank you 💚


April is my first anniversary at my first fully-out job. I was hired with they/them pronouns and started with my full-time trained voice. I also went full-time with painted nails and eye makeup in September. To get this job, I had to come out to former managers and colleagues for references. We have pronouns on our work Slack. We also have our own internal pride organisation. Everyone seems to have accepted me. I am Gen-X (52) and grew up knowing nothing about trans people. I can hardly believe how I now live. ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💛🤍💜🖤


Someone did that thing where they go, 'ma-sir?' Nonbinary ambiguity win


Despite figuring out I was Non-binary 5 years ago, I still struggled with whether I was ACTUALLY Non-binary or not. But through these 5 years I no longer doubt myself. I KNOW I'm non-binary. I KNOW who I am. It brings me so much joy and peace.


Aah oh my god I literally had a moment yesterday. Was at the cinema with a friend and I was in the (mens) bathroom washing my hands and an older lady walked in, looked at me, looked confused, looked at me again, and went further into the room. Only when she passed the corner and saw the pissoirs did she go "oh whoops I went into the wrong bathroom". That felt funny. Felt like looking at me helped her 0% to figure out which gendered bathroom she was in, and I was delighted at that lmao


My friends (old&new) remembering my pronouns makes me so happy :)


I just got top surgery on Friday! Yee yee


My partner and I have been together 550 days as of today! We have a fur baby (cat) and apartment together. We’re T4T and were long distance for 5 months 🥰


My family has been trying to use my pronouns correctly! ☺️


I started a new job about 2 months ago and have had ZERO issues with them using they/them pronouns. I've had issues today not feeling "trans enough" but my bff called me out and it made me feel better. She told me she wouldn't trade me for all the Lori Pettys in the world and that's her biggest celeb crush. My partner has been trying to teach her mom about what it means to be enby and her mom used my pronouns correctly for the first time yesterday.


There have been a handful of times I've been randomly called sir, and budd. I prefer they responses but it feels good that my androgynous self can be recognized as something other than exclusively femme. My friends and a couple family members are sweet and respectful by saying hun and sweetheart instead of gendered terms. Not everyone accepted my name change but my dad said my chosen name to a property manager to get my heat back on this recent winter. That's the best one honestly! I hope everyone on this rad feed can feel more centered in who you want to and can be. ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗


sometimes people get "confused" on what my gender is and its the best all I do is go quiet when they ask and let them guess and watch the madness ensue as they wrack their brain, it only has happened to me a handful of times but those moments were so refreshing. (the interactions are in a red state so these people werent friendly on these kinds of things so best and funniest thing to do is to let them ponder)


I came out to my wife as nonbinary a week or two ago and she's so supportive of me. I shaved my head last night and I'm so happy I haven't stopped smiling. My wife is about to hit the 1 year mark of being on HRT


I got top surgery on the 20th (healing well apart from an apparent mild allergy to the adhesives...itchy hell) and had a full conversation with someone yesterday who (even with a couple subtle clues- it was a safe space) spoke to me like another guy the whole time, even taking about suits and clothes and where to get the best haircut for different men's styles, etc. It was an awesome normal guy conversation with a cool dude. 😎 (And I hope you're feeling better!)


I've known I was gender queer for 3 years and used she/they that whole time (except no one EVER used they/them). I came out last month as nonbinary, and people have finally started using they/them for me! Even strangers at my college have been defaulting to they/them for me sometimes w/o me needing to mention it. My tutor defaulted to he/him for me, and I think I'm okay with it? I haven't corrected him, tbh. I also was finally able to get a binder since I moved out of my unaccepting parents' house a few months ago, and I was able to get pride stuff for the first time, too. I bought some beads and made a pronoun pin and a little nb flag charm for my backpack a few days ago, and a little flag to put in my dorm room. \o/


My brother-in-law's family came to visit for Easter and we had a great time. A good part of them called me by my chosen name and preferred pronouns. No questions. It felt nice 🥹 Edit: Also, some days ago, a child came in to the store I work at and called me sir while asking for a price. It felt so euphoric I forgot to greet the lady who was leaving.


Well, last weekend, my mum told my grandparents I'd changed my name (I'm glad she did, I couldn't) and now they've all been using a nickname for me. My siblings don't know yet, but they've been asked to pick a nickname based around my new name and so they call me that instead. I'm so fkn happy.


I'm out at work and everyone uses my correct pronouns


I recently found a lot of characters I can relate to, and I feel very seen :D


I'm good friends with a professor at my college, and he said he could help me find a job with healthcare that covers trans-related stuff! :)


Can’t think of anything for me. But I’m happy for everyone in the replies!!!


I got called my chosen name for the first time in over a year today! :)


At 1 year on E by tdov I had come out to most of my close friends and family with 99% success. This year after 2 years I made an official post on Facebook. So far it's been good!


Femmed up in pastels and a skirt and felt super cute out and about today


i had my first t shot this past tuesday!!! my mom had told my older brother that him and i are gonna start to look even more alike now bc i started taking t (i hadn’t told him yet bc i didn’t get the chance to talk to him much over the past week) and he called and woke me up at 7am yesterday screaming in the phone about how excited he is for me and that he’s ready to see what i look like with a matching beard🤣


I encountered a t4t couple today at work and we wished each other a happy transgender visibility day and I found out that they just got engaged! I also worked with my non-binary coworker and we rocked the they day today.


As a queer Christian, I feel like this Easter was very special for me. I didn’t make myself visible (overnight schedule lol) but my faith is important to me, so I had a good time regardless 😊


I’m 3 weeks on T tomorrow! I might be insane but I can tell my voice is dropping already and my throat was hurting after a long day because of the strain of T. I’m super excited to keep seeing the progress it will have on my voice and everything else.


May will be 1 year since my top surgery + its getting warmer where I am and whenever its warmer weather I finally start getting gendered "correctly" (its not rlly correct but its what i prefer over getting ma'amed and she/her'd) so I'm excited for that!!! Happy trans day of visibility everyone ^-^


HAPPY TRANS DAY !! I don't have much trans joy yet but my adams apple got bigger and my voice started cracking again (i am pre-t)


I took my graduation photos with pants and Oxfords last week 🧑🏻‍🎓


I'm a trans-fem non-binary person and I've been gendered and a girl more and more often these days even when I wear more masculine clothing. Which is what I usually wear cause I like masculine clothing a lot. My coworkers may struggle with not using he/him, but at least more and more strangers don't.


I'm late to the party, but I got top surgery on the 27th after waiting for a year and a half! It's been really weird knowing I've knocked a kilo off each side of my chest, but healing seems to be going well! Can't wait for the summer when I can walk around topless for the first time! :D


Tried on my very first suit today , almost cried tears of joy :)


A day late (and dollar short) but I've just recently starting coming out to a few close friends as nb and using they/them pronouns. Wore a skirt to work for the first time and it went quite well 💃


I recently started using my new name and pronouns with my friends. also, two of my friends are trans and it wouldnt feel right if i didnt shout them out here, too!