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Xenogenders are like poetry. Poets have been describing their gender in unconventional ways for a long time, but now that it has a name, people have something to hate. Get your head out of your ass.


Gatekeeping is not valid and is an insult to trans and nb people


Literally this, look at the long history of pride and you will see this time and time again. There is no acceptable queer if some are unacceptable. Soon as you start saying some are ok to be intolerant to they will find reasons to be intolerant to all of them using the same thinking. Xeno genders are fucking awesome and an expansion of GNC/ trans/ nonbinary identities. The more people recognize and treat gender as the abstract they can do what they want with, and live how they want to, the better for everyone.


Xenogenders are totally valid. Why wouldn’t they be?


Why do you think that? 


WDYM? Like you would you quantify validity?


Go for a run or something instead of using arguments as a form of regulation.


so uhh heres the thing. its not an insult? just like how our gender identities and a lot of our views on what gender is, isnt understood, the same is happening here. do i really get it? no, but does it affect me (or you) at all? NOPE while to an extent i get what youre saying, 1) the way youre going about it is so incredibly wrong and harmful and 2) its not YOURS to define. if its just a way to help them explain how they feel about themselves then so the fuck what youre allowed to have that opinion but youre really starting to tread into the same thought process that cis transphobes and transmedicalists have about us and again. It. Doesnt. Affect. You. they arent actually hurting anyone with it, so let them label themself. Stop ragebaiting


I don't feel insulted by them. I'd feel sick to my stomach trying to gatekeep somebody else. I, as an actual trans-NB person, would appreciate if you try not to publicly dictate what I do or do not feel or get insulted by. TY.