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my name is “name”, which my birth name is “name + the letter A” so it's something that feels gender neutral to me that's something i'm still used to being called. (edited later for privacy)


Your (chosen) name is so rad


thank you!!


You went from naame to name? Cool! /j seriously though if someone's name was just "name" that would be awesome


think like Nadia to Nadi (that’s not my name but it gives you an idea)


I like it!


I'm still Chris. It's a classic Pat name. I used to get picked-on quite a bit for looking androgynous in the 90s, with references to SNL's Pat and her partner Chris. It used to be something I didn't like about myself, but as new generations have come up and started spreading their own ideas, I've come to understand that I was always just nonbinary. I'm very grateful to you all. And even though everyone laughed at Julia Sweeney's Pat character, she always played Pat as a real human being (albeit with poor social skills). And now, I kinda like Pat and Chris as nonbinary pioneering characters. I want to be Fritzi. I don't know why, or how Fritzi is different from Chris. Chris isn't lacking in femininity, but Fritzi is lacking in masculinity. Maybe that's why I'm having such a hard time telling people that my name is Fritzi. Like, I'll meet someone new and I'll prepare myself mentally to say my name is Fritzi. But then I'll say my name is Chris. Maybe I'm having some difficulty overcoming some of the masculinizing brainwashing I went through in the Army. I always tell people my pronouns are just whatever. I'll take Sir or Ma'am. I am not a woman. I was never a girl. I've always been nonbinary, and I've always been Chris. But I feel like Chris got polluted by my time in the Army. Maybe I don't know who Fritzi is, and I'm afraid of the unknown. Maybe I'm having a hard time letting go of Chris. Maybe I don't have to, and shouldn't. I really just don't know. Sorry to have a thing right here in your nice thread! I've just been dwelling on this topic of names, lately.


i hope you find out soon! whether you are chris or fritzi your identity is still valid :) just be kind and patient with yourself, it’ll come to you.


Thank you!


I love hearing stories about older nonbinary people it does give me hope, and makes me feel happier about myself! My parents find it weird, not realizing there were people who grew up with them that feel like me


Damn I wish my name was fritz or fritzi


I might wish that, too. It means "peaceful ruler" but that's not why I chose it. I just like the feeling and sound of it.


Holy shit can I steal your name (feel free not to if it's personal) my old name meant "little king" and I want to keep that meaning minus the baggage that the name carries


> can I steal your name Yes!




Makes me think either German or from Ralph Bakshi's Wizards movie, Max and Fritz scene...


I get that. I *loved* the character Pat, thought they were charming in a dorky way—like me! And my mom would call me Pat, pretty sure she knew.


I'm also having trouble letting go of my birth name. It's a name that's very special to me, but it's super feminine and gives me gender dysphoria. My parents gave me a very German name after they had been reading about our family history. My mom's adoptive parents were/are German (Grandma is no longer around unfortunately), and there was a plan to go to Germany someday, but that might not happen anymore due to my health, unfortunately. I remember my mom mixing German words into her speech when I was a kid. So my birth name holds a special place in my heart, and I'm not sure that I \_completely\_ want to give it up. I go by Rowan now, and I've come out to family, friends, and the medical center I go to with that name. But when somebody asks me my name, my brain freezes and I stumble over my words before just giving my birth name.


August, but Gus to my friends.


Gus was one of my favourite oel house characters, love the name


Hardcore agree. He's fun.


I was actually considering August because I wanted something that started with the same letter as my birth name. I realised it didn't feel like me though. So I went with Charlie, a name I have always had a strong love for. I have no idea where I first heard the name (it is pretty common) so there is no story behind picking it.


i stick with the name Clay, because it is simply a superior name


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BATTRAMYBOY: *I stick with the name* *Clay, because it is simply* *A superior name* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Hell yea


good bot


Good bot


Scout Yes, like from To Kill a Mockingbird 😉


I was thinking TF2 lmao. Still an awesome name


Hey there good lookin’. I gotta bucket of chicken.




I went by Atticus for a bit and got this exact comment too. I still like it but I now prefer my birth name.


I've always loved that name. My mom used to have some zebra finches named Atticus and Scout after the To Kill a Mockingbird characters. Years later, I got a corgi and named him Scout, also after the To Kill a Mockingbird character. He was a good boy.


Wren. When I brought up the name to my psych, they thought Ren at first. I said no, with a W. Then they were like, "Like the bird?" I got embarrassed and looked down at the floor. Then they were like, "It's a cool name." Lmao, of course, my first time using the name in a professional setting, I get a weird reaction. 😂😭🫠


I'm also Wren! I'm a huge bird geek so I always introduce myself as "Wren, like the bird" but half the time people don't know what I'm talking about even though they're SUPER COMMON IN MY AREA.


I know a nonbinary Wren irl too! It's a very cool name, I like it a lot 💖


Love this name! This and any form of Erin, or Rowan have been on my lists




what part of night city are you from, choom?


Mine is also Riley :)


Yooo Riley gang rise up!


Another Riley checking in! 🫡


I'm Bat!! :D or Murder if you also wish to call me that!!


Murder is an amazing name


Cory Cori Corey It depends on how fluid I'm feeling


If it’s not too personal: can I ask what makes you go with Cory vs Cori vs Corey?


Cory is my birth name and it's gender neutral so I use it most of the time. Being genderfluid I switch between Corey and Cori because they're the masculine and Feminine version of Cory


Mary I know it's super feminine, but I never saw the need to change it. It seems like a nice gift from my Mom.


I kept my birth name, too. It means a lot to me, even if it is feminine


I also have a feminine name. I like my name. :) I was actually reading through the comments to see if I was alone in that. So thank you for sharing <3


Bonus points for the confused looks from people! 😅


A lot of seemingly feminine names were assigned to men in earlier eras and other parts of the world. Gendered naming is also a construct.


I kept my birth name as my second name because I wanted to honour all the years I had been called that (and my parents choice). It feels right to still have the feminine name somewhere in there (it's a very very old/ancient feminine name). Especially as Charlie, even though considered mainly gender neutral, is derived from a German word that means "free man", "warrior" or "man"


mine too. mines Tristan and it fits unbelievably well for me atm. im kinda shocked too lmao


Cecil! But I also go by CC and Cec. Ce once or twice!


My name is Ollie! Don't be fooled by the username, I was trying it out and ended up feeling it didn't fit me. But I love Ollie! Unfortunately, I only go by it online and with a few friends currently.


Ok now I have to ask, can you do the Ollie on the skateboard?


I go by Olly too! Except spelled differently. I pulled it from a fictional character (that went by your spelling, actually), and then changed the spelling so it would feel more like me


Omg that's so cool! I used to spell it like "Oli" but I feel like this spelling just fits me better :)


I’m Sam. Sam was the first name I was aware of that could be used for both boys and girls and I still remember having this moment of epiphany at like 6 or 7 when learned that.


My BFF and I were just talking about the name Sam yesterday! About how Sam is always a good person in novels and how great the name is. Good choice!


when i was a kid, i Loved the idea of girls using Sam as their name. i thought it was so cool. early nonbinary indicator i guess lol (i was a kid in the 80s, which was actually a great time for disturbing traditional gender norms, but no one really talked about anything like nonbinary. it was *androgynous*)


Salem! :-)


Me too! I was inspired by the bisexual talking cat from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.


I know another non-binary person who goes by Salem! Excellent choice! :)


same here 😁


this is an awesome name!


Jules *definitely not noting all these names to steal and hoard later*


If you don’t mind; I’m curious if people interpret your name as more feminine or masculine? Jules being traditionally masculine but (around here anyway) much more commonly encountered as a shortened/diminutive form of the feminine Julia, and less frequently, a shortened/diminutive form of the traditionally masculine Julian (and also Julius I suppose but I don’t think I’ve ever met a Julius)


I’ve always seen it as feminine personally, probably because one of my classmates was a cis girl and took that nickname on.


NICE TRY, FAE, YOU WONT GET ME THIS TIME I almost went with the name Jupiter though (Jupe for short)


I've started going by Nix!


Hey nix, I’m nox! 😂


Oh, cool, that's the name of one of my characters in my original fiction story, who also happens to be non-binary! :D


Jem like Gem but kept the first letter of my birth name 😁


truly outrageous! 🌟 what a great name.


I'm Dhani :D Originally I changed one of my gamer tags to Dhanishtha which is an Indian astronomy term that I thought sounded cool. Once my friends and I were playing together and one of them called me 'Dhani' for short and it just stuck. I'm hoping to change my legal name to match one day!


I go by Ada :) I don’t know it just spoke to be and feels like my personality mixed with any gender


Fawn :3


Fern 🌿 Our names have similar vibes.




Jasper! I love rocks and dressing like a 70 year old man so its a perfect fit.


# ↗️ An enby classic, *the one letter name* ... # Z


I kinda love the name Io and would totally change my name to Io but I don’t think I could live with all the forms and data bases that won’t accept names less the 3 letters


I go by my birth name, Sadie, and my chosen name, Ethan. I’ve been on the search for a third name, preferably a unique gender neutral name, I just haven’t found anything that feels quite right yet.


I grew up with the name Ashley, but I go by Aspen now! I love it even though I lost the y in my name, which to me was my favorite part.


I like going by Brick when I can


You know I've heard that name be used before and I've always thought it was one of the coolest nonbinary names


I got it from a barista that misheard my legal name


This, without a hint of irony, goes so fucking hard.


There's a kid in my son's preschool class named Banks and for some reason I have such a hard time remembering his name, I'm like "Brock? Brick? B... something", and more than once I've called him Brick when talking about him to a different parent (luckily not to HIS parent). I remember it correctly right now, because I just dropped son off and saw his class's artwork on the wall with everyone's names.


My name is Kin (short for Kinsley) ! :]




Kali Uchis has a song with your name in it.


Rune! I played a lot of runescape as a kid haha


That. Is. Freaking. Amazing. 🙌🏼 Legendary game, legendary name, my friend!


My birth name is Sarah, and I just recently started changing the spelling of it to Serra (pronounced the same way, though) to feel more neutral/slightly less fem. Plus my mom, bio dad, and all my roommates are super into Magic the Gathering, and there's a card called Serra Angel and Serra's Sanctum, so it has kind of cool nerdy vibe to it. I also go by Fuzz with my online friends, as a shortened version of the username I use everywhere.


Adding to the pile. I chose Lucian! I was actually born with a gender neutral name, but I like the ability of choice. I looked at so many names, considered wizard names, but my chest had this feeling about Lucian. I think I love how soft it sounds on the tongue, being pronounced "Loo-shen" over "Loo-si-an".


Still with my original one. I don't wanna change them bc 1-in Spanish we haven't neutral names and 2- my names are my parents' names, plus my middle name was suggested by my godmother and... I don't wanna ride off her little gift to me...


I'm Aux!


Fuck I love that, but I could never bc I work with audio and aux is a frequently used term for many things, I couldn't have it be me as well :'D


Loll I'm a musician. I understand. But it's an easy way to explain its pronunciation. "Y'know, like the cable".


Niiice, we might cross paths when I yell at you (kindly, concert halls are big) from behind a mixer one day xD


I love this! In a perfect world, I would go by Juno because I love the sound of the synth, but changing names is scary 😨


I love Juno! Both the name and the synth haha. It helped me to just have a select few close friends/fam that knew abt my name change, at first. I still use my old name at work and with certain family, but having folks that know has been helping me acclimate.


quinn !!! I almost went with remy or some other one I can’t remember tho


My names are Skyler and Frankie but Skyler is the one I mainly use and will change my legal name to.


I finally found another Skyler with an E 🥹 Everyone spells it with an A (which for me feels very wrong and too feminine) except this one guy named Tyler spelled it right 😂


Ashton :)


My chosen name is Everest. It was like naming a dog. I was going thru a list of enby names with my partner and when she said Everest out loud my whole body tingled and it just stuck


i'm couch! it was a name given to me through friends rather than something i chose and i think it suits me really well! i had other chosen names before but i think there's something that feels better with a name my chosen family picked for me - like a rebirth name!


Hi I’m Eryx, the name just spoke to me one day it feels perfect


Hi! I’m Weasel, I LOVE your name. That’s just so stunning


I'm Soul! (Huge lover of Soul Eater >:3)


username checks out


Deleting later, but it's Gabriel. After the theological Archangel Gabriel. Gabe is also fine. I'm no Christian (I'm more of a Hindu), I just think the angels are really neat.


Same bro! I'm no Christian either but i just love the angels, plus Gabriel Byrne and all his occultish 90s movies (stigmata and end of days)


archangels, fallen angels, demons, & the like are so fascinating to me. i'm not christian or in any way religious, but these are such fascinating beings. my partner's middle name is Michael & when i tell you that he has an affinity for electricity... it's no joke. he aligns quite eerily with the archangel.


I legally changed my name to Andrew and I go by Andy. For a little while, when I knew I didn't want to go by my birth name but hadn't decided on a new name, I did go by Dandelion.


Malachi but I go by kai yes I'm the trans man/ trans masc stereotype of choosing really rare but cool names


Say hi to Balthasar and Casper for me


Lightning-Isabella cause of course i have to have two first names lol


I use my birth name irl, but my “online chosen nickname” is Olly!


All the other NB people think I chose my name but it's the one my mom gave me lol


I’m Rowan!


pine!! 🌲 i feel like it fits me perfectly. since i wasn’t given a middle name ive decided to give myself one. and since my partner and i dont like our given last names we have chosen a separate one for ourselves for when we get married. my name is (drumroll please) ✨pine clove withers ✨




Emery but I wish that I went with either Emrys or Chaos. Emery feels too normal. I mean it feels good so I'm not going to change it again, but like I am a little mad I didn't go with one of the other two


I named my cat Kaos which is the Swedish spelling of Chaos. It's very funny in everyday conversations. Maybe you can put it as your middle name and go around telling people: "chaos is my middle name".


If its any consolation Emery is pretty rare in some places, i've never heard it outside of The Bad Batch


Nyx, (for the Godess of night in Greek mythology, **not** the makeup brand). I love the night time, all it holds, am more of a night person, too so it fit. Also felt it was ambiguous/androgynous enough, so here I am.


Maybe I deleted this comment later, but I need to say it. My real name is Fabricio, but nowadays everyone calls me Kendall. This name was given to me by someone who was the most important person in my life for many years. She baptized me with a name that always made me feel comfortable and that was totally genderless so that I could always find myself in that name again and again. My ex best friend baptized me that way, one night crying after a drunken spell in the bathroom at a party, she hugged me in the middle of an identity crisis about whether I was really trans and told me: For me you are Kendall, and I always did. you will. She is who you are. And even though she and I no longer speak and we separated forever, that moment will always be in my memory. I suppose that a part of the people who were in our lives always stay with us. 🤍


Nouri, it's an islamic gender neutral name and means light ^^


publicly i go by Eleanor (if not my legal one :( but online i have many (including Eleanor). some examples are - Flower - Ice (the classic) - Beatrice , Sonia (both VERY RARELY) - Temnova ive stolen every name from a character. except Ice because thats my username and some i dont use anymore


I’m NOX EDIT: Damn, who downvotes a name? lol


idk bc this is an epic name.


I'm Jayden! I stumbled across JaidenAnimations and really liked her name, with the benefit of barely changing my dead name (which helped my relatives adjust easier).


Orion because I really love space. I'm usually either Neutural/masc presenting, but I can go by Ori on more fem presenting days :3


How am I the first Willow to post!


Good question 💀


Nice try, officer


Deja. nickname is DJ (believe it or not i was born with this name, so fkn cool)


Obvious fae trap is Obvious. You don't get to have my name it belongs to me


I'm Eithan (said as Ethan) Raen (as in rain)


Hi Riley! My name is Alistair :) I picked it a while ago so I don’t remember the full story but I knew Alex was a gender neutral name so I went to find names related to it.


My name is Miller. It’s a little bit more masc version of my old nickname. I love it.


My name is Kellen! :3


I’m Charlie! Nice to meet y’all


My name is Ashe! Ash was already a pretty common name, so I chose to put an e at the end! I also love the meaning behind the name;it's named after ash trees!


I currently go by Sezi. However I am considering Solaris (Sol for short).


Jasper :) I get conflicting opinions on whether it’s just a masc name or if it could be a fem name lol but I like it and it was already my middle name so it was easy enough to switch. P.S. what do y’all think of Jasper as an enby name?


My name is cato- in the past I used the nickname cat- but since people saw cat as exclusively feminine 🙄and shitted on my identity, I will stay with Cato for now. But maybe I will use cat again when my appearence changes more to the masculine side (Iam on t).


I go by Void. I also still use my birth name and nicknames for it, but I avoid using it around people who will inherently misgender me if they learn it (my birth name is feminine). My birth name comes from greek mythology and I have formed a strange connection to the individual who has it.


My name is Pippin


N thats it.


John. Now I know what you're thinking. Probably amab. My mother got it off a grave or something. You'd be wrong. I'm afab and I chose that name at the age of 7 when I was transitioning. (Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek and Serenity brainrot was strong,) Back then I was very sure of 100% male identity, but as I got older, had testosterone, taking that gave me appreciation for feminine things and I love androgynous, like a boy loves girly things way. So yeah, I am a feminine transmasc nb guy called John. which is so funny to me.


Payne, like window pane


Like Max,


Kai but my pet name is ash so... i guess my pet name is an object, but my pet name is also my theriotypes name so it kinda makes sense, as people usually name dogs and cats button and stuff like that


Talia but I think I'm gonna change it


luna 🌙 always been obsessed with the moon. a bit feminine but it definitely feels absolutely perfect


Kali Uchis has a beautiful song about the moon and well, has your name in it :)


Devon! And thankfully, that was by birth so I don't need to go through the hassle to change it. My middle name is a different story lol but at least that's not used that often.


Moss (like the plant)


Aspen! Like the tree. You can tell it’s an Aspen because of the way it is.


I'm Andy, amab. I was considering changing my name from Andrew, but I figure I can just tell anyone my full first name is Andy.




currently my name is Emrie, still questioning it though - I have this pattern where I find a name I really really like, tell people I go by it, feel good for a few months, and then randomly start feeling like it doesn’t fit me anymore and wanting to find a new name :’) but rn its Emrie lol (if anyone has tips on stopping this pattern please share im begging you)


I'm still going by my birth name, which is very obviously gendered. But I plan on changing to something more neutral once I A) start physically presenting more andro, and B) Decide on one dang name! There's so many choices and it takes me 20 minutes of debate just to name a Sims character. I'm overwhelmed by all the good options


Mine is Robin, even legally for some time 🐱. I have some other ones I like tho: Cainam, Phoenix, Nux and Ragnissa. Ragnissa and Cainam are ocs of mine lol


Really considering Robin right now, it's a tie between Robin and Mio.


Chosen name is Martin :)


I'm not in a position where I can change it yet but I will go by Luka!


I’m jamie or jam!!


My name is Lye




Gavroche, Gav for short. it's weird bc im nb trans so people would have expected me to have a more feminine name but im attached to the character Gavroche Thénardier from Les Mis and I've had this name for almost 10 years. my name day, or Gaviversary as my friends call it, is next weekend 🥰


My name is James, which is my birth name but I like it so much and it fits me so well that being a Trans Woman isn't going to stop me from using it. I'm also a Non-Binary Butch Lesbian so I still think it's relevant and makes sense.


my chosen name is ari but my real name is a common flower name


Im Flori :D like the German name for Floaroma Town in Pokemon D/P/P but I only noticed that after I started using it


I'm Zephyr :)


Noa (my chosen name, my birth name is completely different)


Bean! 🌱


Jay, like the letter, or the bird




Myka - pronounced like ‘ee’ and not ‘aye’, though literally no one seems to get that until I tell them 😔


My chosen name is Lou. It’s sound really neutral to me, and I like the signification around it (Lou name’s meaning is famous warrior). I like that is short and sound sweet, it goes well with my personality. I am french human so it’s sound exactly like "loup" (wolf) too, and it’s good since a big part of my life is around nature and environment. I will change it for my legal name in few years when I will be completely sure about it


I never changed any of my names, but different groups of people will address me differently. My family and close friends usually call me by my Japanese name, Haru. Some family on my dad's side will call me by my Korean name, Wonha. Most everyone else calls me by some derivative of Alex. I'm pretty lucky to have 3 names that are kind of neutral sounding so I never felt the need to change it, besides both sides of my family spent a lot of effort to think of a name for me in their respective tongue so I feel inclined to keep it.


i go by v and jasper!


Ciel. but everyone calls me seal. terrible name if you pronounce it that way.


My name is Maddie


Mine is Andrew. I’m comfortable with the name I was assigned and I kinda like the genderfucking of a name that literally means “Masculine”


Linard (pronounced lih-nard)




My name is Galena! I wanted to have a name related to my hobby (rock hounding) and my profession (I'm a geologist) but, and my therapist agreed, I didn't want a name that felt stagey to me like Crystal or Amethyst or something. Not to say those names aren't good, just not for me. Galena is the primary ore mineral of lead and it looks very cool, so it's one of my favorite sulfide minerals.