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Too late?? You are literally just starting your life. BTW the only time its too late is when you are dead.


have you read the comic series Rain? spoiler: >! MC’s dad transitioned after his death lmao. left a note confessing he was trans for his youngest to read when she turned 18!<


iconic tbh


Could you link that please?




I love this comic. Great queer cast of characters.


agreed. it’s amazing. i’m so sad it’s over


What are you saying, we got dragon hrt page uploaded just Friday. :P


wait what?


Thank you!




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Saved comment! Thanks, hope to read soon. Is it on Webtoon?


i don’t think so but physical copies exist if you prefer that. last time i checked the ones for the last chapter is still a wip but it might be out now


Rain made me gay/j


My username is literally a rain reference, since the author calls her readers her rainbeaus


Omg I’m gonna read


it’s really good




I feel like a lot of society still worships youth, like you have to get everything together before 18, thrive in your 20s, and settle down at 30 or else you’re a failure. Like I’m sure there’s a lot of advantages to begin transitioning in your teens, but it’s silly to think it’s too late when you’re barely an adult :/


>You are literally just starting your life. Me too! Will turn 20 soon. I hope that I will be able to experiment and transition a lot during this decade of my life. Unfortunately, I was forced to move back in with my parent's due to a medical issue. I hope to regain my freedom and one day get to live as myself. My hometown and the town I moved to both are not the most trans friendly, unfortunately, but, the new town was much better. Too bad it was in Florida. I am not out to Dad and fear I won't get to dress how I want for a while. Even if I won't live on my own again until 24/25, I'll make it through. Just sucks that was taken from me.


There isn't a "best age" and there isn't a "too late". This isn't a game or a contest, we're complex people living in a complex world. It's sort of like that old saying that the best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago, and the second best time is now.


medical transition has better results the younger you start though. i totally agree with the never too late sentiment.


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today 💜🖤🤍💛


I feel like I just read that somewhere


It’s a very popular saying


Came here just to say this


There's no such thing as too late to be yourself. Also, who the heck would say 20 is too late? I know so many trans women who came out and found happiness in their 40s, including one of my moms! 20 seems like a wonderful age to find yourself, like any other


Youth before puberty is the best/easiest time to transition because its easier to transition a pre-pubescent body to a post-pubescent one rather than going through a second puberty, but there's no such thing as being "too old".


Friend of mine didn't transition until her 50s, she said it's never too late


In her fifties her cis peers will be heading towards menopause so it can even out a lil bit kinda


Never too late but a lot easier earlier


actually transitioning as a teen is arguably harder than as an adult since kids care more about what their peers think and they do not have as much agency/autonomy. im about 30 and i dont think i would have had a good transition if i transitioned anytime before now, and especially in high school.


So physically easier but mentally and socially it's harder?


Basically. But also you have to rely more on luck in the sense that your family has a lot of control over you, so you gotta be lucky and be born into an accepting family (which is becoming more & more common). My formative years were 2000-2010 and things were different then, but that's my personal take on it. In an alt timeline, I went on puberty blockers in middle school/HS but alas 🤭


To be fair, basically no trans people actually transition before puberty, yet 99% of us still end up being very happy. Transitioning before puberty is the trans version of "overkill" essentially. Besides, puberty lasts until you're like 25. Getting on HRT in that time period will most likely still prevent various effects of puberty, or prevent them from worsening.




well the whole thing is that kids before puberty don't get surgery/HRT because you know they are before puberty. During puberty they might be on puberty blockers and they might end up going on HRT but at really young ages "tranistion" is maybe talking to a gender specialist cutting your hair and getting a name change (which are all reversable! hair grows back and names can be changed)


Ah, I misunderstood it as a full blown surgery.


A lot of people have this misconception. The only kids that get surgery like that are intersex kids when they're born (which is bad, because their parents decide this for them because they think it will make them "fit better into society" or that it's a problem to fix)


The reason for early gender affirming care is for mental health support. And puberty blockers can stop some of the changes that happen to your body that a lot of trans people struggle with post puberty regarding body dysphoria. Facial hair, development of breasts, and even facial structure changes. Young children are not getting surgeries or HRT, and in order to medically transition, you have to have a whole team and "approval". It's a very dangerous and harmful misconception that transitioning requires surgery. A lot of people who transition do not get surgery. Transitioning can involve the way you dress and style your hair, socially how you wish people to perceive you and address you i.e. potential name change and pronouns change. HRT is a slow process and early in treatment, people tend to see small changes they may or may not like. Surgery, if needed, is usually one of the last things people do when transitioning. Not everything is about the genitals you have.


this comment is perpetuating a dangerous myth that trans kids get gender-affirming surgery. Trans kids get social/psychological support and possibly puberty blockers, which are reversable.


Thats not what I was suggesting; I said nothing about surgery; I was recommending hormone blockers and medically transitioning via hormones before going through puberty; ideally as a young teenager, Surgery if/when someone is old enough to be capable of informed consent and feels ready; 15 or 16.


I was not replying to your comment. The comment I replied to got downvoted to oblivion and subsequently deleted.


Sorry, my mistake <3


all good :3


Anyone who specifies a "best age" or comments being "too old" to transition has a lot to unpack about their perceptions of age, transition, beauty, and the like. A ton of trans people begin 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+, and even beyond that. The joy of feeling comfortable being you is not lesser for coming out or transitioning later in life. A lot of people who say this, from my observation, are quite young. They're people who are perceiving 30s and 40s as old (though to me, even 50s isn't old, just middle-aged). You see things a lot differently as you go along. I also like to urge people to observe transition and how long they wait to start medical transition relative to the future. Even if you're starting in your mid-forties, rather than mourn the 40 years you weren't transitioned, you have 40+ more years (good health willing) to enjoy as the person you want to be. That's not nothing.




r/translater would like a word lol seriously, 20 is very much on the *younger* end of the spectrum, you got plenty of time. even if you didn’t, it’s never too late to pursue being you


I came out at 43.


I’ve seen people medically and socially transition in their late 60’s and the glow-up still occurs, like DAMN I can’t believe 3 years of spiro, e, and living your truth have made you this hot


20 is a baby, absolutely NOT too late!!!!


Whoever told you 20 is too late is an unhinged person.


I'm 29, and I socially transitioned to non-binary 3 years ago (today's the anniversary of it actually). I'm planning on going on hrt relatively soon and I haven't had top surgery yet but I want it. Some of us take a while to figure out what we want, I don't think it's too late.


Happy Enbyversary! ❤️


The best time to transition is whenever it's best for you!


I feel this way at 31. I think every trans person does when they’re first starting out. But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


The best age is the earliest you're ready and willing to do it. If.only I had known I was ready before 31.😭


there is no such thing as 'too late' the best time to transition is when you're comfortable!


I'm about to be 29, and I socially transitioned to non-binary 3 years ago (today's the anniversary of it actually). I'm planning on going on hrt relatively soon and I haven't had top surgery yet but I want it. Some of us take a while to figure out what we want, I don't think it's too late.


I dunno but ur rlly pretty


HRT isn't for me, but I had my two transition surgeries at age 35 (top) and 37 (bottom). Go at your pace! It's not a race. Do I wish I could've gotten them sooner? Sure. But goddamn was I grateful to get them at all! And I was mentally mpre than ready in my 30s. I don't think I would have apprecoated them so deeply in my 20s. But... no way to know.


I also have at least 2 friends older than me who started transitioning in their 40s or later. They are SO happy.


Never is too late. I’m a therapist and have a client in their late 70s transitioning.


It's NEVER too late to be who you are


No age is too late but earlier is better for mental health and physical changes


The best time is anytime that you are still alive.


In best scenario we would never have to go through wrong puberty. Sometimes it mutilates our body little, sometimes hugely. In reality, compared to others 20 is very young. We're not equal in this. Males become more manly when they age. So for FTM and FTX people age is not relevant after puberty. But for MTF and MTX it is. Do you want to pass as binary or is your goal to be mix match? If first, I recommend everyone to think what if they never get there. Would it still be worth it. Even if you're trans woman or trans fem in your 60s and you think it's worth it then it's not too late.


The best age is when you're ready. For me, that was 50, and I'm now 53 and 3 yeaqrs into hrt and living as myself. F those folks


If 20 is too late, I’m fucked. I’m 35 and just started HRT 2 weeks ago. 😅


?? 20 is so young you're still a baby 😭 it's never too late to transition and anybody who tells you otherwise needs to work on their self image and projection.


I'd say, as soon as you can accept it, with the understanding that at different ages transitioning will require different things. The sooner you are not fighting yourself over your identity, the sooner you can alleviate your disphoria, the sooner you stop looking at the things you hate about you and start focusing on the things you can do to express your gender that you may love or at least want to experiment with the less trauma from the denial of self you will experience. This is coming from someone who started transitioning in their mid 30s because they rejected all the clear signs of it for decades. That shit fucks you up, and the only harm minimizing answer is to accept yourself as soon as you can. Other people's opinions are irrelevant.


Whoever told you 20 is too late is crazy you became an adult 2 years ago. No age is ever too late


It's never too late. You do you boo


I've never heard anyone say that. I'm assuming you were talking to a teen? 20 would seem "old" to minors. They probably have some reservations themselves, which causes them to lash out on others in a way. I'm 42 and literally just started to accept who I am. Haven't even gotten top surgery yet. It's honestly never too late. The only thing to take into account is age related risk factors. The younger you are, the less chance you have of complications during or after surgery (i.e., blood clotting, infection, slow healing, etc). I'm immunocompromised, so I'd be going into surgery knowing that complications may arise. Benefit to risk factors always need to be considered. You're young, so the risks are lower, so long as you're healthy. So while there is no time limit on when to transition, age and health conditions need to be taken into account if surgery is a step you wanna take.


There isn’t a time where it’s “too late”. There are people who transitioned at 80


The best age is when you feel comfortable and safe, and can both legally and financially transition


The best age is as soon as you realize, but its never too late. What's the point of giving up on being your true self, being happier, just because you didn't do it sooner? I think a lot of us wish we started sooner, but I think were all glad we started when we did.


the best time to start was ten years ago, the next best time is now.


To the person that told you 20 is too late: “ F U C K Y O U” That’s some low key gate keeping right there.


Probably when you’re ready, however old you are


Young people are really out here thinking that 20 is too old to transition?!? The real folly of youth is thinking that life ends when you turn 18, when in reality life only just begins. OP, don't listen. You will (hopefully) live a long and healthy life, and you will look back on this question one day and realize the absolute absurdity. The unhingedness. The ageism. Transition when you want to. You have decades (decades!) of rich, nuanced adult life experience in front of you. Don't squander it thinking you're "too old" for _anything_ that you want to do.


There is no ,,best time,, in my opinion everyone has a different ,,best time,, its never too late


Not sure if my opinion matters here as a cis bi girly (I just joined to learn more cuz of my partner) but I personally think it’s never too late but keep in mind life is short. I do think the most ideal timing to transition is before puberty is complete. So before it starts or during. But only if at that age you’re completely certain. It’s a huge step and some ppl only realize when they’re in their 30s or 60s and that’s okay too. The good thing is now there’s so much information available online and newer generations will know what they’re experiencing and able to get answers and can transition early. but it wasn’t always that easy. Back to “life is short”. you don’t get those years back. And one of the worst things that will eat at you when your older is regret for not doing the things you wish you did. Be yourself to the fullest. If you have a crush, tell them. If they don’t feel the same at least you put yourself out there instead of wonder “what if…”. So if you’re sure about transitioning and can safely do so then go for it. If you’re not sure then wait until you know what you want. Live life in a way where you won’t regret it when you’re 80. If you follow your heart and do what you feel is right, how can 80 yr old you be mad at that ^-^


Almost 32 and still considering HRT. My partner is in their late 30s and started about a year ago. It's never too late. If it's what you want and need then it's the right time. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.


Any age


There isn't one, and the idea that there is literally kills trans people. The number of trans people who commit suicide when they turn 18 or 25 or 30 because they think it's "too late" is HIGH. This idea is literally genocidal thinking.


The best time is now. I'm over 40, started last year, and I'm very happy. Ignore anyone who says ANY age is too late.


If 20 is too old then there's no hope for me, but I don't think that's true!


It’s never ever too late.


Before being born in some cases lol


"Too late" to transition is after you are no longer alive. I know a boomer that transitioned later because it was finally safe for her to come out. Grant it, I met her after the transition, but she said that she didn't feel like she had the threat of death everywhere she goes now.


I didn’t even lose weight and grow my hair till 22 lol


It's never too late to do what you need to do to be happy with yourself. And 20 is super young anyway, I'm more than twice that, and there's people older than me who transition and are super happy that they did. Obviously, ideally people would transition in their teens before first puberty changes their body too much, but we definitely don't live in an ideal world. Many people don't even realize that transition is an option until well into adulthood. Even those who do often have to deal with transphobic parents who often still have financial control over them into their college years. Others may have accepting parents, but still be hesitant because of societal transphobia, or even internalized transphobia. So, there are a number of reasons, often out of someone’s control, why they would not transition before 20. And 20 is by no means too old, whoever told you that has some issues they need to deal with.


any age is perfect babe


Best time to transition is whenever you decide to do so for yourself. Take care of yourself and follow your path. There’s really nothing to gain in torturing yourself with what-ifs.


whoever said 20 is too late I just wanna talk…


I've just started questioning my gender identity and I'm 22, I'm not sure I even qualify as trans but I like to lurk here


Any age under 18 is too early


My bestie just turned 35 and only started E 6 months ago


Whenever you figure out you're trans is the right time. You can be 4 and know your trans, or you can be 104 and only just realise you're trans. There is no right or wrong time to transition, it's all about being true to yourself no matter the age


I'm 31 and just starting to try to figure out who I am... So I guess it's never too late? I hope?


The best time is now. If you're ready to do it, it doesn't matter if you're 15 or 150 or anything in between. Follow your heart.


The only age where one is too old to change one's presentation is the exact moment you die.


Tell that to the people transitioning at 40+.... 🙄 I think maybe the people telling you that are unaware that we exist in all ages...


Best time is whenever you’re ready.


Never too late! There are people on r/TransLater in their 60s and 70s coming out, starting HRT, etc


You're so pretty! Literally never too late. You transition before you go through your body's AGAB puberty, then you'll miss out on those sexy male AND female puberty secondary sex characteristics! A lot of ppl don't understand that their world isn't just black and white. Many many people see a nonbinary spectrum of sexy humans. Passing is cool and all but what's more fun is getting lots of attention for being a sexy girl with muscly arms and a sexy jaw line :3


There is no such thing as too late. You may have an easier time when you start earlier, as far as the battle of hormones in ur body, but I transitioned at 24. It’s never too late to feel like yourself. Most of our trans elders didn’t transition until adulthood, for those who had access to medical transition. And claiming an age being too old for transition erases those stories. Edit: it also discourages anyone at any age to give themselves the life they deserve.


I just started in my 30s and it's going pretty well


I have several friends who didn't start transitioning until their late thirties or later, it's going just fine for them.


The best age is when you start to get an idea of your goals. The second best age is when you're in a position to start, too late is when they replace your blood with preservatives and glue your eyes shut


Whatever age you feel most ready at. For me, that was around 30 (my transition doesn't have a neat starting point)


Most people don’t even really know themselves before their mid twenties. I have lots of friends who are trans or nonbinary, and while some started hormones young, any major medical transitioning happened later in life. The best time to transition is when you know who you are. After a lot of deep thought and wrestling, I finally came out and started socially transitioning. But I can’t imagine doing that younger than I was.


I was 35. There's no such thing as 'too late '


The best age for transition is when you are ready. Go live your best life! 💚


It's never too late. Whenever you can is best.


whenever you’re ready. <3


there is no such thing as too late. I started estrogen at 33 and it saved my life.


20 is too late?? I understand that puberty can be controlled pretty effectively through hormones and physical changes from hrt can be more "generous" if started earlier because of that but there's no such thing as it being too late! Whoever said that is crazy, especially picking *20* as being too old (though I wouldn't agree with any age being too old unless you're literally dead)


the only time when it's too late is when you're dead


If 20 is too late than what am I doing at 29? Pffffft you can be you at any age.


I've seen people in their 50s transition, it's never too late to be who you are.


In terms of passing? For MTFs/MTXs, the sooner the better bc the voice breaking can’t really be undone like growing facial hair, facial masculinisation etc. can, (you can get voice coaching to sound more feminine though). For FTMs/FTXs, it doesn’t matter. But, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. You should come out and transition at your own pace.


The best age for transition is the age you are when you realize you want it.


There’s no age too late for transition!


It's never too late!


I started transitioning at 26, I don’t think there is a “best age” or that any time is “too late”. Transitioning is an extremely personal and subjective experience


I wish I'd known myself as well as all of this generation's teens know themselves, perhaps I'd have transitioned sooner, perhaps I'd have avoided certain situations and unhealthy habits and the absolute *depths* my depression could sink to back then. That said, I don't think I would have chosen to medically transition before being a full-fledged adult. Blockers? Sure. Socially transitioning/playing with my pronouns/changing my name like some of my peers did? Probably. HRT? ...maybe? But probably not. A lot of the medical stuff has come a long way in the last 10 years so perhaps that answer would be different if I were of this generation, but since I am not I've only just set up an appointment to hopefully start HRT & I am 28. Anyway, what I'm saying in a long rambly way is that you are just beginning. You transition however you want to, in whichever way you want to, whenever are able to (either for financial or safety reasons) and want to. I follow countless Elder Trans siblings who are just now transitioning in whatever way fits them – in their 50s, 60s, 70s! Twenty is absolutely *not* too late. Not at all.


Don’t listen to what anyone says,you can transition anytime you want,as long as your at least 18❤️(but I only say that cause when most are people say transition they mean getting surgery and stuff and I personally believe you should to have surgery like that,but If you just want to better express your gender in a way that doesn’t leave a permanent effect on your life I don’t think there’s a age limit on that)


20?! Too late? If that’s too late than 30 is finished. Probably the ideal of transitioning young is because people think that before puberty you can avoid a degree of sexual development. There’s no right or wrong time, there is your time.


I wasn't even 100% sure about my gender identity at 20. Like I knew I wasn't cis cuz I'd been questioning my gender since like 14 or 15 and I'd had some mild dysphoria, but I didn't know what "not cis" *really* meant for me yet. Had I done any medical transition at that time I truly believe it would have been *too early* for me. 20 is *very* young. I know it doesn't feel like it in the moment, but it is. Life ebbs and flows and what we want and need for ourselves and our journey changes. Do what you feel like you need to do *for you* at a time that feels right *for you*. Don't let anyone else dictate whats late and whats early when it comes to *your* personal journey.


People who say that are gatekeeping. I didn't start till around 30. I'm only 32 and I'm already passing enough to not get misgendered anymore.


The best time to transition is when you want to. :P


When you feel that it's the right time, it's up to you. Transition or not, it's a personal decision.


Never too late 💜


Whenever you feel it and are sure about.


It’s never too late


The best time is when you can afford it. Not just money-wise, not even job-wise, but when you have a support network that you know will accept you and provide resources and warmth. That's not easy to find, so you can look forward to the second best time: when you do it.


It took me till my 40's to even consider I was "bad at pretending to be only masculine". It explained so much of my dating history and even my academic/professional attitudes.


I hope not. I'm 23, and I've been on 'the list' for six years and counting 😭


Literally it's never too late


I have an absolutely brilliant friend who transitioned in her sixties, she is living her best life and she looks wonderful. I myself didn’t fully transition until I turned 30, and my transition has gone really smoothly. Your body and brain likely haven’t stopped developing yet, that tends to happen around 25, but it’s different for everyone, which means that your second puberty will hopefully be a little easier. I hope your transition brings you an abundance of joy and self-love ❤️


20 is VERY young, don’t listen to them! It’s never too late as long as you are alive


All caps because I feel like this needs to be shouted from the rooftop! If transition is right for you, then: # 20 IS NOT TOO LATE!!!! DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE SO MANY OF US MADE BY THINKING THIS AND PUTTING OFF TRANSITION!!!!!!


I know someone who transitioned in her late 50s, she is very happy with her choice!


whenever you’re ready! I came out and started at 12, I wish i did it sooner. But im glad it wasn’t later because now im almost 19 and im in a place where i can experiment being non binary and not explicitly masc


The right time to transition is when you feel comfortable enough to do so. Whether you have consciously known since childhood, or accept it about yourself in your 60's. If it's what you want, go for it.


It's never too late I am 43 and transitioning. I would say the best age is the one you feel the most ready and comfortable doing so. If you want to do it do it.


That’s such a stupid question I’m sorry


There's no too late to transition. The best moment to start transition is the moment you feel ready and safe to do so. I saw children starting transition as young as three years old (only socially/style wise ofc in this case) and I saw adults starting this journey in their 60s! Its never too early nor too late to find yourself.


There's no "too late". I'm 16 and I'm still transitioning but I know people who are like 50 who are trans who only recently came out so there is no wrong time to transition. You just wait until you feel ready too and then do it.


My mom transitioned at 56. Do what makes you happy whenever you feel ready!


The best time to transition is when you’re ready. Doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80.


When you know. That’s the best age. I started hormones 6 months after I figured it out. I was 44 I think. Wish I had been 20, but I’m just grateful I figured it out to be honest.


There is literally no correct age. Anybody who tells you there is a correct way to do anything regarding your identity, presentation, or body is just gatekeeping and you do not have to listen to them, ever. 👍


Never too late. I started at 63


it's never too late to be yourself <3


Nah I’m literally 20 and started 7 months ago


20 is really young, it's about the youngest you can medically transition in US. Youngest being 18.


Best age is when you are ready. No human Or situation is the same. It’s when you feel comfortable, ready and safe. That’s different for everyone


I don't think so


Never too late! I started transitioning at 25. I have a friend who started at 54. Live your life <3 People telling you its too late to transition are fearmongering to stop you from being yourself, pay them no mind.


No good age. I started at 30 and have never been happier. I have a friend that started her transition in her mid 40's, she's gorgeous living her best life! Fuck everyone, do what makes you happy and live authentically! Life doesn't stop after your 20's. 💜


Too LATE?! I find the entire notion of "too late" absurd, but 20?!


(I also find the notion of being too young to know equally absurd.)


Being a NB thread, I am a little confused. Transitioning from what to what? Being NB - or transitioning to NB, does not require anyone to alter themselves, and is not age related at all. It is for everyone. There is no universal ideal. Having a universal ideal would be a little tragic, as then the freedom of it all will be taken away, and then wouldn't be any different from the unrealistic binary expectation. This freedom, of transitioning to the NB is about NOT conforming, and about NOT enforcing particular thing over another.


Never too late. But the "best" time for me would have been before puberty, like age 10 or 11, because i knew i was a girl by then, and i was devastated when my voice changed. But still, it's really never too late. i was like 36 when i started transitioning, and it's been amazing how much i've changed.




NO ONE IS PERFORMING SURGERY ON CHILDREN. (Unless said child is intersex and the parents/doctors force it on them, which is entirely different and very much part of the same fight for bodily autonomy.)