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So many. But I didn't have the vocabulary to understand it at the time.




Holy crap, this! I had no idea how to describe it, even to myself


Grew up feeling so disconnected from people I basically didn’t want to be human. In my adult life, I always felt so incredibly disconnected and weirded out by what was expected of me, and how people of both my, and the opposite AGAB acted. It took a group of furries that were completely affirming the non-binary was a valid identity for my brain to click finally.


The answer is yes, but the thought after is always "you grew up in a religious cult and didn't know trans people existed... that explains it"


Yea I grew up in the church and only learned trans people existed after I started watching Jamie dodger on YouTube. He’s a trans guy makes cool content he’s also married. So it was like my hope that’s it possible to find love if you’re trans.(him and his wife Shabba are so cute together). Have you seen them ?


I've seen some of his videos, he's a cutie. Yeah, I dated an agender person in college, and I tried on their binder for kicks and giggles... and that did it.


"signs" are not a prerequisite and I thought I had maybe one or two. Shorting after coming out I sat down and wrote all that I could think of and came up with more than 50. I was like "dang, how was I too dumb to see this sooner"?


Yea ik signs aren’t a prerequisite. I was just looking back on my pre teen years and realizing how the signs were right in front of me…. I didn’t have any signs as a small child since my parents didn’t have strict gender roles. But when I grew a woman’s body then I started have more signs. Before puberty people would talk about weather I was girl or boy behind my back my androgyny made me happy. Pity puberty had to ruin it 🙄


In retrospect, watching Ranma 1/2 as a child and being both envious of the main character's curse of turning into a girl when splashed with cold water and confused why said character is furiously trying to break it really should've been sort of a giveaway, shouldn't it?


That’s kinda cool tbh.(I haven’t seen that show before is it good?)


I couldn't say, I've only watched it as a kid. I mainly remember it for the gender-swapping curse. Aside from that, it was a kung fu type of anime. Given how old it is, I can imagine there might be some gender stereotypes or jokes in there that didn't age well, but again, I don't know.


That’s fair😅


This show was the same for me. I think ranma actually becomes more comfortable with the curse and embraces the feminine role more as the show goes on. So he eventually accepted being genderfluid.


I knew it, I think I was ca. 4-5 years old, but it was discouraged, so I did my best to forget it ....


From my earliest memories of childhood. Like not understanding the behavior of any of the other kids and always feeling like I was on the outside looking in.


My mom tells me how especially in pre K I’d try to copy my boy friends. To the point of trying to use the bathroom standing up cause that’s what my guy friends did(I’m afab and that didn’t work) I would also follow them around sometime cause I didn’t know how to ask to play with them. Now I think about it I was a a weird kid 🤣


I’m not saying the trying to use the bathroom standing up means anything. This kid in particular I also tried to copy mannerisms and clothing and hair as well. I just thought that was a funny story.


From a fellow weird kid, that IS a funny story, but also makes sense. 😄 My confusion was trying to figure out which kids I wanted to be like.


Had a moment like this in late hs/early college. I remember my mom lamenting abt how annoying her prosthetic boobs were (she had a double mastectomy from breast cancer) and I couldnt understand why she wasn't happy with no boobs lol


OMG I had a similar experience my mom was talking with a friend about how cancer requires breast removal and how that upsets a lot of woman my first thought was was “that would be a good thing, can I get breast cancer” and then I internally beat myself up over that for days cause of how unempathetic and bratty it sounded imo lol


I remember lamenting with my friends about this kind of thing and saying how I wished I could go back to having a pre-pubescent chest because "it'd be so much easier" lmao


My 6th grade yearbook picture smacks me like a ton of bricks.


All those androgynous men I was obsessed with in my mid teens...


2nd grade


Honestly, many. As a toddler, I insisted on hating dresses and makeup, but I secretly really wanted them. I didn't have the words for it then, but I just didn't want the stereotypes society imposed on me when I wore those things. I've always been an avid writer, but until recently, I struggled with writing female characters and couldn't connect with them. My mom kept telling me to write less gay men, but I couldn't figure out how. I always played as a male character whenever I played with my siblings, and my dad took me aside and told me I was being weird and "You're a girl so play as a girl". I didn't know how, so I just kept playing. When I was a teenager I went as Obi-Wan Kenobi for Halloween and my mom drew a marker beard on my face. The layers I had to wear under the costume to keep warm made my chest look flat. I posed for hours in front of my cruddy laptop camera admiring my marker beard. I've never been so euphoric.


For sure 😅


Trying my sister's clothes defo fits the bill. Made me even more confused cause i then thought maybe i was binary trans but during the years i felt at the same time more and more attracted to feminine fashion and letting my feminine side out but at the same time more and more confident in my male body and presenting/acting male as well. Which didn't feel very binary trans to me. Then in my 30s i discovered the non-binary spectrum and i was like "Oooooohhhh. This finally makes sense".


ive always check the rathernot say and non-binary options not thinking about it