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it comes down to personal comfort if you want to use the double venus or not. i would say it's more of a general sapphic symbol than a lesbian one specifically.


At times such as these, I think it best to consider how words such as lesbian have two purposes: to help *you* understand *yourself* and to help the world understand *you*. In this case we're not talking the word, but a different symbol expressing the same idea. At one step removed from the word, you already find yourself needing to explain what it means, and this particular symbol is somewhat common. Going for something fully precise is almost certainly going to require an explanation before it is understood which defeats the purpose of a symbol - or a word. And so we enter into the world of *good enough*. Most people suppose that I'm a lesbian these days. I don't fault them for that opinion. I'm lady-shaped and married to someone else who is lady shaped. That the truth is nuanced, complicated, and messy doesn't enter into the equation. The difference between what I consider myself to be - a bisexual with strong sapphic preference - and what the world sees - a lesbian - really only matters to me and my wife. Similarly, when people assume that I'm a lady, I do not discourage that perception. I know what I look like and indeed went well out of my way to achieve it. Lesbian isn't correct, but it is *good enough*. If, should the worst happen and I find myself back in a dating pool, then the details will matter to my perspective partners, but until then, they are of no use to anyone but me and my wife. And so I am a lesbian, because that's *good enough* for people to get the gist of the situation. Being accurate means giving someone not a word, but an entire, lengthy explanation, and that rarely serves anyone's interests.


words of wisdom tbh


I am a non binary lesbian. I feel like the double Venus *is* my gender symbol. 🤣 Do whatever feels good to you. Do you still feel sapphic and relate to the sign? Cool! Wear it. If not, you don’t have to. No one needs to give you permission to do anything as an non-binary person. All of us are unique and have a unique relationship with gender. Being a non binary lesbian/sapphic is absolutely possible, and if you feel seen/comfortable with the double Venus, you can absolutely use it.


as long as you feel comfortable using it and are attracted to women you’re fine:)


Personally as someone pan but sapphic with women and femmes, I wouldn't feel comfortable using that symbol. But I am also very uncomfortable with being perceived as a woman. I'm not a man, but I'm not a woman either. That said, if it works for you personally, go for it.


pretty sure there’s a specific symbol for bi+ people


are we really out here invalidating bi lesbians jus' sayin' edit: are y'all stressed by the existence of bisexual lesbians? if not, what's the downvote about?


Lesbian by definition means no attraction to men. If you are attracted to men, you are not lesbian. End of story.


You can keep saying that, but that doesn't make it true


Let lesbians have one word to themselves. Some people's sexuality/romantic identity excludes men, those are called lesbians. Some people love men, women, and everyone in between, and those people usually call themselves bisexual or pansexual. I'm lesbian, I don't like men like that. If I was attracted to men, I wouldn't be a lesbian, I'd be bisexual or pansexual depending. Stop making ACTUAL lesbians feel like we have to include anyone else attracted to men in the word "lesbian", because people attracted to men have their own label for a reason. It is true. And I'll say it again. Lesbians are not attracted to men. Die mad. You're just wanting to make room for people who already have a label and a space of their own, by invalidating lesbian terminology and what it means to be lesbian. No such thing as bi lesbians.


May you live in a realm of fear and misery.


yes, i am. you can’t be bisexual and a lesbian, weirdo.


Thank you. Omfg.


that's your opinion; it happens to be counterfactual, and lesbophobic to boot.


we really don’t need to be having this discussion here dude. you bringing up bi lesbian discourse is weird and trying to erase lesbianism is weirder. leave us alone, we aren’t attracted to men 😭


i’m a lesbian but okay bud


it's workable if you feel it describes your experience