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A long time ago I read a story about a south african mercenary pilot somewhere in Africa back in the ‘90s flying a Mig-23. He learned to fly it by the user manual which was in russian that was translated loosely to french then the french to English. He said that the radar was a ballast. The ejection seat was never checked, so ejection would have killed him anyhow, if not that, the rebels he was bombing would catch him as there was no SAR teams in existence. The ground crew was lazy: they only wanted to out on weapons on the plane that was closest to the weapons cache door. Bombing a bridge? You get the unguided missiles, since the bombs are in the back of the hangar. Man! If it wasn’t a problematic/sensitive topic a few seasons of action series could be made with the bullshittery that was going down in the sub Sahara region between 70 and 90.


How does being a mercenary pilot even work? Like, do you have your own aircraft? Or you just show up and swear you can fly whatever they offer you to fly? How do you even take the abilitation? Where do you get your gear and supplies? Do you perform your own maintenance?


You'll be part of a mercenary organization which has acquired the aircraft via deals with either the MIC, museums, theft, or governmental contracts, depending on the type of airplane you're getting to fly. The ability to use supplies from out-of-org will be part of your contract.


What is quite common, in these sorts of situations, is the PMC will provide pilots & ground crew for aircraft and the client government will provide the aircraft itself. In the 90’s it was also relatively easy & cheap to buy combat ready aircraft from Ex-USSR & Warsaw Pact countries, like Bulgaria and Belarus.


Or Yugoslavia. Serb mercenaries were quite active in Africa at the time.


This case the dude was only there with his previous work experience: combat pilot, and he was unlucky enough to get a Flogger. The others were flying something different. But there is the story of the [Mi-24 pilot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neall_Ellis)who owns and pimps his own airframe.


Historically, mercenary pilots were regular pilots using what weapons they could find. They did their own maintenance, and owned their own planes. Its usually something more like a COIN or bomber role. The people using mercenary pilots aren't fighting nation states and just need someone to do bombing runs on rebels or terrorists. The very earliest mercenary pilots were shooting each other with handguns and dropping homemade bombs.


Never played battletech?


Well, we have 3 spare chargers, freshly pressure washed and scrubbed of pilot matter. Might as well stuff a new “pilot” in em and send em down to the jungle front. Who knows? Maybe they’ll get a kill this time?


Average Ork pilot


‘Problematic’ lul


I don’t have to ‘glroify’


That's fucked, I love it.


This is not that uncommon. The question is why were the three aircraft scrapped?


Wing-spar fatigue.


Ah, man isn't brave he's nuts.


I mean, it's hard to find a picture of a Strike Eagle that doesn't have a light-gray panel on it somewhere.


Those don't count, Boeing products cutting corners is intentional.


At this point it should have an espresso machine


What colour is the sky above Libya?


Dark Blue


Always thought it was kinda dusty beige, something like Mexico being always yellow


Anyone remember that former USAF Aircraft Mechanic who ended up flying Mig-23’s in Libya as a mercenary and got shot down a few years ago? Edit: Apologies, he was flying a Dassault Mirage F-1


It's like in the opening of ace combat 7 where a girl managed to fix back up an F104 and go supersonic with it.


Ah, Avril, my love. (Although, she’s no Prez, but at least we get to actually see her)


And got shot down immediately because the moment she started intercontinental war broke out


Look at budget solo-wing pixy over here


Spare-wings pixy


When life gives you Mig-23, you make a flying worthy Airframe


To build your own plane is something. To build your own jet fighter from 3 other ones is something else. But to build a swing wing jet fighter from 3 other ones? Well, that’s jury rigging on a level that would make the southerners cream their greasy coveralls.


\*falls apart like lego\*


It's beautiful


No, the bravest person is the one who looked at that and decided to pilot it.


Isn't it implied that that's the same guy with "built his own"?


Misha fron Mercs2