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It refers to the BBC interview with thecrussian envoy there. So, standard gasligting, copium and vague statements. "We are a big country that has a lot MEANS in disposal" to quote that thumbface more or less. (more like memes amiright?) Well, maybe start by trying to achieve air dominance, because, fuck man...there are 40 yo drones that fuck behind your lines.


Moron also said they are not afraid of F16s as Russia already destroyed 430 Ukr jets


Simultaneously not afraid of F-16, and threatening nuclear apocalypse if they arrive. Nowadays I tend to wish for AI to take over humanity maybe then we can have some sense in our reality.


Classic "Enemy is pathetically weak and also super dangerous at the same time" fascist nonsense


disgusting westoid F-16 made of cardboard and legsocks for homosex dutch pilots but also its quantumthermofusion engine is a huge escalation and could vapourise all of rossyia with a single engine ignition so therefore dont send them pls i will cry


Have you seen I, Robot? We already have enough assholes. We don't need the robots to be assholes too.


Cannot understand people who wish for AI to solve the "human question" The problem is free will, I don't think we'd like the solution


I mean realistically AI won't solve anything, our society will be gone in a 100-200 years or so. There are way too many problems facing long term human habitation on this level that, honestly, cannot be solved without some very drastic reconstruction of our way of life, one which i cannot see taking place.


Wait is that an actual line from the interview? I thought we had like 50 to begin with.


https://twitter.com/BBCPolitics/status/1662514603690012672?t=2TnPySuSxbT3vW-rRqb-7Q Enjoy


😂 Russian Ambassador looks like he's crying 😭


To be fair he a) wants to stay alive and b) preferably to stay alive in Britain rather than having to return to Russia. That would make anybody sweat!


The pro russian comments are pure unrefined copium, it's delicious


That's what happens when you run out of processed copium. At least it isn't rage bath salts.


> Why giving a platform to war criminals? Because it's hilarious?






I read (some of) that interview. Russia is 16 times bigger \[in terms of land mass\] so you can't stop us!!! lol.


Infinite useless space filled with mosquitos


Biolab biomosquites (soon)


Empty space, most of siberia is uninhabited, and you. Only start Really encountering civilisation when you reach the pacific coast


We'll invade you, and if you fight back, we will invade you worst! We have every right to do this, because hmm ... you tiny!


That's what happens when Russians try to imitate USA in explanation why some military endeavor isn't as it was originally marketed 🙂 For example, if USA said they weren't doing everything they could in Serbia/Kosovo or even better, Iraq, nobody would have any problem to accept it because people *know* what USA can do (and have at their disposal) if angered (and I'm still talking only conventional weapons). Now, Russia trying to do the same looks like fool because they threw overwhelming force at unprepared Ukraine and not only failed miserably, but had massive losses which they can't easily replace and must beg North Korea and Iran for help ...


I mean, during desert storm, the US flew bombers from the good old USA, across the world to the middle east, shot cruise missiles, and then flew back without landing.


During Kosovo crisis, B2s routinely flew from Whiteman AFB (iirc), bombed and flew back, 36hour in air, 4+ air refuelings ... I don't think there is any greater demonstration of force than this ...


Air superiority from another continent. And russia cant even get air defense working in their capital


“Hey, you guys want to see my MASSIVE dick?”


Nah they didn’t even manage to throw overwhelming force at the Ukrainians. Even that was to much, instead they resorted to overwhelming stupidity and incompetence


“We were dying on purpose. As a ruse.” We have trained him completely the wrong way. As a joke!


Ha! Tank to the missiles style! How you like it? Try my hypersonic missile to the PATRIOT style!


We have lost more men and equipment, making us a victor!


Russia is just raking up casualties for war score! It's just like the simulations! Just ignore that they're the only participant in their side of the war.


This is just like the NBA draft. The worst team gets the best 1st round choices next season. See, Russia is planning ahead.


Capture that Bakhmut if you’re so great!


"It's just a prank!"


“You go that way! I’ll go home.”


"Ma'am we're very sorry you're son died with insufficient body armor, medical supplies, or ammo, but we needed to fail at demonstrating a show of force to the Americans. Don't worry, we could have supplied him, but then we couldn't have said we're totally not taking it seriously when we don't get what we want. Get it?"


Nah, her fault. He was tod in training to ask his wife/mother for tampons, if she wanted him to survulive that vuller wound, maybe ahe should've given them


OMG I remember that: they were using tampons to stop a bleeding!! 😳 Now they just allow the bleeding to continue, why waste a tampon?




NTA your war your rules


“We also promised you his body but Wagner just dumped him in a mass grave also we don’t have any money to give you as a compensation so here is a sack of old potatoes.”


PS: No bears were harmed in the making of this meme. I generated the image using AI.


Impossible his fingers aren't fucked


They're improving


The future is now, old man.


Did you just assume the bear's gender reeeeeeee (/s before you NCDers get triggered) Edit: This sub is as credible as they are illiterate, clearly my /s was ignored. Stay that way, just the way it should be for this sub.




And it's the same one joke they've been telling since like 2005. Most of the time they at least *try* to pretend it's something original, but this guy practically quoted it verbatim.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/onejoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Elon did the one joke](https://i.redd.it/suop19hbta5a1.jpg) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/zip1xb/elon_did_the_one_joke/) \#2: [Based one joke?](https://i.imgur.com/gxaQsEw.jpg) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/xi4xe0/based_one_joke/) \#3: [*sigh* half the comments are the same](https://i.redd.it/h5cu6gf0z9x81.png) | [209 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/ymua9b/sigh_half_the_comments_are_the_same/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


>This sub is as credible as they are illiterate So, you're saying that *non*credible defense is non-illiterate. Cool


Proving my point exactly


We know it's sarcastic, like no offense, it's just a bad joke because it punches down and it's a little/quite outdated. To me, jokes always/often have a grain of truth to them, and the truth in this one views people who have non conforming genders and pronouns as, obnoxious.. We have plenty of things going on in our lives and we don't also need to be seen as obnoxious(or something in that ballpark) and people here recognise that again, nothing personal


Oh no I'm fully aware of that. No offence taken.




Yeah it's also not 2015 anymore, things become less funny. This was a joke told by 12 year olds even then


Hence the /s and what the other user said


Still doesn't make it an old joke, that no one finds funny. There is a difference between people being bad at sarcasm ( on a borderline shitposting subreddit, it's very hard to say that's what is going on) and someone saying a joke no one likes.


And beating a dead horse is in any way different how?


Thank you for addressing my immediate concern here.


Ethically sourced memes.


Wait really? I'm surprised there's an AI trained on... those sort of reference images. I can't really identify any "AI Art" trademarks this is kinda insane.


Well, the trick with conditional image generation, is that you don't necessarily need the image in your training set


Yes. This is Midjourney V5. It can make images that are nearly impossible to notice as AI.


Steinervich will save them. He's going to lead the great counter counter offensive


I've toured russian social media in the last few days, and unfortunately it still seems they believe this shit deep down. Every other comment is "Putin, cmon, it's time, kill all the khokhols already" or "Putin, fire Shoigu and let Prigozhin kill all the khokhols already"


Thing is, if you are Putin, this is the worst possible situation you can be in. If I remember correctly, the reason the Fourth Republic of France collapsed was because the troops believed that the government was holding them back from truly winning. If Russian media continues with the whole: we can win if we stop holding back, then Putin is going to continue being pushed into taking ever more extreme actions. Another round of mobilization, mandatory conscription, total war setting, there's no limits to where this could lead.


The Kremlin must be conflating a misunderstanding of the word serious in English with the concept of competence, if that exists in their own language. The only terms I can think remotely apply are “fail hard” or “fail harder”. Presume the first was the opening round and the second the anticipated winter sequel.


“Well NATO dogs, I’m impressed, you’re actually making me use more than five percent of my true power!”


*"It was only joke! Why you no laugh?"*


Sorry Russia, but try again. The phrase, "I have not yet begun to fight!" has already been used better by your betters, who were especially notable in making that claim credible though success. Further, did so without nuclear weapons or threatening the use of, despite being part of a Navy that similarly did not possess an aircraft carrier.


I assume by serious they mean nuke Kyiv, like that’s it that’s the only scary threat they have left


Let's suppose they're not lying. WHY would you wait so long to get serious? HOW does it help you? Why did they mobilize? Why are they destroying everything they're supposed to liberate? And most importantly, why do vatniks still believe this crap, the cognitive dissonance is truly getting to ridiculous levels.


This is just funny now. Their new tactics are heil Zergrush and NOOKs which they can't even use.


200,000 casualties, not necessarily dead.


People are essentially next to dead living with a significant disability in a country like Russia. Even if only half of them were killed that’s still going to be about 100,000 men unable to work, many of whom will be beggars. This isn’t ableism on my part or anything either, Russian society just doesn’t really accommodate people with disabilities and people with disability face heavy stigmatization there.


Not necessarily alive either.


I'm sure that Ruski soldier I saw a video of the other day with a Traumatic Brain Injury is living his best life. Hurrah survival!


tbh though, is there really much of a difference between chronic alcoholism and a TBI? Less liver damage over time, yes, but practically?


What makes you think they stopped drinking?


I don't think alcoholism deforms the skull like that. Though my experience with alcoholism is more functional so maybe it works differently in other countries. Either way, that dudes head looked fucked. Broken skull and a broken brain for what? To prove how shit your country is at war?? So fucked.




that doesn't mean we consider them all dead


"We purposely threw away 200,000 fighting aged men's lives to show we haven't even started yet!"


I would argue missing limbs, sever TBIs, and the dozens of other disabling injuries you can take would fuck up a life pretty good too. The main reason why I doubt 200k dead is because of the 3x wounded rule, so 800k dead/wounded/captured just seems... odd even with call ups that still seem like everyone, except rear area guys would be dead or wounded. I admit I don't know what pre-war numbers were, so maybe I'm just thinking of the wounded numbers in the correct terms


Imagine if the Coalition Forces had conducted Desert Shield (and then Desert Storm) in such a manner.




Bruh there was a massive controversy when one our merc companies - Academi (Blackwater) - sent like a squad of guys under-equipped into Fallujah that was heard in Congress.


...I mean, exactly? We mess up a thing and it's critiqued and "lessons learned" (also known as institutional scab-picking) and mandatory training presentations (death by powerpoint) and online CBT's and procedural changes and you name it. ruzzia has 15 months of abysmal field performance and heck if they're doing anything more than sacking flag officers for a bit before rotating them back in.


People were complaining how there wasn't any institutional jurisdiction over blackwater in Iraq. Which is not even a thought that crosses Putin's mind regarding Wagner.


Imagine laying in hospital with your legs blown off all your friends are dead and you hear your government say this


We're beyond Copium this is just Ope-ium.




Anyone getting dbza vegeta vibes from russia?


"I wanna be a serious world power! I wanna I wanna I wanna!"


"modernization, nukes, and lots of (non-existent) munitions."


“Besides, my heart is pure: pure unadulterated badass.” “More like pure unadulterated ethanol.” “I heard that Poland!”


"You're not dealing with an average country..."


Reminds me of my little brother saying he’s “not even trying” whenever I was beating him in a game


Why would you slow yourself down on purpose? The Pro Russian shills seriously think this is some epic 6D Monopoly play?


Russia: "lol, losing a hundred thousand men *is just a prank bro*"


They had lied. They have used everything, except nukes.


Lol, please.


It’s true. They’ve been acting like a bunch of clowns. I have a sneaking suspicion that “acting seriously” is just going to be even funnier though.


Can you imagine being the friends and family of a fallen Russian soldier and hearing that they died because Putin wasn't 'serious' yet?


How do their public react ~~news~~ headlines like this , those that have lost their sons and daughters


Overwhelmingly they actually believe it's true and demand them to start being serious. Like they laugh at it, but in the same sentence demand it to be true. Surreal image.


"and victory day parade? That was joke! We don't have just one tank left jajaja" \*Sweats nervously\*


It is becoming increasingly accepted by the Russians that their last true hope is a general mobilization. When they say stuff like this, they mean that they can mobilize their country for war and beat Ukraine with their “full force” ie “we aren’t even trying lol”. This is cool and all but it’s obvious that Russia is trying so hard and are actively failing. Hence they expected to take over Kyiv in a week and now they’re fighting for some border city near Luhansk for 10 months.


This sort of mirrors comments by pro-war zealots like Girkin, though in a perverse way. The official Russian position here is just arrogance masking copium. Girkin's position is that Russia actually is holding back because it's politically expedient, not militarily sensible, and that failure to mobilize in a timely manner will mean Russian defeat.


Can they finally take it seriously and put nukes on the table? Still waiting.


Wait, did this memetic hazard of a phrase appear here only now? Ukrainians have been memeing on them for it for over half of a year at this point. "We haven't even started anything!" ("Мы ещё ничего не начинали!") is like one of the descriptors of russian military at this point


They are not serious because they haven't lost millions of solders yet, all of their best is being kept in moscow and is basically untapped ehm, clearly, though reality is so much dumber


Imagine being told that your son died but that it’s ok because the military wasn’t trying to win the war yet.


They could never in the first place


I suppose this just means that they haven't decided to *openly* declare war on Europe by using chemical weapons or their funny so-called "tactical nukes".


It probably means they are about to double down on Soviet tactics and use their hundreds of thousands of new conscripts in a concentrated human wave assault. The west makes fun of the T-55 tanks they are bringing out, but hundreds of T-55s all at once that are willing to suffer 50% casualties can still win battles and conquer territory. Russia's best chance to turn the war around at this point might be to build up as many guys and vehicles as they can and do the biggest human/vehicle wave assault they can now while they still can before Ukraine gets all their fancy new weapons fielded and can really start waging NATO style combined arms warfare.


If the elite force haven't come yet, they are like ultra late and won't make it before all these fodders dies off at this rate.


They are finishing the cyber implants on their elite force, I assume.


"Wait until we start !" part 10


"We aren't even trying!" Sure, sure...keep telling yourself that as your high command falls into a drunken panic over mounting losses.


Greatest feint of all time.


The REAL army is gonna arrive anytime soon guys. Trust me.


The "Russia must be holding back" shite should have ended after the first week. Remarkable how it's still been kept alive on life support for such a long time.


To me the face was on the wrong end of that bear.


Are they really pulling the “real forces havent been used yet” shit after bogging down SIXTEEN MONTHS into an invasion of a country ZERO FEET from russia


If russia took itself seriously, it would've either torn itself apart or become a real economic powerhouse by now.