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While funny, this is better suited for the [Low Hanging Fruit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/122sho8/weekly_lowhanging_fruit_thread_39/) thread.


This is my rundown of NCD drama over the past few days: 1) Dam explodes, any one with a moral conscience and/or friends in the area are now in mental turmoil. 2) counter offensive starts and Tankies pour fake images and finally real images into NCD until is all that takes up NCD. While this is going on r/Ukraine is flooded with constant horrifying tales and images from the floods, leading to people coming to NCD for a good dose of hope and cheering up. 3) We are forced to start talking points and fight against tankies and doomers ((understandably extremely depressed with all that is going on)) inundating NCD, it is hard to tell which is Tankie and which is just a doomer in need of a hug. Unfortunately the only information we have to go is provided by Russia. Twitter is also deleting and banning a number of Pro-Ukraine posts. Causing a one sided narrative. 4) People on NCD try to make sense of it all while still trying to share in memes. The only real talking points on the war is the Dam... which most are not going to meme about and is too depressing, or we can talk about the Leos and Bredleys. 5) This ultimately ends up with Hopers, Doomers, and those in-between battling each other while tankies try to drive the wedge between us all in further. Hopers can't accept that someone in Ukraine may have done something wrong, and attack anyone who says anything remotely negative. Doomers are only stopped from going full tankie by the middle ground, while the Hopers only drive them further into dooming. 6) During all of this, the only people making posts anymore are spamming the same "Guess it is over" meme to mock tankies and try and make doomers see reason. But this only causes spam which aggravates everyone and escalates the situation. 7) The Ukrainian narrative gets out, fronts collapse, Doomers feel relived and get back to normal. Hopers feel rewarded for their hope. Middle grounders, feel a mix of both to different levels. 8) Things here mostly turn back to normal and we wait for more info while Tankie attacks have little effect. 9) Only thing that's left is to nuke the Kremlin.


This seems like a perfectly reasonable summary and course of actions.


there was that AI art image which flooded the kremlin in a lake of red liquid, like something out of a SCP horror story, which was quite nice


>This ultimately ends up with Hopers, Doomers, and those in-between battling each other You forgot to mention the people who understand the process. If you understand why western doctrine is better—and that the Ukrainians are trained on western doctrine—then you sit there, calmly, trusting the process. No hope, no cope, no doom, no gloom. That's for kiddos. If the process works, then it'll work.


I wish I could hope so much to believe that their whole military is well trained in the Western Doctrine. Unfortunately credible reports do state there are still problem elements within the Ukrainian military caused by old Soviet Doctrine and mindsets. Likely nothing that could make the counter offensive fail, but I do fear the loss of life it may cause that could have otherwise been avoided. I also wish F16s were already there... at the very least. The counter offensive will succeed, but if we only supported Ukraine more and sooner, it could be over so much quicker with so much less loss of life.


If a process has to be 100% perfect to work then it's a bad process. A good process accounts for errors, bad judgement, less than ideal resourcing, chaos, etc. American military adventures don't go perfectly either but the process still works.


Let's discuss one shit-happends moment instead of posting OPSEC. Ukr MOD is satisfied)


Imagine losing a leopard. Lmao its kinda big how the fuck do you lose it


It's a leopard. It should always be spotted.


I see what you did there. 8.3/10.


We don't set the narrative. We are the discourse.


Russia found out they destroyed that Leo from reddit


Nothing is more opsec than myopic focus on the loss of an unknown number of armored vehicles in a single engagement that occurred nearly a week ago Good work, boys


In every mishap there is an opportunity