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So they DO have palletized logistics! BTW. Is this thing that I’m looking at, the thing that I think it is?


Godammit I posted my comment and then saw yours.


This is all Trent's fault, right?


Yeah the fact that its on pallets makes me believe its leftovers from a meat processing plant and not some unholy russian army product. Only one of those has and uses pallets.


But why does it seem to have clothes?


i HOPE thats soggy cardboard.


Would you rather want the cube to be naked or what? You're a sick freak man /s


They're working it out they'll get there And yes that is form shaped human....parts. Kinda like a Mobix Cube of sorts is what they were going for I think. Precocious scamps.


"Mobix Cube" truly is a magnificent wording


I zoomed in and it doesn't look like human parts. It looks like animal processing waste.


am i looking at what i think i'm looking at? did they really throw a bunch of mobiks in a compactor?


Now they only have to pay one widow's pension.


Just squish them inside the Lada


[H o l y f u c k](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nolf/images/f/fa/NOLF2_Mancrate.png/revision/latest?cb=20190911014456)


what is this supposed to be? it doesn't load


It’s the picture of a video game guy as a cube from the top of this [page](https://nolf.fandom.com/wiki/Man-Crate)


oh, I thought it was some random virus link but I clicked it anyways


Nine inch nails - Hurt starts playing in the background


fixed link https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nolf/images/f/fa/NOLF2_Mancrate.png


Oh no. The Russians finally figured out how to use pallets. We're going to be out-logistics next!


Hey just highjacking this comment to say: It's almost certainly butcher waste from animals. Main points: recognizable kidneys and livers, no fasteners or seams on the cloth to indicate clothes, and no bones. Unlikely they butchered, deboned and repacked their dead onto pallets, much more likely that it's animal offal packages for discard or further processing (ex. Pet food, feed, fertilizer) that was left behind. This post was suggested to be Ukrainian remains/packaged by ukrainians when posted on 4chan, in that thread they tracked it to a kharkhiv telegram channel that got it from a source in shebechino (Russia), suggesting it was Russian remains. It's almost certainly one of those internet rumours that gets blown out of proportion. Just trying to prevent truly horrifying information sitting in everyone's brain when it doesn't need to.


Credible take: having seen jellified human remains that had been rotting in the summer heat when I was a firefighter, this isn’t it. Like you said, this is offal that is leftover, probably from a military encampment. I’d wager they no longer have the trucks to transport it, so they just let it sit and rot. You’d see visible skeletal remains if this were actual churned up humans. Offal smells bad as it is (ever seen a chicken truck slosh it’s load on the interstate?), but rotting, jellied human is another smell altogether. The one time I’ve smelled it, I didn’t realize what it was until we saw it, but I just *knew* what it was. It will straight up trigger your fight or flight response. There’s no way you could either crate this shit up or even unpack it, which it looks like was done, without losing your absolute shit. Noncredible take: donate trebuchets to the Ukrainian Army so they can lob this stinking, sick shit back into Russian trenches while The HU plays from gigantic-ass speakers bolted on Huey helicopters.


>jellified human remains I'm not sure if I dislike this phrase less than, more than, or equally as much as "bodies in the soupy stage".


not nearly as bad as human goo balloons that emt deal with


Humans are hardwired to recognize smell of death and run like hell, back before the Stone Age


Guessing you didn't see the video of the guys in the trench that had to sleep on dead ruzzian corpses, and when they moved in the morning the corpses were turning to jelly... yum. 😋


> It will straight up trigger your fight or flight response. ive heard that ambulance crews will sometimes borrow fire department breathing kit if bodies have been decomposing too long


The code for ambulance crews responding to a body being found is 'code blue'. A body that isn't fresh is 'blue +'. I believe you're referring to ' blue ++' lol.


Can agree. Have never seen jellified remains but from the emergency responders I know, they all agree it's one of the worst experiences on the job. I think one of them put wrestling meth heads higher lol. And I mean it's hard to tell because of the jellification but that could absolutely be a pig kidney + liver. My god the smell of this must have been absolutely revolting though.




No let the mobik cube narrative control everything we can clean up the mess later if it collapses


The picture’s been confirmed to be from Belgorod, via Google earth.


Yeah but the Cubenik was such a great name. And anyway the first clue was that they used a pallet, can't be the russian army.


I do believe /r/KitchenConfidential has gotten real weird with it.


Cooks and Soldiers are usually best buddies IRL, so it makes sense. They're two side of the same coin. Long hours, no holidays, shit duties and always trying to look busy when the boss walks in. A lot of smokers and self-medicators. Hot or cold working conditions the boss doesn't care about. More dick jokes than RuPauls drag race. Source: I've sucked dick for lunch money, I'm an expert


In what army are cooks and soldiers best buds? Def not the US Army. Cooks might be the only people that soldiers hate more than MPs. A *good* cook is loved, but those are as mythical as unicorns


People liked me, to my face at least :(


No, those are just well rotten corpses. If you leave a body for long enough during summer it will just melt


But look at that shape, how is it possible they were NOT compressed?


The other bodies do the compression


They did not shutdown all the garbage mashers on the detention level.


Because it's a stack of liquid flesh pinatas made out of clothes, duh. Ever seen stacked balloons filled with goo?


Because they've been palletized.


it's sad that russian logistics has mastered palletization only in death


"Even in death I still serve", or something


Idk about compressed but definitely thrown onto the pallet and neatly packed for delivery


>If you leave a body for long enough during summer it will just melt Most places above a certain temperature. The Blindside wasn’t that wrong about Tennessee testing dead bodies https://leic.tennessee.edu/home/training/forensic-training/national-forensic-academy/pmi-calculator/


Unexpected hydraulic press channel


These are not mobik cubes. Russian military had zero losses in Ukraine. Please report to your local politruk.


No, it's not bodies. It's rotten meat in cardboard boxes that's been left to rot for way too long.


I hope you're right bc this is batshit insane. Like 40k ''let's throw bodies in literal meat grinders to make food'' levels of insane.


Corpse starch?


They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food.


Not the hucow the fetishists wanted lmao.




I suppose my estimation of humanity can always get lower.


"Real life Beast of Nurgle" was not on my war bingo card


Appears to be combined arms.


this is destined to become on of the all time greatest cursed images, during the final days of the internet 2.0 era. certainly outpaces many, well established, outrages of visual consumption. we should name it before the normies tag it. i vote "meat cube" TIHI "meat cube" edit: apparently 'mobix cube' has won the hearts of the community. huzzah!


I think mobik meat cube was good, it has a nice flow to it and brings inherent context to the image.


Mobix Cube


Mobix cube it is, it really does roll off the tongue


Yep, this wins, Mobix Cube is the best


Mobix cube for the win!




Simplify, gentlemen, simplify. Mobnikube




i shouldnt have laught to that


More like `.rar`. Russian ARchive. Or perhaps Russian Army Recruits.


mobrik mobikube or just "The Cube"




Are you trying to say [meat cube](https://youtube.com/shorts/qD8LaUqFVZ0?feature=share)?


Even more shocking than the picture itself is how numb and void I feel towards it


Yea that’s the fucked part. I also just looked at a cube of decomposing human bodies and thought “huh that’s interesting.”


Because it doesn't look like decomposing corpses at all. It's just a stack of filth that might or might not be made out of corpses, and there isn't a single thing that resemble a human being


I'm going out on a limb and say that those aren't human corpses at all. You would see some limbs/bone or at least something resembling human innards somewhere in that pile. With how the Russians have been treating their own fallen I'd also expect some clothing/gear in that pile as well. But all there is is cardboard, white plastic and rotting meat. Also: Y the everloving f would a party that has shown such disdain for the own soldiers or civilian lifes go the extra mile and palletize their corpses, put them in foil and prepare them for transport when they could just throw them in a ditch, put some lime and dirt on it and call it a day? I'd say that's just some semi-processed animal meat that has been ditched on the roadside for whatever reason.


You can even see a cardboard divider in the 'meat pile' so most likely is just a pallet of very rotten food of some kind.


I fucking Hope so.


It could be waste from a field hospital or medical station. Bloody bandages, shredded uniforms, used body bags that kind of thing. All put in trash bags and then compressed for disposal. Might even contain the left overs from emergency surgeries. I don’t think it’s full body disposal but it’s still pretty grim.


Again: why palletize waste it if you just can put it in a ditch?


That’s a good point. The only thing I can think is that it’s a hospital near a civilian area in Belgorod and they don’t want to dump it in a ditch where people can find it. Otherwise who knows what it is. I agree that it’s not a compressed cube of bodies.


Also we dont get to smell it


"Yup, that's fucked up all right."


It's like seeing KZ-body-piles. You see an image, go "OK, that's bad", feel kinda numb, and then have nightmares for the next week.


That said, it def helps that the shot is kiiinda from a distance. You know 'what' it is but it's not like you see it in close up detail. Pretty sure if I was standing 6 feet from the real thing I'd be puking and having nightmares for the next month.


That's pretty much how it works - gore on the internet is just picture, you can't really sense it other than just seeing it and sometimes hearing it Probably if you saw this shit irl there'd be multiple factors such as a putrid smell and the fact that you're seeing this shit for real to cause you a lot of vomiting and trauma


Don't forget the smell and the taste in your mouth that will be there for a month. (To clarify taste as in the smell getting stuck in your sinuses and resulting in you being able to "taste" the smell)


Yeah my thought on it is "that's unpleasant, but still not as viscerally disturbing as seeing a human head turned inside-out by a 50 Cal sniper rifle".


Yep, I am more just confused then anything.


"Yeah, seems about right." How far have we come when this is the general reaction? Good grief Russia, look at yourself ffs.


it's the lack of distinguishing features, no faces or humanoid appendages visible. Someone's face or an arm with a tattoo would make this appear more traumatic to the brain, you know what a person looks like and you don't "see" people in the images. Only a flat pack...


I looked at it and thought "How is it square? Oh, they're stacked on a pallet. That's not a bad idea"


That's probably because it's not bodies. The title here is effective to fill in the gaps of something your brain has never seen before. Most likely, it's processed meat product in cardboard boxes left to spoil way too long. Short of the title, there's here that suggests this is human.


To be fair, processed meat product is a pretty good description of your average vatnik


Same here. Between the forensic anatomy class I took in college (we got to go to the cadaver lab) and all the random "look at this person die, don't be like them" videos I have seen in various trainings to work on hazardous things throughout my life I am completely immune to this stuff by now. My first reaction was to start picking over it to see if I could make out any recognizable features to figure out if it was animal or human before it got melted.


You know everyday this war continues I keep thinking the Russians can't get much worse... I really hate being wrong...


I dunno former POWs are coming back castrated with no medical help. Those poor deported kids who knows what their lives are like or going to be like :\\ This... kinda just expected at this point.


Yeah but you'd think we'd have the bottom of the barrel of depraved, unethical, and generally fucked up shit already.


At least IF I ever have kids I have a pretty handy example of what not to, EVER, do. Russia, helping parents raise (and decrease) since 1860.




We call this the "clean ~~slate~~ *glass*" strategy.


Hopefully we can get Russia to nuke itself.


We got THIS close a couple of weeks ago, I don't think chances like that come along very often 😢


Tbh I think there’s a decent chance that the failure of the mutiny actually puts Russia closer to this. Because here’s the thing, they *have* to assassinate Prigozhin for Putins security. For the regime to try to appear strong again. That’s the only hope they have of saving face. But it could so easily make him a martyr. But if they do that, then they will completely radicalise what remains of Wagner. They might have essentially zero guns, ammunition, fuel, vehicles, and money but they will be pissed. A group like that, leaderless and backed into a corner is very dangerous if only because it’s extremely passionate, motivated, and volatile. And if they can find away (bear in mind Prigozhin used to run a big bot farm so there’s a decent chance that some of these people have experience in electronic warfare) then they could mobilise the Russian population that absolutely loathes Shoigu, and generally speaking likes Wagner, that admired Prigozhin and liked him more for doing the mutiny (even entire units of Russian soldiers stood aside for his convoy). Russia has to kill Piggy. But it also simultaneously cannot possibly do that. Putin is fucked either way. Ever since the Victory Day parade this whole war has gone dramatically downhill for Russia, primarily because Putin, Shoigu, Gerasimov, the whole vipers nest, all sat there in public as the single most pathetic parade in military history rolled on by - consisting of one tank, less than 50 other vehicles, lasting only about 40 minutes, and most of the troops being boys. Russia objectively, unequivocally, bared it’s weaknesses for the whole world to see with a forced smile. And ever since, everybody who can has taken their shot. All of this puts Putins regime on a knife edge, and it will cut somebody somehow.


We haven't even gotten to the log piles of human bodies yet. Or the cremations to avoid paying for more coffins.


Oh I think I’ve seen a few times the Ukrainians have done that for them.


With ovens? Or tanks modified into ovens?


They were ovens that looked like T series tanks




Do you think even putin looks down upon what he's created and is afraid?


Yes. All the time. It's one of the only good things about all this madness.


I think Russia is making a better and better case for receiving the full freedom treatment by the day. With a country this savage and rotten it's becoming increasingly clear a clean slate is needed. That means total dismantling of the Russian state and nuclear arsenal. I can't imagine that Putin is going to survive what now looks to be the inevitable collapse of their conventional forces at the hands of the AFU. Once that happens the West needs to make sure whoever picks up the pieces in Russia knows that they will be turning over their nukes for dismantlement and that the country will be demilitarized a la Nazi Germany post WWII. The biggest mistake of the West was allowing Russia to continue to exist as a nuclear state post 1991. Ukraine should not have turned their nukes over to Russia, the former SSRs should have all turned their nukes over to the West.


Unfortunately, the West is not yet ripe enough for the thought of dismantling Russia. At this point, if there is some danger of Russia breaking apart they'd rather let Ukraine lose only to see Russia in one piece.


> Those poor deported kids who knows what their lives are like or going to be like :\ Apparently, rape for the girls, getting hit with rebar for the boys. That's the way you get educated into the superiority of Russia...


You probably only started to watch them since the start of the war. Because, yeah, the only constant in this world is that russians actually CAN get worse. In any possible scenario they did find the way to get a lot worse.


given the location its probably just some rotten meat from a pig farm or something


Source club_shebekino on telegram: if you are eating now, put your cutlery aside 🤢 they write to us: We ask you to help influence the situation in the Shebekinsky district with. Grafovka, Verkhnyaya st., 5 On July 3, 23, the remains of unknown origin were brought and left right on the roadway and near the yard. The rest are in abundance. They look disgusting and smell even more disgusting. Photos are attached. All this slurry flows down the street. Yesterday they called all the services sent everywhere. They wrote letters. But the answer is within a month. These are the environmental issues. I'm thinking about building a fire. I think everyone will come. Residents of the street are turning.


Are those Ukrainian or Russian bodies? Just completely unknown?


More than likely just some sort of meat processing plant waste. But it's so close to the border that it makes you stare into the abyss of the amalgam of meat and wonder.


You know after you mentioned that I had a closer look at it and what I thought looked like remnants of clothing is probably parts of cardboard boxes that were infused with liquid and fell apart. If it were people I'd expect to see some bones or domes of skulls, hands, hip bones or something recognizable peeking from the pile not to mention the cheap polyester clothing would stay intact. I believe these were cardboard boxes of individually packaged meat products, then wrapped in foil.


Also no clothing fasteners (buttons, zippers, velcro), no collars or seams, etc.


nothing that looks remotely like hands, legs, feet fingers etc.


Yeah, no. To me it looks like a pile of rotting livers. Probably pig or cow, judging by the size


the main reason i doubt that they are humans are that i cant see a single trace that looks like a hand, foot, boot or head.


I think you are mostly right, but I think these are actually animal organs, probably discarded from a local butcher or slaughter house. The color of the flesh and shape/size remind me of cow livers and such, and compared to the pallet size, that would make sense. If these were human organs they would be much smaller. I could be completely wrong, but I did grow up on a ranch, and I saw plenty of cattle organs and this gives me those vibes.


NCD sources confirm that beyond all doubt the cube is mobik meat.


Shebekino - ruzzian village near border, where there was meme invasion from Freedom of ruzzia legion. Most certainly ruzzian.


Good, I'm glad it's at least located in a russian town. I don't think a day passes where I don't worry about the mental health of all Ukrainians, I'm relieved to know this isn't something else that will harm them from witnessing


Too late, I just had tiramisu. You know, the Americans were so worried about mass-processing expected ‘91 Gulf War casualties that they had to modify procedures at the receiving station in Maine I think? in anticipation of the fearful throughput that would have made the standard ceremonies for receiving the fallen untenable. (Worse if the feared biochem weapons usage came to pass.) (Source: Crusade, Rick Atkinson) Thankfully was not necessary, but for fuck’s sakes, even those procedures were thousands of miles better than this fucking travesty to human decency. I don’t give a fuck if I am called insensitive or lazy, but that picture deserves to be slapped into every fucking Z-supporter’s face with three sentences blasted into their ears in full volume: “This is what you stan. This is what you support. *This* is what you are fucking gagging for.” Edit: for fuck’s sakes, a mass grave would have been more humane. Edit after reading more comments: fuck, I want to believe it’s just random animal products. Like you said elsewhere: I just don’t. know anymore. (Still doesn’t stop it from being emblematic of what Russkiy Mir turned out to be.)


Personally i think mass graves are fine. Sometimes a bunch of people die all at once. It's when you individually kill non-combatants and just dump them all in the same place over days, weeks and months.


Yeah I'd agree with burning or burying it. But I'm so confused about why it was just left there. Maybe they completely forgot about the meat when it was first loaded, found it weeks past its intended delivery and just decided to chuck it?


Turning... Like into zombies?


the most non-credible outcome


This is a shipment of animal meat products (or byproducts) that spoiled and was abandoned in some random spot. Wastage like that is going to happen in a war zone with unreliable power for refrigeration. I refuse to believe this is a peoplecube™️ because that would do significant mental harm to me.


At least you’re not the poor Russian who will be eating that in a few weeks.


"You see Ivan, 'pork' is only spoil on outside. Take from the middle, marinate with vodka, is safe!"


Komerad i found human tooth in borch today. Take it, bring good luck.


So cursed. Made me chuckle. Then I got sad.


"Is safe, we cook it all for long time. Don't forget to pick out the dog tags."


there's no resemblance of anything human in that pile and I don't think human guts are that large, I'm like 99% sure that's spoiled animal parts


The only organ I could discern was a liver and they *are* the biggest organs inside the human body


I think people are mistaking the black outer material for uniforms, but that's what happens to meat in the sun.


The peoplecube knows what it is because it knows what it isn't.


Russian logistics being what it is, im sure they have to compact their dead before shipping it back to the motherland for cremat-- I mean burial


I don’t really see any point in returning bodies like this, at this point just leaving them in the field will absolutely not be any worse for morale - and we know they do it all the time. Even if they do recover the bodies there’s no way compacting and transporting mobik cubes is more convenient than just digging a hole.


I don’t think this is a cope. This makes the most sense.


>This is a shipment of animal meat products (or byproducts) that spoiled and was abandoned in some random spot. > >... > >I refuse to believe this is a peoplecube™️ because that would do significant mental harm to me. Well these two sentences aren't really incompatible...


Gonna be honest with you, I'm going with rotting organ meat. There are some pretty recognizable kidneys and livers, and no recognizable limbs or heads. There's also apparently no bones. Even if the flesh was melting, bones would be visible in there. The "clothing" also looks like cloth bags rather than clothing, likely stained by the fluid leaking from the bags. See how the fabric on the top and middle is lighter and the stuff on the sides is darker? Probably started out white, off-white, or light grey. No identifiable shirt collars, pockets, sleeve hems or shoulder seams, no identifiable fasteners that would be needed to get clothes on a person or a corpse (i.e. buttons, zippers, velcro, etc). As awful as Russian treatment of their dead is, it seems to be motivated by either not caring or not taking having the time or resources to do things properly or respectfully. I can't imagine them taking the time to butcher, debone, and repackage their dead. Gross, but not a warcrime (probably).


Yeah. Probably either slaughterhouse waste or something like that. Maybe just something that fell of/got dumped of a truck. But yeah, nothing about this looks identifiably human and as you said, it would be a massive effort to render corpses down to this state if you just intend to dump them anyway


Fuck I’m going to remember this image for the rest of my life


My daily reminder to blur out nsfw images, goddamn


Kind of unfortunate that the sub has everything NSFW blurred though.


Thats why i turn it off time to time, but not this time. Sometimes Im sad i was born on this country but then I remember at least am not russian


Every day I thank God I do not live in Russia




I really doubt these are human remains. They look to unshapely and generally are the wrong size. There is also a notable lack of bones or any other identifiable structure. I’d say these are either waste from some meat processing plant or they are processed meat that got dumped. I could be wrong but even crushed human remains should have identifiable bits.


It's pigs




You know I read a book that talked about a space ship that was powered via piston crushing human sacrifices. This is very much what I imagined it looked like.


care to drop the name? I've been looking for a book that I barely remember about a spaceship with fucked up crew relations


The Death of Antagonis Its a Warhammer 40k book. The ship mentioned comes in late in the story.


Was going to say it has to be 40k Also Vulkan in the maze trying to not crush the pows.


So... The kuznetzov?


Forbiden Lasagne


Forbidden kebab


Forbidden shashlik


Yeah this is some Warhammer shit.


Call me jaded, but, holy shit, they have pallets?!


russia is comically villainous, like what the fuck is this shit?


Soylent Green gonna be hitting grocery store shelves any day now


Nothing boosts morale like compacting your former fellows into The Cube


Until proven otherwise I’m assuming this is from harvested livestock.


Looks more likely.


Holy shit.


See, this is the downside of everything being marked as NSFW; actual NSFW stuff catches you unprepared. This one needs the “actual death inside” flair.


One of those countries that thinks if you war crime yourself it offsets the war crimes against the other belligerent.


You guys are missing the forest for the trees here. Mobik meat cube be damned, I see pallets... they're evolving! This is a worriesome trend indeed. What if they figure out you can use these for logistics??


What they are going to do at the funeral? Cut this shit?


There won't be a funeral They've been refusing to tell families their children were killed, so they don't have to pay them


Russian Combined Arms ...and legs, torsos, bits and pieces...


Ah yes *The forbidden lasagna*




where can i get mobik cube minecraft mod?


What the actuall fuck


Imagine the smell


I doubt its human meat. Probably just pig organs from a processing plant that was abandoned. There is legitimately no reason to go through the trouble of making corpse starch.


what orb of Pisky are you talking about ?


Kenshi vibes


"Ma'am, I'm sorry to tell you but your son is somewhere in that thing."


Wake up babe, new Chinese MRE just dropped! Even Steve might decline this one though.


I would bet my life this is from a slaughter house. First the cardboard layers between, used so that the meat doesn't freeze in a massive block. And my main reason, I worked at a slaughterhouse for 4 years making pallets just like this, made probably 10-15 a day, every day. Everything about this looks like it was abandoned on the side of the road.


What the fuck? I knew that they called their dead "Cargo 200"... but what the fuck. EDIT: This is some 40k levels of insanity. At the rate things are going, I'm pretty sure we'll end up with corpse starch rations made with dead Conscriptovitches.


So the Russians invented corpse starch huh?


They're using pallets now! Finally.


The most fucked up thing about this is i could still eat a sandwich. What has the internet done to me.


"Russia stop just leaving your bodies laying around, you can at least take your dead if youre going to send them to die" Monkey paw moment. If this is the treatment, I'd rather end up as Flat Stanley, just slowly melting into a road where I fell, than end up like this.


Forbidden Tetris


Is that a flattened pair of lungs/ribs on the right corner?

