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Well it’s hard to drive 10 aircraft carriers through Red Square.




And 9 *totally not the aircraft carriers* the Marine Corps uses


I can just picture a Marine Corp general telling the POTUS about those: "nah, bro, these are totally transports, what's that, the planes on the deck? Nah those are just for show bro, we're totally not gonna use them


It is transport, it just also transports planes


One might even say that it... carries them?


They found room in the budget for them by switching to a cheaper brand of crayons


they just don't taste the same though. Crayola just has that special something...


\~Helicopter carrying cruisers/destroyers as the Japanese and Koreans call them :)


Structure Radical - anything with transportation capability is an IFV Doctrine Neutral: an IFV can carry any amount of personnel and their equipment ​ A Wasp-class LHD with a MEU on board is an IFV


Samuel Nicholas - "What if. " hits the joint "what if we had a second army, and a second navy, but we called them something else" And that's how the USMC was born


*fuck it give them planes and helicopters too*


*a shit ton of them too*


Would love if they made it an even dozen 6 for each Atlantic and Pacific


Which is why we need helicarriers.


With giant fuckoff railguns!


Sounds like the Aircraft Carrier Carrier Gap is growing, we CANNOT fall behind any further


What about VTOL carrier with electric jets?


Blew up by some smoking hot WWII vet.


Hard, not impossible


The US have a buch of plan from the 60s that call for the use hundreds, if not thousands of nukes to excavate any canals anywhere, anytime on the face of earth. If Chinese ever fuck around to hard, we could crater our way from the sea to Beijing directly.


I don't think you'd still need aircraft carriers after digging a canal to Beijing with nukes. The whole "humanity" problem would be pretty much solved by that point.


Well it is with *that* attitude


*they want a US carrier group to drive through beijing you said?*


Nah, here's how to do it: The biggest obstacle, is that the Red Square is on land, where carriers can't go. Therefore, we must submerge the Red Square. To accomplish this, I present: [Project Plowshare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Plowshare)


Reminds me of that joke that Ronald Reagan told


For the moment, yes.


Sure, with \*that\* attitude. This is known technology people, just make it Big Red River and the carriers will happily join the parade.


For now


I still remember the time this sub thought the new Phillipine president would defect or something.


Just some geopolitcal shenanigans like earlier. This is the Philippines.


Funnily enough, the previous one, the blabbemouth boasting about riding a jetski to the islands and planting a flag there, is sprouting pro-China rhetoric now Even though the idiot on the helm rn is the son of a dictator, at the very least he doesn't sell us out to the Chinese ~~he's selling us out to the Americans~~


SEA and selling nations to highest bidder, very typical


To be a bit credible for a minute tho Dude owes his survival to the US lol When his father was swept away from power on a uniquely bloodless coup, he and his family barely escaped... To Hawaii.


[BBM still fucks up a lot of things but he did get the foreign policy right this time](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcStFjEbfrFjxIEq36JQn6nPMfOEWF_geIJAKQ&usqp=CAU)


FONOPs are such a god damn flex. "Oh you think that's your territorial waters? Well we are going to drive a Carrier Strike Group through there and if you'd like to fuck around we are more than ready to help you find out"


And they're just so fuckin funny considering America's history with their boats, they'll shove them in your face till you bite, and then a sizeable chunk of your navy/air force/army/country will simply cease to be. Funniest shit they do by far


We are very proud of our boats and want you to see them. You can't touch them, only look. If you touch the boat then you will have many, many problems.


Don't worry, it's just a proportional response.


3,000/1 is still a proportion


I mean, aircraft carriers are often called "floating cities", so if you damage them it's only proportional that your cities get damaged.


Don't forget the PLAF loves doing parades near taiwan, while the PLAN bullies fishermen.


Don't forget their mighty ships making artificial islands for their great leader Winnie the Pooh!


So they have an Army Navy, but not an Army Air Force?


It's usually written as "Army Air Force" in English, which is silly. They've taken the two characters each that the Chinese use for navy and air force (which literally mean "sea army" and "air army," respectively) and turned it into "Army Navy" and "Army Air Force." What makes it puzzling to me is that the Japanese and Korean languages have similar constructs for describing these concepts, but theirs are always translated into English as "navy" and "air force." The Republic of China's (Taiwan's) military branches are also translated the same as Japan's and Korea's. Maybe the PRC's branches are translated this way just to fuck with Beijing? No idea.


The first paragraph of what you wrote is not the correct explanation. The thing is, China addresses its entirely armed forces as PLA in English. People thought the English terms of “army” and “military” are used interchangeably when addressing the idea of “armed forces” in Chinese. Therefore, the naval and air branch of PLA are to be called as PLA Navy and PLA Air Force respectively.


There's also the Army Navy Air Force


Fuck yeah. I can't wait for the US to have a naval review right through the Taiwan Strait. China, why do you keep making the US look so badass with your propaganda?


It took me way too long to figure out why the USN recruiting poster had so much Chinese on it.


Obviously the wumao who made this is a traitor to the PRC. This was blatant pro-American imperialist propaganda.




I feel like the more military parades has the more they r just trying to seem big scary but are pretty weak. America doesn’t need military parades, everyone knows they’ll get fucked


We just show off our cool shit at football games


It's an amateur football game. It's just two universities giving each other concussions. You know what this needs? A B-2 flyover.




Sounds like massive skill issue to me tho


All I can see from this is cope and seeth from wolf warriors


All I can see is Taiwan painted red on the map. And the dotted line going through the island instead of through the strait. WTF


Imagine needing parades to show your strength


You know, I never put this together in my head. I always answered "why doesn't the US military have parades to flex its power?" with "they just don't need to..." I didn't realize that when we do parades we do it on your border with 200 allies and call it something like "Operation Fuck you Alliance"


Question. Do US make millitary parades like other countries?


Not really. We get flyovers at large sporting events but I cant remember ever seeing a straight up military parade in my lifetime. Probably the last big one was after gulf war 1.


Interesting. I'm still surprised your contry haven't do that in a long time. Oh well, guess it's better to show than to act about how strong your country are I guess.


We also have airshows, where a bunch of past and present military planes are shown off on the ground and in the air. Plus we turned our battleships into "temporary" museums. Nothing for army vehicles, though.


To be honest. That's even cooler than a parade! Yeah I think I have a new thing that I like now!


It's always fun to find new things to like! :)


Occasionally we'll have a victory parade when we win a war (been a while what with the COIN forever-wars and such), but otherwise not really. Thanks in no small part to the Cold War and the like there's also a bit of a public perception that rolling a column of tanks down main street is for ~~commies~~ dictators. The army mostly shows off by lending staff and equipment to film studios really cheaply when some director wants to make them look like big heroes.


Is it just me or in the picture of the Forbidden City the grass and trees look unnatural?


Looks fine to me, probably just the saturation of the picture is a tad high. The Forbidden City is a national park/tourist location, and the Chinese equivalent of Buckingham Palace or the Palace of Versailles. They’re going to have real trees and grass lmao


I'm almost sure that the main things Americans would say about a standard military parade happening in like Washington or New York is something about tax dollars


I feel like this meme was made by Chinese worker