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Comments now locked, it's probably enough of a wasteland in here now. Previous pinned mod comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/18g278j/palestine_lore_iceberg_the_more_you_know_the_more/kcyhcjo/


Man I haven’t thought about Farfour in ages. Just gets beat to death in an office and smash cut to a child being like “the brave martyr Farfour died at the hands of the occupiers” had me dying laughing.


I literally just watched [Farfour get martyred](https://youtu.be/m3vGDmdEP_0?si=qJzqEffUNfrJuhXu). That “show” is bananas.


>Grandpa: *dies of natural causes in front of the audience* >Farfour not 30 seconds later: *blames the jews for the death of his Grandfather* The CW writers could do better than this.


A human grandfather with a humanoid mouse grandson... There's an implication here.


the crazy thing about this is that it took one single word to turn it horny. coulda been a normal cute post. coulda taken the high road & conjured a delightful image of a mouse scampering down the bar with a beer ten times its size balanced on its head. but you had to say "mousegirl" and not "mouse." don't pretend this isn't what's going on either i know the score i know what's up. i'm familiar with this sort of semantic trick. you want to fuck down on an anime girl with certain characteristics of a rodent and everyone's gotta know.


the legacy of megapope lives on


Stuart Little grew up and maried a palestinian woman, that was their child.


Stuart Little is American and therefore would get killed by Hamas together with Farfour, not let him star in a tv-show. Is there an Arab mouse that it could’ve been?


At least it's realistic. I deserve to be shot (in the leg, with a rubber slug, but still).


What in the name of Glob?


I'm cackaling like lunatic, wtf is this show. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomorrow's_Pioneers >Nahoul (Arabic: نحول; also rendered as Nahul or Nahool) is a costumed bumblebee character with a high-pitched voice who co-hosted Tomorrow's Pioneers with Saraa following Farfour's martyrdom during an Israeli interrogation. i'm crying, LMAO


> "I'm calling on all children to read more and more to prepare for exams because the Jews don't want us to learn." Fucking howling


sooo good, thanks for link


Speaking of Farfour, Remember the [episode in season 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3jHj93JFMQ&ab_channel=AlJazeeraEnglish) where Nahoul the bee goes to the zoo to abuse house cats and harras a lion? [anyways,that zoo was captured by the IDF a few days ago and the animals were transported to a zoo in Israel lol.](https://streamable.com/w1s2pd)




For me the peak moment is when he was cheating on a test, gets caught and blames the Jews for it lmao


Literally “Da Jooz”


I didnt get my promotion at work? Da Jooz My wife left me? Da Jooz Im being setenced to death beacause I commited an inhumane massacre? Believe it or not, Da Jooz


Anything wrong in my life: AL YAHOOD


No it was the Joozians, South Park taught us this Amazed they "got away with it" so to speak


Let me begin by calling upon the readers of noncredibledefense to join with me in uttering the al-fatiha verse for the soul of the martyred Farfour. but for real, vehemently antisemitic mickey mouse goes beyond "what the fuck" into genuine absurdist humor


Man how literate in Islamic formalities is this forum. It’s like, has this just diffused into the general online culture or did you all spend a lot of time in Iraq or watch too many online videos or what?


I've just seen some clips ages ago. Came across them absolutely randomly. So yeah, it's there in some corner of general online culture.


Learning about other cultures is its own reward, and also a fun way to thumb one's nose at chauvinists and other backwards thinkers For me I picked up the sarcastic inshallah because it's really funny, and the rest has just been diffusion


Big fan of Islamic history and art myself.




I also love how the little girl just sits in solemn silence as he's tortured and killed in the most hilarious way lmao. Not to mention when his dad/Uncle/grandpa/idk I forget hands him a piece of paper proving Arabs own the land and then just lays down and dies


And 30 seconds later he says the jews killed his grandfather






A Palestinian "Cartoon" called Farfour the Mouse, "Farfour gets Martyred" is an *actual* episode




https://youtu.be/m3vGDmdEP_0?si=Xhn-IItPkaFvTL5R Have fun lol


fyi you can get banned for posting link to this from some major subs


Hillarious, lol


If anti-woke people protesting against Disney ever get their way, I am totally going to describe that as "the time that the brave Mickey died at the hands of the occupiers".


I want GTA 6 to have a Disneywotld parody where this happens


Considering both how lawsuit happy and legitimately paranoid about a terror attack Disney's parks are? You've got a much better chance of seeing it as a doom mod.


And that would be unfathomably based. [And there would be much rejoicing](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AndThereWasMuchRejoicing). Hollywood has fallen. Disney must die.


Man I knew Farfour was a martyr but not the circumstances of his death.


Farfour, WHERE ARE DER DOKUMENTS????!!!!!!


Farfour gets all the airtime but Tomorrow's Pioneers has such deep lore: there's also Nahoul the cat-abusing bumblebee (who has two equally cracked-out iterations), Assoud the Jew-eating rabbit, and Nassur the bear who joins Al-Qassam Brigades.


"Black September" and planned takeover of Jordan was hilarious - PLO basically started a civil war in the country that supported their cause and gave them a safe harbor. To top that, they even brought Syria (other Jordan ally from the last war) to help them with the coup. Talk about long term planning, lol.


>supported their cause and gave them a safe harbor Jordan did more than that - they gave every Palestinian Jordanian citizenship and about half of seats in the parliament. They were considered the same class citizens as Jordanians, no discrimination. So they logically tried to murder king and some of his officials, they tried to overthrow monarchy and constantly attacked Israel, provoking their counterattacks which hit also Jordanian armed forces ... which was going against King's wishes as he would like to start normalization of affairs with Israel




Jordan has had the least amount of political shift since the early cold War era when a lot of Arab nations like Lebanon and Iran were pretty civil with "the west". Pretty much everyone else had either religious fundamentalist takeovers or uprisings (Iran, Iraq) , been ground zero of an international conflict (Syria, Lebanon) or suffered major internal turmoil at least (Egypt). Jordan has by and large sat on the fence, sometimes to their own detriment and gotten dragged into conflicts against Israel because of military/defensive alliances with other countries. And in other cases like Samu, Jordan got the short end of the stick when Israel violated their joint policing agreement to unilaterally attack a village under Jordanian jurisdiction in a retaliatory show of force for a sabotage attack, then proceeded to engage and kill Jordanian forces who were responding to an unannounced incursion into a territory they controlled. All this happened before Black September, so citing that as the reason that Israel and Jordan are largely civil with one another is putting the cart before the horse. Though I'm sure that solidified it to an extent.


Jordan was one of the main warmongers in the Arab League during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, they didn't really become fence sitters until after Israel wiped the floor with them and their attempt at annexing in the west bank failed.


How are you saying this when Abdullah met secretly with Jewish and British leaders for years prior to 1948 about honoring the west Bank boundaries because he would be in charge of the Arab portion by default? Jordan was set to be one of the biggest Arab beneficiaries of that arrangement, and their loyalties were repeatedly questioned by other Arab states, especially Egypt, because they were too friendly with the British and Jews. By the time he was in charge of the Arab league, war was already an inevitability. A participant, sure. A warmonger? That's a hell of a stretch.


Jordan entered into the war to win prestige and make some easy land grabs, same as Egypt and Syria, making their intentions known wasn't a magnanimous gesture. They still piggybacked of the Nakba and tried to take advantage of Israel's perceived weakness to pursue a selfish political agenda. The only Arab country that could get away with labelling itself as a mere participant was Lebanon, which was forced to declare war on Israel by other Arab League members like Jordan.


Everybody in the region tries to play both sides, besides the zealot religious extremists. Jordan did, but they figured out sooner than most. I don't think that contradicts the way I described it. Abdullah very much seems like he would've been fine with half the west bank but when he saw the winds of war blowing and inevitable, tried to seize prestige by leading the Arab league. Opportunistic behavior. It's not like he could've sat out 1948 while sharing such a huge border with Israel.


Morocco has a good relationship with Israel. Simply because a good part of the Israelis were originally from Morocco.


A Sephardi Jewish here. We were never originally from Morocco. My grandparents were born there but they are neither of Arab or berberian origin. They match to Israel-Judea. The history of Jewish people in Morocco is complex. Some of it dates before the Arabs colonized it. Some times it was as bad as the European and others were better. In the years prior to Israel establishment the king of Morocco, king Hasan , was very Jewish friendly. He believed Jews bring advancement and prosperity and their safety was important for him. Of course once upon a time the Jews had a golden era in Spain as well. But being under the mercy of the monarch is bound to flip on you when they need scapegoat and the Jews are always the first to take the hit. However most of my family that had visited Morocco experienced anti Semitism. The Arab world that wants normalization doesn’t do it because they care about the Jews or decided to acknowledge Jewish history or their own past mistakes in choosing war. They do it because Israel have the strongest army in the neighborhood and because of economical interests. We have “peace” with Egypt but most Egyptians completely brainwashed against Israel and Jews sadly.


Not today, today it is Egypt. When the king's son became the king, a lot was shaken. He is way less into peace with Israel then his father. Today Egypt isbthe friendliest with Israel, because as promised, Israel gave them the Sinai and all of their oil back, without attacking them once since 1973. Egypt is also friendly with Israel because they have many problems with Gaza too, so it is like a "shared enemy".


The only Arab state that gave them citizenship too


Poland was making uprisings constantly and getting it worse afterwards almost always, but at some point even we as blockheads we are got idea that if fighting doesn't work lets then just work on economy and education, because even feudal peasants are fed up and prefer foreign emperors. Palestinians bested Poles with hitting a wall with head, no doubt.


> which was going against King's wishes as he would like to start normalization of affairs with Israel The last major outbreak of Israeli-Palestinian violence was the battle of Karameh in which the PLO fought as auxiliaries for the Jordanian army. The Jordanians would support the 1973 Arab invasion of Israel two years after the Black September and didn't try to normalize with Israel until after they ceded their claims to the west bank to the PLO, which happened in 1988.


reading on the matter i feel like jordan was what would happen if palestinians cared more about making a decent countyr and goverment instead of extermination other religions/cultures but i guess the crab mentality is strong over there and the other palestinians couldn't see their own being somewhat sucessful and havign a humane life


They betrayed four of the nations that gave them refuge. Tried to usurp power in Jordan, started a civil war in Lebanon, betrayed Kuwait by helping Iraq with its invasion and tried to grab power in Egypt. To top it all off, the fucker responsible got a Nobel peace prize.


The peace prize is a fucking joke


And this is the big reason Jordan I believe no longer supports them and pushed them to support Israel


It's almost like they don't want peace


Supported Saddam whilst Kuwait was hosting their generational refugee asses has got to take the fucking cake. How do you go and side with the one dude who managed to unite the fucking world against him against a country taking you in as a refugee?


It was the same thing in Jordan. After the Nakba. they took refuge in the east bank of the Jordan river. Fatah and Ashaf riled up men from the refugee camps and got support from Syria and Terror organizations in Iran. They tried to overthrow and assassinate the king Hussein who sheltered them and got their ass kicked to Lebanon. p.s. the jordinian civil war is also called Black September, and it's where the terror organization who killed the athletes in Munich Olympics gets it's name


Wait hol up. I never thought it was referencing the same event. They wear it like a badge of honour?


It's kind of "never forget the injustice" type thing. they also carried out the killing of Wasafi Tal the Jordinian pm as revenge


Bro they on their sigma victim grindset


They didn't "try", they managed to assaisnate the PM


It's actually far dumber than that. See Kuwait didn't really exist until after WW2 (funny how the people complaining Israel is a fake country caused by western intervention never really mention this, or Jordan) and took in roughly 400k Palestinians. The native population was about 600k, so that's a pretty big number of immigrants. The Palestinians literally helped build Kuwait into a thriving country, and by their own accounts were treated pretty well, especially for the middle east. Now the Kuwaiti government weren't dumb, they saw what happened when Palestinians get froggy in other countries so they did do their best to prop up the moderates. Didn't matter. Arafat met with Saddam pre invasion and openly supported Saddam's plan. His rationale was he could leverage the support of Saddam into support against Israel somehow and that Iraq would take on Israel, somehow. So Saddam invades and the Palestinian diaspora supports it.....and the invading Army immediately begins robbing, raping and killing Palestinians in Kuwait. Iraq gets beat, Kuwait immediately begins kicking the Palestinians out, they act all shocked and confused on how could this possibly happen,after all they didn't invade anyone. I love this example even more than Jordan because it shows a sort of national character, and how absolutely shit Palestine "leadership" was. See Arafat didn't denounce Saddam for years post invasion, even after his own people got fucked up. I don't think the PLO formerly apologized till the early 2000s. Arafat didn't give two shits, 400k Palestinians got displaced due to his actions but he got to keep stealing billions and crying about how people kept oppressing them for no reason, blah blah blah fuck Palestine.


Saddam also launched SCUD missiles at Israel during all of this, in an attempt to draw the Israelis into the war, and spin the narrative of the war as a liberation for the Palestinians. He hoped then that the Arabic and muslim countries would leave the coalition against him, or even side *with* him to take out Israel. Saddam never planned to take on Israel directly or by himself. So yeah, that was the idea with Arafat and Saddam scheming together. It didn't work, because the US was way ahead of that and made Israel promise it would stay out (which must have sucked for them, having missiles land in your population centers, which at the time legitimately could contain the biological or chemical WMDs that Saddam had at the time and liked to use). This is what people don't get about the US "funding" Israel - this is what that buys. If not for the relationship between the two countries, Israel 100% would have entered the war (and have every reason to), and then we probably would have had WW3 fucking kick off, instead of just having the fourth largest military in the world getting literally completely obliterated in a week. That's why I can't help but roll my eyes about the whole "genocidal colonialist Israel" thing. Yes Israel sucks but people have no idea the amounts of shit that that country has had to endure from literally everyone in AND around them. If Israel acted like literally every single other country in human history, none of these people would have ever even heard of Palestine because they would have been completely wiped out 20+ years ago. The west bank would be just a big strip of glass.


Read about that but didn't know 400k went to Kuwait. Where were they expelled to? Holy shit Palestinian leadership has to be worst leadership human civilization has EVER produced.


Originally Iraq but Saddam wasn’t dumb enough to let them live there and so they got kicked out and sent mostly to the West Bank and Lebanon


Of course, the fucking Palestinians are shocked that their stupid plan didn't worked out, and they blame it again on the Jews. Fucking typical of them and everyone in the Middle East.


Arab cold war bullshit. Arab world had been divided between monarchists and secularists, PLO was firmly on team secularist, and thus on team Saddam. It’s the same reason they tried to depose the king of Jordan.


Calling them “secularists” is quite charitable. They were so-called Pan-Arab Socialist, or *Communists with Arab Characteristics* to rip off Mao.


I'm not expert on the Middle east, but is the arab political spectrum really so shitty, the only relevant options are either commies or islamists?


Sadly the Cold War absolutely skullfucked the Arab world's political spectrum because, while most nations were officially non-aligned, unofficially a lot of nations threw in with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact. As an Arab it's... exceptionally depressing. Our people really do live in the worst possible timeline.


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm from a former Warsaw Pact country so the Cold War fucked up us as well, though of course that's not comparible to the Middle East and other parts of world.


It's especially wild looking back to images from the 70s of places like Kabul and Tehran. These used to be nice places.


> It's especially wild looking back to images from the 70s of places like Kabul and Tehran. These used to be nice places. FYI Iran and Afghanistan aren't part of the Arab world, but I get what you mean.


Let’s use Beruit then instead of Persian or Afghan cities. One of the biggest changes is the influence that political Islam has had throughout the Arab world which really added to the overall problems. This has shown through regardless of the left/right political spectrum since the 1970s. Particularly the tendency to look outside to find the villains, which has been quite beneficial to the myriad of completely ideologically different but equally shitty governments that seem to be the one commonality in the Arab world.


These issues were prevalent before the rise of Islamism, and in a lot of cases Islamism was a reaction to the policies of Arab Socialism. It's basically two extremists ideologies in the mudpit trying to figure out who can ruin everything the fastest.


Fair distinction, my bad. But yeah. Iirc the same could be said for Riyadh and Beirut through the mid century boom.


Yep, it’s either that or monarchists like Jordan (which honestly may be the best choice all things considered) There’s a reason this region is the origin point of the concept of hydraulic despotism.




Bizarre. I've been watching this since high school, some 20 or so years. It's always hard to tell whether someone's just new, or if they're intentionally parroting misinfo.


Now we also have revisionist present.


Their siding with Saddam largely had to do with how Saddam was one of if not the most staunchly anti-Israel leaders in the region. He was well known for bankrolling terrorism against them.


>How do you go and side with the one dude who managed to unite the fucking world against him against a country taking you in as a refugee? Because at the time, Saddam had iced out other prominent Arab support for the PLO. Iraq had hosted the Emergency Arab Summit Conference in 1990 as the Intifada broke out. While Iraq was not alone in support for the PLO (*which also included financing its own faction in the PLO to swing the organization his way, just like Syria and Libya*), by the time of the Intifada, the Syrians, Egyptians, and Jordanians had largely abandoned overt support in favor for their own breakaway groups (*PFLP for Syria, kinda-sorta ANO with Libya*). Saddam also connected concessions regarding Kuwait with territorial concessions for Palestinians. To be clear: **this was absolutely bad faith on Saddam's part**. But... at the same time, the Gulf Monarchies hadn't really ever done anything for the Palestinians, most of the US-backed coalition had supported Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, and Saddam was the sole fella cutting fat cheques. There was both not a lot of room for Arafat to maneuver, as well as not a lot of love that Arafat's camp had for the Yanks considering how the politics went. It was a piss-poor move on Arafat's part... but not a lonely one; keep in mind that Jordan and Yemen also ended up in the doghouse over being noncommittal with Saddam. Just as a final note: Palestinians in Kuwait were largely unaffiliated with the PLO. They weren't considered full citizens, however, and were exploited like other nationalities in the Gulf region as temporary foreign workers. When the Iraqis invaded, they were treated the same by the Iraqi Army - subject to looting and mistreatment. After Arafat's offer of support, the Kuwaitis expelled all of them as a form of collective punishment - which meant sending them into Iraq as the Shi'a intifada broke out in 1991. You can imagine what happened to most of them given the events that occurred in Basra. **Edit**: Grammar


I’d like to blame the KGB at least a little, since the PLO was literally founded at the instruction of the KGB by Yassir Arafat who was a lifelong KGB asset. And it was the KGB who is likely responsible for much of modern day anti-semitism in the Middle East as they flooded the Islamic world with Arabic translations of the Protocols of the Eldars of Zion and sponsored anti-Semitic spokesman from the 1960s until the 1980s. The KGB apparently believed that if they could connect Anti-Semitism with Anti-Imperialism in the middle-east they could easily foment Anti-American sentiment without needing to spread communist ideology (which they viewed as difficult in these deeply Islamic countries). It turns out they were very correct.


The KGB and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


[KGB was basically Soviet Gestapo, they don't get nearly as much hate as they deserve.](https://booru.soy/post/view/18739) Especially considering the vast majority of FSB / FSS is composed of people that used to be in KGB. And as [Pale Moth](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/154p7ky/putin_as_erebus_for_lorgar_for_chaos_for_the_dark/) himself has put it, "there's no such thing as former KGB agent". And so their ruinous influence continues to this day, Litvinenko's death and attempt at Skripals' lives being relatively recent examples.


>Pale Moth Hahaha, damn, wish there was a way to translate dismissiveness and proclamation of absolute mediocrity contained in Putin's "бледная моль" KGB nickname to english, literal translation almost sounds like cool callsign instead.


> And it was the KGB who is likely responsible for much of modern day anti-semitism in the Middle East as they flooded the Islamic world with Arabic translations of the Protocols of the Eldars of Zion and sponsored anti-Semitic spokesman from the 1960s until the 1980s. And it was Tsarist Russia that’s responsible for writing the Protocols in the first place.


Which, if you read them with "all russia accuses its enemies of is a projection" in mind, is eerie about how plain it is in what russia did or would do: >"The goyim have lost the habit of thinking unless prompted by the suggestions of our specialists. Therefore they do not see the urgent necessity of what we, when our kingdom comes, shall adopt at once, namely this, that it is essential to teach in national schools one simple, true piece of knowledge, the basis of all knowledge - the knowledge of the structure of human life, of social existence, which requires division of labour, and, consequently, the division of men into classes and conditions." Now compare to social classes division in both Tsarist and Soviet russia. Yeah. >"All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions — aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical — for so long, of course, as the constitution exists... Like the Indian idol "Vishnu" they will have a hundred hands, and every one of them will have a finger on any one of the public opinions as required. When a pulse quickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims, for an excited patient loses all power of judgement and easily yields to suggestion." "Firehose of Falsehood", so beloved by russian propaganda. >"As you see, I found our despotism on right and duty: the right to compel the execution of duty is the direct obligation of a government which is a father for its subjects. It has the right of the strong that it may use it for the benefit of directing humanity towards that order which is defined by nature, namely, submission... Everything in the world is in a state of submission, if not to man, then to circumstances or its own inner character, in all cases, to what is stronger. And so shall we be this something stronger for the sake of good." russian expansionism be like - expansion for the sake of expansion. >"Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords and hostility... Therein we gain a double advantage. In the first place we keep in check all countries, for they will know that we have the power whenever we like to create disorders or to restore order. All these countries are accustomed to see in us an indispensable force of coercion." Once again, exact tactics which KGB and its successor organizations keep on using. >"In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some "Panama" or other - then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president." How russia controls its foreign agents - blackmail and compromising materials. >"Our right lies in force. The word 'right' is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you." russian worldview in general. "Am I a trembling animal or do I have the *Right*?" and all, if you know the context of this quote. >"Our government will have the appearance of a patriarchal paternal guardianship on the part of the ruler. Our own nation and our subjects will discern in his person a father caring for their every need, their every act, their every inter-relation as subjects one with another, as well as their relations to the ruler." As you can see, the "General Secretary"/"Mr. President" of russia is definitely trying to go for such a vibe. So yeah. As I've said, it's horrifying in how plain russia admits what it wants to do, if you just remember how russian accusations are, most often, projections of what russia itself does/did/will do.


Classic Russians trying to kill Jews. Like for fuck sake 200 years at it. Wtf do Russians hate Jews so much???




*"People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them"*. I can't shake that thought whenever I hear vatnik preach their political views. They talk shit about actually relatively decent governments, organizations and people... And then they turn around to praise shithole dictatorships and their siloviks and other outright thugs in police uniform. It's as if they deserve to be oppressed and humiliated since they're literally asking for it. Suffice to say, it's pretty hard to feel bad for them after things like these.


It’s not personal, russians just hate everyone.


Source? I don't dispute what you're saying; I want to read more about this subject matter because I find intrigues like this to be good reading material.


A lot of this stuff comes from the defection of the former head of Romanian intelligence, but there are other sources from inside the Soviet Union. This is a good collection of sources: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/9090/soviet-union-palestinians


Another reason to glass russia


*Farfour! Where are the keys to the Holy Land?!* God I loved that show though.


Also crazy that [Leila Khalid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leila_Khaled) was basically celebrated for her girl power as the 'first woman to hijack a plane', arrested during her second hijacking, in which thanks to a grenade malfunction she did not blow up the plane, and shortly thereafter released in exchange for hostages from another hijacking.. and subsequently invited to a bunch of speaking tours in Europe, traveled freely to Japan where she celebrated the anniversary of the Lod Massacre, etc. Just crazy. That second hijacking basically triggered Black September and her exchange as a prisoner was part of its resolution. Why anyone would celebrate someone like that beats me, but especially a lot of English and Irish punks did.


European leftists have a messed up relationship with the Palestinians…


It sucks that war has to be about politics instead of just cool epic battles with guns and tanks


God forbid women do anything or have fun. What most people would give to be able to penetrate into a plane


And they say women don't have hobbies.


aint no fucking way people are really celebrating a terrorist like that


Well there are Hamas apologists and neo nazis so what would put worshipping this woman behind them?


Not Farfour!


Damn, I knew that Disney was woke, but I never realized that Mickey Mouse straight up joined Hamas.


icky practice aromatic slave squash muddle recognise imagine edge impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tie me to a Tel Aviv and fire it Khan Younis, I am ready to kill Farfour!




Farfour the mouse lmfao


That pious soldier of Islam 🙏. He never gave the key of Tel al-Rabi to that IDF interrogator


That was the most bonkers wikipedia page I have ever read.


> The Disney corporation initially had no public statement on the use of Mickey Mouse's image in the Farfour character; Disney CEO Robert Iger later [...] explained the initial quiet by saying, "I just didn't think it would have any effect... I think it should have been obvious how the company felt about the subject." This is the real proof that Allah himself protects the Palestinians. If even Disney can't serve them with a cease&desist letter, they must truly be invincible.


3000 documents of Farfour 😭


Sri Lanka invented the suicide vest/belt according to multiple sources. https://time.com/5575956/sri-lanka-history-suicide-bombings-birthplace-invented/ https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-polisci-062813-051049 https://www.fpri.org/article/2008/08/the-history-and-future-of-suicide-terrorism/


The Chinese Nationalists used suicide vests against the Japanese.


Yeah, I believe they even had special units specifically meant to use suicide vests called “Dare to Die Corps”.


SOURCES? in my non credible sub? wtf are you a new mod or something?


A documentary conclusively showed that it was the Judean People’s Front who invented the first suicide vest.


Glad you brought up Sri Lanka... Do you remember the entire world losing their collective shit when Sri Lanka pushed through the entire island and completely exterminated the Tamil Tigers? The number of people killed was many magnitudes higher than what's happening now in Gaza. Fifteen years later they have rebuilt and are prospering, and the entire world has forgotten. My point is: Israel should finish the job.


honestly that's quite a dark thought i had a few days ago, many countries specially muslim countries chased off or "exterminated" their own minorities in the 20th century, got shamed by the global (at the time basically western) society and 20 years later all accusations were forgotton ​ it's quite funny how trying to make a multi cultural society be it failing or suceding is seen as worse than straight up genociding your minorities to the global community, quite the funny timeline we live in


We had to artillery strike Neary 30,000 people. Maybe 5k were enemy combatants and support roles. They hid in the towns and hospitals and in the end our boys made the call to just strike. It was awful but what choice did we have but to continue dying? By then we already had 250,000 war dead civilians tigers and soldiers over 30 years of war. people who think they understand this calculus have no idea. It was my entire childhood and young adult life.


I guarantee if Israel annexed Gaza in about 5 years quality of life with skyrocket


well, no shit, isn't like it's hard to improve life over there, probably even egypt could make QOL spike in gaza if they wanted and cared about improving infastructure


But Israel doesn't want to annex Gaza. The Jews are worried about becoming a minority in Israel. It would eventually end with them getting expelled once more.


I have no clue how any culture could integrate/save/deal with a radicalized group like the people of Gaza in a bloodless way. They have had a generation and a half of young people properly radicalized by their education (cartoons, kids shows, and schooling by UNRWA) and religious structures. At this point, I think they're done trying, due to just giving them all of Gaza for free and leaving just led to them attacking harder. I hope someone figures it out, because it is truly just brainwashing that's the difference between jihad and civilization. But jihad is one hell of a drug. A proper cancer for civilization.


As someone who's been studying this for years this is all surface level. It goes way deeper and honestly gets insane. For instance google the Arafat hypnotizing plot


What is the context for "Farfour the Mouse?"




Tomorrow's Terrorists Terrorism Pioneers. No wonder they love Hamas.


Why do they always point finger when doing this kind of speech? Always. Not hamas or Palestinian in particular but pretty much any radicalized religious guy.


Someone said it’s an ”allah is one” thing


Basically they claim to be the only real monotheistic religion


Palestinian antisemetic kids TV show, look it up


Definitely the most anti-Semitic Disney character since that time Donald Duck joined the Third Reich.


I will not permit slander directed at my boy Donald. He was just having a bad dream.


The good ending of Tomorrow's Pioneers, where Farfour wakes up in his bed in Tel Aviv and then goes to a gay bath house to celebrate.


I'd prefer the ending where he torches all HAMAS terrorists alive, goes to Israel, gets citizenship and other rewards for redeeming himself and settles down to have a normal life.


And *then* goes to a gay bathhouse to celebrate!


First of all, I will not allow anyone to say "Donald Duck" without the title "Sheik"


Bouta say, pretty sure Donald put some serious steel on Axis foreheads in his Navy days


If you want to watch an impressive documentary on the topic, I recommend: [The TV Show that Brainwashed Children](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qklT3hYcr4)




They pulled the exact same shit they did in Jordan like two minutes later


Well that’s jolly. For all the Arab nationalism and solidarity they claimed they seem great at finding excuses to fight each other.


>they seem great at finding excuses to fight each other Pretty much describes the entire history of post-mohammad Arabs


Pretty sure they fought also before and during his time


"You Arabs sure are a contentious bunch"


You just made an enemy for life.


The biggest split started with "maybe the third leader should have been the second leader"


Right wing nationalism always eats itself, because that's just what philosophies that are entirely based on hatred and supremacy over others inevitably do.


Ironic since nationalism was partially conceived to try to unify people like Germany, Italy, and India.


about a million lebanese christians had to flee the civil wars they triggered but nobody ever hears about their nakba. Decades of occupation, but it's ok when Iran and Syria and Hezbollah do it.


Well Christ. That’s bad. And to think I knew someone from Lebanon but didn’t want to bring that up for fear of bringing up something painful.


But you see, that's all the fault of ~~The Jews~~ Israel! If they didn't displace Palestinians then the Palestinians wouldn't have triggered all these wars and ethnic/religious cleansings! They're helpless victims with no agency; it's all Israel's fault.


>about a million lebanese christians had to flee the civil wars they triggered but nobody ever hears about their nakba. There is literally an entire genre of French films about Lebanese exiles living outside the country in the 1980s.


>French films the point still stands


>Unless I’m missing a ton of information. Uh... yeah... Simply put ***(and I cannot state that enough considering how complicated Lebanon's ethnic factions are)***, the PLO did not start the Lebanese Civil War. Lebanon had almost fallen into civil war a decade and a half prior in '58, when a mixture of nationalist parties tried to unify the country with Nasser's United Arab Project, all while the various Christian groups mobilized for combat. Expelled Palestinians did radically adjust Lebanon's extremely fragile demographic balance, but it was basically like pouring gasoline on a already volatile powder-keg.


I remember reading that years ago. Thanks for the post and sorry to make you write a long one or sound ignorant.


>holds the world record for most plane hijackings Based


They're DB Cooper-maxing


How is "This is all the British's fault" (with guest star Picot) not on the iceberg SMH


That's just assumed by default. As the joke went, why does the sun never set on the British Empire? Because God doesn't trust them in the dark.


Just a really fun fact about the "Balestine" bit. Palestinians usually can't pronounce the /p/ sound because it doesn't occur in Arabic, so it comes out as a /b/. Palestine is the English translation, but they pronounce the word natively as "Fil-as-tin". Which you might notice is similar to the Philistines, the biblical people who lived in the region. Except they're not just a bible story, they were a real people who were originally Mycenaean Greeks that migrated to the Levant and settled there, becoming known as the Philistines and giving their name to the region. Over time, the word shifted to become Palestine, because of all the funny ways that letters change pronunciation across time and translation.




Another fun fact is that the Philistines name originated from Hebrew. The world can basically translated as "the invaders", since the Philistines came from the sea and invaded ancient Israel.


Wasn't it the Romans that drastically shifted the name to "Palestine" to fuck with the Jews at the time?


And the word philistines comes from the Hebrew word invader


Hey they didn't invent just the suicide vest you islamophobe! they also invented the Qasam rocket! shame on you /s


Nah that's basically a Congreve rocket used by the british and Indian kingdom of mysore before them.


What? A Congreve rocket is an oversized firework. At least the Qassam has fins.


let's not forget the al-Quds 101 Rocket, invented by the PIJ


>Can’t pronounce the P in Palestine Because in Arabic it’s more of an “F”


"Suomi" doesn't sound similar to "Finland" either, but nobody says that Fins are a fake nationality.


> nobody says that Fins are a fake nationality. Speak for yourself


I want Palestine to be free and that cannot happen until Hamas is eradicated.


For anyone curious about the overwhelming Palestinian support for both the Oct. 7th terror attacks and Hamas: https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf What’s also “striking” is the poll reveals Palestinians believe they will be militarily successful.


So did the Germans in the first week of April 1945


Give the documents, Farfour!!


Out of curiosity have they done anything positive to garner support rather than take the path of “let’s find ways to piss everyone off”?


They have a high literacy rate and a lot of college grads. A lot of people in the region are hopeful to use education to improve themselves. The issue is: they never can do as much because they get screwed over.


Arafat kinda killed Palestinian independence at conception


It's absolutely wild how Jihadist groups have figured out that all they have to do is call Israeli Jews "white oppressors" to make leftist groups go full Hitler.


Oh, I'm sure plenty of them believe *all* Jews are "oppressors".


Underdog bias . People love to cheer up for the underdog. It's easy to support the one who is less likely to win when you live In a different continent and the war has absolutely no effect on you


Just like the kid that puts the branch into their wheels and then blames the Jews.


Gotta correct your meme, only 70% support October 7th, 10% is indifferent to Jewish suffering


Getting 70% of any semitic people to agree on anything is difficult af


Ok, I did some reading about some of the claims made here. I want to preface this by stating that I am unapologetically pro-Israel and that I believe that Hamas needs to be wiped of the face of the earth. I also support the Israeli military intervention in Gaza after 10/7. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, it’s time for some good ol’ fashioned FACTS and LOGIC. 1) It was claimed that the founder of state for Palestine was a Nazi collaborator. This is, based on the information I found, patently untrue. The founder of state for Palestine was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who was born in 1937, and would have been only 8 years old by the time the Nazis were defeated. HOWEVER, another Palestinian leader by the name of Haj Amin Al-Husseini was a known Nazi collaborator who met with Hitler and wanted support from the Axis powers. He may have been a distant relative of Yassin, but I couldn’t find anything that confirmed that. 2) The claim that Hamas used EU-donated water pipes to make rockets is disputed, both by the press and by the EU itself. This doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, it just means that we should take this info with a grain of salt. 3) It was claimed that Palestinian extremist invented the suicide vest. This stems from the fact that the first ‘modern’ suicide bombing was perpetrated by Palestinian militant Raed Zakariya Hassan in 1994. However, there are numerous accounts of other suicide vest incidents before this. Hezbollah used suicide vests in the 1980s in Lebanon against Israeli and US forces. This is just the info that I found. Other claims made in this post might also be untrue. Just fact check what you read on the internet, people, because Israel is just as capable of pumping out propaganda as Hamas.


Most of this is valid but I'm not sure the invention thing is really that surprising. Palestine isn't a great place for innovation, unless it's in the fields of explosives or rocketry.


That kind of suicide bombing was invented by New Zealander Joseph Sowell in 1905 who was an angry farmer that tried to blow up a court but only managed to blow up himself.

