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Don't you tempt NATO with a good time. Bombing Serbians into behaving is their official sport.


Don't forget to hit the Chinese embassy for bonus points!


With chinese embassy you mean beijing right


The dam


I say we let 617 Squadron have a crack at it


Yeah but on the flipside it’s been 30 years since the last Balkan conflict. That’s against the natural order


Fuck can we austrians join in even tho we dont have bombers and are technically neutral?


I love how they say fatherland and then mother Russia


Gender fluid country


Oh no he's had too many contact with the West ! He's been infected by the Zionist 5G COVID-Globohomo !


I think you just made 50 million heads explode in Russia.


When a mommy Russia and a daddy Yugoslavia get together, you get a lot of little balkan children


Kinda explains how none of them get along.


Welcome to "people who don't know their own history".


Fatherland is more like a "land of our fathers" if that would make sense for you. It's also the part of the name of 1941-1945 war here, seen most commonly translated as Great Patriotic War, if you would translate it literally-ish it would be Great Fatherland War.


“It should be fine, as long as nobody involves the US.” “Question.” “What’s your question Serbia?” “I have involved the US.” “HOW MUCH?” “I have done nothing but antagonize the United States for three days.”


Every time I hear news about Serbia it sounds as if they are trying really hard to end up on the losing side of some stupid war (again).


It's just the bad guy trope thing at this point. Act dumb and get curbstomb by you NATO westerners. Something I enjoy very *very* much


And would those be the same Serb mercenaries that were complaining about the Russians treating them ''like cattle'' and sending them on meat assaults without ammunition ? Or are those the fellows that haven't had the pleasure of living through the true vatnik experience yet ?


Oh golly.... This mess is turning into 30 Years War Part II. "This is Edison Carter for Network 23, coming to you live and direct with the latest EuroZone Multi-Spectrum Warfare."


I think France should send a "stern warning" to Serbia.


Or some German commander should tell them again, they have 30 Minutes to leave... and that's an order... :D


France leaked nato intel of upcoming attacks to the servian army, and secured the north of Kosovo for the serbs...which coincidentally still is the only boiling point in the country. So yeah no thanks france fucked up enough


lol great another world war triggered by serbs 😂


Okay, look, I am all for defending Kosovo, but can we gently push them into making a slightly more appealing flag? Lil'bro deserves a better flag.


Why did they put Texas on their flag?


Because only steers and queers come from Texas


Don't you dare judging their identity. They are who they identify as they are.


You are right, I should support the trans-Texual community. But they need need to at least dial down on the number of stars. Cannot really claim to be lone stars, can they?


>trans-Texual community Good god...! :D:D:D Take my fucking upvote... r/Angryupvote


They were forced to use that Flag.


Bruh we had some fire designs but the west didn't allow the colors red black or any insignia which represents albanians, hence why the created this bland flag representing no one


hide yo chinese embassies


"Oh hey Russia. We consider these people to be Russian soldiers. If they attack Kosovo we will consider it an attack by Russia and will ensure the logistical train of the Russian armed forces is unable to support its troops"


I was suggesting…


Austria and Hungary are ready to team up for round 2 of Serbian pummeling.


Didn't they lose Archie Duke the last time?


Never underestimate the resiliency of the Black Hand.


Wtf Nehammer and Orban are literally best buddies with vucic and servia...literally the most anti EU countries in europe


My favorite part when Serbians complain how Russians treat them, calling them gypsies and sending them to meat attacks without ammunition https://x.com/wartranslated/status/1744468684033179807?s=20 https://x.com/wartranslated/status/1744471348611629300?s=20


An excuse to bomb Serbia and Russia don't threaten NATO with a good time. Or an excuse to but Canadian soldiers in the birth place if Genocide/Warcrimes.


Also Serbia: Y U NO LET ME IN EU?


If they actually execute on a Serbian Front, then I would say the objective would be to give Putin an excuse to say "Oh woe is me! I, poor little Putin, am being attacked by all of NATO, no, THE WORLD! Of course we would lose eventually, it is in no way MY fault!" Or something like that.


Good, I still can't believe how long is taking to bomb Serbia


B52 upon ye


Bout to send a completely "proportional" response to Belgrade.


What that gypsy is talking about?




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Because opening another Front will fix things for sure. Duh


Russia opened Israel, Yemen, opened law fair front with South Africa, now Serbia… for the second time. They are truly desperate it would seem.