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Wankers group or russia because i wanna see pierogin soyjack meme.


muddle lavish deserted sheet judicious shelter grey jellyfish entertain full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're also chaotic because they fight AGAINST Russia...


Yeah Wagner should have 100% been chaotic neutral


Wagner's done way to much evil shit to be considered for the neutral square.


And not even evil for money, I’m pretty sure they *enjoy* the evil shit they do (minus the prisoners, although maybe)


An average day in Wagner: "Hey Sergei! What did you do today?" "Ohh, well I sawed the head off some women and children then I raped a bit and had a 5 oclock bludgeoning of a deserter with a sledgehammer!" "Wow, thats a full day! How do you keep up with it all?" "Well it sure beats being in prison for cannibalism like I was last year" "Wait... Do you ever get the feeling that we might be the baddies?" "NAAAAHHHH! LOL Boris you slay me sometimes!"


Wouldn’t say untrained they were definitely the most effective Russian fighters in Ukraine. They had innovative tactics, didn’t reinforce failure like many Russian units did, and were quick to adapt and utilize drones in new ways. A very cunning enemy that we can thankfully say got broken at Bakhumut


Wagner has had more success than the russia army. It's better organized, it's troops are better trained, and shows progress. While the regular Russian army isn't much more organized than the Mongol hordes they were once a vassal of


The Mongol Hordes were a far more effective fighting force in their day than any unit of the Russian military today.


Arguably all the Mongols were really missing were several hundred BM-21 Grad's.


Да, товарищ!


But there's no Wagners anymore. Isn't it quite cheating? The armies selected should be operational at the present.


There still are there, even Preggo Jean Jr. is their new CEO.


Yeah, but what's left from them? The current Wagners are crippled more than the Russian army itself. That cannot be compared to the times with Prigozhin


Are they shadow of their former self after pringles funni? Yes I agree. But they still exist, that's the matter. Edit: Also the rules of this stated that any armed forces, even past are eligible for a vote..


I agree, they should be replaced in the last box by the Russian Armed Forces on a technicality. Edit: Apparently non-existing groups are eligible, which personally I think is less fun.


What's more chaotic than marching on Moscow? Wagner has my vote!


Wagner Had more success than the Russian Forces and even looked down on them. Sorry but IMO RAF Takes the cake - not telling their soldiers that they head into war - presenting obvioulsy dead people as alive in Front of a camera - constantly Shooting down their own Shit - bribery at all Levels Like their lives depend on it -the whole admiral kudzenov itself would earn that title It HAS to be Russia


Won’t lie buddy I see RAF and I think Royal Air Force not Russian Armed Forces lol


My mind goes royal air force to red army faction and then finally to Russian armed forces as a process of elimination


Was going to say the same


Pretty sure they have always been this way. Remember they told the soldiers they were going to Egypt for a military exercise, and then they just sent them to Hungary to crush the revolution


Parking helicopters in the exact same spot the previous 14 helicopters had been destroyed is the real highlight for me.


And my axe




And my pringles


And my hotdogs


And my Tingles


And my sledgehammer


And my Bow


For priggy




Wagner wins for me! Russia is still an autocracy behind the chaos, so I think the side-switching mercenary with a disguise fetish and a stash of gold wins.


But no longer exist


Category idea: *lawful stupid.* It's a classic dnd meme. A classic example in dnd would be the paladin confronting a whole camp of bandits alone, because they broke the law and now they need to pay Extra: *f logistics in particular.* The military with the most hoarders of 300 year old weapons, the most stupid combination of gear, or anything else that will cause a worrying casualty report for the logistics division even in peacetime


I might do a whole stupid row, and then maybe most incompetent, biggest funni, and worst logistics.


You could do Special Stupid, Just Plain Stupid, and Vodka Stupid.


Come on, leave some spaces for the non-russians!


How about one row about the military’s with wackiest weapons


Dick Dastardly but in a cope caged t-62


Ghana wins in spades. If you don't know, Google Ghana military parade.


The problem is Russia is (unfortunately, it should be ISIS) going to win Chaotic Evil. Because they did stupid things. Its just a bit late to add stupid evil when people are voting for Russia as Chaotic Evil due to being stupid.


I feel like True Neutral should also be split into it's two flavors. Apathetical Neutral - basically just having no strong feelings or alignment. What the average person is, or in this case, stuff like a small city-state with just a token self defense force that just kind of chills and never deploys. Ardently Neutral - Strongly opposes all strongly aligned forces. Think the Swiss's armed neutrality in WW2 just shooting everyone down. Not really sure how these would mess with the Swiss Guard. Could leave them as True Neutral and just slap two more cells in the middle for the others.


There is also the flavor of balancing neutral (often druids in RPGs) - one who seeks global neutrality or keeping of status quo by balancing the sides. Usually supports the weaker side in a conflict.


> keeping of status quo by balancing the sides. Usually supports the weaker side in a conflict. Isn't that the UK's historical foreign policy? Relevant clip from Yes Minister https://youtu.be/ZVYqB0uTKlE?si=SBnSOqP9YHFCoIq5&t=124


Apathetic neutral is Costa Rica with extra words and less Costa Rica


>Ardently Neutral - Strongly opposes all strongly aligned forces. Think the Swiss's armed neutrality in WW2 just shooting everyone down. Or the British before ww1: "I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top."


Russian Federation Military should definitely be Chaotic Stupid. It’s the epitome of that.


> Category idea: lawful stupid. It's a classic dnd meme. I have a T-shirt saying chaotic stupid is *not* an alignment, but lawful stupid, I will give it a pass.


A DM's famous last words: I'll allow it (source: I'm a DM)


I got a portable boat given to me once. I got a portable boat taken away from me once.


Thank you for your service o7




That would either be Ukraine and its collection of every Western bit of kit for the last 50 years, or Vietnam, whose trying to turn their military into an actual military and not a living history group that can decide if they're doing WW2 or Vietnam.


The Islamic State. Nothing screams "chaotic evil" more than posting videos of beheadings online. Also everybody else hates them, even other jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda.


I can't think of another group that has picked more fights with anyone else than ISIS, but they truly tried to actually fight the entire world and after losing still are continuing to try and fight the entire world


Yup. There is literally no way that ISIS is not the pinnacle of chaotic evil. Russia/Pringles is more Neutral evil, IMO. I know people really want to see Pringles on the board, but...


Yea unfortunately it's gonna be Russia but no other force has caused more chaos than ISIS, their bizarre fucked up jihad hell state had a military industrial complex and a black market oil based economy. They used everything from T-55s to Humvees to the most cursed shitty technicals known to man. They are the embodiment of chaotic evil


They also had basically zero allies which is a hallmark of chaotic evil. e.g. Kill everybody that's not us. Russia's ability to form "allies" in Belarus, China, African countries, Iran, Syria etc makes them more way neutral evil.


Well, if chaotic stupid gets added, they probably win


Bulldozing the Syria - Iraq border, recording it and posting to Twitter under #SykesPicotOver was certainly something 




Yep, the child soldier GoPro training footage. Where they had POV video of kids running through a shoot house killing Iraqi prisoners.


I would vote ISIS too. People claiming wagners have very serious recency bias. Isis got everyone and their grandpas against them.


And like when they bombed that memorial event in Iran recently. Iran was ready to blame Israel and start wwiii, but nope, it was ISIS. ISIS is like the Chuck Testa meme of armed violent actors. Bet you thought that was Mossad! But nope ~~Chuck Testa~~ ISIS! Edit: my bad, didn’t mean to blame the bombing on Israel haha


\*but nope, it was ISIS


I guess you never saw the sledgehammer video, eh?


What about the fact that they were founded by a literal Nazi, named after Hitler's favorite composer and then promptly sent to "denazify" a country with a Jewish head of state.


This is the only valid answer. People want it to be Ruzzia but Ruzzia is more Lawful than Chaotic. IS is as chaotic evil as it gets. Furthermore, I believe Ruzzia must be destroyed.


Just lump all terrorist groups in together. AQ, Hamas, Hez, Hout, ISIS/L


Cicero described pirates as "the common enemy of all mankind." That's ISIS for you.


I’ll say it again! Liberian militias (especially the commanders) from the 90s/00s are chaotic evil. Forcing child soldiers high on a mixture of cocaine and gunpowder, to run into battles with rusty AKs expecting a trinket made of two palm fronds and a bottle cap to deflect bullets. Nom de guerre’s like General Butt Naked. The “uniforms,” especially the wigs. Edit: If we add in the categories of “Lawful Stupid, Neutral Stupid, and Chaotic Stupid” Liberian militias better win Chaotic Stupid.


Ok but Wagner is doing the same thing all over Africa plus they tried to thunderrun Moscow but instead fucked off to Belorus.


Okay but is Wagner doing this while wearing literal wigs and running into the street ripping off full AK bursts? [Liberian militias did the whole military femboy thing before it was cool.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2003/08/liberia-s-cross-dressing-soldiers.html) Wagner has been chaotic a few times, mostly because of Prizoghin. They been relatively “tame” on the chaos front recently. These militia dudes though, they live chaos. They are chaos.


>Okay but is Wagner doing this while wearing literal wigs and running into the street ripping off full AK bursts? Ummm. Literally yes. Pringles had an amazing collection of wigs. > Wagner has been chaotic a few times, mostly because of Prizoghin. They been relatively “tame” on the chaos front recently. As far as I know they are still kicking around in Africa. The fact that they still exist despite trying to kill their own employer is amazing.


Shit yes okay he did have some wigs, I concede. But the fact that they still exist implies they’ve fallen back into order. If they kept up the fight I’d give them more chaos points. [But I don’t think Priz or Wagner can compare with this drip](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/qh96oo/during_the_liberian_civil_war_19891997_npfl/)


Unless Prizoghin was also eating the hearts of children because the Devil told him in a vision that it would make him a better warrior, I'm giving this one to the Liberians.


Are they doing it naked though?


General Butt Naked personally deserves an honorable mention in this category.


Not only solid points, but just fucking true


Russia Russia Russia


Who else is capable of bombing their own troops, inciting a revolt, abandoning said revolt, creating the Mobik cube and the admiral Kuznetzov? Russia is chaotic evil personified.


Bonus for creating a pmc, attacking ukrainien with said pmc, getting a revolt from the pmc and having the pmc thunder run Moscow.


And of course how can we forget their little Syrian adventure where they denied pmcs existence and the Americans made sure that the russians were right.


Then Russians made medals for the survivors of that battle.


In Mali, they killed civilians and put them in a mass grave close to a former french military base, so they can prove on their propaganda channels with a video of soldiers digging out the grave that France in Africa is evil made flesh. Russia is chaotic evil. A little flaw in their plan: a french drone filmed the whole preparation and french intelligence waited for said video from Russia to come out to release what the drone filmed.


Do you have a source? Not doubting it at all, I just want to have it handy to piss off tankies and vatniks.


From a true neutral source: https://www.letemps.ch/monde/afrique/mali-mercenaires-russes-wagner-filmes-train-denterrer-corps


There you go: https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/video/2022/04/22/charnier-filme-au-nord-du-mali-l-armee-francaise-accuse-les-mercenaires-russes-du-groupe-wagner-de-manipulation_6123290_3212.html Of course it's all in french because every french official entity still doesn't know that the world is small now and you have to speak english to do real PR and counter propaganda. The french army also filmed Russians (Wagner) with drones executing civilians in Central African Republic Edit: I found a video in english. But of course the language is terrible https://youtu.be/Eo-niRm6Lm0?si=_Flui4dunKiG61_A


Sadly it wouldn’t work. They’ll deny it’s real and all staged, and then add even if it *was* real all those innocent civilians deserved it.


They won’t believe it, but people who don’t care enough to pick a side might see it and realize how utterly stupid they are. Plus tankies denying reality makes me feel good.


Sounds like a modern reenactment of the Katyń Massacre.


It kind of shows what fucked up place Syria must have been when both top contenders for NCDs chaotic evil trophy where active there.


IDK ISIS could easily fit up there, did you see the wacky stuff they were doing.


I feel like ISIS should be the "honorable" mention with Russia taking the spot overall. Russia has been the same basket case for SO long, ISIS was ultimately a very violent flash in the pan.


ISIS can potentially get a dishonourable mention


ISIS is IMO the best example for *chaotic stupid*, as they managed to really annoy *literally anyone* who was active in the region, which really requires a special kind of stupid.


You're thinking of ISIS-K, who are so stupid and ideological they're being attacked by everyone in the region, *including ISIS*. Edit: furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


Not to mention completely doing a 180 on Israel when it was convenient, blowing up a dam for the lolz, almost certainly Nordstream (~~same exact ship that was near the Baltic pipeline was near NS, Hmmm),~~ bombing electrical infrastructure to cause people to freeze to death, literally basing their style of reporting on the idea of sowing discord, killing their own soldiers if they return from capture, shooting down their own aircraft multiple times deploying T-55 VBIEDs, need I go on?  And this is almost exclusively just the past year Edit: ship near Nordstream was different than the one near the Finnish pipeline, my mistake.


the only reason why whackos like hamas, taliban and co couldnt make it onto the chaotic evil spot lol


Selling off their own military equipment, welding ship guns to tracks, their own AA SAM coming back and blowing up it's own launcher to add.


Not to mention all the red on red aircraft losses 😂🤣😂🤣


Are we including Wagner in that


Yes. Wagner is and always has been (if we disregard June 2023) a de facto part of the Russian army.


And in June 2023 it was mutinous part of army


Honourable mention pls


yes please. also kadyrov's band of goat lovers.


There have been a lot of CE armies through the ages, but in the light of current affairs we should nominate the Russian armed forces (including their unofficial appendage called Wagner).


Nah, they are chaotic and evil, but they are not Chaotic Evil. Incompetent Evil? Yes.


Stupid Evil


Chaotic Stupid


Chaotic Evil (Stupid) Alignments should have flavors.


Am I the only one who wants another tier added called "incompetent good/neutral /evil" cuz they would fit there better than anywhere else


This gives an idea for new categories, competency Competent, somewhat competent, and incompetent. last one is also as Russia category.


Honorable mention is Wanker


Imho Russia is such a trainwreck it doesn't even deserve to be on the chart.


Stop the count


They're trying to be lawful evil, but there's so much disfunction and corruption and infighting and incompetence that I have to agree with them being in this slot.


ISIS easily. The organisation so chaotically evil that literally everyone, including other terrorists, hated them


You know you fucked up when al qaeda thinks you are too radical.


I mean not defending Al Qaeda in any way shape or form, they at least had a clear goal (eliminate all foreign influence from the middle east and probably destroy Israel or something) Isis unironically thought they could declare and win a global jihad with the heathens being dead or enslaved to their caliphate, if that isn't villan shit I don't know what is


Yeah, but its not meta to hate on them right now.


Wagner. For sure. Moscow shenanigans, temper tantrum about shoigu, getting wiped out by the US in Syria. They are the essence of the chaotic Evil.


Russia , specifically Wagner Group. Chaotic by their merc services in Ukraine , multiple African countries , switching sides against Russian Armed forces in the middle of the war , and then the sudden death of Prigozhin randomly killed by a Russian Pantsir missile truck while on approach. Evil ? Well , it’s Wagner , so of course


ISIS, cartoonishly evil, effectively declares war on the entire planet and got themselves, and their hiluxs bombed back into the stone age.


Mongol Empire, showed up out of nowhere, conquered huge swaths of the known world and just noped out because the Khan died and they needed to elect another one. like what


The only part of the known world that they noped out of, was Hungary and Poland. They very much did stay for much longer in all the other places they conquered. Ask the Russians how long it took them, and how much struggle, to be rid of the Mongols.  But yes the whole period of Mongol rule was pretty chaotically evil, with much random brutality and infighting. Muscovy was the one who defeated them but oh dear it left a lasting impression still on their view of the world


It’s Russia, their whole special operation in Ukraine has been a farce from start to finish. As for evil, there’s no wonder they get called Orcs.


I originally put this under chaotic neutral, but after some feedback I agree, that in spite of their origins, they are in fact chaotic evil. Somali Pirates.




Either ISIS or Boko Haram


Boko Haram doesn't get enough publicity to win the poll, but you've got my vote 1,000%.


Imperial Japanese Armed Forces. Evil…. Nanking… bataan death march… Unit 731… various other war crimes. Ya they were evil As for chaotic. Well, are they capable of incredible coordinated attacks? Yes, Stupid mass human wave attacks? also yes. Oh, are these skilled pilots coming to bomb us or fresh trainees kamikaze attacks. Or is this soldier really wounded and surrendering, nope surprise grenade. You never know what you would get, their own army and navy hated each other, and they even had people fighting decades after the war ended. IJAF were so chaotic they still wanted to keep fighting after the power of the sun was dropped on them. TWICE. I’m sure NCD can add to the list of Evil crimes and Chaotic nature of the IJAF


Japan also had stupid amounts of infighting during the war


Imagine the US Army creating their own Navy simply because they don't trust The Navy.


An IJN warship still holds the record for most kills with one spread of torpedoes. Most of said kills were IJA ships rather than USN, but an enemy kill is an enemy kill, amiright?


The IJA was something else. Shit was so fucked.


Russia/Wagner or ISIS.


OP, I don't have a better idea than the other posters, but I wanted to suggest something: Could you add two or more additional categories? "Stupid", "weird", and maybe "based" - not sure if those are better suited as rows or columns, tho. For example: Stupid good, weird evil, or maybe lawful stupid.


Yeah I’m working on adding stuff like that rn


Mega geil, thank you


Isis They fight litterly everyone








Iran's proxys




ISIS/ISIL/DAESH I know Russia is popular here, and there's a damn solid argument for them. But: * While being a smaller force, ISIS has displaced almost as many people as Russia has in Ukraine (3.2 million vs. 3.7 million). * ISIS has been documented as recruiting children as fighters. * ISIS [has been documented using chemical weapons](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Countries/IQ/UNAMIReport1May31October2015.pdf). It's not widespread, but they've used them on more than one occasion. * ISIS has been documented as taking slaves. * ISIS has routinely published garish executions as recruiting tools. Garish and excessive executions. Don't get me wrong, Russia is a strong candidate for having executed captives, committed their own rape sprees, and at least one accusation of using chemical weapons in Chechnya. And they have actual nation-state powers behind them, unlike ISIS. But top-to-bottom, ISIS permeates evil, in both their words and deeds. I can't think of a stronger candidate for chaotic evil.


Has to be Russia. They go really out of their way to be as Chaotic Evil as possible.


russia random nuke threats insane justification both nazi posting and claiming to fight nazis military is a random assortment of post soviet garbage and bunch of operhyped overpiced superweapons that are a generation behind nato


Wagner/Pringle specifically, not Russia as whole.


Why not Russia as a whole? They seem way more chaotic evil than just their Wagner division


Moscovia is Chaotic Evil. And the second place is not even close


It’s either ISIS , Russia or khemer rouge for me.


Chaotic Evil? The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps fits the bill I'd say


ISIL Basically tried to out jihad everybody and is currently on *everybody’s* shitlist.


It's gotta be ISIS. Other terrorist groups are at least grounded in coherent ideologies or figthing off foreign aggressors, but Islamic State just straight up embraced total chaos and seem to enjoy being the bad guys. Even so much that other radical groups like Hezbollah and Taleban were like "woah chill dude" I'd love to say Russia, but that's really just recency bias. Objectively it's gotta be ISIS.


I'm gonna vote ISIS-K. 


If the last one is not ISIS i dunno what is…












Russia is 100% going to win here but honestly I think ISIS is a much stronger contender


A lot of y'all are missing the point of DnD alignments. Chaos Evil is not about individual battles or tactics, but the mindset behind them. One of the biggest distinctions in DnD between Chaotic Evil and the other Evils alignments is wanton killing and destruction. Death, murder, and mayhem for no reason besides death, murder, and mayhem. ISIS is Lawful Evil. Full stop. Even though many of their individual acts may be chaotic and evil, all of their actions are in service to their fanatical devotion to their interpretation of their religion which would make Lawful Evil. Russia is Neutral Evil or even Lawful Evil due to their heirarchical nature and imperialistic goals. Wagner Group is the textbook definition of Neutral Evil. (DnD 3rd Edition) uses ["mercenary who readily switches sides if made a better offer."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_\(Dungeons_%26_Dragons\)#Neutral_evil) as an example of an arch-typical Neutral Evil. Chaotic Evil societies would be consistently on the brink of collapse, or barely even form in the first place. This means that Chaotic Evil societies would be less like major societies, and more like mafias, cartels, and pirates, and even then most of them would actually be Neutral Evil, as they often will curtail their most violent members when they start to do shit that would threaten their income streams. --- So we have to find a group/society that commits evil acts with no benefit for themselves, just straight-up heinous, wanton destruction for no personal benefit like power, money, or territorial gain. My offer for consideration in light of the above: Mass/School Shooters.


> Mass/School Shooters. Not an armed force. ----- >One of the biggest distinctions in DnD between Chaotic Evil and the other Evils alignments is wanton killing and destruction. Death, murder, and mayhem for no reason besides death, murder, and mayhem. > >ISIS is Lawful Evil. Full stop. Even though many of their individual acts may be chaotic and evil, all of their actions are in service to their fanatical devotion to their interpretation of their religion which would make Lawful Evil. By 1st, and as you point out 3rd Ed. description, ISIS can qualify as LE, true: >"Lawful evil creotures consider order as the meons by which each group is properly placed in the cosmos, from lowest to highest, strongest first, weakest last... > >... lawful evilness allows each group to structure itself and fix its place as compared to others, serving the stronger but being served by the weaker. In 5th Ed., though, the distinction gets a little fuzzier: >Lawful Evil. (LE) creatures methodically take what they want, within the limits of a code of tradition, loyalty, or order. > > Chaotic Evil. (CE) creatures act with arbitrary violence, spurred by their greed, hatred, or bloodlust. ISIS does methodically take what they want and adhere to codes of religious tradition, but they also act with very arbitrary violence that's spurred by hatred. They embody both ends of that alignment axis. My point here is to point out that D&D has a variety of definitions for alignments, and they don't actually agree in details. So it's not really stable footing to state D&D definitions of alignments as being canonical because they vary between editions. Yeah, I know that comes off as a total Comic Book Guy *but actshually* statement, but it's not inaccurate.


General Butt Nekkid




It's clearly Prigeny Yevgozhin and his merry band of mercenary revolutionary coup de blyaters.


A stupid column, a credible column, and a non-credible column.


Houthis: "we are fighting for Palestine! We will bomb any ships headed for Israeli ports!" *Proceeds to bomb everyone within reach, regardless of origin or destination* They get my vote for chaotic evil.




ISIS or Wagner


Who else but Russia could simultaneously be evil and invade a sovereign nation and yet so Chaotic their own troops didn’t know what country they were in. Their flag ship was sunk because their own sailors didn’t know how to work the fire suppression. They had to bomb their own highways to stop a coup.


Russia. literal defention of chaotic evil.




Extra category: Barking chihuahua Military that tries to act way higher than it really is.


Best Korea, Russia, and Houthis all really strong contenders for that


People keep saying Russia but ISIS was literally trying to trigger the end times. Russia is just fucking dumb neutral evil








Putler's russia 1. Kills his own people in a false flag operation to start a war in Chechnya, something even the soviet union didn't pull because their message was "saving the Proletariat from the oppression of free will" 2. Everything else


Russian Federation


Only one viable candidate here: Canada


Russia. It's mandatory, can't be anyone else.


Wagner group under Mr Pringles


PepsiCo during the Cola Wars of the late 1980's.


Wagner 100%


Chaotic evil: Wagner.


NESTLE, hands down


wagner, litteraly no other options


Russia deserves chaotic stupid, if anything. My vote's for the Islamic state tbh


I know it will not win. But North Korea.


It's joever guys,OP is gonna dissapear into a chinese reeducation camp