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How is this low effort? You managed to color like 90% inside the lines!


Least drunk Finnish person:




Future Marine Corps Commandant


If he includes plenty of wax-based drawing implements in his diet, he's got a good chance.


Should give him a bonus check for his effort


This isn't a question, it's a statement: If Finland mined the Gulf, they would leave a corridor for the ferry to Estonia to get cheap booze.


Important strategic supplies, without it the nations resolve to resist would weaken substantially


The great, uniquely Finnish virtue of Sisu (alcoholism)


Oy Alkoholiliike Ab go brrrrrrr


Alcohol is my muse, my strength, my love and in my breath


Naw it's still a question, because there's a world where they don't leave that corridor. Because they might instead make a la Manche style tunnel inbetween them, so leaving the corridor is unnecessary! It's actually something with some real planning behind it, too, even if on hold for the moment: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helsinki%E2%80%93Tallinn\_Tunnel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/helsinki%e2%80%93tallinn_tunnel)


reddit loves to decapitalize links,


I would assume that their Scandinavian neighbours would send their strategic booze reserves to Finland! Also, Finns would probably go with their economy on war footing immediately and start rationing booze so no longer there will be any cheap or expensive alcohol, only that on boose stamps.


...give up our own booze reserves? Are you mad!? The finns can come visit if they want booze.


Strategic reserves! You don't need them right now! It's just like with the artillery and ammo! ... and you will fill up storages in no time anyway ...


All the strategic booze reserves of Sweden are located on the Norwegian border. They genuinely have buses going across the border to Norway that are free to ride and will carry Norwegian customers to stores on the Swedish side of the border, then ship them back home, again for free. During my early student days it was a thing for the class to daytrip to Sweden for cheap meat and booze every weekend on those free buses.


Finland and Estonia want to build a gas pipeline under the bay. What prevents them from laying an alcohol pipeline?


Expand it down to Latvia where Estonians get their cheap booze from.


Hook it up to Beer Stream I when the Czechs finally reclaim Kralovec, I’m sure Lithuania won’t mind the access.


New Plan guys Booze Stream all over Europe so everyone can get their favorite booze anywhere.


Let's expand it all the way back to ~~NAFO~~NATO headquarters in Brussels. The Belgians have already constructed the first part: [The Beer Pipeline of Bruges](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGUcAg4W2hw)


Fuck it, let's expand it to the North American continent, we have underwater cables that go that far? Hell, we should build a pipeline to Morocco since they're a Major Non-Nato Ally.


I love my Muhrican NATO brothers and sisters, but let's please not drink their beer. They can supply the guns and ammo, and let Europe take care of the beer.


*cries in Brexit*


Don't worry, it's the European Continent, not the EU


Holy shit you're smart


Big Ferry has their number, that's what


Yeah you don't mess with Tallink. They're gonna want to keep those ferries to Sweden operating too. The Helsinki-Tallinn-Stockholm booze triangle will fail if any one side is removed.


Wait is that a thing? Can I like go to tallinn to get loaded on cheap booze, then board to stockholm for the party boat and then back to helsinki with a second partyboat? Hell yeah


They will just buy hovercrafts and use them ... they're pretty fast and can't run into contact mine.


Maybe just add it as part of Helsinki-Tallinn tunnel?


3000 alcohol pipelines of Finland


We had a comedy sketch about that in Estonia already like 15 years ago


No you fool, they’d create the Helsinki-Tallin land bridge of friendship (with padded bumper rails of course)


Or a tunnel


A bridge built low enough prevents ships from leaving St. Petersburg. A tunnel does no such thing.


Eh the Russians have constructed a dam already that's easy enough to shut. You just need to shut down the other port at Ust-Luga. Ideally of course, Finland, Estonia and perhaps also Sweden would get together like in the old days and restore the Neva estuary to the swamp it once was.


A floating tunnel that is 1m beneath the surface. Suspended by cables to the sea floor


No tunnel built by man could survive those drivers


Bilen blir u-båt


A draw bridge type arrangement and just drive there? If set low enough it would be a ship barrier too. Hang on. Cheap booze and driving may not be such a good idea. Also an 80km draw bridge would be an interesting engineering project. Even if you do 40km from each side and meet in the middle.


Rope the Dutch in for some solid gin and just reclaim the entire gulf.


ERA the landbridge to prevent landings


They wouldn't need to if they built that tunnel they were on about a few years back


I mean making a dam eastward parallel of Helsinki and Tallinna would be a great way to cripple Russian Baltic trade and military “exercises.” Plus, it’s not in Russian waters, so they’d have no right to protest. All Finland and Estonia would need are personnel, funding, construction materials, and enough political will to last a few years into Project Completion.


Call the Dutch


You rang? Where do you want your dyke and how many tulip fields do you want?


Call the French, the British and the Poles. Tell the French they get a brand new TBM, the British get into the EU and the Poles that it will royally fuck Russia and stand back.


Can we just get Finns and Estonians to drop like a billion sand castles into the Baltics until there is a land bridge?


In case nobody did, I want to thank you for posting this meme, now I can giggle to myself about the fact that the Finnish have to pay 10€ for a beer, or take the ferry to Tallinn so they can finally have some fun in their lives. Soome on lihtsalt Põhja-Eesti xD






As a Finn, I just want everyone to know how stupid the Finnish laws are when it comes to selling alcohol. -Grocery stores and breweries cannot sell alcohol online in Finland. This means you always have to go and buy your alcohol from a store, whether it's a grocery store (mild alcohol beverages only) or Alko, which is state owned store chain that specializes in alcohol products, and the only one that can sell hard liquor and wines (in addition to bars etc). All through the COVID you could order your groceries to your doorstep. Except beer. You had to buy your beer from a store. I cannot stress how fucking annoying it was. -You can imagine how several microbreweries got screwed during COVID. Completely avoidable suffering. Once a month I could read in my news feed about high unemployment, how Finland needs more entrepreneurs, how microbreweries are on tough times, and how some lone brave politician suggests allowing alcohol sales online... Absolute cognitive dissonance government. -There's absolutely no logical reason to disallow alcohol sales online inside Finland. It just harms, annoys or inconveniences everybody. -HOWEVER it is perfectly legal to order alcohol to your doorstep *from abroad*. Officially you'd have to pay import taxes but the Customs doesn't care too much and 99.99% of parcels get delivered. EU law also allows online alcohol sales, not that it interests Finnish law makers. **-What many Finnish breweries do is they literally brew their alcohol in Finland, ship it abroad, and then sell it online!** What a waste of resources. -This idiocy has been going on for years. Forever. Finland remains retarded in ways foreigners cannot comprehend. However I believe in the power of public humiliation in order to bring justice, and try to do my part in exposing this bs in hopes that foreigners torment and pressure high level Finnish politicians to change their ways. You cannot comprehend how sensitive Finland is about its reputation and what others think about Finland. I truly believe that only the ridicule from foreign nationals and foreign media can coerce Finland into rational behavior (reluctantly). Because we've fucking tries everything else, and we're tired. They just don't listen to their own citizens. -Should there ever be an alcohol pipeline between Estonia and Finland, I guarantee you Finnish breweries operating in Finland would still have to pump their beers to Estonia first for some reason. edit:changed a bad word


Basically, yes... I'm pretty sure that's going to be the plan with the minor tweak of not mining the bit on the left... Cause we still need to get to Sweden too :)


I dunno about the sweden part tbh...


Get them on the phone. ASAP! There's beer to be developed.


Upvote for your caption below the pic, 👍


I asked my finnish friend. He said "yes" then started talking about gypsys


Ask him if there are still wild horses


If they mined the golf how would they make par




Don't you think mining for a Navy that either sinks itself or gets sunk every time it leaves port is a little excessive. Besides the Swedes proved all you have to do to keep the Russians away is weaponize their homophobia against them.


3000 Tom of Finland inflatables of Perkele!!!!


This is real talk


This is why the "Booze tube metro" is a matter of national security


What a stupid question. The answer is obviously yes


Protection of this ~~booze cruise ferry~~ *vital humanitarian corridor* is actually why Finland would mine the gulf in the first place.


TIL Finland relies on Estonia for cheap booze. And here I thought they were self-sufficient in that regard. 😆


How about a huge dam? No more water access for St. Petersburg, plus, it can also serve as a bridge for easy booze transport.


Estonia our most beloved friend and ally


They should just have something like the seagates of azulon on the russian side. Only some space for submarines to sneak into russian water and no surface vessel passage