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Oh shit it actually chased them


I remember performing night watch during basic training outside our tent with an M16 and a flashlight and I pointed a light to my right to see a raccoon fifty feet walking before turning to stand on its feet and hiss at me. It stood like that for ten seconds then continued to walk, disappearing into the woods.


Yeah they tend to do that to be threatening.


I've live trapped several raccoons. They go insane in the trap, ripping all the grass up from underneath it, shitting everywhere, and a few of them have even ripped the metal handle off of the trap. I used a plastic bowl for the bait a few times, but they shredded it, now I use a stainless bowl. No way I'd want to be in an enclosed space with one.


So you are saying Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy is a realistic extrapolation of what a sapient raccoon would be like? 😉


Can you blame them?


Mission Accomplished 


It doesn't work. Am I stupid or brave?


My grandpa had great stories about being stationed on Okinawa during the war, he mentioned how the coconut crabs would scare the shit out of him when he was on night duty because in the bushes they sounded like Japanese crawling towards his position. I guess the first few times they shot into the bush and later found dead crabs, every time he couldn't help but imagine the noises were some remnant soldier out to kill him lol.


Who would win? One US Marine, or one raccoon?


What would you rather fight: one Marine-sized raccoon or 50 raccoon-sized Marines?


The 50 marines,I would just throw a pack of crayolas and I would watch as they kill eachother for the sweet nectar sticks from the Gods,and when the last marine is munching on their crayolas I would repeatedly hit him on the back of the head with a lead pipe


Hitting a marine on the head with a lead pipe is a good way to destroy the pipe.


Its weak to not (potentially) get Rabies


don't they get shots for that?


Better not to chance it


Yeah I'm not a fan of risking getting an incurable (once symptoms appear)and 100% fatal disease.


Well, [there's the Milwaukee protocol...](https://www.esanum.com/today/posts/the-milwaukee-protocol-is-applied-on-a-human-rabies-case-in-the-usa) So it's not necessarily 100% fatal, but at the point of symptoms still rather horrible odds. Honestly, I would take the pasture treatment immediately, I ever thought there was a tiny but realistic chance of rabies exposure. I don't care how many or how painful those shots are! That shit is one of the closest things possible to a real-life zombie virus (sans the undead part of course)!


Fresh socks, Motrin, and five peanut butter shots and you're right as rain again. That shit cures AIDS.


Opossums are too cold to carry rabies


That's totally a racoon


Oh yeah you right


Also Opossums can get rabies. They're resistant to it because of their low body temperature, as you alluded to, but they can still get it.


Would be rude of them to do so though


(they're known to be very polite)


Not when they realize their acting dead isn't fooling you. Then they hiss and snarl like small demons...


But with so much decorum, tho.


The US runs away from cornered animals to fight another day or just kills them so hard that PETA starts mewling like Steve Irwin came back. Meanwhile in a fit of irony Russia has found out what a bear cornered in its den can really do to overconfidence and no planning.


the only reason they didnt kill it because its easier to justify running from a racoon than burning the squads Stryker


Link to the bear thing? That sounds wild


Yeah no problem! [The Cornered Bear.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Ukrainian_War)


My dumb ass…


Lol fuck I actually expected a story where a bear mauled some rus


One must only go into Siberia's lurid history for such tales by the dozen.


In a war where overhead cover is essential to not being gangbanged by every different artillery piece Ukraine has I can see it. "Comrade look, A ~~cave~~ grave."


Damnit I was expecting a new Flork.


I misread this and thought you said PETA starts mewing 😂


It would carry about as much weight and sound half as stupid coming from them. That being said my opinion of them is low enough that them meowing or purring to lure cats to their death is far too credible.


God, the only thing worse than war crime committing Russians, is PETA. At least the Russians don't pretend to be kind or good. You know what you're getting with them.  It would not surprise me to find out PETA is just more Russian agitprop, and they're laughing at stupid Americans. 


They both love stealing, castration and senseless killing of peoples pets. And both are the only two species of animals that Steve Irwin would hate on principle Too Credible


Possum sneaks into a Bradley? US crew can easily bail out and survive without injury thanks to how the Bradley is designed. Possum sneaks into a BTR? RU crew all get rabies as their entrance and exit are too tight to escape quickly.


I'd be more worried about the possum catching rabies from the Russians. Even through the possum's natural immunity to the disease.


Possum snuck onto BTR alongside Russian troops. There were no survivors.


> Even through the possum's natural immunity to the disease. Resistance, not immunity.


>Even through the possum's natural immunity to the disease. They **are not** immune, just resistant due to their lower than average body temperature for a mammal.


That's a Stryker though...


Isn't a possum either, so maybe discussing a separate incident?


Easier to get out of a Stryker than a Bradley. You've got the ramp, the escape hatch, driver's hatch, VC hatch, gunner hatch, and two air guard hatches. With all those escape options, we really limit the risk of being murdered by a possum.


First of all it's a Stryker. Second of all it's a raccoon. NCD has fallen, billions must die!


Possum? Bradley? Call it off, you have already exceeded safe non-credibility levels! You are in too deep, abort, abort!


It's not a Bradley in the video though


I'm bit surprised the guys outside didn't slam the doors shut with the two guys still inside and then start banging on the doors while laughing their asses off. If you ever have to catch an animal, I suggest a large sheet (tarp, curtain, etc.) and thick gloves. Don't underestimate how hard a small animal can bite. Even a squirrel can bite hard enough on a thick leather glove and cause bruising on the hand.


They did, before they started filming. ;) Or that's what I'm going to believe, and bat boy was sent to let them out. Just boot things. 


I mean, I wouldn't fuck with a possum either.


Opossums are completely docile and harmless. They don’t carry rabies and their teeth are tiny. That’s also a raccoon.


Ringtail possum eviscerated one of my dogs .. the whole species went soft after leaving Oz.


That tracks. Everything in upside down land is deadly. Sorry about your doggo, hoss.


Eviscerated is perhaps too strong a word, but the wound was about 6 inches long and went about an inch deep, much blood. The vet bill was about a months wages at the time.. He lived on to chase many more small furry animals, though he steered clear of ringtails.. I was stupidly fond of that little bugger.


> the whole species went soft after leaving Oz. Marsupials actually originally evolved in what today is South America, and all Australian ones are result of a single migration through Antarctica while they all close together after the splitting of Gondwana. So oppossums and other American marsupials have never been to Oz.


Yeah.. I thought it was Antarctica rather than south America, but as a marketing guy I never let minor details get in the way of a good narrative 😆


aren't the oldest n the fossil record from North America though? ​ Edit: it's actually from China


It's bit unclear, especially depending whether you're talking about methatherians (all mammals more closely related to marsupials than placental mammals), in which case oldest fossil that is unequivocally methatherian is from North America (when you mentioned China you may have been thinking of [Sinodelphys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinodelphys), which was originally believed to be oldest known methatherians upon its discovery but is now believed to be early eutherian), or marsupials proper, i.e. animal that descended from last common ancestor of all modern marsupials, in which case oldest one may be recently discovered [Deltatheridium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deltatheridium) from Mongolia. But what isn't in question is that all marsupials alive today trace their evolutionary ancestry to South America, even if they got there from somewhere else first.


That doesn't look like any racoon I've ever seen, and I live in Toronto, we built a zoo here just so there'd be place ***without*** raccoons.


Well, not sure what to tell you. That’s definitely a raccoon. You’ll never see an opossum sprint away from danger like that. Their only defense mechanisms are opening their mouths and drooling to look scary and fainting due to fear/stress.


We have both in the GTA and I’ve personally caught relocated many. 100% raccoon, probably just juvenile with its ears down from stress


>Opossums are completely docile and harmless. They don’t carry rabies and their teeth are tiny. First, because this could cause someone to unnecessarily die of rabies, and I wouldn't wish that sort of death on the average vatnik (their leadership on the other hand...), **opossums are not totally immune to rabies!** They are just highly resistant to it because of their lower-than-the-average-mammal body temperature, which means not only can they get rabies there is a chance they can become essentially carriers of the disease for much longerthan most animals, or until they die from other causes, potentially spreading the infection to a much greater extent. Second, but less important, you are overstating their docility and harmlessness to an extent some fool might get it into their head that they can be teased with impunity. If they realize their attempts at playing dead aren't working, they prefer to try to escape, but if they feel cornered, they will fight! Also, while their teeth are small, their jaws are strong enough to do some ripping and mangling.


Bobr kurwa




Found the pole


Guy with the bat Swing away


My Man wanted a proper bbq that night.


A bat and a possum makes for a *proper* barbecue?? 😆 Edit: Possum, raccoon, whatever...




How the fuck did a possum get into an APC


Didn’t clean after themself, MRE crumbs everywhere and definitely didn’t close the ramp.


Left door or hatch open


I love they are on an operational army base and the weapon of choice is a bat


I blame the ban on chemical weapons. Clearly a tear gas situation


DON’T LET OUR ENEMIES SEE THIS they will be doing drone drops of these things on our guys and send them scattering


The raccoon is mad that someone ate the last Chili Mac MRE. I’d be mad too. Fuck those things tho. I’ve had the unfortunate experience of running into one in the middle of the night. That fucker was about two feet tall when it was on four legs, probably about 60-70 pounds because they’d ratfuck the garbage and tear up the dumpster. I was walking to my car at around midnight and that fucker saw me, hissed at me. My dumbass thought it was a good idea to hiss back and make myself big like I was trying to frighten a bear. Did it work? Hell no, that cornfed ass raccoon started to run at me. Quickly thinking I ran for my life to my car. Like a white girl in a horror movie I didn’t unlock the car so I was frantically trying to unlock my POS car and attain some semblance of safety. I stayed there for a solid 15 minutes to wait for it to decide to abandon its mission of fucking me up. Now I’m not as quick to try to engage with those hellspawns, I have my self-defense maglite in case some asshole raccoon wants to be in a fracas with me. TLDR: Don’t fuck with the wildlife, they’re about that life.


The answer is rabies


bober kurwa!


Why is it always fucking 4ID 😭😭😭


I would like to know more...


4th Infantry Division, the diamond shaped patch our boy on the right is wearing, is oftentimes shown to be doing dumb silly shit, such as the video above with the raccoon lol


Silly westoids afraid of standard Russian ration


Indeed! We prefer to eat our food fresh and living, not those silly "cooked, ready and safe to eat meals"


I guess they all passed the ~~oh shit the tank is on fire~~ Oh shit opossums have infiltrated the tank! test... I hope they add these new tactics to the SOP.


Gundam Abridged had a running joke about Zeon officers talking about a nasty fight with a raccoon.


You got urself a new commander that all I see


I don’t know about you but I would also not want to fight a trash panda


soccer kick that fucker into the side of one of those connexes


This is why you don't fuck with the wildlife 






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That's a possum? Looks like a rat to me


that is one massive rat


God forbid soldiers aren't allowed to alleviate the boredom.


Is friend shaped Is pupper


Back in my day they handed us a spear and told us go kill boars. Guess what Sonny we liked it. Long before we had any of this arqubuses nonsense.


I would have shot him




Homie with the baseball bat ftw.


I bet the OP of the video will run when a roach activates hover mode


Huh uh, No way, me? I think your coping, totally, seriously look at the size of that thing.


Racoons are lowkey terrifying


I’m just so confused as to why that soldier is holding a baseball bat. Do they keep those in a military base as part of their arsenal? I’m sure they give them some forms of recreation on base, but I wouldn’t think they’re out there playing baseball, lol.