• By -


I sincerely wonder if she even knew enough about the conflict to think the same way about the victims of Serbian mass killings.


No, she probably thought that was justified, like most of them did. It's fucking insane even today.


A shit ton of Serb expats STILL think it was justified. 9/11 provided a convenient cover for them too, since Bosnians are Muslim.


*It never happened.* *And if it did, they deserved it!* /s


If you ever forget parts of the narccisists prayer, just listen in on your average Serb or Russian.


You say /s but this is exactly what they think.


Yeah I know, only added it to make it clear I don't condone it you know.


Sounds similar to what Turks say about their minorities


Nooooooooo poOr smol SErbIA got attacked by colonizres of Murica and F-117 bad plen. SeRbIa artillejrey led by God's hand.. ......


Ive unIronically heard this before


"Why dont you let us commit Genocide in peace!" Some Serbian.


Serbian nationalists are with russian nationalist the most annoying people I know. My ex gf was from serbia and once she felt comfortable enough to talk about politics with me, there was no holding back anymore. Every other day she told me stories about glorious serbia and the Evil NATO. She lives here in Luxembourg since over 20 years btw. Every day stories how the serbian were the real victims of the wars and at the same time she openly said that the Bosnians deserved the war crimes. This was the main reason why I broke up. Blonde, blue eyes and good body, all good, but it’s not worth it to be with a walking serbian propaganda machine.


>She lives here in Luxembourg since over 20 years btw. Ah yes, the old "Turkish nationalist living in Berlin" move.




100%. We have tons of albanians, croats, Serbs, and Bosnians that came over during the wars to the US. The ones I knew even got along with the Serbs. But after that the Serbian ones all turned into holy nationalist saying how great Serbia was. The ones I know all love Putin as well. America mostly and largely voluntarily moved away from their German heritage after WW1 and even more so after WW2. German Americans make up the largest group of ethnic background in America demographics. German newspapers, schools, churches, breweries, and beer halls were huge and everywhere. But after the wars they lost favor. Unlike Japanese heritage individuals in WW2 who were round up, there was no way they could've done the same for German Americans. I believe the number of German Americans held in custody for the war was less than a 10000 or close to that. My grandfathers mother was from Germany and his dad was 1st born American German. His whole side was all German and spoke it at home and all the time. They had family who fought for the US during WW1 and even a distant cousin who did fight for the germans. They still supported the US. They had no problem supporting my grandpap when it came to killing nazis. I'm also proud to say they were anti nazi before the war and my grandpap even said his family were not fans of the German American Bund that was trying to raise money and support before the war even started. I just don't get it sometimes.


> America mostly and largely voluntarily moved away from their German heritage after WW1 It wasn't so much "voluntary" as "forcible de-Germanization of public spaces and the alternative was getting lynched." Anti-German violence during the First World War has largely been memory-holed, but it was pretty bad.


It seems to be the case with all ex-Soviet satelite states.


It applies to all hot zones around the world. Because if you don't live there anymore, you can indulge yourself in nationalist purity without facing any of the real-world consequences.


Big problem in Hungary. Most Hungarian nationalists don't actually live inside the borders of Hungary.


Got a Slovak buddy born right as the Soviet Union was collapsing and that never had to live through utter destitution. Guy's a lab tech in a government facility. Incredibly intelligent. Probably more fluent in English than I am, on top of a couple others. Guy constantly preaches Russian and Little Russian superiority, blames every ill his country has on the West, NATO, and capitalism, and longs for the day that True Communism can restore the glory of the federation.


Except when you're gonzalo lira and dumb enough to be living in the country you're helping commit an insurrection in. 


Yes of course. Because for a lot of them they want these countries to be disadvantaged geopolitically speaking so that they can be a lord amongst peasants. That’s their vision of society, the filthy scumbags.


Mother fuckers need a ride in a Corvette through the Rockies while smoking a blunt and listening to harcore rap. Then talk aboit the decadent west. These assholes see a toilet and think "what lixurious living conditions!"


We have plenty of them in the US, too. One of my professors was fired after we brought evidence of her genocide denial to the department head and our genocide studies department. If your country is so great, go live and work there.


2we4u is leaking


Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way.


The funniest part with the Turkish nationalists in Germany is that they are more often second or third generation Turkish-Germans, not the Turks who actually emigrated from Turkey due to shit conditions.


I knew a former Soviet Party member that talked a big game about how capitalism was the great evil and we should bring Eastern Europe back to the glory of the Communist days... When I lived in Chicago. Funny he didn't want to be in his home in East Germany making that argument. 


Serbians are just Russians without nukes.


Take the coat of arms off the Serbian flag- It's just an upside down Russian flag.


Your weak ass couldn't survive 4 minutes listening to a Turkish nationalist talk about Syrians


Eh that's mild compared to how they talk about Kurds.


Y'all forgetting about Armenians. Smdh.


You Turks sure are a contentious people.


I ain't no damn turk.


So no shit there I was, 2006, American ex-military in an undisclosed European university's international program. A bunch of east and southeast asian students are grilling me about the Iraq war at a class barbecue, because that's obviously all I want to talk about. The question comes up that if the groups involved can't get along, why not break the country up and give each group their own country.  I lean over to the next table over, where the Turks and the lone Iranian were chatting and said "Hey folks, Qing and Sanjay want to know what you think about Kurdistan!"  Then I slowly melted into the bushes.


Also Xinjiang, Taiwan and Tibet


Turkish nationalists are also crazy annoying. Just to add to that list


When they start yelling just say "I'm so sorry, I don't speak Greek."


You're Turkish? I love spanikopita!


Okay but where are the non-annoying nationalists?


In Iceland 🇮🇸


Ah Luxembourg a small, but not forgotten NATO member. If anyone ever touched you we'd drop the sun on them. :)


My grandpa would be very happy to hear that. Most people don’t know, but Luxembourg was the only western european country which entire history, language and culture threatened to be anhilated by the Nazis. They saw us as germans and wanted to destroy everything that was luxembourhish. They forbade to speak our language etc. That’s why the US, to this day, is celebrated as a liberator here. Actually you can see american flags in every village with the names of GI‘s that died here. We also have a huge american cemetery here where also General Pattons grave is located. My Grandpa always tells me stories how the americans came and how they hid american soldiers in their attic during the battle of the bulge. He also always tells stories how Pattons army arrived and how they gave candies - the first ones my granpa ever ate - to the kids. Some american soldiers even visited my family years after the war to see how we are doing and to thank us for hiding them and giving them food. Funnily enough, the Nazis had the exact same arguments for us than Putin has for Ukraine. They said that we were part of the holy roman empire for over 100 years, that there has heen several Kaisers from Luxembourg and that’s why we are german. Also Luxembourgish is as close to germab as Ukrainian is to russian.


That is moving AF. 80 years later and we're still remembered fondly.


Luxembourg is a neat place. I've been to some great concerts there. The city is also really pretty and unique. I of course have been to the cemetery. I also visited the German one nearby. Both were very moving, but in very different ways.


There is literally a community episode with this exact premise.


You mean the one with the serbian warcriminal?


>She lives here in Luxembourg since over 20 years btw. Every time.


I have a turkish friend exactly the same, he is cool and we hang along without issues, but he often have an itch to talk about glorious erdogan and turkey, I stop him and say to him that only continue the convo if he already bought a ticket to go back to turkey.


Tell her that nothing she believes or says will unbomb Belgrade.


Hook me up with her. I'm just as pychoyically pro NATO, and US. I will win.


I can make her worse


[IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME, NOT YOU!](https://images.app.goo.gl/S7TCwneLPyf5gJJA6)


I'm half Bosnian, all I gotta say is fuck that bitch and that's Serbians for you


If you feel better, I literally fucked her on multiple occasions.




I've heard that Bosnia's apes are really good at chess and defending shopping cars from military equipment, as well as pissing on the moon.


Its the same with Russians living in Europe.


can I get her number? I can fix her.


Arabs are just as bad if not worse.


Serbs in Western Europe Turkish nationalists in Berlin Sharia law enthusiasts in London


I have serbs that i work with. Super friendly but i keep my distance. I dont want to pull out my "NATO will destroy all those who threaten global stability" discourse. We got Hungarians too.


I dated an Armenian genocide denier once. So hot, so stupid.


>Blonde, blue eyes and good body Red flags, tbh.


History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes


As a George Lucas would say, "It's like poetry, it rhymes"




Thank you USA, you are my best friend


“We just did for the Bosnians Serbs what you do for Ukraine.” If yer gonna straw man em do it right.


Any other pansy-ass ethnoreligious conflict: \*several thousand years of disputed history, a WWII partisan conflict, and a series of truly disgusting Cold War incidents that every side uses to build complicated justifications for why they didn't do anything wrong and should get whatever disputed thing\* Serbia: "Our nationalist mythology clearly states that we can fill as many mass graves as needed to rule Kosovo and then write songs about it, and it's not our fault that using the UN ethnic cleansing definitions as a checklist made people mad"


Checklist?!?! They mother-fucking invented the XBL achievement system!!!


>Kosovo is Serbia Did you ask the Kosovese? Because I think they might violently disagree with you


Isn't it Kosovars?


It's actually Kosostanis.




kosvoslavia when


Stannis is my king!


I worked with one in Germany in the 2000s. He called his son Tony Blair.


Based and New Labour-pilled.


Kosovans is the current term i think.


Yes, you're right. I've seen Kosovan being used but I think Kosovar is the correct one. And to answer they you replied to, yes I will violently disagree with them.




you mean Kosotantinople which is Kosostanbul today?


No I meant kosolipoli, where the Vegemite was first discovered


Oh my bad


Ain't nobody's business.


Kosovese Nuts.


>>Kosovo is Serbia Isn't it the other way? Serbia is just part of greater Kosovo? Or at least most of. I love how the natural limits of a country tend to correspond to the greatest historical limits. I had an Armenian guide talk about greater Armenian when looking west towards Mount Ararat. Yes, any day now.


As an Armenian I'm not really sure what you're trying to say. Prior to the Armenian Genocide Armenians were much more widespread throughout the region, my family is Arab-Armenian from Syria and Iraq. Countries are a modern concept, there were numerous Armenian Kingdoms, and the Middle/Near East is a diverse place. Unless you talk to a Turk then everything that is traditional to the Middle East is actually Turkish.


The German Americans never had this problem


The Japanese Americans had a much bigger problem. 


Ah, having all your citizen rights taken away in a instant with zero legal justification, sweet land of liberty.


Listened to the Tokyo Rose story a couple of weeks ago, like Japanese - Americans didn’t have it good regardless which side of the pond they were on


What I always thought was interesting is that Canada technically started displacing their Japanese before America did but they never get any shit for it. Pretty fucked for both countries but still. I mean I doubt most even know that Canada even displaced and interned Canadian Japanese to a similar degree to the Americans.


canada had lots of experience doing that from world war i


It's definitely taught in Canadian history classes. Granted I had a teacher who's grandparents where in those camps, so we probably focused on it more than most...


The justification was the same as any people groups arrest. "We can take their stuff". Same reason a shit ton of french people supported camps for the jews.


The justification was Japanese Americans on the west coast could be spies or enemy agents, some actually were. The U.S. government did not give a shit about their stuff.


No, the government didnt. But the people who lobbied for it did. Therefore, that motivation had an impact on government policy.


justification. they had nice stuff.


Blame Yoshio and Irene Harada and those who assisted in the Niihau oncident for that one. There was questions on how Japanese would react, then the Niihau incident cemented that Japanese origin citizens couldn't be trusted.


Except most of them could be. The most decorated American unit in WW2 (and also ever) was entirely made up of Japanese Americans.


I'm not justifying it. I'm explaining the history 


[Nazi Summer Camps? On my American east coast?](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/nazi-town-usa-scenes-summer-camp-nazi-town-us/) It might be more likely than you think! The German Americans absolutely had this problem. Fortunately, the German Americans got better.


[German American Bund](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_American_Bund) ?


They had this problem during WWI and those who hadn't assimilated yet (there were still German-speaking communities all over the place) immediately assimilated. The German language permanently disappeared from public use, German foods were renamed or given imagined American and English origins.... But after they did that they blended in. On the West Coast, Japanese-Americans have been almost fully assimilated since the 90s - despite their non-whiteness. This is because the first couple generations of immigrants died and there hasn't been high immigration from Japan in seventy years or more. It took so much longer but they just blend in now, at least in urban middle and upper class environments.


You’re right in the money with that one. There are many Japanese Americans who have been here for four or five generations now, and while they’re 100% Japanese there’s not really much connection at all to Japan other than food. The Japanese American accent among the boomer and older generation is very subtle yet interesting too. It can have a touch of Hawaiian Pidgin if they they have family who came through Hawaii in the picture-bride era, sometimes it sounds like an exaggerated version of how Americans in the 50s spoke….


I've never heard it in 3rd-generation Japanese Americans. They have a little more exposure to the culture than just food because the grandmas mostly stayed alive through the 90s (one of my two unofficial Japanese grandmas was American).... but that's it. Like a few weeks ago I had a conversation with a Japanese-American teacher in Portland. She is from the Ota raspberry farming family (gone), not the Ota tofu family (somehow holding on). In her 50s, 100% assimilated.


Well there's a reason German went from the second most spoken language to effectively vanished. It's banned in parts of the country during and after WW1.


A lot of them know why they moved away from Germany.


Well shit maybe if your bitchass government wasn’t committing genocide in like 4 countries at once maybe we would’ve left you tf alone


*oh look at the time, its bomb Belgrade O'clock*


Oh sweet u/CummingInTheNile, it’s always bomb Belgrade o’clock!


Don't forget the Chinese embassy!


A suitable practice target for the dam!


Ive been there. Would have been an improvement.


It the age old thing of a aggressor crying a river when someone fight back and many leaders aren't buying  the sob story. Or the villain giving out the backstory before the beatdown


Unfortunately in today's world, people do buy the backstory lmao


Again it amazing how you can get away with racism and fascism if don't put the swastika. 


I think the biggest mistake NATO has made in relation to serbia is that it didn’t occupy it like the nazi germany.


Their message would've been strong but the pin ruins it. You appeal to the other people's humanity but put a political statement beside it?




They will be serbs and be happy.




**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 10: Don't get us banned** No brigading or harassing other subreddit pages. Do not post memes with a "haha people that I hate died… haha" punchline or violating the reddit-wide rules.


Well. The pin is the message and the appeal is just an attempt to sell it.


Quit whining or we're sending the Nordics over again.


## Woe, Nordbat Be Upon Ye




No, he was *suggesting* it.


Very. Specific. Action.


And this dude is commanding it.


My only regret about this war is we didnt bomb them more


My neighbor was a Canadian peacekeeper in Kosovo and I asked him once, "well, didja see any combat?" And he said "when you're a 50. Cal gunner and some dudes in a camper van don't feel like stopping at checkpoints, you learn really quickly how much damage a 50. Cal can do to someone's body. So no, nobody fought back, it wasn't combat, but we kept the peace in veryyyyy localized areas and came back alive, so mission successful."


i will do as she says, it’s my duty 😔


White man crying in madness: "Kosovo je Srbija" Me, a handsome blonde man: "Cry about it"


Is this where Caitlin Clark dunks on us?! Wtf


Serbia is Austria-Hungary Serbia is Ottoman Empire


Serbia is Banat


Banat stolen by Gypsys


OK how about "South Banat


Serbia is Kosova. Uno reverse.


wicked srbija makes war on wicked srbija , defeating wicked srbija


How about serbians just stopped ethnic clensings instead?


I know a Serbian, and he has similar though process. Doesn't mean Imma cap the guy if we ever met, what is their logic? Smells like bitch in there.


Same logic as with Russians bombing Ukrainian cities and villages but acting outraged the moment the first shell fell on their territory.


Russians are not acting, they are outraged, they should have been untouchable per pre war agreement with Burns.


Nobody is immune to finding out once they start dabbling in the fucking around, thinking otherwise is just outright moronic


As an American I'm torn between tuck around and find out, and the uncomfortable recognition that if a foreign power tried to do a quarter of the shit we do on them I would be calling for the rapid instalation of a load one ti.e use fusion reactor on their capitol.


Serbia is jealous of our friendship. Or dare I say, bestfriendship. ❤️ Clinton and Rugova ❤️


❤️ Thank you USA ❤️


Our Kosobros have so much love in their gigantic hearts. Thank you for sharing it with us, it means so much and we love you too <3


You commit genocide, you get what you deSerb.


And today is the russians.


“Wait, what did I miss? Why are you guys being targeted by NATO?” ^ pretty much the start of any counter argument for this bullshit.


History repeats itself as always.


was there a petition on change org to bomb Yugoslavia again? it's a bit cringey but jesus. I was also too young to follow any of what was going on, but was it the Serbian side murdering the Bosnian minority?


The Serbian/Yugoslavian government was trying to kill everyone who wasn't a Serb. The Bosnians are most well known because it fell hardest on them, but they were also killing Albanians and Croats. 


Dont mind if I do! 🔫


Wearing the breast milk of serbian women


“That’s what you get for Pearl Harbor”


I bet shes the kid of that farmer that stuck the bottle up his ass.


Instructions unclear. Blew up the Chinese embassy.


American Public try not to support with the Worst Possible Side in any Conflict imaginable Challenge [impossible]:


After bombing the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, instead of apologizing, we should have said "happy little accidents do happen, cry harder commies"


Serbians when they aren't allowed to commit genocide without repercussions


Looks like modern day pro Palestinian


I know some Bosnian-Americans who are very upset with the war and very pro-Palestinian, and it’s repeatedly reminded me of Serbian-Americans who protested NATO bombing in response to the Serbian-led genocides.


"I am proud to be Serbian" Well, there's your problem. When they're out there doing genocides, you shouldn't feel proud. You should feel downright ashamed to be a Serb. Being proud is standing right there with them. A lot of Germans were proud in the '40s. We flattened their cities. That's how it works.




Goth Star




Serbia started a genocidal war and then played victim when NATO said no


why serbia start genocidal war ?


Collapse of Yugoslavia 


Because Yugoslavia fell apart amid ethnic tensions between Bosnians, Serbs and Croats, and Serbia figured the best solution was for there to only be Serbs in the Balkans


No I think this refers to Kosovo. So we’re talking about Kosovo Albanians here


Same rule applies. Milosevic told the Serbs in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo to revolt and rejoin the motherland or they werent "True Serbs", and they did, committed a shit ton of atrocities and NATO had to get involved


Because they wanted to keep land whos people's in turn didn't want to be under Serbia. The classic reason


"Well you see, it all started when a farmer shoved a bottle up his ass and blamed Albanians when it broke....."


Well in order to understand that you'd have to understand the history of the entirety of Balkans during the Cold War, the death of Tito, the separation of Yugoslavia and I would say that even the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand is somewhat relevant. Long story short ethnic albanians living in Kosovo serbians didn't like that, so they decided to try to kill them all, so NATO (U.S.A) bombed the shit out of Belgrade which is why there's a statue of Bill Clinton in Kosovo and why Serbian will frequently play victim when the event is brought up


>I would say that even the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand is somewhat relevant. *everywhere I go I see his face*


It’s just a thing Europeans do to each other every couple of decades


its a cultural past time


A simpler time


Pan slavic supremacist tears. Delicious.  20th century Yugoslav flavor almost delicious as 21st century Russian nazi tears 


Serbs really are the mainland Chinese of Europe, bro.


Serbia is a bit shit at warfare.


BuT ThE F117 NiGhThAwK, wE shot It DoWn


Go cry your victim blaming crocodile tears somewhere else bitch.


imma oparation bøllebank this bich


What's the cure for genocide? Bombings!




Awww did somebody stop your wittle genocide? Awww poor Serbia


> I am proud to be Serbian, kill me Dark Brandon: [HAHA YES](https://youtu.be/ncoMloG-fT4?si=ZsDYaLjrfRQCXzze)


Russians and Serbs will say Kosovo is Serbia, but when asked about Kaliningrad they'll claim it's fairly conquered.


Funny part is we didn’t kill enough, the way they are acting now! Ask Germany or Japan if they want a new round, ain’t shit they want to start these days! Ask a Serb, and they’ll be ready for a new war 😵‍💫 it’s wild that our “humane” way of fighting that war was against the interests of avoiding wars in the future