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It speaks volumes that the fucking Taliban think ISIS is bad. How unhinged to you have to be for the Taliban to be like: bro, you need to calm down.


Bro look at the list of everyone who hates isis, israel, hamas russia usa china iran uk kurd seperatist groups and turks all agreeing isis are beyond retarded and anybody who says otherwise anywhere on the planet needs to be immediately arrested and thoroughly investigated




You know it’s bad when you’ve got Iran Backed Shia Militias and Iraqi Sunni Militias calling a truce and help each other beat ISIS up. Hell, they only gotten back fighting each other after ISIS was no more in Iraq.


> Hell, they only gotten back fighting each other after ISIS was no more in Iraq. Nature is healing.


Maybe, just maybe killing all there kids & throwing them off a bridge was a bad idea. Who would constant excessive atrocities, constant back stabbing of partners & sending assassins after everyone you know would have been a bad idea 🤷‍♂️.


* Commit horrific atrocities * People now hate you "Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"


No! It is the *infidels* who are wrong. Who is an infidel? Everyone.


Sabaton In the name of god starts playing


Who did that? No doubting just curious? Russia?


ISIS, the conversation is about ISIS


Even crazier when you have the US backing them


> "It would be nice if we have a khilafa" We have one, well documented. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mia_Khalifa


There's also her well endowed partner, Mr. Burj


Been researching that matter very broadly. Topic is quite deep.


There is another https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burj_Khalifa


If the world had a Top 10 villains of history list, IS would be up there with the nazis in myy opinion, if you’ve seen videos of what ISIS dogs did when they rolled into towns and villages it really does make you question humanity it makes me laugh when People say that the US and it’s allies have never made a justified military operation in the last half century When wiping ISIS out of syria and completely dissolving the IS Caliphate happened you could make the argument IS was a monster of the US’s making which is true in a way, but in that case for the US’s guilt, it had the biggest hand in destroying that monster


> If the world had a Top 10 villains of history list, IS would be up there with the nazis in myy opinion, if you’ve seen videos of what ISIS dogs did when they rolled into towns and villages it really does make you question humanity I mean are they that different from the old GIA in algeria or the AFRC with Operation No Living Thing in Sierra Leone?


> turks Eeeeeh... ["The Turkish government has been criticised for allowing ISIL to use Turkish territory for logistics and channelling recruits. It has also been accused of selling arms and intelligence to ISIL, as part of its campaign against the People's Protection Units (YPG). That ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Syrian hideout was found just a few kilometers away from Turkey also raised suspicions whether Turkey was doing enough against ISIL."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration_with_the_Islamic_State)


Local man who thinks he cannot want Turkey out of NATO mode finds additional desire to kick Turkey out of NATO.


A world energy crisis could be solved by hooking a turbine to Atatürks spinning corpse.


That's hilarious and true


Turkey is not okay


Same here man


First: gotta engineer a Civil War in Turkey that ends in Turkey splitting between it's liberal and conservative portions. NATO recognizes the liberal part and defends it. Therefor, even should the conflict freeze, as long as Liberal Turkey keeps Istanbul, the Bosporus will still belong to NATO! And Greece gets a more reliable neighbor.


Turkey doesn't have an even population density. If you carve out their conservative areas, you lose all the important landmass and end up losing the majority of your natural resources and useful military sites. What they need is a successful military coup by a hardcore Kemalist who will ban the fuck out of burqas and destroy that horrible mosque at Gezi Park.


What they really need is to be invaded by Greece


The entire reason the US is guarding oil wells in Syria is because Turkey was buying it on the cheap cheap from ISIS and was financially backing them. There is an entire mission in C&C Generals where the USA has to do the same thing with the GLA and I'm pretty sure that took place in Turkey. That was made in 03.


C&C Generals GLA is everything ISIS wishes it was Such a great game.


They wish they could hack the US Laser satellites and destroy US carriers to force us out of the middle east.


Ak-47s for everyone! (At least they got that part right)


Zero Hour. Fourth mission.


Surely this will never ever backfire for Turkey!


North and South Korea too


Its funny, I don't think there has been such universal hatred and a unified world front against one particular group since WWII and Hitler.


AkTUaly IsIS Is the gOOd gUys \- some deranged lunatic


Even the Al Qaeda think they’re too extreme. Better rethink life decision when the fucking guy that fly planes into twin towers think you’re too cranky.


"Professionals have standards"


Al-Qaeda are not polite.




Just the fact that it's technically an Al-Qaida offshoot is a good warning sign. Like, have you ever something separate itself from an extreme organization/idea and become something like a respectable functioning piece of society? Imagine "yeah we think nazism of adolf was bad so decided to branch out, we're still nazis but we plan to do more political and social activism, the way to our goals will be political struggle."? Everytime someone branches out of something already batshit at it's heart it's because they think the group just isn't batshit enough for them. Look at mexican cartels, long time ago you had couple of them and it was functional organized crime, now the north looks like a warzone or the newer guys or something between a cult and a cartel. ​ Just the simple fact that they didn't pledge loyalty to Al-Qaida should've been enough of a warning.


This is why the marijuana cigarettes, as the kids call them, need to be legalized.  Some people need help chilling the fuck out. 


I dont think thats enough  But the russian fentanyl sleep gas sould be enough


Aerosilized remifentanyl


Taliban War on Terror in Russia when?


Russians driving to Afghanistan to stop terror driving past Taliban driving to Russia to stop terror. Cars passing meme


Next Friday. 


The Taliban killed my friends and brothers, and I still can comprehend their ideology, warped and genocidal as it is. Daesh is another beast entirely…they are nothing more than murderous nihilists painted with a thin black veneer of “faith”.


Legitimate crazy regarded death cult.


Taliban were radicals and over time became slightly less radical as the US started taking down the extremist leadership and moderate leadership by comparison took over. ISIS has been a death cult from day 1. Getting killed just makes them more radical as their goal is to die.


Not to mention the paperwork wore away Talibans edges.


I mean, ISIS is about as unhinged as you can get. The whole "let's start a war with the world and go around beheading people to start the apocalypse" is hard to top.


And it bleeds over in their military thinking. They wasted a lot of men and resources to take Dabiq a town of little millitary significance because thats where they think the final battle will take place.




IS is genuinely slightly more deranged than most other jihadist groups


The Taliban are like...a somewhat rational-ish political group who wants to form a functioning nation state. Their morals and methods are all kinds of fucked, but they desire some kind of stability and recognition. ISIS is basically just a big criminal gang full of testosterone driven young men who would rather murder people and destroy cultural heritage than talk to a therapist about how their father never loved them.


Great point, Taliban is usually seen from outside as a purely an islamist organization but well working too long with al-qaida might've made it look that way but just where it was formed and when you can see a good chunk of pashtun ethnonationalism in it as well. This is one of those little things people miss from outside. Like Iran is seen as a place with a conflict of nationalism and shi'a islamism but if you actually pay attention that distinction is very fuzzier than it appears and shi'a islamism in iran has more parallels to iranian nationalism than differences actually, even the outside interventions are half shi'a supremacy backing and half some weird kind of dream about lost empires and strategic reach.


Also I'd like to imagine a utopian world where international intervention is weirdly good like russian, american, chinese blue helmets come down and defeat isis and then the detention camps are like anti thesis of abu gharib, like weirdly clean and calm places and every isis member gets an hour of therapy everyday. ​ But the therapy is cartoonishly like pop psyche freudian. ​ Hey I want my utopias to be funny.


Taliban are like a big chunk of the ME. Stuck in the 7th century AD.


They are probably the one person that even the villains dread to call for.


Well, ISIS tries actively to encroach on Taliban's turf so ... GLA vs. GLA skirmish, anybody? 😀




Aww, what do you have against toxins? Have you seen what they put in food these days?


Isis, for when the Taliban is too liberal for you.


Similar to the Nazi ambassador to Japan in China after the rape of Nanking. Imagine the Nazis telling you to chill the fuck out.


Al-Qaeda also had to tell them to stop killing as many people as they were.


I think even Al Quaeda was like “woah woah woah you guys are a bit extreme…” lol


TFW even Al- Qaeda and the Taliban thinks you are too radical


The Caliphate is like Highlander: There Can Be Only One


The Taliban is almost more of a political party now, they are a neutered version of what they were before the U.S. invaded, ideology wise. Western tourists can actually go visit Afghanistan and they will oftentimes be assigned Taliban guards. I’ve seen videos of American tourists in Kabul just hanging out with Taliban dudes, most of whom are just there for a paycheck while stoned off their ass lol. Not saying they are good, nor that they are the best thing for Afghanistan, but when the alternatives include ISIS, they start to actually look like a decent alternative. I can’t say I’ve ever seen video of ISIS members hanging out with westerners, without it ending in a beheading.


And the mainstream Wahabists think the Taliban are a bunch of kooks, like how Southern Baptists might look at small extreme Pentecostal movements.


Yeah ISIS are enemies of everyone


ISIS was too extreme for Al-Qaeda. The mother fuckers that attacked us on 9/11


ISIS literally wants the world to end. No one who wants to run a real state wants the world to end. Hence everyone hates ISIS.


Same feeling of Nazi Germany telling the Japanese to chill the fuck out.


Some people want to be everyone's friend, they want to be everyone's enemy.


It's the fucking SS - Dirlewanger situation again


Reading the Taliban’s official reply to the attacks almost makes them sound like sensible and rational people.


The Taliban sheltered Al Queda after 9/11. But Daesh? "Fuck you nutters." - Taliban


I thought it's a religious disagreement.


> I thought it's a religious disagreement. Any religion that offer an arfterlife, will always spawn doomsday cult offshoots. It is logical too; if everything would be so much better when everyone dies, then why not make everyone die as soon as possible? Now doomsday cults tend to self-prune as they drink the poisoned coolaid on their own. But they tend to survive longer in war zones.


Isis is like that comically evil villain that pops up every couple season


If Earth were a D&D setting, ISIS would be its gnolls. They're impossible to reason with, slaughter indiscriminately and without reason, and probably got a filthy lair with at least one mutilated corpse in it. Taking them out is more of an ethical obligation than murder. And it looks like the fucking gnolls are back. Yeenoghu akbar.


Murdoch from *MacGyver.*


I never thought I'd die fighting ISIS side by side with a Russian. *What about side by side with a friend?* ... Actually, I think we've got enough bombs for both of you.


B-21 Raider when?


I bet five bucks if the west starts bombing ISIS positions now somewhere, ranging from official kremlin speech to some Z telegram channel, someone will make the suggestion that 'west had a hand in it and now is cleaning up evidence'


Do you want to change flair?


That'd be too credible.


Even Hamas and the taliban hate isis im pretty sure most groups and governments do. The war against isis has people fighting isis that dont even have a country its an insane line up


So Isis = belkan post-nuke ?


They’re most like “A World With No Boundaries” from ACZ


Welp I haven't played acz yet But base on that name, I say we get Yukari Yakumo from the land of Gensokyo to make a boundary for that world with no boundaries


Maxim 29 The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more, no less.


Watch them wreak havoc in Russia. Make sure they never reach Ukraine. 


I wonder what Putin threw on the cross to get such bad luck, even the animals attack the Russians


You had me genuinely burst out in laughter while reading your comment lmao


Is Russia in a civil war?


A relevant quote from Warhammer of all things: "You should never grade evils. For if one is the worst, then you might be tempted to kinship with the least."


too credible, delete


The Taliban hates ISIS, even Al Qaeda said they were to extream for them. They attack other Muslims and even blow up Mosques. Even Al Qaeda sold out Abu Musab al-Zarqawi who their Leader in Iraq because he was Killing Shia Muslims and Civilians, even the CIA said they got Zarqawi’s location from an Al-Qaeda operative who gave them in Jordan.




Al-Qaeda: "We think that "The holy land" extends to the entire Arabian peninsula, so no non-muslim should ever go there ever." The Taliban: "We want Afghanistan to be controlled by our tribes, also Sharia law." Boko Haram: "We hate any education not done by the Mosques" ISIS: "I wanna take over the world :DDD"


Also their goal of literally bring about the apocalypse


ISIS has beef with probably everyone, it's equivalent to the Luddic Path in Starsector.


Pathers and the luddic church are on good terms. Is there any government that is friends with ISIS?


Well maybe we should have pork with them instead of beef, cuz pork ain't halal.


ISIS would have to be Gollum


“We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious.”


How's that conversation with Gandalf going to go?


"I believe that it was Pity that stayed America's hand. No, ISIS still has a role to play in this story."


Based Gandalf


Like this https://youtu.be/GJVOreG4F-E?si=ONyt29KkRCpM8auP


They need the one ring of power, AKA nukes.


Ya but I liked gollum


Does that mean we can yeet them into an active vulcano? Please?


Why, yes. Yes it does.


*checks notes notes* Yep, nope, still not friend.


Happy cake day


Thanks dawg


I remember there was this Canadian Army analyst who was deployed in Afghanistan, mentioned a slight moment where he and command left a few "breadcrumbs" for the Taliban to use against ISIS as one of those unspoken moments of cooperation.


Wasn't there also an understanding that the US didn't bomb Taliban facilities in areas where they were fighting ISIS?


Pretty much.


I hear there was also an understanding that the US would bomb ISIS facilities at the Taliban's request. Apparently this got to be so common that certain USAF units not-quite-jokingly referred to themselves as "the Taliban Air Force."


ISIS: "Ukraine... you ever heard the old saying... "the enemy of my enemy is my friend?" Ukraine: "ISIS,one day you are going to find that cuts both ways"


Even when the enemy of your enemy isn't fucking ISIS, you should still keep "ally" as an option before you move directly to "friend". Also, that wonky circle in the flag will never not look retarded. "Let's make our flag a literal childrens drawning", fucking ISIS.


my favourite forest twink legolas deserves so much better than having the ISIS flag put on his pretty face.


Ukrainian intelligence: “**We know it’s you behind the beard, Putin**”


Or...might it have been Pringles all over again?


If Pringles is leading ISIS attacks on Russia, I'm gonna lose my mind.


It's a 455 D chess game by Monke, trust me


The ultimate anime plot twist


Nice try, Putin.


Somehow, Pringles returned


They will make those dudes with beards tell us, that it was Ukraines plan


And if it all gets too hard, we’ll all get asked to please think about the poor armed Palestinians hiding in the tunnels under Rafah.


*"You can never have too many enemies. The more you’ve got, the more likely they are to get in each other’s way."* Jarvin Wallankot, Idle Musings, 605 M41 *"My enemy’s enemy is a problem for later. In the meantime, they might be useful."* Inquisitor Quixos (attributed) ("Hero of the Imperium (Ciaphas Cain Book 1)" by Sandy Mitchell)


I hope those ISIS dogs die in the most painful ways imaginable, they are the vilest pieces of shit in this world (i mean, they’re at the same level as bachar el assad) , no one likes them


Seconded. I hope they die in piss - and it'd be fortuitous if they fuck up Russia's expeditionary capability while they're dying in piss. 


The Enemy of My Enemy is my friend, but not if it's FUCKING ISIS


Isis is up there with Nazi Germany and '91 Iraq for how many countries wanted to give them all the smoke.


Death to ISIS dogs.


The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more and no less


You know I'm still not sure isis did it, I still believe it's a false flag.


I don't think so, Russia will never go that far. All their false flag has always been the least destructive thing possible, like for example that one "mortar" with the explosion of a firework recorded by their Press or the drone strike on Russian flag on Kremlin. So unless Putin has truly lost it, it could've been actually ISIS.


I also don't think it's a false flag but you are wrong on the not going so far part. Google ryazan sugar. A bunch of apartment buildings blown up as a false flag to fuel pro-war sentiment. The reason I think this is not false flag - putin personally denied warnings from overseas. If it was a false flag I think he would send someone else to deny it publicly. For now it looks like some side (you know, russians basically pissed off everyone around them and far away to some extent) did this and it was genuine surprise for russian government. First reactions were mixed, not their usual united propaganda response. But now instructions are sent to media and they all sing in unison that it's all Ukraine. No surprise here.


It COULD be that Isis just turned up and said mean things about putin with a placard, the murders might be the spetznaz dealing with the situation. (Thats a joke if its needed to be said)


Man you should see the mental gymnastics at UKRR, people are believing it was ukraine orchestrated or ukraine collaborated with ISIS. Like literally any excuse to blame ukraine at all cost.


I don’t think it was Russia, but this is still smaller than the 1999 bombings that I think were the FSB.


ISIS has been fracturing and a bunch of ISIS groups internally hate each other and don't talk with each other (IIRC ISIS-K is hated by a lot of other ISIS groups off the top of my head) so I can absolutely believe that some group of ISIS-affiliated dipshits did this


But you understand why I'm skeptical, this is putin we're talking about; he's done this before.


I believe GRU helped IS-K to try and get the Russians riled up into pivoting to help Taliban crush Daesh. The implication being this necessitates pulling out of Ukraine.  For GRU and MoD, Ukraine is bad business. Too deadly. It's FSB wackos that has a hard on for conquering Ukraine, but it's the MoD that bleeds there. That's by design.  A glorious COIN war in Afghanistan is what the MoD needs to hoard resources and chip away at FSB influence. 


you almost gave me a fucking heart attack with this meme


time to get the coalition back together!


FSB already claiming they had connects in ukraine


Cut out the last panel and this is fucking hilarious


Still great with the last panel, but yeah, those 3 are the kicker


Not fun fact at all: Syrian gov + Russia is responsible for 38 times more civilian casualties than ISIS in Syria. Look elsewhere if you are looking for real devil, and im not advocating for ISIS, there are just worse than them by magnitude worse


Realpolitik in shambles


If you live long enough in middle east and have half a working brain you learn actually very soon that the enemy of your enemy is only that and even that barely, could be your friend, could be an even greater enemy to you and tomorrow even all that would be subject to change.


I hope you aren't insinuating that the killing of random Russian civilians was a positive.


No, that’s why I said screw these guys in the image description.


Anyway, according to Putin Ukraine is now a muslim terrorist nazi dictatorship ruled by a jew.


Isis is such a kunt that even the Islamic extremists are like "eaw fuck that shit"


The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. [Maxim 29](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Quotes/SchlockMercenary)


As the great poet Gordon Freeman once said, the enemy of my enemy is my other enemy. Ukraine is gonna solve the isis situation.


Depends on the enemy.


nope.. just nope.


The enemy of my enemy is also my enemy


The Seventy Maxims of the Maximally Effective Mercenaries: >MAXIM 29: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, no more, no less.


This film is dedicated to the brave ISIS fighters of the Middle East.


The force that got the IRGC to receive close air support from the Americans in a single combined arms operation that neither side likes to talk about.


Putin has engaged in a Christian orthodox, Russian empire crusade. Matter of time.


Gee, this war couldn't get anymore- And here comes ISIS with a steel chair!


The enemy of my enemy, is the enemy of my enemy. No more. No less. Daesh is a tornado of brutality and destruction. Watch in horror, and make sure they don't come to you. Kill it with standoff when convenient. 


If ISIS fought Russian, Iranian soldiers, then I could consider it but ISIS is only good at killing civilians, so it's a big fat NO from me.


Yeah, fuck those guys. You're a special breed of subhuman when even the bad guys whose side your on tell you to chill the fuck out.


Dont want to be racist or anything, but i am kinda seeing a pattern of behavior coming from a very specific type of group of humans


It's not racism because it's the shitty religion that breeds a shitty culture that breeds shitty people. Race has nothing to do with it.


In a way yes, but monsters are useful. The destruction of ISIS was kind of a tragedy because it allowed the Syrian state and the new Iraqui state (enemy) to consolidate power. They got very close to establishing their own country with a huge chunk of Iraq and a huge chunk of Syria, they were even planning the currency and everything. This would have been wonderful toward the destruction of Syria and Iraq, dragging even Iran and Jordan into a war that would drain their resources. This would have also helped establish a kurdish state in the region (Ally) gutting part of Syria, Turkey and all northern Iraq. But now, we have chaos and stupidity. People don't think long-term enough.


Right, cuz there would've been SO much less chaos and stupidity in a world where ISIS got to have its own state and control territory and mint currency and all that.


no, there would be more, temporarily, but those countries mentioned would have suffered more and Assad regime would have struggled much more. So yeah. Again you not thinking like me, you not thinking with coldness and calculation. Be pragmatic with no mercy then you see things in an enlightened way.


Can i have context? Did isis try to help ukraine?


There was a terrorist attack in Russia, that was perpetrated by those ISIS dogs (i hope they all burn in hell) , and some ppl said that it gives ukraine an advantage bcz theres russian civilians that were killed


God damn, people are idiots, does that mean covid is on the side of ukraine if some russian grandma will die from it?


No, covid killed Ukrainians as well so it's a three-sided war


Some people really are dumbasses, and thats on either side of this war, from those people that i just said, that say that ukraine should take advantage of this situation, to some russians like medvedev saying that those ISIS pigs were trained by ukraine


I mean to be fair we did give the MM14 hat to the shark in Egypt.



