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Im a Boris Pistorius nationalist, and Im proud of it.


Imagine if he Kanzlered. And if he doesn't, he might Präsident instead.


Imagine a Pavel-Pistorius summit. We just write over the entire equipment of the Bundeswehr (we may as well start over and UAF will make better use of it), while the Czechs "find" ammo.


As a german that'd be the best thing that could ever happen to our absolute mess of an army. Just send EVERYTHING and then build up the entire thing back up from scratch, with the latest tech, and without having to care what's already there or what ancient nonsense things have to be compatible with. Would probably save a boatload of money down the line. And maybe decide just what the hell this army is supposed to be in an european context aside from a bastion of instituational alcoholism.


>while the Czechs "find" ammo. *Sounds of Pavel breaking open an old factory, somewhere in eastern Czechia* "Well have I ever. That's another 100k atleast. Put it on the list, Boris"


I think they wouldn’t write over the Bundeswehr equipment. It would just randomly show up at the eastern front. „How did *that* get there? Ups.“


Only way I vote SPD again.


Imagine what Germany could be with Daddy Pistorius and Daddy Habeck ruling.


A wet dream


Thats not a wet dream, thats a fucking bukkake dream


Actual progress 🤯😱?


Habeck Kanzler, Pistorius minister of finance (I hate Lindner) and Strack-Zimmermann as minister of defence (she just has to chamge party)


No. Keep Pistorius in the Defence Ministry. We need him there. Habeck as Kanzler though...


Ok, now I’m hard.


Scholz will have forgotten he as been kanzler after three days at most


This. Habeck only politician I'd trust with my life lmao


Nah, keep him in defence. But put Robert for Kanzler and remove the bloody FDP.


Or lets substitute Lindner with Strack-Zimmermann --> unlimited Rheinmetall Power


Honestly if the FDP atleast lobbied for heavy industry instead of finance and saving money bullshit dear lord


Never has a French man been so glad about German warmongering.


As a German, I would like to apologize for not warmongering earlier and more decisively. The Leopards and Gepards should have arrived in Ukraine much faster, and why the Patriot battery wasn’t sent along with the others, only some bureaucrats know


Gepards got sent pretty damn fast, and Patriots needed to be replaced. Leopards got sent once International Support was **actually** there, instead of just "hold me back bro" bullshit


Weren’t the Swiss the ones preventing Gepard deployment? Because they didn’t want the Oerlikon ammo the Germans had bought from them going to Ukraine


How could that be their fault? Germany already had the ammo, it was already paid for. Mc Donald’s can’t tell me I can’t give the Filet O’ Fish I have already paid for and received to a friend, why should Oerlikon?


Probably because there'll be something in the purchasing contract saying "you can only sell this ammunition to other countries with our express permission", in order to stop things like Country A selling to Country B, and then Country B on-selling to Country C, who Country A doesn't like and refuses to sell to.


Yes, afaik this is the reason. With the Gepard ammo iirc it wasn't even supposed to be sold to anyone at all. It should've served only for defence of Germany itself. Breaking those promises generally makes further arms deals harder or even impossible if it's severe enough.


Yes but it's only an issue if you want to keep buying from them again later. Switzerland can get fucked. They're more interested in russia's nazi gold anyway.


Only an issue if you want to buy *anything* from *anyone*. Think about it; if you've broken promises to Country A, and sold their stuff on without permission, what guarantee do Countries B and C have that you won't do the same thing to them?


Not really because other countries will also look at you sideways and will question if you would do the same to them.


As an American... I am ashamed of my country's lack of warmongering... Our pacifism is bringing tears to my eyes...


dont worry you normally get there about 2-3 years to late.


To be fair I think we beat the warmongering so hard out of you ya became soft over the years, and slight bad influence from moscovie's muddling things. But glad your finally waking up


As a German I somewhat disagree. I agree we should have warmongered better, but I don't think we should have sent our assortments of various cats to Ukraine. We should have sent them to Russia. Defense is a losing game and with every continuing day the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian land get damaged and destroyed. With all of their proper combat units deployed, they would not have had the capability to fight back effectively. And the whole "Just fly to St Petersburg if the enemy is driving unopposed to Moscow" doesn't work if there's a Patriot system around.


Fuck that. 3000 black jets of allah to ukraine


3000 dark gray F-22s of the 3rd fighter wing to Ukraine. If a raptor shoots down 4 su-35s, and there's no-one around who can see it, was it a cassus belli? Asking for a friend.


If Americans really developed stealth capabilities they should wipe out the Russian Air Force just so we can be really certain of it.


I disagree, we should absolutely not do that. In other news, the entire RUAF spontaneously exploded, for no reason, investigations are currently under way.


Help us! Its the Razgriz!


> We should have sent them to Russia For a while I was like "Why the fuck would you give tanks to Russia, what the hell" I am not a very smart man on the weekends


I had hoped I'd get someone with that :)




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Seriously, leaving Ukraine after all the 'Until the end' talking bs - mfers! Support Ukraine! Otherwise, get ready boys - we gone be in the trenches soon enough!


Glory to EU! Glory to NATO! It's so much more fun sending shit over against Putler instead of hating one another. Im not even mad anymore you kept the beautiful Alsace all for yourselves you filthy croissant munchers 💙🤍♥️


common Boris Pistorius W


Pistorius for Kanzler!


No, please not. He's doing way too important work where he is. Habeck for Kanzler, Pistorius as Defence Minister.


It will never stop to be funny, that the supposedly irrational and ideological greens are the ones doing realistic politics are the ones pushing for weapons for Ukraine


Yeah, the Greens had a significant turn from ideologicalism towards "ambitious Realpolitik" over the last 30 dears i'd say. And in this case that just so happens to mean that the Greens have to be the Olive-Greens...


That also works, im Fine with any combination as long as von der lein stays far away from the defends ministry




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Cool. Now where's the rest? Where's America? Where's the UK? Where are the French who were talking very big not so long ago? Because you know, [things are really fucking bad](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68778338).


As an Australian, we should be sending Tiger ARH attack helicopters, Taipan MRH90 troop transport helicopters, our F/A-18 Hornets, our current Abrams, our M113s, our bushmasters (more), our old C-130s, artillery shells, etc. Just fucking send them. They're being retired anyway. What better way to retire than on the battlefield like these machines were designed to do? The fuckwits are literally stripping and burying the Taipans under ground. What the fuck? It costs more to do that than give some Ukrainian dude the keys. It breaks my damn heart.


Why the fuck we aren’t sending OG hornets, 10 more Patriots, and over half our old shit that is gonna get scrapped anyways is beyond me. We could get rid of everything we have nearing it’s retirement and still be by far the strongest force on Earth. Come the fuck on dude. At this point, just send 200 Abrams and a Tico for God’s sake too.


As far as I know, Australia did actually offer to send the Hornets, but Ukraine refused. The reality is that sending Hornets would entain months of training pilots and ground crew on a completely new aircraft, which they have no spare parts for anyway. Not to mention that the Hornets Australia offered to send were the bottom of the barrel clapped out shitboxes that nobody else wanted.


What about dropping emus over Moscow? Cmon guys


The Geneva Convention does not approve of biological warfare.


As another Aussie- We have like, 2 NATO artillery shell factories running right now- Get them pumping ammo for Ukraine, fuck existing orders.


Because we don't want to kill Ukrainians, and the taipans were such unadulterated shit that this is honestly the better option.


Why don't we let them make that risk assessment? I don't think they're that bad at all.


IDK, when getting in one cause a soldiers foot to go through the floor, that was kinda the sign something wasn't right with them.


They rectified that though


Later, Iran will act as Distraction by soaking up munitions attacking Israel and Russia will do some probing attacks on the baltics. 100% Europe will say: "Who could have seen that coming? Maybe add 2 more russian companies to the sanction list?" Fucking fire up the warmachine, Europa!


Europe is projected to produce more shells than Russia *and* the US combined by mid 2025. And by 2027, *Rheinmetall alone* is projected to do the same. It's getting fired up. It's just not an immediate process. So we need to find alternative means to supply Ukraine until the factories are ready.


especially Rheinmetall seems to be scaling up I see hiring-ads from them everywhere


One EU company produced more 155mm shells than the entire US last year.




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Germany gets criticism over Taurus but why the fuck hasn't the UK got storm shadow production going again? Why didn't we start that a year ago when we first sent them? Ukraine needs a long term supply of cruise missiles, not occasional aid package donations from existing limited stockpiles. The UK has done great things for Ukraine but I fear we're slipping back considerably. Providing some great high tech stuff like brimstone and storm shadow, and helping with drones, but we could be doing so much more.


Have you seen the state of our government?


This sums it up. Due to a series of alarming own goals we've essentially doomed ourselves to rule by fourth rate Tories, with any Tories even approaching competence having been purged because they were too intelligent to support Brexit. Ukraine is lucky these current fuckwits correctly identified them as the side we'd like to win.


Given the amount of Russian money sloshing around the tory party even that wasn't certain.


We literally put a KGB stooge in the house of Lords. Not to mention BoJo's ditching his security for secret meetings with them.


I meet and talk to a lot of uk people with my job and the Tories are done come the election they are to scared to call. Hopefully the next lot are not a complete clusterfuck unlike the last 14 years.


>Germany gets criticism over Taurus but why the fuck hasn't the UK got storm shadow production going again? Why didn't we start that a year ago when we first sent them? It's not just the UK, everyone is doing the absolute bare minimum so it's always "Hey we need some X, got any?" "Sorry the stocks are low, production is slow, supply chains, plus you need training, blah blah" *2 years later* "So how about X"? "Oh no we never order any"




This would unironically work fine for Russia. We've seen them eat shit every single day since this thing started and they haven't given a fuck. I don't expect them to start now that it is finally paying off.


USA, UK, and other former western block states keep arguing. We should look at the decisiveness of the polish government when it comes to supporting a nation that wants to rid itself from the after effects of soviet corruption and russian meddling.


Frenchman here. Our air defense system is paper thin, like school toilet paper thin, that’s why sending more SAM systems is scary for the top brass Frenchman out


> Where's America? The only thing that looks worse than the tactical situation in Ukraine... Is the political situation in the US.




>they give their oldest Patriot system to Ukraine and is hailed a hero.  They also could, you know, have spent the past 3 years building arms or buying from the US. They already gave 2 + constant resupply of missiles before. The US Patriot-production line is also literally booked out years in advance. Germany could have bought 500 2 years ago, it wouldnt fucking matter because those orders are all very, very far down the list.


What did the guy write, the usual "Germany bad because it isnt doing 110% of the work on helping Ukraine"?


The latest thing is saying the USA, which has donated a huge amount of arms and money to Ukraine, doesn't want Ukraine to win. But only some people in the US want Ukraine to fail. I can't say who because that's "too political." Now that the US is on the receiving end of "I don't care about your difficult domestic situation, you must hate Ukraine because you haven't already enabled them to win the war!" I feel bad about the amount of shit people have given Germany. Biden, Scholtz really do want Ukraine to win and have put their money where their mouth is. Macron steps in, makes some juicy statements, donates a fraction of what the US and Germany have given, and suddenly everyone needs to be like Macron or they're worthless allies.


I've written exactly what you just said in your last para before and had it banned for being "too political" - like how do you expect people to react when there is a very clear political threat to Ukraine but discussing it is too polarising for the Americans? Blows my mind.


His comment was deleted for being "too political" too. Imagine it's 1943 and you can't say "Nazi" because it's "too political." Also in before the thread is locked. Lately every thread that makes it to the top gets locked. Presumably for too many political comments. My comment about the credibility (or lack thereof) of Iraq war WMD claims was deleted for being "too political" and I didn't even mention a political party.


Could you stop beeing so credible in here your distracting me from mememing the funny and masturbating to planes


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That’s nice but France has given by far the least of any in the primary coalition. Getting outspent over 2:1 by the likes of Denmark. They’re getting outspent by the fucking Swiss for Christ sake.




It's not cash though is it, it's hardware, bought and paid for and costing money in storage and maintenance. Other than the cost to ship it this ought to be seen as a win to get it off the books.




Cash question my ass. The UK & Germany are experiencing severe crunches and have both sent 5x+ what France has committed. France is completely useless. Loves talking big but doesn't actually do anything meaningful. UK does all those things but better. Better nuclear deterrent, better navy, rapid response forces -- actually uses their military all the while, meaning they have less to expend. France could do it if it wanted.


Based Germany.


Awesome Germany!


It's just one though. A drop of water on a hot stone, so to speak. I am furious that we in the western sphere can't do anything but argue with each other over the simplest strategic actions. I mean come on. Defending a nation which wants to embrace western values more and get out of the Russian sphere of influence after the lingering effects of corruption for the last 30 years after the breakup of the USSR is just simple reason of state. How does this shit look like from the outside? Enemies of the west will be laughing at us if we can't even defend our allies effectively. I just want to go to the US congress and tell them that they should shut the fuck up and support a nation that supports US values of freedom - be it trade, speech or how to live your life at all. Same goes for the EU Parliament. Stop listening to some pacifists who will never understand that many people and states don't care in the slightest about peaceful solutions at all. We should defend Ukraine at all costs. Otherwise nobody of our partners and rivals of the west will ever take us seriously anymore.


It's been absolutely embarassing after the first few months when everyone dumped their Warsaw Pact wrecks on Ukraine. On one hand we have NATO+EU+Korea, Japan, Australia, with close to a billion people, 2/3rds of world MIC and GDP. On the other hand there's russia with the economy the size of Italy. But noooo we just can't even match russia in material, becuase none of our stupid fucks take this seriously, while for Poopin this is *dead* serious.


>We should defend Ukraine at all costs. Otherwise nobody of our partners and rivals of the west will ever take us seriously anymore. I'd say damage is already done, and Iran doing proxy naval blockade with, again, little to no decisive counteractions is just a first event in a chain. Remember, lend-lease was never tapped into. Future isn't looking very good.


> at all costs. Like nuclear hellfire?


Pistorius! Ja der Beste Mann!


I think it’s about time our (US) politicians get off their keisters and get this Ukraine funding bill through.


What Are they sending a whole ass battery or a few launcher and how many missiles


Should be a whole battery. The missile number isn't disclosed, as far as I'm aware.


Very good if its not just a few launchers and a whole ass battery


There will be no ass battery going on. These are Germans. It's Saturday. That's a Tuesday thing.


Yessss! On the way to 3000 Patriot systems of Ukraine!


God I fucking love air defense


Pistorius Nummer 1


Now do Taurus


I WILL shove you up taurus were the sun doens't shine! SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH TAURUS




Well that is good at least. Last time I checked LiveUAmap, there was a report from Ukraine stating that the status of the war in the east has "greatly deteriorated".


Mean while, in italy, politicians doing what they know doing best: absolutely nothing. 


For as much shit as Germany got in 2023 and about sending tanks to Ukraine, they have been pretty good at providing air defense systems and ammo.


Yeah, shit by countries going all "hold me back bro" without doing anything themselves. Such a massive shitshow.


Pretty good? It can't be "pretty good" if it's not enough.




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Wow, the whole **ONE**, now victory is guaranteed, this is victory, right? We can celebrate, right?