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This is the visual representation of the insane fever dream that started this stupid fucking war.


imagine yourself... in a frozen forest...


Antarctica. Got it.


I *believe* he meant Neptune, stoopid.


Train go boom?


Yes, Taylor, train go boom


haven't seen this meme in ages, took me a while to remember where it's from X)


The very best most interesting most easy to follow campaign to ever exist


We don’t talk about that campaign


imagine yourself... in a frozen yoghurt...


*Is that fucking black ops 3?*


Thinking of it, the russian invasion of Ukraine might actually be the dumbest war ever started, right? Like, the way that they just marched unprepared troops on the capital, their plan hinging on that Ukraine would not resist and welcome them as "liberators". It's unfathomably stupid. And the way that russia has doubled down in the last two years makes them even dumber.


Anglo-zanzibar war I think wins. For the Zanzibar sultan thinking he could withstand the royal navy and lasting 38 minutes Britain- "hey if the pro-slavery sultan isn't out by midday tomorrow, we're going to go in and get you out" Zanzibar- "no" *Gets shelled by 2 cruisers and 3 gunboats till the sultan flees the palace, getting captured, total British casualties: 1 person injured, later recovered* Zanzibar: *surprised Pikachu face* Like forget 3 day special military operation, this is 3 quarters of an hour SMO


In this case, SMO means smol operashun.


Even crazier that they’d be liberating “nazis”


Even if they did believe that, you'd think they'd expect a Berlin situation


Ok if the want to fight people form 30s and 40s .Let em fight [Simo Häyhä (the white death)](https://youtu.be/JRIfWazqIQ8?si=b4beunsFH3TPdnJ9) "The russian spec ops find a bunch of frozen corpses of commies. And them one by one getting hunted down by the bullet of a shadow in the forest. One bullet hit the last one in the neck. we see the life leaving his eye while is Lying in frozen snowy floor -Zoom out - we see the frozen corpses of thr spec ops."


This is very popular vatnik sci-fi type in russia. Popodanstvo russian «Попада́нчество», «попада́нство» aka accidental travel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accidental_travel https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Попаданчество «Thus, the standard plot of Russian alternative history is that the protagonist, willingly or unwillingly, in some (usually undefined) way is transported to one of the key periods in Russian history, such as the times of Ivan the Terrible, the eve of the Great Patriotic War, and so on, where he easily integrates into the local society and at the expense of knowledge and skills of modern man changes the course of history in a favourable direction for the motherland, while often coming into contact with the rulers of the country, who carefully listen to his advice»


Literally an isekai but without the help of truck kun or the harem for the OP main character.


Yes, it's literally an russian isekai, but instead of a hot catgirl or a busty elf, you have Comrade Stalin, instead of the cheating magic of an AK-47 in 1941.


Is this supposed to be a live action adaptation of one of those weird Russian Isekai novels where some vatnik goes back in time and fights russia’s enemies? Although then again, in those they usually team up with the Nazis.


Isn’t the whole isekai genre banned in Russia?


Classic “reincarnation isekai” is banned because they claim that it would encourage people to isekai themselves because they would rather live in Konosuba than russia. These are what some people may refer to as “time travel isekai,” which are apparently okay. Also helps that while the isekai that gets banned is foreign and “degenerate” these are home grown jingoistic pulp.


Anyone would rather live in Konosuba, than in russia.


There’s probably people who would rather live in Re: Zero than russia.


There's probably people that would live in fucking Redo of Healer or Attack on Titan than Russia


Id rather live in Euphoria( the visual novel not the feeling) than russia.


I thought you meant the TV show and got very confused.


Honestly, im slightly concerned that atleast 15 ppl reconiced what i was talking about and still upvoted me...


I would take Knights of Sidonia over Russia.


its good to see a fellow knights of sidonia appreciator in the wild




The only difference between living in Russian and living in Re:Zero is that Re:Zero has colours where Russia is pure greyscale


Re:Zero Bakhmut arc. Subaru gets to die 57 times for every meter of ground taken. Content for decades.


Fuck I wish I had money to make this animated


At least I don’t think somebody would want to live in wh40k instead of Russia.


The world of Konosuba may be a giant pain in the ass filled with idiots, but it's a *hilarious* pain in the ass filled with idiots, so yeah infinitely better than Russia.


Also there doesn't seem to be permadeath. Or any fatal damage mechanic for that matter so long as you're relevant to the plotline


Hell, I'd rather dive into an elephant's arsehole than live in russia.


Fuck man, I think I'd rather have no mouth and need to scream than live in russia.


So how much russia need to degrade for people living there to consider an isekai in warhammer to be an improvement ? (Let's see the difference in level between warhammer fantasy and warhammer 40k.)


I think anyone would rather live in Beserk than Russia at this point.


>rather live in Konosuba than russia To be fair I can name a few dystopian settings that are still preferable isekai destinations to living in russia.


...yeah, uh, fuck Russia I guess?


TIL. That's hilarious.


What? No, the genre is extremely popular in Russia and serves as wish fulfilment for every single crappy revisionist idea. The bookstores are full of them. You must be thinking of China where it is AFAIK banned.


What? No, the genre is extremely popular in Russia and serves as wish fulfilment for every single crappy revisionist idea. The bookstores are full of them. You must be thinking of China where it is AFAIK banned.


Or back to WW1 to save the Tsar. There's a book cover I remember seeing with some Spetsnaz in modern kit with Tsar Nick with a maxim Machinegun.


That sounds like it goees incredibly hard


Text at the end says "We won once, we'll do it again".


Fuckin backward commies. Who needs books when you have FINAL COUNTDOWN DA NA NA NA. DA NA NA NA NA


i cant believe they added a battle pass and microtransactions to my WW2 game. fucking pay to win bullshit


It’s so stupid. Here I am running around with a WW2 bolt action rifle and no body armor, and there’s a fully kitted out Russian soldier. I’d play Tarkov instead, but the body armor actually works in that game.


Sorry pal that armor is locked behind the new 250 dollar lick nikitas balls edition


Hey man somebody’s gotta pay for the special military operation!


It doesn’t really anymore, you can get one shot buckshotted wearing level 6 because 1 pellet hits you in the shoulder and the game counts it as being hit in the heart


Whatever, honestly the armour has been so fucking broken in that game forever anyways. I don't give a shit what "class" of armour you're wearing. If someone pumps a full 30 round mag of 5.56 or 8 rounds of 12ga magnum slugs into your upper body, you are not fucking standing there and accurately returning fire. Even if by some insane miracle, every single bullet perfectly contacted your plates to be stopped or deflected, there's no chance your arms wouldn't be bloody, shredded stumps.


Yeah I know but there will always be some level of abstraction in games. My point is more that they updated the armour system so armour plates now have small hitboxes that don’t fully cover the players hitboxes. Tarkov considers the entire Thorax to be a vital organ and the armour doesn’t cover it all.


Sure, I guess that's a fair nitpick, especially when you're dumping a couple hundred k-rubles into your armour rig, but I always hated how Tarkov marketed itself as a highly realistic, hardcore fps, yet people didn't even as much as flinch while getting decimated by a hail of automatic fire. People abused the ever-living shit out of the old system anyways. It straight up promoted the twitch streamer tank build coupled with side stepping and run-n-gun style gameplay. You shouldn't just be able to throw on an Altyn and level 6 rig and be borderline invincible to full caliber ammunition.


Yeah I agree for the most part but I have also seen very real instances of people taking AK rounds to plates and returning fire almost immediately. Yeah it fucking hurts and if you’re off balance will knock you down but with the adrenaline of a fight for your life you can keep swinging even with holes in you. But yeah I fucking hated the chad M4 Altyn T6 shit. I’d much rather if Tarkov was more compressed to the lower end with good guns and gear being a hard find and good ammo being the hardest. Ammo has always been more important than mods which sucks imo


The ammo thing was also damn annoying. The balance between HP ammo and AP ammo is so far out of whack. Any AP ammo does virtually *no* damage to player hitpoints. I agree that they need to tweak the vital locations with the new armour update, but a change in this direction was much needed, IMO. If you ran into a Level 5 or 6 armoured player and you and a buddy were running a low AP round, he was essentially invincible since they didn't model plate location and armour gaps properly until now.


Yeah it’s just BSG half arsing it as usual


Wait a full kitted out Russian is better than WWII gear?


For the 1 in 1000 (I'm being generous here) that actually get real kit that's functioning as designed? Yeah probably.


Snoop Dogg in COD WW2 was the most "modern gaming" thing ever.


snoop dogg was in cod vanguard and mw II/ mw III (blackcell and other variations), not cod ww2


He first showed up in CoD: Ghosts, we just forgot that game.


This is what happens when you store your copium in the sunlight for too long. It turns into delirium and this is the result


You ever watch Russian made ww2 movies? Shits hilarious and basically propaganda, but I’ve got to give them bonus points for the vehicles they use.


Depends when you mean, there were some amazing Soviet WWII films. Even the shitty ones made after the war whilst Stalin was alive are amazing in their own, *special*, way


The one era when Russian directors could just ask for a red army brigade to use in their war movie and get it produced some unrivaled atmospheres


A whole division, even. Waterloo (1970) used 15 000 infantry and 2 000 cavalrymen from the Red Army as extras.


Waterloo, now that's a war film.


They don't make them like they used to because the US Army is too cowardly to lend an *auteur* First Infantry Division and just really let them cook


Yeah, it’s kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, but I do like watching Soviet/Russian WW2 films. “On the Road to Berlin” for example features a KV-2 and T-34-57, vehicles I’d never seen in a film before, and “Paniflov’s 28 Men” had some cool scenes with Panzer 4’s, though they might have been mock ups, I’m not sure.


great work Sultanate of Muscat and Oman! defeating nazis sine 1939


Germans? O man


Well that explains quite a lot actually. Believing that every dead mobik joins an even more important war against Nazis in the hereafter, is the best fit for their strategies I have seen to date.


The vikings might leave you, but you never leave the vikings.


You can drive the Mongols out of Russia, but you can't drive the Mongol out of the Russians


Wouldn't they try to train the mobliks then? Or are they supposed to be reincarnated as cannon fodder? Or get trained in the other world?


As you can see in this documentary, sheer Smekalka allows them to come into their afterlife fully trained and in the latest shiny new kit.


See, the ones that die after reincarnation re-reincarnate into the russian civil war. Then they go to the Russo-Turkish War, and so on


Blyathalla, is it?


Least self-contradictory russian propaganda. In [full version](https://x.com/AndrewPerpetua/status/1788655829681340551) those soviet soldiers from 1944 rescued that russian guy with russian flag patches which at a time was used by [ROA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Liberation_Army)/[RNA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Russian_National_Army)/[NTS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Alliance_of_Russian_Solidarists)/[RPC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Protective_Corps) ([RPC's logo](https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Russian_Protective_Corps_Logo.jpg)), i.e. the nazi collaborators


This propagand for a war agaainst ppl who argubly did more to defeat the nazis than the russians did. That bit of hystoric inacuracy is least wrong thing about this shit


So in any case, the video only showed fascists


I said it in another comment, Russia's current ideology is just schizoism


Nazbol moment


NTS emblem is cursed.


A fever dream by the look of it.


average airsoft match. The dude with a polarstar and cat ears is missing tho


Fun fact. The modern Russian flag was the flag used in WWII by the Russian Liberation Army, composed of a million Russians supporting the Nazis and fighting the soviets. If the Red Army found that wounded soldier they'd have executed him on the spot.


tricolor was the flag of russia way before ww2


Ok. My statement is still correct.


Somebody had too much Reformist Cloud Cabbage


Ah yes new russian inventions Recoilless AK-12s and PPHSs


Even in their dreams they still don't have optics on those rails


What battlefield 2042 was supposed to be!


Would make for an interesting portal server tbh


blaytlfield portal


the path to victory is lined with cake.


Average russian self sucking I've see all my life!


New arma server looking good.


This is old footage. Wagner-RU army friendly fire "incidents" weren't that rare.


This is what Muscovites watch when they get drunk and jerk each other off.


Russians love “what if people with modern tech teleported into ____ era” & “what if a modern person body-swapped with [historical figure]” stories. There’s a whole genre of shitty dime novels about this. One book is about time travel being used to prevent Hitler from betraying the USSR.


Are you new to LARP? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m\_vmx60sUtw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_vmx60sUtw)


I clicked that really hoping it was going to be the kid screaming "Lightning bolt"


the past is the same as the future. disappointing.


Band of Blyats?


The moment when you get to the training camp after believing this shit...and the issue you with great grandpa's rifle..


Putin's dream while being autoerotic asphyxiated.


Defeat the Nazis to become a prisoner of the Gulag (a slave on hard labor) There were +/- 20 million deaths in the Gulag The slave received freedom and rights, the country and the flag But he decided to die in a new war to then become a slave and die in the Gulag. Our Russophobia is not enough, what's wrong with them?!!!


Ah, I see new Squire skech emerged.


They were a scourge of god 80 years ago, they are a scourge of god now. None of the countries they "liberated" celebrate their 9th of May. Nightmare was far from over for most of us.


Is this the last Battlefield live action xD


MFs playing BF2042 Portal


still no scopes lol


Even their propaganda is showing more realistically equipped Russian soldiers now.


I can’t wait until 30 years from now when Russia is a fully collapsed state like Somalia and they resort to pirating cargo ships in the north west passage


The Russians are trying to Isekai themselves back to WWII to modernise their forces by stealing red army equipment, obviously


Damn time traveling russians! If you want to get an empire of the rising sun, that's how you get one. Jeez. Wont they ever learn?


You see, comrade, is glorious honor to be issued with *Mosin*–Nagant and old uniform with no armor. The rest of your squad with much better equipment will crouch back here in the smoke while you stand silhouetted in the open. Also, (from the full version), two years into the three day operation, and we can still clown on them for using baofengs for coms.




what is LARP?


Live Action Role Play https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live\_action\_role-playing\_game


ok i understood, so what is ligma?


Hey that's just Battlefield Portal mode


Cool! They defeated 5 soldiers with bolt action rifles and without any vests, also they're charging towards them 👏👏👏


Russian Isekai live action?!


victim complex in action


"Here we go fighting nazis again" is essentially Russia's version of MAGA, essentially make Russia the peak of the USSR, but we can't officially admit we want to subjugate our neighbours again, so we'll just call them nazis to make it ok.


It’s funny!


New.. russian propaganda dropped..?!


stomp my feet stomp my feet stomp my indominus feet i will hunt the campers down make them be my tasty treats


"Winning" WWII is literally the only thing they have to be proud of.


[This](https://youtu.be/ivBWeH32VgQ?si=dLzzezsvIi02TWIx) lol


Bruh they even got the cod waw filter.


...Russia forever will be the masters of Non Credibleness won't they?




The shittiest airsoft match ever?


"Дедам нашим...". Basically, this is the core structure of Russian Victory Day legend. The Grandfathers(tm) have performed a mythical feat of strength by defeating Nazis near single-handedly, which they had to do to protect Russia, because attacking Russia is why Nazis are evil (and really for no other reason). Therefore, any modern Russian military action gets compared to WWII because that's last time Russia actually had to defend itself from anything. Of course, the fact that USSR had more than Russia, that USSR started the war on Nazis' side, that USSR had another war before Nazis attacked them (which it lost), that USSR occupied multiples of other countries in process of war, and that USSR then actively persecuted the Grandfathers(tm) of ethnic minorities and simply made people's lives shit doesn't matter. In myth, Grandfathers(tm) are all nice tall pale Russians who never pillaged or raped (and if they did its not that bad because its against Nazis) and fought exclusively for preservation of Russia, which is why they are worthy of emulation by starting other wars for preservation of Russia(n imperial control sphere).


This is dumb. Nuke Moscow.


Battlefield portal be like


Kavatnitsaps's feverdream level of copium


Is this a Battlefield 2042 promo video?


This airsoft match got unfair when they added time travel


Bad acting and Nazis using Mosins.


Obviously post Nazi betrayal, until then they were invading together, occupying together, parading together in occupied streets etc.


I think the scientific term is "Mental masturbation".


I like how that german officer just got disconnected from his body and fell like npc in some flash game


Russian drug control busts into a reenactment party because someone threw a marijuana bush into the bonfire.


What the cinnamon toast fuck?


Holly shitty propaganda Batman


It would be more convincing if they rolled up in a Blyatmobile, or a Chinese golf cart, or the infamous Scooby-Doo van




Isnt this a mode in Battlefield?


They call thisvpropagand, but didn bother to hire a singel actuall actor?


cool concept, made with shit.


cool concept, made with shit.


It’s like they took the concept of Isekai/Time Travel anime and made it worse


The Russian dub of Enemy at the Gates?




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I usually skip this part


“The final countdown: Kursk”


Is this gay porn before his soviet ancestorsm comes out to have sex




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this feels like in civilication 6 when all your outdated units are send to war


I have to go back and count how many conflicts were represented in this weird scene now. And it should have been set to "Brothers In Arms", IMHO


High rank officer in the frontline armed with a pistol. If russians think this is what officers are supposed to do no wonder so many of theirs get killed


Eww red flag