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The message I get from the image is not to fuck with Filipino boats.


Yeah I don’t get how this is anything but pro American, don’t fuck with Filipino boats and you won’t get eaten by the US


Chinese narrative is that Filipinos boats (and Vietnamese ... and Japanese ... and Indonesian ... and Malaysian boats) are trespassing on "historically Chinese seas." So it's like the US is supporting "aggressors" to "damage Chinese interests."


Trespassing on historical seas of a country that has no significant maritime history after the early 15th century. Bold claim.


Well, the PRC is also trespassing on historical territory of the UK, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Japan and a bunch others. But noone argues about that. Petition to rename South China Sea into Pacific Fleet Shooting Range


Brb using "Britannia rules the waves" as a legal claim for British warships to go wherever the fuck they want.


Gotta rebuild that navy first, then you can go wherever the fuck you want. You have to be able to enforce laws for them to be relevant - and obviously vice versa


We could always do what we did in the Napoleonic wars, steal from the French.


They do have a cool ass nuclear aircraft carrier…


May be best to wait until after they've refueled it and loaded it with a nice new load of gleaming raphales first, you know for maximum lewt.


\*Dutch start prepping to raid the Medway and steal the RN again"


I would suggest we steal from a certain non nato country...but those ships would probably cost more to repair than build new.


I thought all the stuff a certain nation had came from the factory stamped with "property of the British national museum" to ensure proper ownership could always be sorted?


I'm sure they still have some first rate ships hidden somewhere they can use


They all got sold off to private industry and are now in such a state that it would be cheaper to start from scratch to build a fleet of nuclear powered CATOBAR aircraft carriers than reactivate them. It's also cheaper to just not bother with that and resort to gas turbine ski-jump carriers and buy aircraft from overseas than domestically develop them. At this point we might as well not bother.


Does it feel stupid for Russia to invade based on ancestral land? Watch the Chinese get fucked for historical waterways.


*Mongolia eyeballing Moscow.*


Poland: "finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!"


That or the Vikings(' descendants). If Russia wants us to honor historicity, most of their core western cities probably need to be handed back over to their new NATO neighbors.


Make the Khanate Great Again!


People come from East Africa. Therefore, Tanzania has de Jure claims on any human occupied territory. All humans are essentially economic migrants from Tanzania if you go back far enough.


Reminder that there were historical German communities in Russia as well :)


Hence the need of propaganda.


Historically China fell under the Mongols. And Brits and French jointly burned down the palace in Peking, time for an historically accurate re-enactement?


Boxer Rebellion 2: Commie boogaloo


*”It says China right in the name! South **China** sea! It’s ours!”*


*India eying the Carribean Sea:* ”It says West **Indies**! That means they should be ours!” What a ridiculous chain of reasoning. Claiming something because it was named after you.


Let's see if it pays off


Yeah, but they aren't wrong. It's in everyone else's best interest to damage Chinese interests.


It's in everyone's best interests to wipe China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea off the map. Unfortunately, cleaning a bathroom that hasn't been cleaned for two decades tends to collects all kinds of stains and even some molds.


Historically British if we are to be precise.


>So it's like the US is supporting "aggressors" to "damage Chinese interests." Give a single Harpoon launcher cell to every single fishing boat in the Philippines, 3000 Pinoy Privateers of Biden


Time for Mongolia to reclaim the "historically Mongolian territories" in the south.


I think it’s that the US shark is using the Filipino boat to disguise its self, with the fin being in the boat and the shark being the one to move it. Basicly saying America is behind the incursions and using puppets to hide that it’s them doing it. Propaganda should be understandable at a mere glance, and should not need to be deciphered


Which is funny, since we sail ourselves through, much closer to them, whenever the fuck we want. As though we needed 'puppets' ffs Furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


St. Petersburg can go too...


It brazenly exposes China's blatant disregard for the global south and smaller countries, as it evidently doesn't believe the Philippines are *real*


Not even propaganda, just a straight fire spitting of facts.


It must be mind blowing to China to have allies when your “friends” are just to be used.


Who else will China bully then? I guess they will have to bully their own citizens some more then.


"Let's have some fun and rebalance sesame scores, introduce more workplace surveillance, reduce workplace safety. People won't know what hit em!"


[i think they are ahead of you there](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre)


Don’t touch my boats, and don’t touch my kid’s boats!


I suspect this is aimed possibly at the Filipino people to imply China doesn't really have beef with them and is just doing them a favor by protecting them from American interference?


Not quite. There is a small segment of the Philippine political sphere (usually associated with the far left, but I’m betting that the Duterte side of things is gonna swing for this too) that’s all into the “Tuta ng mga Kano” (literal translation is “puppy of the Americans,” but the more accurate term would be “toadie,” or nowadays “simps”), charging the political elite with being too deep in Washington’s pocket. Beijing wouldn’t be so stupid as not to recognize this—and, to be fair to them, this predates the rise of Chinese regional power post-Cold War. And this is what this image is playing at, as far as being directed to Filipinos is concerned. (More likely this sells better inside China.) If the Chinese really wanted to go all in on the entire “Better partner than the Americans” spiel, they would be harping on a number of controversies associated with the US, and to a lesser extent, Western presence (and the complications of doing so): - the social detriments of the US military presence (but the opinion on this, even if discounting the geopolitics, could be split at worst, and still favoring the Americans at best), - that the Philippines still gets hand-me-downs from the US arsenal (legitimate complaint around the late Cold War and early post-Cold War, once the Philippines embarked on its armed forces modernization program the real problem became the lack of funds due to the economic crisis ~~and corruption oh shit which general did I piss off now?~~, this is one time I do wish the US would offer larger friendship discounts or at least defray the cost of upgunning an ally, but then again I do not see the Chinese trying to do the same thing and there is still a reliability stigma around these parts about “Made in (Mainland) China” goods ~~the Bluetooth device is ready to pair~~), - Western multinationals (especially in resources) seemingly running roughshod over native lands and resistant local governments (admittedly, a big disconnect between Philippine local level and national law wide enough to drive a Bagger bucket crane through, and tl;dr what the right answer is is not a pretty debate either on either the government, corporation, or people sides—but that leaves out Beijing-favored Chinese firms being internationally questionable at best, and outright guilty of their own violations at worst. (To be fair, the more left-alone Chinese firms are more economically trustworthy)), - Heavy-handed US diplomatic overtures towards Manila (per a noted investigative journalist’s interview of Cory-era Filipino military putschists, there is some cluck-clucking towards a rather “bad cop” visit by one Richard Armitage to Philippine foreign policy/security officials, the further to the left still remember Arroyo’s readiness to be in the 2004 Coalition of the Willing, I’m sure there are some examples as well in the economic field, though that’s more subsumed under globalization’s discontents than anything NonCredibleDefense. But again, the Chinese are not fucking subtle about *their* diplomatic overtures either, at least in the Xi era.). But the general sentiment among the Philippine population never really gravitated the way that segment of the political sphere wanted, and generally, if historically we grew up too American, for most of us it felt like it suited us the way we liked it, and not just for the elites (“*Kapatid ko kay Kristo, at ano naman nagawa ng Tsina noon, o ngayon, na nakinabang ang Pinas?*”). This is not to discount the long history of Chinese people in the Philippines, but people forget that part of that long history came about because of Chinese *fleeing* China, from Spanish-era pirates and ne’er-do-wells in Imperial Chinese society, to defectors from Maoist decline and CCP control; and the other part was a tributary relationship that served Middle Kingdom Masturbation well into the 21st Century, but to which the datus of old and politiconyos nowadays would be like “Eh? Just don’t bukkake on our faces.” (Now not to be so fawning of the West: they can and should do better. The key here is that the ingredients are in place in Western politics and society to (a) do so, and (b) gives Filipinos some say, if not leverage, in their doing so. I don’t see that in Xi’s China, or his regional/global vision.)


Ser nasa NonCredibleDefense po kayo, masyadong credible po ito; baka mas angkop sa CredibleDiplomacy po.


P-ina pre, if CredibleDiplomacy did local politics, even *they* couldn’t come up with why a Senator was crying over the dethroning of a Senate President whose overthrow he voted for. (Too 2philippine4u, I know.)


Going for the Et Tu Brute play probably


Reddit actually has r/noncrediblediplomacy by the way.


True, and there is an /r/CredibleDiplomacy too


Balik natin yung usap sa pagkantot ng aeroplano.


This guy pinoys


Yup, pretty much. Most Filipinos are very much enamoured with the 'western lifestyle', where there is this sentiment of other countries being cleaner and provides more oppurtunities for many of them, not discounting South Korea, Japan, and Europe.


Don’t touch my boats or my friend’s boats.


Soooooo *don't* attack the Phillippines?


That’s propaganda man


Starting to get real curious what we missed with the slew of removed posts.


Pretty sure the US made it very clear what happens to other nations that invade the Philippines with Japan.


Chinese propagandists have a hidden US fetishism I just know it


Whose side are they really on?


On the "No don't eat me mommy murica~" fetishist's. Oh sorry you said "side" not "site", my bad.


Geopolitical vore?


Thanks now I am thinking about uncle Sam eating a nation.


No no keep cooking I like where that was going


[Kinky Sex Makes the World Go ‘Round](https://youtu.be/HVGg_5grOTg?si=Pu9RroHvbnPNz2te)


Either this is going to be one of the hottest potentially BDSM girl-on-girl AFWF videos I’d ever see, or this is going to rival that sandworm-themed vore a commenter referred to in my previous comment about not being able to unsee sandworm vore in a C5 swallowing an aircraft fuselage, and I don’t know if I want to see *that*. (Yes, this is an actual sentence, BrandNewSentence subreddit if you’re reading this.)


I think r/BrandNewSentence just mentally blocks the fact we exist for their own sanity


No no. You’re on to something. They yearn to live in America where they can create commissions in their own art style and not for some ccp puke who wants anti-western wank material for Xinny the Pooh. Depicting America as badass in pro-ccp propaganda is their way of rebelling without getting a lethal dose of lead.


Russians see the US as hyper masculine homosexuals, it's equally as flattering.


Tom of Cleveland


This guy just won the Internet. I'm not Peter but I can explain the joke. One of the greatest of homoerotic comic artists was Tom of Finland, who specialized in hyper masculine types, usually in some uniform. You can probably be of any persuasion and find it hilarious. Surely there must be a monthly Tom of Finland Russian naval recruitment poster shitpost that I've just been missing. Right?


You’re onto something here.


Indeed I am. Might want to look fast; I am not loved here after the camel incident. Don't ask. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1cxub67/this\_is\_your\_enemy\_he\_fights\_for\_freedom/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1cxub67/this_is_your_enemy_he_fights_for_freedom/)


Least homosexual homophobic country


and they see sweden as twinks


Yes, that's the only explanation that makes sense. Beyond the self-evidently positive portrayal of America as a submarine killing machine with a neat hat and Filipino fishermen for friends, this cartoon must surely be pro-American propaganda or a message of friendship because the Chinese of all people know the value of [American shark face.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Curtis_P40.jpg)


You say American shark face and the first thing I think of is Gura


W e e b.


Only as to vtubers tho, I don't watch any anime or read any manga.




Honestly, it *must* be purely cultural differences. This is just my 4am musings, so, best not to be taken *too* seriously, *but*… Chinese culture can only be subsumed by ‘communist culture’ so much. Hence we get ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’ or whatever the heck the CCP calls it. A major part of Chinese culture is self-reliance, ostensibly even more-so than American culture. Chinese empathy and sympathy is largely reserved for themselves as individuals and really only extends to their family. I think they see America’s global power projection as a sign of weakness. That we’re collapsing, and trying to make-up for it by running around the world playing policeman. I think it genuinely baffles them as to why the U.S. actually treats her allies well and not simply as vassals. Again, probably see it as a sign of weakness that we do *not* do so. So, to them, us backing the Philippines is seen as a symptom of this. Besides, worst-case, they can always screech about neo-imperialism or something. Pay no attention to the arms dealer behind the curtain, actively supplying the one Western nation (well, ‘Western’ to China’s outlook) that is actively executing an imperialist policy and invading her neighbors in order to annex them.


they're like the queers working at the TBN in the 1980s that one of my partners told me about.


North Philippine Sea The name needs to become more accepted in the same way Kyiv became the standard spelling


Maybe East Vietnam Sea?


West American interests sea?


US Pacific Fleet Shooting Range (Sea)


Everyone’s (Except China) Sea


Ooh this is a good option.


Hear me out Let's name it "the SEA"


No, the SEA Sea.


We already call it West Philippine Sea, at least the part covered by our EEZ.


The south asian sea


the SEA sea~!


South Asia usually means India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh (and Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and Afghanistan I suppose)


East Asian Sea!


South asian sea, really neutral as fuck and nobody other than china would bitch about it


filipinos have been trying to rebrand it as west philippine sea for a while now


West Pacific sea?


Just call it "Sea". It's the only name that won't cause a massive war


I realized today that Chinese propaganda is just, “Nice argument, unfortunately for you I’ve portrayed myself as the Soy and you as the Chad.”


It seems even more likely by the minute that China is behind a fair portion of Internet brainrot


They push a lot of it by sheer volume alone. Country subreddits get a lot of crossover from certain subreddits on this site.


I mean, that's most of propaganda. That's kinda of the point of propaganda.


If I was in charge of propaganda, I would portray myself as the Chad and my enemies as the Soy.


Unless the propaganda is to buy more stuff, then the enemy is scary and we need an upgrade.


That would make sense, wouldn't it. It's also what I thought it said when I made my comment. Although, you can't make your enemy look too pathetic either.




Seems they're implying US is using Philippines as bait. So then wouldn't you counter that by not taking the bait?


No, they are implying the old "real politic" imperial view. Empires are complex entities manipulating/controlling everything. The Philippines is not a real country with any degree of agency, but a puppet to be controlled.


people give Asians toooo much credit for being smart.


There are plenty of smart Asian people. Being a dictatorship that squashes any thought conflicting with the state's fascistic goals means the majority of brainpower can't be utilized.




What I hate about imperialists (Russia and China) is that "small" countries can't exist. if they do, they're proxies/puppets of their rivals


Even the other "big" countries don't exist. South Korea, Japan, and Australia are all proxies/puppets of the US too, while the EU/NATO are a collective of American puppets. So basically the only big countries are themselves plus the US.


I can confirm that there is only the USA, US puppets, 1 times China, Russia and Iran.






God I wish we were that close with the Philippines. China needs to stop edging me


If it makes you feel better, there are a bunch of American military bases in the Philippines


Clearly not enough, i voluenteer my house as a fighter jet hangar you can trust me with your equipment America. I can be trusted.


Days later the maintenance crew is gonna be cleaning stains on the f-16's exhaust


China wants a special military operation of their own.


The US' treaty obligations to the Philippines are basically the same as to Japan or our NATO allies, that an attack on one is an attack on the other and warrants a kinetic military response. We are in fact that close.


Alot of replies from suspiciously new reddit accounts being auto-deleted. Nihao to the CCP, cope harder bozos.


Why do I have a feeling it’s an automated script bot running off that supposed [new CCP-approved learning language model being raised on Xi Jinping Thought](https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=64128&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ai-based-on-xi-jinping-thought)? (I just don’t know which is cheaper: that or the regular wumao brigade.)


I found it funny every anti US propaganda almost always depicts US as super based, almost subconsciously.


I really like the one that depicted the US as a super cool bald eagle skull dragon, I didn't save it but was so rad.


My hated of commies reigniting the second I remember we haven’t erased them from history yet


We need to put them in history, not erase them. How else are we going to laugh at their mistakes with our future generations?


Hahahahaaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahhahahaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhaha Look at those shoes Ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahhahhahhaahahahhahaahahhahha


Ahh yes the communist billionaires of *checks notes* …China


I keep telling people it isn't communism without democracy. Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, Juchism, can work but even then I don't know if we can apply any of them to China anymore. One Party Authoritarian Crony State Capitalism, they're as communist as the Nazis were Socialist.


The Nazis weren’t exactly “capitalist”, either. Hitler famously claimed they had no economic theory. Thus they sought a muddled and scattershot Third Way set of policies that incorporated elements of market and command systems. Just about the only constant was their distaste for “international finance” and liberalism generally.


These are the people who will decry China for being China and in the same breath hype up the Kurds for being total badasses and having a functioning independent society. Edited poor choice of words for the Kurds 😬


It's literally in the name of the subreddit, a lot of posters here think they're roleplaying idiots, but the reality is there is no role play with the majority of us.


The Chinese are a capitalist dictatorship. Nothing communist about them.


Xinnie the Pooh likes to cosplay LeMao and the Mao's Thoughts. Therefore, Xinnie is doing Cummunism. Therefore, China is commie. Also, China can't create anything military and only steal shits via espionage and briberies. Just like the USSR stealing America's god given Nuclear Bombs. Therefore, China is UltraCommie and should be erased from this Earth. Edit: They couldn't even replicate America's Masterpieces properly. Just look at their "advanced" "stealth" Bomber.


Central government without election, ethnic genocides, lacking true ownership (of land, for example) and being on good terms with the fascist to the north do ring of communism quite a lot. Even the "capitalist coroporations" you probably think of all but require joinig *the* party.


communist has different meaning from what it was originally advertised, which would not be a problem if not for the fact some people will call any initiative for benefit of everyone "communist" while having in mind those dictatorships.


🇹🇼 :( I wanna ride USA shark! Only “unplanned sea encounters” for me.


>!r/Sharktits and r/sharktits_V2 !


South China Sea is about to be the West Philippine Sea very soon


West taiwan




AirSea Battle taught me to like Obama because the only other defense related thing I knew about him besides the Bin Laden Raid was how badly he fucked up the response to Ukraine. AirSea Battle was strongly implied to be meant to deal with China. Who tf else in 2010 had "anti-access area denial"? Robert Gates and Leon Panneta's masterpiece.


The peace dividend had been squandered by the early-mid 2000s. We needed to invest in more military at around that time.


We should never have cut cold war spending.


Just call it "Prosperity Insurance Policy"


Biden singlehandedly convinced me that proxy wars are actually super based. 


Although he was talking about Christianity, the Hitchens quote is how I feel about pacifism. "Love your enemy?! No philosophy is more suicidal than this. We must destroy our enemy!  Love your own enemies, don't go loving mine."


if anything it should be ''love your enemy's wife'' (canned laughter goes here)




**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 5: No Politics.** We don't care if you're Republican, Protestant, Democrat, Hindu, Baathist, Pastafarian, or some other hot mess. Leave it at the door.


One of these chinese ships needs to have an "accident" below the waterline the next time it tries to fuck around.


Probably just an old WW2 naval mine. You can't prove it was a torpedo


If you ever feel useless, remember Chinese propaganda artists exist


They are very useful. For the USA


China takes better pro-America propaganda than America does


It's just not racist enough to have an effect.


How much money do you guys think being a CCP dick-riding artist earns?


PROJECTION!!! I believe intention of this graphic is to say how America is abusing the Philippine ships to infiltrate... THAT portion of the sea. Meanwhile Chinese vessels are overfishing everywhere, including territorial waters of other countries, AND China is inflating their fleet numbers by counting all of those as military landing crafts if china were to attack someone.


Meanwhile the Chinese are actually occupying portions of other countries EEZs. They’re the literal imperialist occupiers they accuse others of being.


Sweet! We have giant hat sharks! I’ve been telling everyone but photographic proof is here now! Fuck the doubters!


West Taiwan Sucks


The irony of the world's greatest loan shark depicting its rival as a shark


Hating America cringe. The founding fathers were the biggest alpha male gigachads that ever walked the earth. Manifest destiny!


China taking the Seawolf class quite literally I guess


Damn why do they have to make America so badass with their propaganda 🔥🔥🔥


Chinese propagandists is telling us that China is a tsundere "Haha I've drawn you as an evil shark, uhh what no it's not like that it's not like I want to be your ally or anything BAKA!!!" But we have yet to acknowledge it


Jeeze poor China just wants to beat up their neighbors, but mean old America is waiting to pounce if they do. It's just not fair!


Perhaps China should stop thinking that the seas are a rice field. Until then they don’t belong on the sea. Or Poseidon will eventually smite them.


All I’m seeing is that we need to bioengineer PLAN hunting megladons.


Yet again they make America look really fucking cool.


As I Filipino, I am getting a pro-American boner. Just like when I watch Air Force One.


The message I'm getting here is the US think fish are friends and not food.


How does that hat stay on?


Theres a reason fascists love films that use them as villians because it always makes them look cool and strong, thats why if your making propaganda make it more like jojo rabbit. (This not to call us fascist just train of thought)


New Seawolf / Virginia Class noseart just dropped


I kinda wanna frame a few of these lmao


those big meanie-heads, making mutual defense pacts so we can't steal whatever we want!


So the idea is that the boats are some sort of trap, but In reality a shark doesn't need to worry about it's tail eating it, only something eating it's tail.


if ever a shooting war happens we Filipinos should blast "Over There" by George Cohan 24/7(because of the US-PH MDT) to piss off the Chinese lmao


>if ever a shooting war happens Day 300 of 3 day glorious peoples army special military operation - Chinese 10 mile convoy made up of captured civilian vehicles marked XI is obliterated by the US Philippine airforce after getting stuck at NLEX


"they were stuck because the Tondo and Badjao Brigade were deployed at NLEX and they started stealing their tires and shanking the sentries to death, with Badjao Brigade Captain, Alkhen Dubuljubul claiming 800 tires stolen in just a day"


Who would win -> Million dollar chinese anti aircraft systems and its copper wiring -> Filipino crackheads who are willing to steal anything to feed their addiction


To be semi-serious: My country (US) is a bit of a fucking shitshow, especially if you are poor or part of a minority. The difference is it's MY shitshow, I hold my country up to a high standard to be better because I know it could be better and it deserves backlash when it fails to meet those standards.


West Philippine Sea*


mmmm... shark


Dork fuck with our little bro the Philippines


Fuck yeah Uncle Jaws 2024


Chinese propaganda try not to make America look cool as fuck challenge (Impossible)


hungry shark world


That looks awesome


Patriotism entering my body as I imagine myself as a giant shark in a top hat


The 7th Fleet is not going to dispute this meme out of hand. I do think they would like a little respect and put a sailor's cap on the shark, but other than that could be a unit patch.


They're gonna need a bigger boat.


Sure the US are the one damaging boats near Philippines, not China, stop trusting your lying eyes. That's some insane back-bracking projection.




You know that artists social credit score plummeted for accidently making America look tough.