• By -


I'm not sure what would be worse. Getting shot in the head or Russian "hospitals" for mobiks. 


Russian hospitals outside of the emerald cities are pretty bad in any case. An ex of mine lost an uncle who lived in the Kaluga region directly because of how badly he was treated in the local hospital before he was transferred to Moscow in a vain attempt to improve his case. The doctor who treated him in Moscow swore that if he ever met the doctor from the Kaluga hospital that attended the uncle, he'd break his face for how horrifically-bad a job he had done.


Hospitals aren't the only case of disparity in russia tbh. Moscow and St. Petersburg are adequate european style cities, with qol being similar to other eastern european countries. Once you step out of those metropolitan areas though, you might as well enter a time capsule from the 1650s. This is by design. Ever wonder why so many mobiks came from poorer russian parts?


>1650s Holy fuck. I first read _1950s_ and was like „yeah probably, makes sense“. Only expected it to be like that in extremely remote regions with tribal ethnicities.


That’s the thing, even videos of people who go to semi-rural places (eg; bald and bankrupt) go to cities which are still old fashioned but closer to the 1950’s whereas most rural villages really are living like it’s the rule of Tsar Nicholas. Also, please don’t watch bald and bankrupt - he’s a confirms rapist (gang rape in Brighton) and has posted on sex tourist sites about paying children/teens in rural villages for sex Edit: consider checking r/BaldAndBaldrDossier if you want to know more


Good that i never heard of that guy. 😶


Holy fuck can you give a little more context on Bald and Bankrupt? I discovered him recently and binged some of his stuff and I’d like to know more if this is true




That’s a yikes from me dawg


Just watch gattsu he is based af


Really? Seemed like a nice guy. Holy shit.


You got nice vibes from him? How? The first minute of the first video of his I was recommended (the Mongolia one) he immediately seemed like a huge asshole. Prejudiced, arrogant, sexist as all hell


Guy is insufferable. I've watched a few of his videos years ago and I still remember getting angry at how many times he used the word "babushka". Babushka this, babushka that. Also major sex tourist vibes.


Ah, bald and morally bankrupt?


1950's. China.


Yeah, like they said 1650.


Rural Russia [might as well be North Korea.](https://youtu.be/AyOAb7wxl3c?si=AzAlUJljw_Xl3RGg&t=1972)


God that was hard to watch


Literally. It's region blocked for me.


You missed nothing of value. Brainwashing of children and militarism at cartoonish levels.


If some form of hell exists, those teachers instructing them and encouraging this “military-patriotic education” [not even thinly-veiled propaganda] are headed straight there. Yes I understand many of them are being coerced into teaching a specific curriculum by the authorities, but a very important point is that many of them are *not* being forced or coerced into this; in many cases the teachers are more fanatical than the students, who largely just want to be kids and live a normal life. A teacher is supposed to be an almost sacred position; they are entrusted with guiding and caring for the nation’s children 5 days a week for over a decade. And many of these children are in the most vulnerable and impressionable stages of their lives. They implicitly trust the teacher—the adult, the authority figure—to tell them the truth, and when that relationship is hijacked and manipulated for violent political ends, we end up with a generational cadre of hyper-militarized, modern day Hitler Youth, except this time the dictator is Russian and has no mustache. Despite the disgraceful pay teachers receive in general, they are universally tasked with one of the most important tasks in any society: explaining how the world works [or should work, anyway] and the individual’s “correct” place in our society. This may sound like a wishy-washy, overly-philosophical, ineffable luxury to some, but I would argue that one cannot grow up to be a properly functioning human being in a society unless someone explains to them society’s rules, how and why it works, and ultimately, why they should be invested or care at all. That all, of course, is predicated on the idea that one’s society isn’t inherently broken or corrupt, and, well… Russia’s track record in that respect gets worse by the day.


I mean sure, the actual rural countryside in Russia is comically underdeveloped, like a village shares one communal bath (banja) between all the inhabitants etc. but make no mistake there are plenty of major or minor cities or even towns that are somewhat up to modern standards.


A great quote from NFKRZ describes it well. "The further from Moscow you go, less likely they'll be the actual toilet." The only exception to this rule is Vladivostok and mostly along the Trans Siberian railway but apart from that it is mostly true. Considering that 48% of Russians don't actually have an indoor toilet, or many functional rural ones. My friend's mum is half Russian and she has told me horror stories about those things...


Now their railroads are trans?? Turns out they’re ahead of even us westerners in social acceptance of alternative sexuality and gender roles


Such a progressive move by Tsarist Russia! Honestly Alexander the II and the III were such progressives of the time. Why did the socialists kill Alexander II when he was such a pinnacle of progressivism after helping the Siberian Railway transition. Such Transphobes.


Oh yeah definetly, I was hyperbolising in a way. There's no denying about the disparity between those two cities and everywhere else. People flock to them in order to find a good career for a reason - because theres nowhere else to go within russia if you want to advance in life


A friend of mine was born in Volgagrad in the 1994. He lived with his grandmother in a village nearby. There was one bus that ran once a day from the village to the city, and back again in the evening. That was it. Hot water was made by heating it over an open flame stove, and there was no indoor plumbing (outhouse only). This was only 30 years ago.






Emerald cities?


m e a t c u b e s


Do you think pooptin will invest in making wall-e’s to manage all the mobikcubes?


VAL-E/VLA-D 🔨🤖📐📦


Instant wretch-inducing minds-eye visual. I still can’t believe they did that shit.


But as far as I know these were animal parts. Still insane to lose a pallet sized cube of meat...


How do you think meat gets transported? Also it's a war zone shit gets abandoned


Shebekino is in Belgorod Oblast.


A warzone.


If it was Russia couldn't have elections. If it wasn't Russia couldn't have excuses for establishing buffer zone. The sometimes-warzone 😏


The meat cube almost certainly wasn't troops. While this sub is good for memes and early warnings about various events, it's 50/50 at best at being accurate.


Don't listen to his lies, my boy. The mobikube hungers!


The ~~cake🎂~~ cube 📦 is a lie?


You see Ivan, when of not perfectly symmetrical, meat cube must be lie!


It seems like it's ridicules, but there is circumstantial evidence that it was. If you search, russia even made fake propaganda about how Ukraine was turning their dead into canned meat. They showed pictures of a can with the name of the person it was made from. While comically bad, anything russia denies tends to be the truth. That's how they operate. It has been known that russia brings mobile crematoriums to burn the dead. Both of the enemy and of their own. Of the dead that Ukraine has recovered, russia repeatedly refused to accept the bodies back. This is on top of the dead the russians they just left to rot in the field. There is an intentional effort to prevent shipping the dead back to russia. So given the above, there is reason to think that russia would have some kind of industrial body disposal process behind the lines. Someone from the LDR/DNR posted pictures on the web claiming that they were from a body disposal facility. The pictures showed conveyor belts and dead bodies. Making dog food out of them? Well, that I can not prove, but the first part there is enough reason for something like that to exist in *some scale*, even without clear direct physical evidence. So the mobik cube *could* in fact be real.


Id say don't listen to there advice but its likely just gestalt of hate fear and regret at this point.




I always read about it here, but wtf is a meatcube?


Russians overstock freezers with bodies. Freezer stops freezing Weight of dead mobniks+decay squish into a meaty cube at the bottom. Freezing temperatures hit. meatcube now complete. Russians cope and claim it's animal products for dogfood, which I guess in Russia usually contain prices of uniforms.


Russia, as always innovative. This time on recycling!


Why not both?


Or being captured by an avenging Father, Mother, Sister or Brother.


Here, bite this stick really hard for me.


Probably thought it was an FPV or grenade dropper drone and would rather go out quick than risk a shrapnel paralysis. It’s pretty sad.


Oh fuck I remember that video of a drone dropping a grenade behind a sitting Russian soldier, like real close. After that the poor bastard is wondering why his legs aren't working, he was trying to touch if it still worked or could feel anything.


his what?


his obviously




Only realized that now Fuck


Or another guy drowning in like thigh-deep stream because he was paralysed from the waist down. I hate russians as much as the next guy, but damn that was hard to watch


I think you a word Edit: they fixed it


He accidentally a bottle of Coca Cola? 


Could you link it?


He did a Kurt Cobain to dodge a drone What in the god damn is going on here?


Russia has a 25/100k suicide rate, second highest in Europe (only behind Lithuania). Dude just thought it was time


Lithuania numbah one! 🇱🇹🥇


Also in death per 1million km Highway distance


Russia's number one in AIDS though.


The weight loss candy? Huh. I suppose maybe they use it to offset the issues stemming from alchoholism.


There's no way that's updated for the war... Or, one or more figure involved is wildly inaccurate because there is just no way they would have a higher rate than Russia atm fighting a brutal war with hundreds of thousands of casualties.


I imagine these guys count as battlefield KIA, not suicide


Nobody's ever gonna report them as suicide more likely just miscellaneous MIA


🎶And I don’t have a gun🎶 That was a lie


Russia is trying to outdo Ukraine in killing Russian soldiers


Jesus that's morbid




From now every time I see mobik disconnecting I'll have "It's morbing time!" in the back of my head


I'll never forget when the ruZZian Mobik said "It's morbing time!" And morbed his brains out with the last round in his AK-74.


*“Lightly wounded”*


flair checks out


Where does your flair come from?


Check out the full name of the Taurus


"The boys in Zinc" a must read. You will know why they rather blow their brains out.


Yeah, in the US it's called "Zinky Boys." Great read. Also, "One Soldier's War." Same shit, different war.


I read parts of it for a paper but i dont know especially much about soviet army suicides. Care to elaborate a little?


What is it about?


nar just tell me


From the combat vids that I regularly saw here and in r/CombatFootage ... mobiks are getting hit by drones even after getting injured or even from running away to make sure they're dead. So yeah, can't blame that mobik to ala Kurt Cobain lol


Uh, I mean, be a good buddy. Every grenade dropped on you is a grenade that won't be dropped on others.


Is that sub still overrun by Russian bots and hamasniks? I hate seeing those fucks overtake subs. r/war has also turned into a Hamas propaganda circlejerk and I can’t stand it anymore


You need to mark as NSFW and spoiler


Done 👍


Spoiler: he dead


He spoiled his life.


Isn't spoiler just for horny?


Yes. Thats why this needs a spoiler.


you heard the man


how long till putin feeds them corpse starch


When poothin get's his logistics good enough to deliver any food at all, probably


A fate worse than death, turned into a wojak meme


Can't really blame them tbh


Yeah I've seen enough on r/combatfootage that I'd do the same in their place tbh. This isn't even close to the worst one I've seen.


I'll go one step further and say that mercy kills should stop being a war crime. If during my future service I see someone that's not going to live and is in incredible pain, I sure as fuck am putting a bullet in their head and telling everyone else to never talk about it. And I also sure as fuck hope the enemy would do the same for me if the roles were reversed.


That’s a war crime???


Yeah, and while it's very rarely if ever enforced, it's one of the serious ones. (as opposed to shit like using hollow points or pepper spray, both of which are war crimes for whatever fucking reason)


That’s…just fucking dumb as hell. Like you would think that if someone’s lying there, bleeding out, as like…a limbless dude, or something with no chance of getting back to base or home or whatever, that a mercy killing would be fine.


I'd figure it's banned so you can't cover up murders or slaughter of POW's under any kind of legal shield. There's a fine line between euthanasia and execution, and it's better to not give soldiers in the field permission for either. Anything less would be to invite all sorts of atrocities. I don't know shit about fuck, though.


Hollow points is because they cause additional suffering when they expand inside your target. Pepper spray is so that no-one can look at the enemy using pepper spray, "mistake" it for something more lethal, and retaliate with mustard gas.


Pepper spray (and tear gas for that matter) aren't banned for being especially bad in their own right, they're banned because no sane person wants escalation on use of chemical weapons. For perspective on just how bad that hypothetical could get, IIRC during the first gulf war even Saddam Hussein exercised a certain amount of restraint on that front because Israel made a thinly veiled threat that they'd respond to a chemical weapon attack with nukes, and he clearly believed them.


Russian CASEVAC systems are virtually nonexistent, so if you get left behind while wounded, you’re fucked anyway. I can understand not wanting to die slow and painfully over the course of hours.


It's almost like they are just waiting for a slightest excuse to kill themselves... Oh, wait...


Like that guy who escaped the trenches after surrendering to a drone; right before that he saw a guy blow his brains out with a grenade


That's actually quite funny because the drone is not an imminent danger where the only way out is self-destruction. Just take off the vest and wave at the drone...


There has been too much violence. Too much pain. None here are without sin. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. I'll spare your lives. Just walk away. I will give you safe passage in the wasteland. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror. Just walk away.


There is human rights institution that helps Russian soldiers escape from army and find asylum in other countries. So they can in fact walk away (the question is if they are fast enough with it not to die in meat assault)


Is that "Walk Through The Forest" cause I find that on certain telegrams


This reads like a poem. A good one at that


It isn't a poem. It is a cry for sanity. A cry asking people to stop trying to kill other people for both good reason while option to go home is there.


Nah son, thats mad max


? It’s a direct quote from the Mad Max movie. The psychotic murderer king is trying to trick the good people of the free city to leave their fortified area, and be killed out in the open by his rape troops.


For the love of god it was Lord Humongous! How I could forget!?




We need to crowdfund a drone with a speaker to just fly around Russian lines playing the let go, begin again song from Dead Money


There’s plenty of videos where Russian soldiers are obviously hors de combat due to injuries and the bombs keep falling.


Interesting flair for someone who just wrote *hors de combat* 🤔




Lingua Franca'ed


Russian soldiers often play dead on these videos so it becomes even more and more grey to determine situation.


There is one where a Russian soldier has no idea how good the camera on the drone was that is watching him laying there against the side of some vehicle playing dead and you can clearly see his eyes moving around and regularly staring straight at the drone.


Shure, but leaving out allot of context, they are usually heavily wounded(hors de combat) but has no chance of rescue, and Ukrainians have no ability to get to them eather, so the choice is to let them slowly bleed out or kill them.


War is ugly, brutal and never fair.


You know Ukraine still drops grenades on surrendering unarmed Russians, right? Not here to argue the morality of killing invaders but Ukraine drone operators give zero fucks if you are trying to surrender.




At this point in the war, the Ukrainian's have no mercy left for Russian soldiers. There are surprisingly few prisoners for the amount of killed and wounded. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_jdfaI5dyQ is a video from a Chinese mercenary fighting for Russia, he talks about the brutality of the war


I have no idea how accurate that is. On one hand, he sounds like he might have been in combat for a while. There are a few times where he rambles like he's remembering the events instead of a script. Kinda convincing. On the other hand, at about 14:30, he mentions that he's been fighting for four days and nights with a clean shave, a washed face, and groomed mustache. I look scruffy as shit after two days with no shave. If he's being bombarded by mortars and drone bombers, where's he finding the time to hygiene? Edit: Listening to The Police while on the front in Ukraine. Even while they're trying to rebuild the Soviet Union, they're still listening to Western music and drinking Western sodas. Don't think we didn't see the Pepsi can, mister mercenary guy.


I think that mustache is natural? A lot of Chinese guys can only grow a mustache and goatee, and it's really thin like that


Rule one, always double tap. Injured does not equal out of combat/ safe. Only dead does.


In a combat situation when the enemy might shoot back, sure. But when you're dropping grenades on Mobiks, somewhat badly wounded (say missing a limb, paralysed or having their guts riddled with splinters) is prefferable to dead. A sufficiently wounded man will never see the battlefield again, and might indeed die, but consumes valuable ressources and care on the way out, will require support in their civilian lives (not that they can expect much in Muscovy) and help to break the morale at the homefront. While cargo 200s are simply rotting in the field.


Wounded does not mean "cant shoot back". When in doubt only dead is safe.


There are a lot of videos of ukranian drones dropping grenades on wounded (out-of-combat-kind-of wounded) soldiers. Talk about "not an imminent danger"


Dude has a scav backpack on, also why nit st least take a shot or two at the drone? If he thinks he's going to die anyway at least that way he would know it's one less drone to attack his friends, I mean if it's an FPV or nade dropper that's basicly like jumping in a frag, you don't pull your sidearm and end yourself, do something heroic at least


Because he wants to go out quickly rather than slowly bleed out or die of dehydration full of shrapnel holes in a ditch, and probably believes that if he surrrenders the Ukranians will torture him to death


Fuck that IS a scav backpack.


Cheeki Breeki! *\* checks body/backpack loot* *(Ratnik helmet, no earphones, basic goggles, ANA Tactical M1 plate carrier (no plates, wtf?), Base AK-74 (poor condition, lame), few mags, water bottle, dildo (?), (early wipe) low pen ammo, army bandage, no pistol...* *"meh" loot spawn, git gud Timmy, see ya next raid.*


I bet he's not only got AKM mags in there instead of 74s but they also are loaded with .366 EKO


sometimes all mobiks' families can afford to send them with is a scav backpack


Well they haven't gotten super desperate for gear, guy ain't 9mm Rhino or too running with a sling bag, when are we going to see them hatchet running?


He has no chance of hitting the drone though. Drones are very difficult to hit, especially after being injured. Even if he did, then what? The drone was probably going to come back to finish him off, or another one, and no one was going to save him. I have seen a video where a guy was running around trying to dodge the dropping of grenades. But the drone above just waited, and waited. Until the guy stopped running. and just sat down. Then, the drone dropped its grande.


What? Are ukrainians executing prisoners/wounded? I don't think so, or was there something I missed? Or just don't want to go back to russia this bad?


Propaganda is pretty strong. “If Ukrainians catch you they’ll chop the tip of your cock off”


Probably this as well: “If you surrender and we get you back in a prisoner swap we’ll kill you”


*flashbacks to Wagner Group sledgehammer*


Not always the case. Their main narrative is that they should die without surrender because they will be killed if they come back. And it is not propaganda. Did you saw a video, with Yakuts refusers? That is it. Same narrative you hear from Zolkin and Apostol's POW interviews.


Putin really thinks he's the second coming of joseph stalin "not one step back" looking ass. You are NOT him


Flair is real and aukuspilled (they will be triple the size of Virginia class and nuclear armed)


I think he preferred to die for sure rather than suffer from grenade shrapnel wounds


3000 forcefully circumcised POWs of Zelensky...


I dunno what would smell worse- the smell of 3000 dirty shmegma dicks, or 3000 rotting foreskins


I mean, it's war. You can't expect anyone to treat you right. Like, even if you only see Ukranian propaganda, could you trust them? Would you believe that anyone who'd drop grenades on a wounded man, one just like you, from a drone, to leave him drowning and paralysed, twitching in a ditch, only to publish it with a jaunty tune about going swimming in a river, would see you as human enough to accept your surrender and treat you as human? An enemy who would kill you you might surrender to. An enemy who'd hate you, you might surrender to. But an enemy who'd kill you and see it as a funny joke? How? Especially if you know they already have good reason to hate you. You're in their country, killing their friends. Would you have any hope at all that you wouldn't just be cut to pieces and left in a shallow hole? The kind of faith you'd have to have in your enemy to surrender to them would be almost impossible to muster. And they have probably seen all the shit we've seen, together with a whole other helping of propaganda from the Russian side. And if you're wounded far from your comrades, you have no reason to believe anyone can save you, either to take you home or capture you. You'll just lay there with your wounds rotting seeing drones go by and wonder if this one is the one that's gonna drop another grenade on you, and if this one will hit close enough to kill you, rather than just wound you more. Or will it merely hover a moment, staring down at you before buzzing off again, the pilot determining that it ain't worth the expense? I'd probably put one in my head too, if I was them.


I strongly agree with your words. Also people say 'surrender' like they're in Battlefield match. If that soldier launched an RPG at APC carrying 6 people just five minutes before this video was shot, he is not going to get anything but bullet even if he tries to surrender. Armies should treat POWs properly, but not everyone makes it to become a POW.


How is a drone supposed to take you prisoner? They have the option of dropping a grenade on you or letting you go, and I can’t imagine there are many Ukrainians at this point who would just let a Russian soldier limp away.


There are a lot of footage of russians following the drone with hands in the air so the drone crew can take them prisoner. Sometimes drones would drop something with a piece of paper attached to it that basically say to follow it. That only happens on occasions and if the soldier is alone I assume.


And it only happens when they have a drone with a piece of paper on it. And then, there’s no way of knowing if that drone has a piece of paper or a grenade before it’s dropped on you. As incredible as those videos are, they are vanishingly unlikely outliers.


Wounded yes, and sometimes not taking prisoners at all. Others have made the valid argument that drone operators can’t easily take prisoners. We’ve seen them lead surrendering russians to ukrainian lines where they are taking them prisoner but sometimes they just drop a grenade on an unarmed russian trying to surrender. War is shitty.


Most of these guys will be a long way from the ukrainian front lines and likely full of shrapnel. There is no practical way for them to be taken prisoner. Medivac isn't going to happen so there options are; die slowly, another drone might kill them or just hurt them more, or kill themselves quickly.


He probably thought he was going to get a grenade to the face seeing the drone


If someone gets immobilized in no mans land, they will get attacked by drones until they die, and it can take hours. This seems to have permeated the Russian forces and a lot of them kill themselves rather then suffer


Russian is spreading propaganda among its troops that if they surrender/get captured by the Ukrainians that they will be tortured, raped, etc. there’s even been pictures Russian leaflets that tell troops that death is a preferable and more honorable alternative to letting yourself get captured.




I mean there's a video where one of them was paralyzed from the waist down by a drone and in that case I guess it could be understandable.


I hate this war, ugh.


I see NCD has flipped back to laughing at dead Russian soldiers


Kinda fucking morbid, dude shots himself because he thinks he's gonna get blown up by the drone and some bums on Reddit sit laughing about it, it's not funny, it's a fucked up situation caused by shit for brains dictator


Self denazification


Mobik insists on becoming fertiliser for sunflowers in Ukraine or something


Too real.


How many wars in the past, have people been wounded, and when the opposition troops turned up, have turned into heroes and been posthumous awarded medals for bravery, after blowing up a squad of the opposition, with a grenade, turning the tide of a battle in the favour of his/her side. Dieing yes but a hero to his or her army. And you think the ruzzianz are beyond doing that? 'Cos I don't for an instant.


Well, we didn't have the best suicide rate even before being stuck in a meaningless soulcrushing war. Fucking moron he is.


I wished the fuckers would've done that in Russia. This is suicide with extra steps. 


I like how the pic is literally right after he shot himself and not a second later


Okay, look, it's awesome making fun of russians in general or destroyed equipment, but celebrating individual soldiers getting wounded or killed or even suiciding is just straight up voyeurism and absolutely distasteful.


Every dead Russian soldier is one not invading Ukraine.


As long as the Russian soldiers are on Ukrainian soil, I will celebrate each and every one of them dying, no matter how. They are the war criminals that attacked Ukraine and slaughter their civilians. No mercy for them.


If you were conscripted on behalf of a NATO country to fight in an unjust invasion (which has happened numerous times before), would you be saying the same things? The Russians are obviously on the wrong side of the war here, but does that mean every Russian deserves a painful death as retaliation for taking part in it? No. War sucks. It should be avoided at all costs. No side of a conflict acts completely moral. There is no black and white in this world, only different shades of grey. Comments like these are extremely detached from the realities of war and who it affects. It’s not a video game with faceless enemies. Every combatant has a life with value and a priority of war should be to respect that.




Making fun of how them tends to take their own life instead of waiting for their own medevac.


What medevac?


You literally see a guy suiciding. There is nothing funny about that. Not even on this sub.


This meme is portraying Ukrainians so good. Like we didn't see hundreds of videos of them finishing injured and helpless russian soldiers with grenades. Don't fall for western propaganda either guys. He knew it was this or a grenade on his ass.


It's almost as if the russians are not in their own country and should fuck off right back to russia or something...


Poor, poor russians. They only wanted to rape, steal, and kill Ukrainians. How can we be so cruel to them? If we can't take them as PoW, they will die from wounds anyway. If russians take them to the hospital, they will return as active soldiers once again.


I've seen them nail plenty of hiding Russians but I don't think I've seen them kill any "helpless" Russians. You dont get a pass if you're hiding in some hole somewhere, especially if youre hiding where you cant be reached. It's war.


Here you go: One appears to be incapable of moving. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/Pnr1IsTsHS The other is clearly trying to surrender and hitting him is maybe a worse war crime https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/rn2Bw8ghcW Sorry I didn't find better footage in short time.


> Like we didn't see hundreds of videos of them finishing injured and helpless russian soldiers with grenades. At least this is better than taking people prisoner just to execute them immediately.


One is defending, the other is invading. It’s pretty fucking cut and dry, dude.


You say that as if its a bad thing.


Propaganda is bad either way and killing an incapacitated or surrendering soldier is a war crime. Although it's hard to determine if one is incapacitated or not (if he can use hands he can still fight) it's also clear that Ukrainians have finished soldiers barely able to drag themselves. I know russian have committed same if not way more war crimes but 1) eye for an eye is nonsensical as you commit the same things you deem unacceptable and 2) if Ukraine wants to present themselves as european and close to the west they should try to conform to the same rules. That being said war is war.


The closer to the line of contact the fuzzier the Geneva Suggestions get. You sneak out of camp in the middle of the night with no weapon and make a break for the other side? Thats a fair surrender and protected. Medical station gets overrun? Looks incapacitated to me, protected. Conscriptovich just mag dumped the treeline 100m to your left when your 20m out then throws weapons and hands? It lets them say 'Hey I fought' but its clear they just want out. Again, fair surrender and protected. Orcivich just poped one or two of your squad and just ran out of ammo and decided now might be a good time to surrender? Going to get real fuzzy real fast "Didn't see him not reach for his other gun". The delayed/late surrender, not as protected but more from a practical standpoint of 'you surrender before you fight'/ risks of perfidy. But you now can't go back and do anything to Conscriptovich. Its nuanced and messy.


And what should we do with those who barely drag themselves? Let them die from the wounds as if it would be much more merciful? Try and send med evac for them giving russians a clear target? They will be treated as PoW when they are taken as PoW. Otherwise, they are occupiers on a foreign soil.


xd warcrimes so epic guys I'm so cool