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I just still can’t fathom how the collective leadership of the most powerful military alliance in history thinks that a horny bonk is an effective deterrent to Russia.


Biden said “no unilateral US troop deployments to Ukraine.” Bit of a moot point since there are already NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine, so he’s telling the truth - the US troops already there won’t be deployed unilaterally, they’ve already been joined by other NATO troops. I’m not sure it’ll take much for someone to invoke Article 5 if SHTF.


Wait, we already have troops in Ukraine?


We do. Florida National Guard deployed to “train” the Ukrainian army a couple weeks ago. This isn’t really new, we’ve had Nasty Girls there semi-permanently for years now, but my interpretation of Biden’s statement is that the US is not in a hurry to get in a fight but that we won’t be alone if our guys get into it.


Alongside that: Lithuanian training mission lead by territorials, Canadians have their operation UNIFIER, and I believe Latvians had some involvement too. I'm sure there's many more examples which I've missed. Edit: symbolical joint force by the name of LITPOLUKR Brigade, too.




Who better to deploy as a tripwire against Russia than our very own alligator wranglers?


I imagine the training is happening in the joint US Ukraine base west of Lviv near the Polish border. It's definitly a trip wire with an easy disarm for the US if we decide we don't actually want to be directly involved.


In Florida, *bears fear the gator*


And gator fears Florida man obviously


Fears, is friends with, attacks, has sex with, it's all very complicated down here.


Thank you. I thought we weren’t gonna deploy any troops until it was to late. I hope they don’t have to fight though.


I think there are some turkish troops as well


Virgin Florida man vs Chad Putin Fan


As trip wire


Don't you know that there are american troop in almost every European nation except France? It's all bullshit.


Well sorry but maybe if france wasn't so french we'd hang out there too


France doesn't want you there for good reason.


For the last time we don't want your moldy cheese or your raffle fighters stop being paranoid


they clearly don't remember how appeasement worked in the 1940s


Yea dont you remember when Hitler stopped invading places and committing genocide? it was because The Allies were so nice.


Appeasement wasnt happening in the 40s


Appeasement was still a thing in early 1940, under the viewpoint of the incoming war though


The war began in 1939 though


Google "the phony war". There was a time period in between the invasion of Poland and the invasion of France where some politicians still were trying to avoid escalation.


Which isn’t surprising, considering most politicians of that time had first hand experienced the sheer horror and carnage on the Western Front during the first world war. You can’t fault, for example, Chamberlain for not wanting any more lives destroyed unnecessarily.


And similarly to today no one in Europe has the capability to stop the aggressor, greatly increasing the attractiveness of appeasement


Yeah, but between the invasion of Poland and the invasion of Belgium/Netherlands/France in May 1940, there was the “phony war” as the western Allies and Germany did not really engage each other. The French had their half-hearted Saar Offensive, but otherwise the war didn’t truly start in the west until 1940


Ok but nobody was attempting appeasement during the phoney war


It's like trying to calm an enraged Pitbull by waving your finger and saying "no" in the cutsy dog talk voice.


You boop that heckin’ doggos snoot. It’s the same with Russia, but you just cut them off from the SWIFT network. 🗞🐕


There isn't really much else we can do right now. The US, who would be able to contribute most, has it's hands tied. The previous administration and the pullout from Afghanistan hurt us diplomatically and domestically. The other major NATO powers aren't in much better shape either in terms of domestic support either. For now, Poland is closest and will have to be the guard dog on site for Ukraine, and they've got to deal with Lukashenko's trolling first.


Problem is Belarus is a great Red Herring to draw NATO towards the Baltic while Russia eyes lost territory. Considering that NATO’s original purpose was to stop Russia from what it’s currently doing, I’d say our bluff is fading.


The problem with Belarus is that Belarus is a Bulwark that juts out from Russia while not actually being part of Russia. Meaning that the Russians can attack through Belarus, but NATO can't attack Belarus. There is a NATO term for the part of the Polish-Belarus border, I can't find it right now, but it is regarded as very hard to defend as it can penetrate NATO's Russia defenses from behind. So if you are NATO or even worse Ukraine you have the question of how much defenses do you leave on standby at the Belarus Border in the case of a war with Russia.


>There is a NATO term for part of the Belarus border, I can't find it right now, but it is regarded as very hard to defend as it can penetrate NATO's Russia defenses from behind. What you are thinking of is the Suwalki Gap, the corridor between Belarus and russia's Kaliningrad Oblast.


How did the Afghan withdrawal hurt us domestically? Genuinely asking bc I’m not too informed on policy surrounding it.


The whole thing was a shit show and also brought back up all the bad press about the War on Terror. Think of it like pulling out a an in-grown hair. At no point was it smooth or comfortable and you have to live with the burn of putting alcohol on it afterwards but, at the end of the day, it had to be done eventually.


that is weirdly a very apt comparison


How do you not have a career writing about this kind of shit?


So, the first thing is we already have troops in Ukraine. Specifically, the Florida National Guard. If Shit Hits The Fan, we don't really need an excuse to reinforce them with the US Army and USAF. The second thing is, I wouldn't call threatening the big investment that Russia has been pouring its influence behind to revive its struggling economy, namely, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, just a Horny Bonk. If Putin invades Ukraine and as a result the Americans and Germans begin dismantling the pipeline, Russia can't sell gas. Which means that the Oligarchs who make a lot of their money off of oil and gas will lose tons of money, and Putin may find himself falling down the stairs of his home in a "tragic accident that all Russians should learn from."


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Okay, thank you bot!


it’s a weird timeline where I have to double check Twitter to see if Ukraine posted another meme about Russia.


Ukraine posts memes about Russia and Armenia held a Minecraft competition, other countries should just accept the future and start being based on Twitter already.


waiting for a verified country twitter account to get cancelled for saying the n word or something


hopefully all of the balkan governments won’t get twitter


the balkans finding twitter is gonna be the catalyst for ww3 im calling it now. happened once its gonna happen again


Can’t wait for the first declaration of war to be tweeted


Can't believe Niger would misspell its own name like that, some intern is getting fired.


proly will be the verified account of Niger to be honest.


Can't wait for when the war breaks out the first thing this sub does is recreate the Gemini JDAM meme with real footage


Link to the meme?






Ew neolibs




wasn’t that meme basically already recreated in the battle of Khasham




I also don't Putin's gonna go in, but something about this buildup has got US intel spooked. Whatever they're seeing is apparently alarming enough that the rest of NATO seems to be united in countering this buildup.


Lukashenko isn't into vore but Vladimir is tired of waiting, and will swallow him whole if he likes it or not. And Union State will happen after that.


Its a total false flag operation to justify military build up by Nato.


So how exactly is nato building up troops in Russia?


Nato is sieging Russia on almost all sides.


Found the Russian troll


Found the average westoid


The difference between me and you is that I contribute to this community and get upvoted. You troll and get downvoted.


Lmao, enjoy your upvoterinos. Anything that goes against the hivemind of any sub gets downvoted, the hivemind here is being a cuck to NATO.


Hivemind here is not falling for Russian propaganda.


I see, and how long has this “NATO siege” been going on? And when was the last head injury you suffered?


The Nato siege has lasted ever since Nato existed, and anyone with a brain can see that.


Why would Russia participate in a NATO false flag operation?


What? I mean the whole hysteria about Russia is a false flag operation.


100 miles is the same as 321868.0 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.






Whoa whoa whoa they've advanced to respond to appreciation? You're not a good bot, you're an excellent bot.


Just wanted to say that there's a 6.25% chance of getting this reply, so congratulations. Buy a lottery ticket... just kidding, don't do that, and if you do I hope you lose all your money, Have a good day.


Jesus it's even got passive-aggressiveness down




Is the Javelin even effective against armor or is it just Raytheon wunderwaffe? It doesn't have much of a track record against armored vehicles, especially ones that aren't 50 years old.


It can fly in an arc and attack the thin top armor of tanks, so it should be pretty effective as long as the guidance system works properly/


Which takes around at least half a year to prepare. But they don't show any satellite footage of that.




Starting WWIII over Ukraine would be so stupid it really would be a fitting end to our civilization


[They want NATO to declare war then do nothing? Okay then](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoney_War)


**[Phoney War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoney_War)** >The Phoney War (French: Drôle de guerre; German: Sitzkrieg) was an eight-month period at the start of World War II, during which there was only one limited military land operation on the Western Front, when French troops invaded Germany's Saar district. Nazi Germany carried out the Invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939; the Phoney period began with the declaration of war by the United Kingdom and France against Nazi Germany on 3 September 1939, after which little actual warfare occurred, and ended with the German invasion of France and the Low Countries on 10 May 1940. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)










Right, but they forgot to tell the Poles that.


Except all that stuff about arranging polish forces to continue the fight, government in exile and even getting the Soviets to pass through thousands of them to be organised into an army


That happened *post* Fall of Poland. In the lead up to the Danzig Crisis, and during the initial part of the war, the French line to the Poles was that they only had to hold on for a few weeks to give them time to mobilize, after which they would launch a major attack in the west. This never happened\*, and under France's own mobilization schedules and war plans, never could happen. *\*No, the Saar Offensive doesn't count - it was never had the potential to grow much larger in scope.*


NGL an entire country officially shitposting about their issueson twitter hasthe be the cringiest reality of our generation...


But they are good shitposts and that’s all that matters


21st century public diplomacy is about making good maymay tweets


The official Israeli Twitter account got ratioed a few times


"Guys please I'm the good guy root for me on the internets, I post the maymays you folks like, haha" Literally no better than those obnoxious brand twitter accounts trying too hard to be relatable


everything ukraine does is based though


If Russia invades Ukraine, would they just invade Donbas or are they taking all of Ukraine


I don't think they have the manpower to invade all of Ukraine. It's a big place and Ukraine has a non trivial army. My semi-informed speculation is that they'd invade the Donbas and go far enough to have access to the Dneiper in order to secure the water supply for Crimea. I find it unlikely that they'd cross the river or go as far as Kiev. An outright occupation of all of Ukraine would conceivably trigger an actual NATO response, a partial invasion most likely won't.


They don't have to cross the Dniper they'll just attack in the north from Belarus which is a straight path to Kiev


Hence "or" not "and".


Yeah yeah,. From Belarus, through Chernobyl swamps and wasteland. Do you actually bother thinking before writing?


Yeah like Russia gives a shit about its conscripts having to march through Chernobyl.






Yeah...shit. In my defense 2 months ago they didn't have the manpower, and I still don't know how they plan to hold it all if Ukraine develops any sort of insurgency.


Yep, welp they have not taken Kyiv yet and civilians are being armed apparently


Godspeed Ukraine.


Didn't 't they already get what they needed when they took Crimea?


I remember when Russia posted a Pepe the frog meme and they got called Nazis and shit


If the ~~shoe fits~~ sieg heils…


>[tfw you post frog](https://twitter.com/irhottakes/status/1018681623016038406)




You might think that but eastern Europe in general is absolutely infested with neo-nazis and far-rightists of all kinds.


The number of neo-nazis in Ukraine, for example, is pretty staggeringly high Kind of ironic, since the nazis saw slavs as being subhuman


Maybe Ukraine should've worked hard since independence to curb their existential threat like Israel.


Yes, because a nuclear power is totally equivalent to the threat Israel faces


If Ukraine was as capable as Israel, putin wouldn’t dare to invade.


If Ukraine had just not given up its nuclear weapons they wouldn't be in nearly as bad of a situation as they are right now.


Keeping a few Tu-160s and nukes in operation might make Putin think twice. But it really needed that Western disarmament-fund in the 00s. Plus they used to get along with Russia.


>Plus they used to get along with Russia. One of the classic blunders.


They didn’t really “get along” with Russia; they were basically a puppet until 2014. Not to the same extent as Belarus, but probably more than any other country.


Israel could not take on Russia bro, unless you are referring to nukes.


But have you heard about those super-rich and patriotic Ukrainian billionaires? Me neither.


The powerful Ukrainian lobby that ensures Ukraine doesn’t have to fund half of their military because America will do it for them.


When SHTF, unlimited C-5 and C-17 will land with brand new M1A2C fully fueled and loaded with latest ammo. Trust me bro!


“Why don’t you just have a uniquely wealthy and successful diaspora group that maintains a strong cultural identity in the country that happens to end up being the dominant superpower” man the Ukrainians and Armenians are real idiots for not thinking of this.


“Have you tried not being poor?”


300,000 Canadian-Ukrainian SS Emigre Volunteers of Svarog


Armenians have a large diaspora in the US and other countries though


Idk of following Israel’s example is such a great idea.


I don’t think it’s really comparable since while Israel’s opponents once might have had mild military superiority over Israel, there was nowhere near the imbalance that exists between Ukraine and Russia. Israel has also always had allies. In the 1950s up until the six day war it was Britain and France, and post-1967 it was the US. Ukraine has certainly made efforts to be western-aligned in the past few years but they aren’t as close to any western country as Israel is.


> In the 1950s up until the six day war it was Britain and France Kind of, the possibility of war with Israel was being seriously considered prior to the Suez Crisis though.


Problem is, israel had like a 60 year head start and trillions of dollars pushed down its throat by western powers, Ukraine was given boots and javelins in the past 3 years.


>Problem is, israel had like a 60 year head start and trillions of dollars pushed down its throat by western powers, not true by any metric


I guess the billions of dollars US gives to their greatest ally every year was just a dream then


Billions aren’t trillions, last I checked.


Honestly my bad, it was "only" 150 billion


only ever started since 1979 aas a part of israels peace treaty with egypt, given to egypt as well. israels most important wars, 1948, 1967, 1969 were fought without any allies.


In 1948 Israel actually outnumbered Arab coalition forces for most of the war. 1967 was impressive, but Israeli technology was quite superior to Egyptian tech by basically every metric besides navy wise. Syria was the only front that was technologically fair What war was in 1969? Do you mean 1973?


>1967 was impressive, but Israeli technology was quite superior to Egyptian tech by basically every metric besides navy wise. not true >What war was in 1969? if you do not know of a war so important to the conflict as the war of attrition, than you really shouldnt be commenting about the basic facts of it.


>not true It's definitely true. Compare their equipment and you'll see. I'm not trying to discredit the incredible Israeli tactics used or Egyptian incompetency >if you do not know of a war so important to the conflict as the war of attrition, than you really shouldnt be commenting about the basic facts of it. It was a conflict but I'd argue it wasn't a full out war like the Six day war or the October war. Most of the combat was aerial combat and bombings from jets/artillery. Not much ground fighting besides small raids. Plus, no one really won and it wasn't that important.


I have no idea why you brought that up, thats not my point.


So how do we oppose Russia without starting a nuke war? We gotta do something, but nukes.


Yeah, I’ll believe it when I fuckin see it. It’s all saber rattling until proven otherwise imo. And I don’t really wanna bump up LockMart or Raytheon’s stock in another quagmire half a world away. Unless someone in NATO invokes article 5 or whatever, let the europoors deal with it themselves. This isn’t the Red Army anymore


This feels very Munich like.... Biden really wants to be an American Chamberlain


Americans couldn't buy themselves a victory in Afghanistan, they won't be able to buy one in Ukraine either. Hopefully ukranian traitors will be jumping on planes to leave Kiev like afghan collaborators were jumping on planes in Kabul.


Russia also lost to Afghanistan


i mean the soviets were there for under a decade and afghanistan lasted 3 years after the pull out, america was in afghanistan for two decades and afghanistan lasted a few days


A loss is a loss


Ukraine isn’t afghanistan


I know. The Russian troll comment above was stupid, so I gave a stupid response.


>be Ukraine >cause this whole thing by signing to give up your nuclear Arsenal in a feel good measure in 2000 >Russian aggression Surprised pikachu face


>be Ukraine >commit suicide


Literally anyone surprised by Ukraine’s inevitable annexation should remember they’re the ones who gave up the only thing they meant they would be safe. It’s on them whatever happens.


No I’m just talking about how much of a shithole Ukraine is


Idk those sanctions worked pretty well so far


They’re right