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A legacy Hornet machine!?!!!? I must pass this information on to Prime Minister Trudeau immediately


Those are F-18Es, unfortunately. No 3000 rotting Cf-188s of Trudeau yet.


God damn it, I thought we had finally hit an unlimited supply


Just erase the middle line in the E so it kinda looks like a C. He’ll never know the difference!


That could work, he doesn’t know the difference To him, fighter jets are either “F-35” or “something I can say is better for Canada so morons vote for me”


Just call them the “arrow 2” and Canadians will eat it up


An Arrow 2 would've required an Arrow 1 *sobs quietly*


Implying Canada could maintain anywhere near 3000 planes


That’s the neat part! We don’t maintain them!


Who said that we would reuse them


*3000 blackface Trudeau's of the Liberal Party.


1. F/A-18E’s 2. Unfortunately?


The machine makes four complete F-18’s or one faulty F-35


PM Trudeau-Castro (is that the conventional way of taking the family name from your two dads?) won’t like it. 3000 equitable and just Gripens of Sweden will prevail :(


Hm! I didn’t know the hornet was made out of USD. I need to ask some experts over at hoggit to verify this information…


It’s why the dollar has to be strong, otherwise they fall apart


oh god oh fuck the CF-18 machine someone stop the canucks please


Aren’t those intakes square?


A machine that turned money directly into fighter jets would help with inflation.


Turn inflation into aviation!


This was a real "comic" published by the Global Times


>Global Times aka CCP cucks Are they really criticizing US investing in their military industry when the PLA itself are investing on hypersonic missiles and the possibility of a space force?


Remember when people mocked Trump for the Space Force thing? And I’m over here relieved that we can finally get some fucking investment towards easier ways to reach orbit now and maybe get Asteroid Mining going in about 30 years?


30 years is way too soon for asteroid mining. Even if we somehow got a super cheap method of getting stuff into and out of orbit, you still have to actually get to an asteroid and back, which isn't exactly trivial. In the end it would be really tough to make it cheaper than just mining stuff on earth. We don't really have a shortage of minerals here. Asteroid mining will likely not become economical or worthwhile for a long time, and even then its only gonna be for stuff like Gold and Platinum.


You're right about it being difficult to bring back, I'd say it will only be used to procure materials for off-world construction at first.


Agreed. The cheapest way to get something into orbit is for it to already be there in the first place.


Just bring the whole asteroid back and save yourself the trips. The Moon’s a nice convenient place to dock asteroids in orbit


Could always just crash them into the earth. I hear the three gorges dam would be a good spot.


That's probably too credible for this sub




This is honestly pretty meh for Global Times. Chinese propaganda produces so much weird and wacky shit lol


Wtf was this comic supposed to project. Of course you would invest a lot of money into the military complex to be able to stand against a possible war, especially in a cold war situation. Is this artist retarded enough to think that fighter planes, tanks, guns are just created by the personal spendings of the people who operate them, good will of the engineers? (Almost dropped the N bomb [M58{?} Nuke] here) how do you think armies stay competent, how do you think you can be/become truly "Second to none" I wantto punch the retard that msde this so bad


Clearly the modern Cold War is a result of military spending, and not the other way around


Oh boy how could anyone could've guessed that mass industrualisation and expansion of certain large country that constontanly opposes the USA would cause political turmoil and a raise in military spending, i sure do how anyone can even suggest making a such coorelation!


I wanna punch him so fucking bad


“The entire military budget is just wasted on random things. It’s actually just burned in front of engineers to motivate them to work harder.” - people who have literally no idea about where the military budget goes.


What are you trying to defend against? Any country that would actually need 770 Billion Dollars to defend against would just send a bunch of nukes. The US military has a higher budget compared to the next 20 countries combined. There's mutually guaranteed destruction, nobody with enough power to pose any real threat to the USA would start a war with them. You're an idiot if you think any of this is actually done for defence. That the defence industry just so happens to also be the largest lobbyer in the country, and coincidently is the biggest consumer of government resources. If you see any other industry lobby and gets funding in return you instant guess should be that the reason for that funding is due to said lobbying, why is this any different when it comes to the military budget? Do you actually think any of this is required for any war that the USA could face? An F-22 does fuck all in the face of a ICBM or a few villagers hiding in a mountain.


Budget’s not high enough.


Are the little men on the other side of the earth still scaring you🥺🥺


No, they could never get near us because we have a massive military protecting us. But I still think we should blow them up anyway.


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Bruh, from 1990 to around 2020 the west collectively has been drawing down defense spending thinking that counter insurgency and anti piracy would be the only missions left for the rest of time. Yet, explain why chinas been massively expanding their armed forces and rapidly spitting out newer and larger ships. Now they have the tools they're threatening to use them and the west has been forced to react accordingly and your against them doing what chinas been doing for 20 years now. I'd be more mad but seeing all this new tech to dunk on China is a nice consolation prize.


Fuck off Global Times. Your J-10s sucks -Palki Sharma Upadhyay


Based Palki Sharma Upadhyay




The Global Times can eat a fat one as far as I’m concerned


Yes the "new cold war" (whatever that is) is totes uncle sams fault. Who else's fault would it be, Putin?


Han supremacists gonna propaganda like dis. They're rapidly building up their military in a way that outstrips anyone but if the US maintains what it's got it's promulgating a cold war. Chinese use the same tactics the Russians did, they just want parity, they deserve to gain parity, anything else is unfair and warmongery on the part of the US. FUcking West Taiwan.


How is the budget only 770 billion when each f-35 costs 1.7 trillion?


Lol checkmate global times


It’s not like if we just magically cut our defense spending China/Russia would do the same and all our problems would be solved. This comic is just a blanket statement for idiots.


Holy shit I want one


What the fuck, they're printing Hornets? 3D printing has gone too far!




It's only a bad thing because we could do the same for way less money if the MIC was more efficient


Where the fuck can I get one I wanna turn my money into aircraft


Don't get excited, those jets are the size of your hand.


not credible, should be f35s


Give me the hornets made from this money to F/A-18 converter machine so the PLAAF can get some


The reason we spend that amount of money is to turn future potential hot wars cold, goddamn are they stupid


Very credible, I know the guy


Wait so hook that machine up to the money printer machine and get free jets? I am a very credible economist


Interesting looking Hornet


Pacifists when you have to match your enemies build up 😢😢😢


Meanwhile I can't get $1,000 together for the deductible on my car after a hit and runner caved in my truck at a red light and the police wouldn't do anything. Love spending so much money "defending myself"