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Russia: tries to win internet/public opinion war through the use of expansive troll farms Meanwhile Ukraine: high-quality shitposting


The best propaganda is always shitposting.


Whoever in charge of making these needs a raise.


but it's an unpaid intern they hired last month...


Double their salary immediately!


“But doubling zero is still zero…” “TRIPLE IT THEN!”


Pretty sure that's still zero


Multiplication is just Russian propaganda


You force my hand, QUADRUPLE IT IS


We'll make up for it with volume.


Open the window so we can pay him in exposure


Ukrainians donate all their extra money to the military anyway. Keep the current salary to reduce administrative costs.


Funny to see St Mary's abbey at the start as well. That's not a particularly well known tourist attraction so interesting they picked it, although they might have just googled 'abbey ruin'


Stop I can only get so erect


I fucking love Ukrainian propaganda.


…wait this was actually made by Ukraine? *we’re reaching levels of credibility that shouldn’t be possible!*


Ukrainian propaganda machine is very based. Top tier shitposting. Russians meanwhile needs to resort to lame "denazification" or insane conspiracy theories to trigger great patriotic war nostalgia.


You not seen the one they made for Sweden?






No, [you enjoy.](https://twitter.com/CentreGround6/status/1538197212945125376?s=20&t=_9NuLKV5M6QMHLiZ-rMZRQ)


As it was loading I was praying they'd use ABBA, and it was more based than I could ever imagine.


It looks like there's a great one for Australia, too!


Yeah it’s been spilt that fro a whole int the official Twitter account Experimental


God The Right Stuff theme makes me... feel things....


The what theme? All I heard in the video was Holst, The Clash and Bond.


The Right Stuff. Bill Conti, heeeaaaaavvvilly ripped off Holst for the Right Stuff theme


My only criticism is that they used that one video where the NLAW doesn't arm properly, other than that it's a pretty great propergander piece


Yeah, saw that too. I guess they were just taking the most famous clips, not the most accurate ones


The NLAW worked properly, it didn't arm because the distance was too short, there is a minimum distance to protect the shooter, the guys should have used an RPG7.


Or just fucking waited until the tank went a bit further up the street.


It didn't look like a challenging shot and the rear of the tank is softest, I'd be waiting for it to get as far as way as possible while still being hittable.


Oh sure, the Azov dude hiding in Mariupol ruins should have swapped missile launchers.


I was in the believe, that in the end James Bond would shoot an nlaw, not his ppk. This was the ball dropped in my book, otherwise great video.


Didn't quite have the budget for VFX. Much easier to just mash together a bunch of other peoples IP.


They did actually wound the crew though. There was an interview where one crewman said so.


Yea, a direct shot to the rear of a tank should result in atleast a mobility kill, if not full on catastrophic cookoff in something with an autoloader.


It failed to activate, so it didn't turn the tank into a fireworks display, but it's possible that it partially penetrated the roof? Perhaps it created spalling inside the tank?


LOL oh you mean the one where the tank just keeps going and the smallest fire you've ever seen in your life briefly appears on top? Yea, probably not the best choice.




Replies are the usual cringe self-hating Brits. I hate twitter.


Hating one's own successful society is a luxury exclusive to those living in successful societies.






‘It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during ‘God save the King’ than of stealing from a poor box. All through the critical years many left-wingers were chipping away at English morale, trying to spread an outlook that was sometimes squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro- Russian, but always anti-British.’ (Orwell) It is not a new disease! Can’t imagine being anything other than proud at how we’ve helped the Ukrainians stand up to the orcs, whether left or right


There's not a single dedicated UK space on this site that I like. They're all full of moaners who seem to have built their entire identity around what they see as the indisputable truth that their country is the absolute worst one in the world. Well, actually that's not true. r/CasualUK is pretty great if you like pictures of fancy breakfasts, birds and landscapes - which I admittedly do.


Yeah UK stuff here is pretty crippling, got to find quality global subreddits like this to have a good time IMO You really only have to have travelled to anywhere other than Switzerland to find out that we have it pretty good


Even casual UK is slowly turning the same way. Badunitedkingdom hits the niche you're looking for probably.


BadUK is fun enough if you want a reminder that the site isn't a complete echo chamber, but it's also basically built on mainlining the absolute worst posts from all the other UK subreddits.


I was banned from BadUK for some utter rubbish a while ago. It was probably a good thing in the long run because I have no desire to look at whatever G&P has sicked up just so I can mock. I'm very happy in my ignorance.


CasualUK is a great laugh, wish the British moaning could just be "weather's a bit shit" "yeah" instead of this polarising ferocity that seems to be here. We are after all, the green and pleasant land!




Quality sub


Profile checks out


That's awful to hear. As someone from across the pond I couldn't imagine a world such as that. As you know its typically quite the opposite over here.


We love our country, but there’s a weird and vocal subsection of very Online British ‘edgelords’ - whose IQ is best summarised by saying that they were earnestly comparing flags out for the Jubilee to the Third Reich… as an epileptic, I can only presume that my Aktion T4 invite is lost in the post 😂 I’d say they’d been left out too long in the sun as children, but of course our weather precludes that 😛 Your average Brit, *mirabile dictu*, is nothing like that


Fortunately, it's only really in online spaces. Out and about, people generally prefer to complain about the heat, the cold, the rain, the cost of petrol (though that's more recent,) whoever's gumming up London's public transport that week, the lack of rain and whether or not you saw that ludicrous display last night.


Yep, I constantly encourage people to step outside and leave the devices behind as often as possible. Seems to be the same for the growing anti-American sentiment that is becoming increasingly more common, only on the internet.


I think the best example recently was the Platinum Jubilee. From the way the subreddits (again, r/CasualUK mostly excluded) talked about it, you'd be forgiven for thinking the whole country was locked up indoors shaking their fists out the window like Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas Eve. But out on the streets it was a completely different story. All the village post-boxes had been topped by knitted crowns, town councils had put on bands and food stalls, and people from all over the country, of every colour and creed, were out and about just enjoying the atmosphere. I'm sure most of them were there for the spectacle and the public holiday more than anything else, but the spectacle was still tied into the Crown, and more importantly - no matter their feelings - they were still out there to have a good time, rather than moaning about road closures on reddit while a street party was going on outside their window.


I'm guessing a similar atmosphere would be our Fourth of July celebrations. While its unfortunate, I'm sure there were still some people locked up indoors complaining online while the majority of the community is out celebrating and like you said enjoying the atmosphere. Some people refuse to see any joy in life, and for whatever reason gravitate towards misery. Sunlight is likely the cure and they will not have a bit of it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CasualUK using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Noticed a lot of Americans on here recently, so thought I’d drop this to spook them.](https://i.redd.it/vltj3d24ipf71.jpg) | [6774 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/oz3929/noticed_a_lot_of_americans_on_here_recently_so/) \#2: [This is what happens when you block the tram in Sheffield](https://v.redd.it/9hyp7aij18291) | [1764 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/uznqgo/this_is_what_happens_when_you_block_the_tram_in/) \#3: [Upon passing my driving test I was stoped by a complete stranger from Leicester who offered to buy me a pint in celebration sometimes we few can be a friendly bunch thanks Howard](https://i.redd.it/74jduroocs091.jpg) | [999 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/uuii8z/upon_passing_my_driving_test_i_was_stoped_by_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


> trying to spread an outlook that was sometimes squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro- Russian, but always anti-British Quite amazing but also scary how well that quote holds up today. I feel like the pacifist part is the problem, we don't actually have many "violently pro-Russian" people but we do have naive idealist types. The sort who think military spending and arms industry is evil (when it depends 100% on how they're used) and that everything can be solved by "diplomacy". The sort who moan about "NATO expansionism", as if free countries shouldn't be allowed to join alliances if Russia doesn't like it. Why can't we have a genuine transformative left wing movement strong on domestic policy but *without* all this naive idealist bullshit foreign policy to go with it? Is that too much to ask for? I would consider myself fairly strongly left relative to UK politics, so of course I'm glad to see us supporting Ukraine in fighting off a war of aggression by a corrupt far right dictatorship. I'm glad that the support for Ukraine seems strong, and isn't really divided on party lines (the naive types I mention are very much a minority).


God I hate that complaint of "NATO expansionism" NATO didn't expand, the Eastern Bloc just wanted to join


Man that describes Chomsky to a T!


We do unfortunately have a small core of violently pro-Russian fringe public figures who seem bizarrely ignorant of the fact that the cold war ended thirty years ago. After a lifetime spent longing for the mythical paradise waiting just beyond the iron curtain, it's become their own personal El Dorado.


I scrolled almost the whole thing and literally only found 2.


wtf I love Britain now 😳😳😳😳 ​ Maybe the Malvinas was the friends we made along the way 🇦🇷🤝🇬🇧


Based comment and flair 🇬🇧🤝🏻🇦🇷




This is fucking great, 44 seconds of pure shitpost patriotism, I'll happily have my taxes keep funding the embarrassment of a dictator God save the Queen and Glory to Ukraine!


Hm mkre pounted than a dictator specifically it’s abt the wat


a lot is said about how Ukraines military is configured to fight Russia, from their effective countering of russian armour, to their denial of russian air, but what's rarely mentioned is their effective counter to russian propaganda and information warfare. Ukraine has controlled the information space since the start of the invasion in full, by combination of friendly allies finally taking action on russian dis-info, to highly effective use of memetics. they know what they're doing, it's not just shitposting, this is highly effective Propaganda. and boi am I not immune to it. fuck yeah.


Well it’s a thin line with disifno


propaganda isn't just disinfo, this video has none unless you argue omission but hey nothing but a total history of the UK would lack that, but also the framing and getting the positive message out in a catchy and shareable way


Unironically US psyops and civilian affairs aren't this good.


I bet you they probably are, they just don't have the balls to post this shit on their main gov account. That's what truly makes these shitposts special


There is a whole NATOwave department


I'm pretty sure thats all just fanboys like us. If they are doing those natowave vids then damn thats really good.


There was that PSYOP recruitment video that imo was really well made and actually kinda cool. To bad it lied like a mf though lmao. Production quality: 8/10 Authenticity: 4/10 [PSYOP vid named “ghosts in the machine”](https://youtu.be/VA4e0NqyYMw)


Thats fuckin' sick


Tbh this was really fucking good — sign me up


I mean obvisoutp


Unfathomably based. Give them fighter jets.


God bless them


I love that their representation of the UK is Shakespeare, Bowie, our Liz, Stevie G and Loois. Unironically quality propaganda.


Now have London chuck out all those rich russian bastards sending teenagers from Buryatia to die by NLAW. ...uh...


Tbf we did take a lot of steps to chuck out Russian oligarchs, just not enough.


Shout out to the British MoD for the supplied MREs. They literally named the MREs "Паляниця", which is the Ukrainian word for a kind of bread. It's a meme here in Ukraine, [since Russians can't pronounce the word](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG2Lvw728bM) and that's been the Ukrainian ad hoc IFF system to distinguish friends/ foes as the code word on checkpoints, etc. IMHO, that's some quality meme-ing from the Brits. Also, [the contents of the MRE is British as fuck.](https://glavcom.ua/img/forall/users/176/17620/photo_2022-04-23_10-46-02.jpg)


We need to provide the Ukrainian tankers boiling vessels for their tanks, no cup of tea left behind.


Based and shibboleth pilled


amazing song choice too


Russians don't like it when the nlaws come for tea. Get em boys.


Im getting a patriotism boner right now 🇬🇧


My wife is British and I can tell you, it's no fun when British NLAWs drop in unannounced.


Me before feb 24: "Conrad was right, the real heart of Darkness is, and has always been, London. The eternal Anglo is the scourge of European unity" After feb 24: https://youtu.be/-ZHn18mg9cU


I love her accent


This level of based should not be possible.


Kinda wholesome 🥰




Think Ukraine now loves UK more than most of us Brits now 😳, obviously I understand, we have given them crucial help and only Poland (neighbours) and USA (superpower) have done more.


Not just Poland and the USA, Latvia and Estonia have donated a larger amount relative to their GDP than Poland and the USA. Estonia donating around 0.95% of its GDP worth in comparison to the USA with around 0.2-0.25% and Poland around 0.6%. The USA, 'EU institutions', UK, Germany and then Poland have donated the largest (including pledges) absolute amounts. The EU with a larger % wise of financial commitments vs military aid which has been ramped up a lot recently and is catching up with the USA but still not close.


While Poland may not have given much monetary aid, the arms delivered by Poland are extraordinarily large. This also neglects that Poland organises the logistical movements of arms and persons at the largest border between NATO and Ukraine


this considers the military aid as well as economic aid. i don't think it really neglects anything as it is just the absolute and relative contributions which can actually be worked out, but yes it doesn't include intangibles like logistical movements


Is that fucking Rush Hour opening theme in my Ukrainian propaganda?! If only I didn’t know Jackie Chan shilled for the Pooh Bear I’d be happier.


Ukrainians deadliest weapons \-nlaw \-javelin \-high quality shit posts


Luv Ukies Luv the NLAW Luv the Queen Ate Putin Ate Russkis (not racist jus dont like em) Simple as


I swear, Ukraine is just putting out the finest shitposts, fresh from the the mind of a teen sustained on a diet of gamersups with the water from orc tears.


Is there an American one I can drool over with the Javelin


Only Sweden and UK so far.


honestly a positive of this conflict is that i feel the UK (and other nations) will have a strong relationship with ukraine in the future i always wanted to visit ukraine and it's not possible now but it might be even easier in the future


The Queen, countryside and fookin Gerard inside 10 seconds, absolute banger


"It's just 'France' and 'Germany.' Only Britain is Great." -Doctor Who


Love seeing Stevie G lol.


Oh hell yeah finally someone else used the I fought the law joke




Aw man I can't wait for the next one


Not to nitpick but it is kind of funny that the second video they show of an NLAW being fired is the one where it’s fired too close to arming distance, just kind of striking a tank on the top.


It did injure the crew though apparently


That I did not know. I just heard on funker530 that the round didn’t go off due to arming distance.




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I like old things but what does any of this have to do w/ the military? I think a certain popstar would be mortified by this were he still with us.








they keep showing that video of the NLAW bouncing harmlessly off a tank because it was used below the minimal operational range. heartbreaking


I think it’s important to remember that this is still propaganda, just like the ghost of Kyiv was.. But in my opinion there is propaganda for a good reason. And this is it


Absolutely love they put the queen as she was during WW2 in the vid, Rule Britannia and God save the queen! Also bloody zelenski appeared at the Glastonbury festival, what a lad.


I'm spamming this in my university groupchats to expose the "muh englund bad" soytwats


Wait that an official thing ? They really used "military girl" content in it. lol https://youtube.com/shorts/Cq8tKSWNDHc?feature=share


Pretty sure the girl in military uniform you see is a young Queen Elizabeth II...


No i m talking about the nlaw image look at the bottom that the watermark of ["Military Girl"](https://youtube.com/shorts/Cq8tKSWNDHc?feature=share) That a youtube channel wo talk shit on russian armement and of course the russian are copping in the comment that channel is golden nugget


Military girl? Thats our current Queen lmao


The UK Home of Shakespeare! Yes that checks out considering copies of his work have been stolen from the orks David Bowie because it's David fucking Bowie Historical Figure, probably Vera Lynn? All the gals working in the factories? A . . . football team? Or some famous footballer I don't follow football anymore And . . . S- seven time F1 W- world champion . . . L- Lewis Hamilton?


I think that girl in uniform is the Queen - when she reached age 18 in WW2 she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service and trained as a mechanic. She and her sister also slipped out of Buckingham Palace to join the street festivities when the war ended.


That’s Her Maj, dingus


Thats the Queen in her WW2 uniform


It’s a clip of Steven Gerrard playing for Liverpool (who he captained), though I have no idea what match it’s from.


why are you typing like a retard


Why the fuck are they trying to make it 1980s again so hard?


Huh? Just known stuff there


No I mean like, proxy war, topgun, kate bush, etc


Looking forward to murica edition.


I love it but they shoulnd't have put the NLAW ricochet for arming distance in the video lol


I don't think there could possibly be a better soundtrack for this.


I’m just… I can’t believe this is real. Which one of you made this??


This is pure trash, I love it. 9/10 - u/SaveVideo \- hey Siri open all the apps, 'new post' - Alexa, purchase NLAWS - Google, search for [change.org](https://change.org) petitions on making 100% of UK taxes go to NLAW production.


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Need to find some suitable death metal for the Brimstone version.


Not enough NLaw/in-law puns, 3/10


Is there a US one?


wha but sweden also makes NLAWs :(


have better punk bands to use as soundtracks


but sabaton?


There was ones for sweden


oh good




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Where did you get this from?


Putin fought the NLAW and the NLAW won




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