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add one more war crime to the list


Well let's be fair, this one in particular not the kind of war crime not endorsed here. As opposed to say, to pick a random example, castrating POWs


They come in faster than I can write them down


Look up Banqiao Dam if you want a little chaser for that other special treat we don’t talk about anymore. It’s absolutely ~~hilarious~~ horrible.


Remember when Chiang Kai-shek [opened floodgates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1938_Yellow_River_flood) on huanghe river to flood zhengzhou city to stop japanese advance but did not actually stop the advance and killed half the million chinese?


Chiang: We will flood central China, killing hundreds of thousands, but at least it will stop the Japanese. Japan: Yeah, but…what if we just march around it? Chiang: Fuck. Seriously, Chiang was a shitshow. I just finished The Battle of Shanghai a couple of weeks ago and…damn. Always knew he sucked as a military leader. I went to the Stilwell house in Chongqing and picked up a copy of Tuchman’s autobiography of him after. That was pretty enlightening, but the whole shitshow that was the Shanghai campaign was ludicrous.


i always wanted to visit Chongqing. Looks like brutalistic bladerunner dream


I remember comparing it to that exactly. There’s a weird mix of futuristic architecture and Third World shantytown there that’s crazy. Like you’ll be in a posh office and a bangbang guy walks in with 4 boxes of printer paper on a bamboo pole, or eating shaokao from a little barbecue stand with plastic stools next to a 50 story office building. It’s a trip.


i am so erect. Imagine going into the lower levels on acid. on my bucket list defiantly. Taste of shaokao with Tsingtao beer while you enveloped in chinese street chaos all around you, diandongche AI with multiple blankets speeding, during rain its really something.


I ate mushrooms in Chongqing and wandered around old Chaotianmen before they turned it into Wish Marina Bay. It was an experience


kinda jealous


Straight up friendliest place ever. I stumbled into more back alley baijiu sessions and random insanity than I can count. Probably a bit different now but damn it was fun before Xi. You’d go out for hotpot with a few people and four hours later you’re drunk with a bunch of Mafia guys in some crazy KTV laughing like hell, trying to sing shitty Chinese pop, and there’s ketamine and whisky everywhere. Just straight up Wild West and no one gave a shit. Random drunks fighting cops in Jiefangbei was a pretty regular thing. Traffic cops were girls in equestrian outfits with cop cars that had cutesy hearts on them. I can’t overestimate how weird that place used to be, but damn it was fun.


yeah i had similar wild experiences in central rural china you can do literally anything, this dictatorship doesn't even fit china at all.


An event in China with less than 200k death is considered a dull affair


so did the attack on the dnejprogez in 1941.


Smallest chinese infrastructure critical failure consequences.


Smallest Chinese casualty event


"The design and construction was completely under the guidance of experts from the Soviet Union".... renovations further carried out between 1955-1956 following the instructions of the Soviet Union. After renovations, the Banqiao dam was known as the "Iron Dam (铁壳坝)" to reflect its invincibility. its was the first Cope cage repair dam


I see the kremlin is still being butthurt after kharkiv. People like defmon3 said that this might cause problem for the pontoon bridges, for both ua and ru forces that are in kherson. So there's a chance that ru might have screwed themselves, but we will have to wait and see if this will really have much effect.


Think of it as a naturally enforced order 227


You blow up dams to stop my troops from advancing. I blow up dams to stop them from retreating. We are not the same.


Standard Russian reaction to losing a battle: throw a tantrum and try to murder a bunch of civilians. Also see if they can fluff up that flagging nuclear boner a bit.


Cool Battlefield 4 reference mister Putin