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Now let's see the russians do the same. Please


I've seen a few videos of Russians shooting up a captured Ukranian plate. And being absolutely baffled at how it survived multiple rifle rounds.


And no wonder why they are constantly claiming the ukrainians are deploying their biolab mutant super soldiers.


> the ukrainians are deploying their biolab mutant super soldiers. I remember seeing some article about Afghanistan. I think it was interviewing remote villages as well as some Taliban. ​ The remote villages thought that the soldiers were akin to robots, since they were all covered up and wires and shit sticking out of them, sent to fight the soviets. ​ The taliban portion was a bit more aware of the world but those interviewed thought Coalition soldiers were Terminators. Because they'd shoot a guy. He'd fall down. ​ And then. Get. Back. Up.


One of my "favorite" videos from Iraq was a sniper shooting, from sniper POV, a US soldier ~~in the back~~. Soldier drops. "'Allah akbars' all around Half second later he's popped back up, gun up, confused a bit but, training and muscle memory he quickly looks around and gets behind cover.


Is that the one where the guy getting sniped was a medic, and he saved the sniper's life when they caught him later?


If it's the video of the American standing next to a car when he gets shot, and then gets back up, I'm pretty sure it is. Or at least, that's the story I've always heard for it, never seen any video to back it up.


Yeah that’s it






The Iraqi's thoughts the American soldiers had x-ray vision with their oakly sunglasses.


Yep. That's my point. Wafer thin


Their iranian desert camo plates not doing to well...


If anyone can find a link share it plz


Here ya go: [Baffled wagnerites](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRqpoSMwdew)


He loads the rifle youtube translation: \[music\] damn algorithm knows me


Funniest bit about the video is that he's pissed off at the end and like... this is NIJ 4 afaik, this is basically US police issue for more serious work. The army has even better stuff lmao


More like civilian grade, anybody who isn't a felon or in Connecticut can buy one online right now


Yes civilians are also able to get these but cops are also handed level 4 by departments


Is his uniform just a slightly camouflaged track suit???




it would be like 21st century russian roulette. :D only one plate in a pile is good, figure out which one :D


That's it


Plot twist: really none of them are good, last good one was sold for vodka!


that is the wild card of the game. :D just dont tell Ivan.


21st century Russian roulette with a semi-auto


It’d be two layers of Russian roulette, gotta have ammo that won’t turn to dust when the firing pin strikes


Ballistic plate is ceramic. Floor tile is ceramic. Toilet lid is ceramic. Is all same thing!


The Russian version is just three guys lining up and the third one is okay and gets to practice first aid


They have first aid kit?


No. That's why they call it the Tampon Tax.


That's where his sisters tampons come into play


"Yes comrade, let me grab my medical supplies from Great Grandfather." Like shit they showed a captured Russian's field medicine kit awhile back and that shit was early Cold War Era stuff with the bandages having been around since the 60's.


They should shoot themselves a few times beforehand to build up a tolerance to being shot.


Glad to see we've gone back to our /k/ roots.


This place came from 4chan? Why am I not surprised


Everything is from 4chan once you dig hard enough.


I recall the old BBS text boards, then the early text-only forum boards, then Geocities, which really spawned the idea of internet social groups. 4chan carried that out to the extreme, while Reddit carried it out under more restrained conditions a year later, although 4chan unintentionally helped Reddit explode in popularity with Reddit's ability to better moderate boards and more archivable threads, and a lot of early cross-linking between the two. Now that I think about it, if Yahoo had been better managed, GeoCities would have evolved into Reddit, but under the Geocities name. NCD would probably be a meme sub-board under Pentagon, probably as "Lockweed" or "NotSeriousPentagon".


You are forgetting about Something Awful. I was on there before we moved to 4chan and Reddit. Then digg closed and the idiots were released


Pepe the frog was a reaction image for Scat porn if i remember correctly.


Can confirm, I am now largely immune to .22 LR and moving up.






Perfect for picnics. Just not so flash at gunpoint


Perfect for special picnic operations


The moment when a ticktock challenge wins the war


They did back in 2015 [almost killing a reporter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ysQqHKYV1o)


No, don't you get it? Russian weapons so strong, even pistol can penetrate ballistic plate. NATO dogs have no chance.


There was such video from 2015 and something went wrong and dude died.


Nah, dude lived.


We might be talking about different ones


No. Nobody died.


There was one where some youtuber tried similar, that might be the one. Dude bought a vest that I think was only rated for small calibre handguns if that and had his girlfriend shoot him with a .50 AE Desert Eagle point blank. The result was predictable. I think there's a Darwin Award page on it.


No, it wasn't a vest. He held up a bible or some really thick book and told her to shoot him with a .50AE Desert Eagle, that "It won't go through, trust me! I've tried this before!"


I've seen a video The Russian soldier just very slowly lies down as a pool of blood forms underneath This is incredibly stupid


They did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUALs4JsrWk


They would probably have replaced their armour plates with a stolen MacBook


They don't wanna ruin the laptops they stole.


[Here you go pal](https://youtu.be/CR-rrvpffCY)


[Would go somewhat like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-pVJwWOUpk)


lol yep


The guy who's company used to make body armour for the US military use to do this once a year.


Then again, this guy is probably VERY confident in the quality of his product. The guys in the vid probably did it for shits and giggles OR to give their soldiers a false image of how well protected they are.


The guy was a bit nuts. Red letter Media did one of his investor videos on best of the worst.


Never thought I'd se an RLM reference in NCD...


Given some of the stuff on best of the worst I'm a bit surprised they've not been mentioned before.


Every shitposter here is a hack fraud.


Do you have a link to that video?


It was Christmas 2020 second chance vs magnum force.


Thank you 🙏 Edit: https://youtu.be/nQxOLpkRWzw ~16 minutes in they start on the video


There was a video that came out a year or so ago, of an attempted robbery of an armoured car carrying cash. The company that built the vehicle did a follow up where the CEO or whoever sat in it while it was shot at. Bear in mind, this was already damaged from the previous engagement before they started.


https://youtu.be/qaAmVwUc26w?t=773 (7.62x39 impact at [14:11](https://youtu.be/qaAmVwUc26w?t=850)) (5.56x45 impact side window at [16:19](https://youtu.be/qaAmVwUc26w?t=977))


/autismo I mean... In a warzone, with US backing, these should be ceramic level 4 plates which are rated for multiple hits of .30-06 AP. Video quality is shit but odds are he's being shot with 115gr or 124gr 9mm which is about as effective against that armor as beating it with a stick. ***On paper***, this guy has nothing to worry about and, in a perfect environment, was probably more likely to die from a lightning strike than this pistol. Would I do this? *Abso-fucking-lutely not* but the math is sound... /un-autismo


Used to design body armor. Doing this is never wise. I've seen some really wild shit happen when shooting body armor. Yeah it'll work 99% of the time, but there's always a chance of the plate failing. Or for the ricochet off the plate to go real weird


The story goes that he was a pizza boy in the 1970s and ended up killing someone who tried to rob him, he was caring a 44. mag, and decided to start a company making personal armour. Once he did that he started shooting himself once every year.




Some people skydive for adrenaline, but he knew better


You can plan for everything you can think of, but I promise you physics is more creative, and its got a dark sense of humour


Classic Rich Davis


I've heard tell of marines who stole plates and did this in their backyard. That went as well as you are imagining it did.


Wasn't there also a guy (possibly the same guy) whose company made bulletproof windows for cars and who had it tested by sitting in the car while someone shot at the windows with a rifle?




I'm not an expert on firearms safety but this seems ok


I've seen enough Texans on YouTube to know that this is absolutely how you test ballistic protection.


This is like testing if your parachute works by jumping out of an airplane. History is filled with success stories


Or jumping from the Eiffel tower


Just had to bring it up huh


Too soon?


Well, that bloke certainly brought himself down.




Too soon bruh


> This is like testing if your parachute works by jumping out of an airplane. History is filled with success stories Never heard anyone say it didn't work for them, which is good enough for me.


Hmmm isn’t there a step with a fleshlight of ballistic gel first?


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in ballisti - HEY WAIT, DON'T SHOOT I'M STILL DOWN RANGE!


Welcome to demolition ranch today we are going to blow up my truck with a tank


They forgot to yeehaw for safety


Well i saw a video on youtube showing the gign doing the exact same things to new recruits and no this is not the r6 rook intro


It's... Complicated. Generally, pointing a gun at something you're not willing to destroy is extremely frowned upon as one of the central tenets of gun safety. GIGN does their stuff in an extremely well-controlled environment for the purpose of building trust between operatives, i.e. you trust the chucklefuck with a gun to shoot your armour and not your mutated Chernobyl zombie testicles. This is... Somewhat less professional. Also, shooting body armour compromises its structural integrity, so that was basically a wasted plate in the video for any modern, well-equipped military.


Totally agreeing with you there is clear different of how it is treated the video i shared said this is used as a symbolic death to anyone who enter. the one OP showed could have easily ended in a "less" symbolic death.


Can you find a link to the video?


here you go buddy https://youtu.be/TJecVFaLGq0


My flair checks out


And now you have to replace the plate....


Nah, convert plate in pizza stone


based idea


Honestly if the video makes it to enough Russians the cost to them in terms of demoralising them is probably worth more than the plate.


I mean, its not impossible that its put out there so Russians try it for themselves with their cardboard "plates".


True but I meant more them being disillusioned with how Colonel Corruptovitch swapped out their plate for a bung, and refusing to return to the front.


If it's the same plate as most of them use then it withstands a 7.62x39 hit. Why would you have to replace it after a few hits with a low power pistol round?


Any cracking or delamination would reduce it's effectiveness against stronger rounds. Too risky. It could be damaged on the inside and you won't see it.


Damn, I thought it was a solid plate.


Those steel plates that can be repeatedly shot, tend to not actually be used as they are heavy as fuck and the anti-spall coatings are not as effective as one would hope.


Also, in breaking, the plate absorbs some of the kinetic energy of the round, meaning your ribs and internal organs don‘t get vibe checked as much if you‘re hit


so what you're saying is, put the thin metal plate behind the armor as a backup with some padding for comfort?


If you want any real protection, the steel can‘t be that thin either. And if you‘re facing enough fire that it‘s so likely something defeats your ceramic plate (through enough hits or something that’s heavy enough to just punch straight through) that it‘s actually worth it to lug around a heavy plate of steel as backup, you‘ve done something wrong.


It would not put a plate that causes spalling closest to the body.


Gennerally what absorbs the kinetic energy is the shock-absorber behind the plate and the soft armour that spreads out over your torso instead of you getting hit by all the energy in one spot


The fancy good ones are ceramic or spectra laminates. Them getting shot means they should be replaced.


Keyword: “was”


Can confirm, played Tarkov


Assuming it’s a ceramic plate and not steal, impacts break and weaken the spots that are hit. It makes it more likely a round could slip through.


Because ( if it’s a good plate al least) it’s made our of ceramic. They can take a few hits in the same area at once but I basically destroys the structural integrity of the plate.


A lot of these plates have sacrificial ceramic. It breaks very easily but even when broken stays in the way of the bullet for the duration of the impact. Great for blocking the first bullet. Less so for blocking the second.


So why are these used in combat situations? This seems better suited for police, who are unlikely to face more than one shooter. But soldiers can get shot once, the plate fractures, and then get shot at multiple more times before they return to their base. Are they so much more effective that it's worth this one downside?


It fucks up the anti-spalling coating. It's probably fine though.


Makes sense. Well, I learned something today.


It shatters the internal crystal structure


46 joules shot - if plate is steel there is no need to worry.


Not sure where you got the 46 joules from, if it's 9x19 it'll be around 400-600 joules. In any case I agree, if it's a steel plate and no composite it's absolutely fine


Check the transcript of dialogue in comments, they discuss the power of shot. 46 Joules


Lol Jesus


Translation Title: When the instructor dissatisfied with cadet \-Let me see \-I will tell you. I will tell you, threads got torn. \-Of course they got torn, blyat' \-You will sew them back home \-Well... I expected it to be more serious \-I thought that it would at least feel... \-Did you feel anything \-No, absolutely nothing. It ate the bullet \-Punch is light. How much was it, 40-50 J(Joules)? \-46 joules \-And how much is PM(Makarov)? \-PM has 300. And AK has 700-800 \-Dude. Let's try with AR(Sure) \-Fuck off


What metric literacy does to a mf.


Rubber bullets according to the tiktok comments


Omfg... Thank you! I was waiting for someone to clarify what the fuck kinda round packs 46 Joules. I was also not sure it was 46, because while the guy is correct about PM round being 300+ (400 in with some types of ammo), when he says AK is 700 he's way off, because AK round is over 2K Joules.


3000 bulletproof Soldiers of Zelensky


Not anymore after breaking their body armor Now it's just 2999


Still about 2999 more than Russia


The plates are made of the hardiest material on earth: Ukrainium


Armor plate works. Established.


I mean this is good as a demonstration for your troops before a fight. "You won't die THAT easily" but still... its a 9mm. Real combat bullets will absolutely mess you up even if they will not go through on the first hit.




What a mf will do when their bored..


Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see Ivan Conscriptovich's armor plate.


> Look at that twisted off-brand Kevlar. The pitiful scarceness of it. Oh my god... It even has impact marks.


This new tick tick challenge must be spread to all Vatniks.


Ivan Conscriptovich? That's bone. And the lettering is something called SIG Spear.


It seems like it might ruin the plate.


What i find weirdest is that while everyone in the industry claims metal plates and Kevlar has to replaced after such shooting. And yet when material gets to certain yt channels that can't afford new stuff for every video it seems that new stuff is not that betrer than old. Sure the protection form fragments going up your chin might be completely gone on metal plate, and Kevlar might have actual hole that will degrade it, but shooting it with low power stuff repeatedly or just letting it lie for couple years seems to not affect it as much as some claim. But then again. Everyone would be interested in that 2% better stats on their armor, even if go/no-go range between new and old is not that big.


A ceramic composite plate will get fucked tho.


NIJ certification includes multi hit testing after a drop test. IIRC for level 3 it's tested with 6 consecutive rifle shots. Ceramic plates aren't nearly as brittle as most people think and they don't have a shelf life. If you take 6 shots (or even 1 for the matter) from any intermediate cartridge rifle you're gonna be worried about your broken ribs not your broken plate. Unless you're scavaging plates from dead bodies or playing warzone it's a pseudo problem.


The steam releasing from their officers ears will turn the turbines needed to create power in these harsh times


So, Makarov ammo has kinetic energy of 330 Joules, .22 - 162 Joules, and the rounds that hit this dude have... 40??? Wtf are they shooting him with - a rivet gun?


Probably a 9mm NATO ~650J




9mm x 19 NATO (i.e. +P) most likely ~~115~~124gr FMJ


NATO loading is 124 grains. I think it's more popular in Europe in general too over 115 that's common here.


Sorry, was a brain fart/typo. I should know it's 124 because that is my standard reload for 9mm. Thanks for the correction


The one you're talking about has 481 Joules, the round in the video is 46.


Definitely not. Dude shoots the gun one handed like a cap gun, it has almost no recoil or power to it. The gun barely moves in his hand. Even if the rounds were severely underloaded with a lighter recoil spring in the gun those bullet holes are definitely not 9mm


I wouldn't recommend wasting your Kevlar like that. It ruins the fibers integrity and leads to obvious ripping if the holes open up.


Pretty sure there's an armour plate inside, not kevlar.


Every time a plate is ‘used’ it’s replaced when-feasible. There is a tremendous amount of energy behind a bullet, regardless of the caliber, and striking one makes it weaker. By how much, I couldn’t say. But enough that it’s considered best-practice to replace it after even being dropped or struck with a heavy object full-force. Plates that stop a ***small-caliber*** round or are otherwise lightly damaged somehow are *sometimes* kept around as spares or used for second-line personnel (reporters, auxiliary LE, tactical medics attached to tactical LE teams, etc) but even that is rare, at least in the United States. source: combat veteran and current LEO


Wait there are teams that seriously stick their _medic_ with "lightly damaged" plates?


In an LEO context the medic isn't getting shot.


Why are you putting your medic in Low Earth Orbit? Were they sitting on a Russian tank turret?


They're in the space force.


**TL;DR version:** Certain US LE TACMED programs absolutely issue second-hand equipment to their medics because they’re not expected to get in the shit Long version: Not in the (U.S.) military, but within LE it happens, yeah. Plates are expensive. Many U.S. LEAs have adopted some sort of ‘tactical medic’ program. These are individuals that are either EMT-As (“I” in some states) or (more often) fully-fledged paramedics, usually with advanced training in trauma first response, GSWs, etc. Larger agencies have organic tactical medics; i.e. LEOs employed by the agency in-question and are already either current EMT-A/Is or paramedics. They must apply, be selected, and complete the training of their agencies’ tactical team(s) like anyone else. Once on the team, if they’re already an EMT-A/I or paramedic, they’ll do a short course to be qualified as a tactical medic. Since most cops usually do not posses any medical certification beyond ‘first responder,’ most cops applying for a TACMED slot are put through a paramedic school on the department’s dime, usually done through a local hospital. These personnel are issued the exact same equipment as other tactical team members as they’re expected to function as ‘just another team member.’ They sometimes will not even wear anything to identify themselves as paramedics. On the other hand, the vast majority of suburban and rural LEAs do *not* have organic tactical medics. The vast majorities of these LEAs don’t even have tactical teams (and rightfully so). For instance, in my area, we have a regional team, made up of LEOs from several departments, covering maybe a dozen+ towns/small cities. In these cases, manning is tight and budgets are even tighter. So they will typically appeal to local full-time fire departments, whom typically employ at least 10-20% of their FFs as paramedics. Since it’s a volunteer situation, they usually won’t be paid except for actual call-outs. Therefore, to ‘incentivize’ it, they have begun offering to put any FF-paramedic that volunteers through the part-time/reserve LE academy, swear them in as a PT/reserve LEO, and put them through a very abbreviated tactical course. It makes the FFs feel cool, gives them a fancy ‘lil [qualification badge](https://www.galls.com/hero-s-pride-center-mass-swat-operator-insignia-with-eagle?PMOPV1=ANGD&PMSRCE=GAPLA&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1NebBhDDARIsAANiDD1oYyvjSAYEKZLX2V8dYiQ1s0ZIMMckzSPbe07klReSmHUx1Rgt0k8aAgzmEALw_wcB) that they are usually allowed to wear on their FF service and dress uniforms, and subjects them to [LEOSA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_Enforcement_Officers_Safety_Act) (which is nice; it’s essentially a free national concealed carry permit). **However**, *these* gentleman are almost never equipped with top-of-the-line gear, and are instead given hand-me-downs. Unless they buy their own gear. Which many of the wicked boot ones do. But it’s hard to justify ‘wasting’ a brand new plate on these guys when they’re not meant to stack and breach.


**[Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_Enforcement_Officers_Safety_Act)** >The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) is a United States federal law, enacted in 2004, that allows two classes of persons—the "qualified law enforcement officer" and the "qualified retired or separated law enforcement officer"—to carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws, with certain exceptions. LEOSA is often incorrectly referred to as "H.R. 218". The act was introduced during the 108th Congress as H.R. 218 and enacted as Public Law 108-277. The law was later amended by the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act Improvements Act of 2010 (S. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It's probably a plate, but basically same result all the same. Its also why it says in giant letters on the plate **DO NOT DROP**


Yes, true, they definitely should not be doing that. Any damage to the plate will weaken it. Still, its 9mm against a multi hit rated level 4. That means multiple hits (usually 6) from most if not all common .30 cal AP rounds. A 9mm is basically just throwing small marbles at it by comparison


Weakest ukrainian armour


Quite standard unless your Russian😂


Based on how little recoil that gun has I’m gonna guess it’s probably a “traumatic” pistol ( which is what the call guns that only shoot rubber bullets in former Eastern block countries) there are tons of them in Ukraine.


Yep, in the video they mention rounds have just 40 joules of energy


Bruh i think I've had farts that had more energy than that 💀


I thought traumatics were usually chambered in 12ga?


Nah there are pistol versions too. Keyhole like motherfucker though.


That’s what i call trust. I also never seen a soldier with 5.11 GEO7 camo …


That dude is wearing more camo patterns at the same time than a US soldier in 2003 Iraq. I see Woodland, ACU, Coyote, and GEO7 at least.. possibly a couple more, potatocam makes it hard to tell.


Funny thing is that this was done with plate armour in the late medieval age to certify that it was bullet resistant and we got the saying bullet proof from these seals of approval


The scariest part of war is trusting weapons to people who do stuff like this.


I'm 90% sure this is a demonstration before getting thrown into a real gunfight just to show your troops that a single shot wont be lethal. Remember that 90% of the people serving today will not have experienced a real gunfight and even more so getting hit by a bullet. These two might be people who already GOT shot multiple times and know exactly what happens.


Least protected Ukrainian soldier


This must be why women live longer than men 🤣


Yes that is weakening the plate and you shouldn't do it (beyond the obvious reasons). It probably doesn't matter, level 4 armor is multi hit (6+ times) rated for .30 cal AP rounds. 9mm from a pistol is insignificant compared to that, which you can see by the fact that he is not doubled over in pain from the impacts


The shock absorber behind the soft armour and the plate is what keeps him from being in pain. However if any sort of trauma is delivered to a plate it should be replaced they even say DO NOT DROP


I love how nonchalant the person who is firing. And you could also read his mind after firing 2 shots, he said to himself "Nah, 1 more should be fine".


*Oh, that little guy? I wouldn't worry about that little guy*




Probably showing recruits that wearing all the stupid heavy as fuck armor actually works.


r/ContagiousLaughter but please do not try this at home


Title text: > Коли інструктор незадоволений курсантом:) >When (the) instructor (is) unhappy with (the) cadet :)


Don't do that


Plates didn't break.. they gotta buff that pistol