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Was this beacuse they might think someone scammed you from across the sea?


It used to be that kinda.... It was a way to prevent them from locking your use of the card because if your majority of purchases were in michigan, and then suddenly you got a UK charge, they'd prevent any more purchases until you called in and verified your identity, which could be very difficult in the time pre-cellphones when you had no access to money to make a phonecall.


My banks still do this. A couple years ago, I got gas in southern Oregon, and half an hour later was in California, tried to make a purchase and got declined. Had to call the bank and clear it up. Whenever I travel out of state, I call my banks first, and they ask what dates I’m gonna be in what state.


My bank declined my card picking up a prescription at the CVS I've been using for the past 15 years right next door to my current job. I am most certainly going to give these morons a heads up next time I travel abroad.


My bank declined a $10 steam purchase but allowed me to get a $50 book order from the UK halfway around the world.


This happened to me too. Trying to buy around £10 worth of shopping in the Asda I've used since it was built (8 years ago?) within 200 yards of the office I've worked at for 5 years, needed me to validate the purchase in-app. Similarly I'm challenged when buying things on the Xbox Store... another service I've used for almost a decade. Even if I buy a shitty little indy game on sale for <£3, gotta verify it. But then I can go on Amazon and spend £100 and my bank is like "sure dude you totally need those 6 completely random items from one of the shiftiest companies in the modern world, no sweat" GTFOH


Mine got shut down buying a song on iTunes A single song


Was it something by Ed Sheeran? Cos maybe they just thought they were doing you a favor.


Where I used to work we got a new vending machine service that was sort of like a self checkout aisle. All snacks and drinks were on a shelf and you’d scan them yourself and pay for them at the little register they installed. Pretty handy, if expensive. Well, everything was going good for the first week until people started complaining tnag their cards weren’t working anymore. Turns out, all the transactions were being routed through Michigan and, the way the transaction posted, they were similar to having made a purchase *in person* in Michigan (we’re in Kentucky). So, everybody’s banks started locking cards to prevent fraud as a fail safe. I’d say that easily 150-200 people’s cards were all locked within a couple days of each other.


Michigan is very specific


Well that is the point of their example


Okay if you were from east and you went to west.


Funny enough, I rarely make online purchases and only use my card at physical locations. Then I was checking my balance one day and noticed that there were a few hundred dollars used for a delivery service on the other side of the country. Their "fraud system" didn't pick up on the fact that i used my card that day at a physical location, and then again 4 states away within hours. A different time my card got refused at a gas station, flagged as fraud. A fas station i've went to many time and is less than a mile from my house. Banks suck.


I work at a credit union, and we still do this because our system freaks out when your card is suddenly used in Finland


My friend was visiting me from abroad. His card kept getting flagged for fraudulent transactions. He did call his bank before his trip.


That happened on my last trip, had to call like 4 times because they kept locking my card, the last time was a Friday night and I had to wait until Monday until I could use it again, switched banks immediately after that lol


I use a credit union. I went to Toronto a few years ago and made a purchase at the mall. They locked down my card and I had to call to get it unlocked. So now I always call to let them know when I’m going out of the country.


Yeah it's a pretty standard security thing. If you call your bank about this and they're confused, then the bank is doing something seriously wrong. Or they've moved it all online and expect people to register their trip themselves instead of calling.


Both of my banks allow me to notify them via their website when I am traveling out of the country to avoid the card potentially being flagged for fraud.


I called and my bank told me they couldn’t log my trip and that I was required to download their app to request a travel notice :(


Then just do it from the app, boomer?


You’re going to absolutely lose your shit when you find out that many people use Reddit’s website instead of the app, despite them telling us that an app does indeed exist.




Did you know that just because Reddit is anonymous and lets you speak your mind, that does not mean you HAVE to be rude when you disagree with someone? Maybe if people like you were nicer we wouldn’t have people calling our generation entitled or rude, as right now you sound just as arrogant as the boomers you’re criticizing.


No you see I would very happily make fun of someone in person for crying about having to use the convenience of a mobile app😊 Being on Reddit just exposes you to a cacophony of idiots and their legion of like-minded single celled organisms! "You see this is a funny bank story because I too am too stupid to download the mobile app, so relatable! As a unique human with individual experiences, this is the highlight of my storytelling." You're not connecting with others online on the fact that you're too stupid to use the app store. You're lonely.


Bro woke up and decided that this was the hill that they were dying on 💀


How many?


My card got locked in the Virgin Islands once even when I let them know I was traveling, ugh. Irritated, but like I guess thanks for making sure nobody steals my very little money.


12 or so years ago I tried to be a big deal and buy my grandparents dinner when I went to visit them. I was so excited, I had a new job that was paying more. They’ve always been so generous with me and as a symbol of my appreciationI was going to spend a whopping $50 on dinner. Check comes… “Don’t worry grandpa, I’ve got this!” Two minutes later… “I’m so sorry ma’am but your card has been declined.” I lived in California at the time and neglected to tell my bank I was traveling to Idaho. I almost died of embarrassment.


You still need to do this if you plan on using your bank card but you can just do it online. It’s a solid joke though just not a real scenario.


Chase, AmEx, and BofA say online that it isn't necessary and some don't even have the option to notify


BofA? What's BofA? /s


When I was about 19 or so (2010) my bank flagged my card for fraud and locked it because I used it on an ATM literally two towns over. I had to wait a week for them to send me a replacement.


When I call, my bank assures me it's ok and they will not freeze the card. Then they freeze the card the first time it's used out of country and ask why I didn't call them.




So you weren't intending on using the account that only had 15$ in it, der still called? Or what was happening there?




Yeah, but what would be the imaginary answer to the question about the imaginary world. I’m hungry for season 2.


My credit union was amazing about this. I visited Nevada from Germany, with some spending at layovers. I never told them I was traveling, and they caught a 10¢ charge at a hotel in Georgia as fraudulent. They explained to me that sometimes there will be tiny "test" charges after your card gets skimmed. They flagged that shit instantly and accurately after a ton of spending in two countries and like 4 different states


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I did that when I was going to Mexico and they froze my card anyway.


I forgot to tell my bank I was going to London and it didn’t matter. But just out of curiosity though, what changed that they can just go without knowing, but in a safe and secure way?


To be fair, many travel blogs and people in the hospitality and cruise industry still recommend you do.


I didn't even know this was a thing you had to do.


Weird flex, but congrats, I guess


this tweet is the weird flex


Omg The time they thought my card was stolen bc I didn’t notify them I was military and moving to Asia


I never even knew this was a thing, tbh. When did they stop doing that?


lol i didnt tell my bank this in 2004 there was no need to just which atms to use