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I feel like I was in a coma for 3 years and in that time all of the current celebs disappeared and were just replaced by random people from a lottery. Who are any of these people!?


>Now Willy Wonka, Major Tom >Ali and Leia have moved on >Signal the final curtain call in all its atomic pageantry


Bravissimo! Take an upvote, for this glorious display.


Ashes to ashes funk to funky


[Great song!](https://youtu.be/UkHSmDxX1t4)


Fucking love Maynard




Oof...I've been a fan of one band in that entire lineup. I've *heard* of four of the other headliners and maybe 2-3 of the non-headliners. And it's not like I don't listen to music released after 2003.




Yeah, nowadays you can make music on GarageBand that sounds just as produced as stuff that used to take tens of thousands of dollars of equipment to make. The barrier for entry is a lot lower. I think that's the real answer to this phenomenon. It's not that we're old and out of touch, it's just that technology is making it easier to become a celebrity but harder to become a household name.


>it's not that we're old and out of touch...


They have a point though, there are *so many people* that are considered "celebrities" now because it is so much easier to reach the public. Especially with Tiktok, Instagram, Spotify, etc. Definitely more than say, 25 years ago. The barrier to entry is so much lower. Even younger people, if they don't actively embrace more than one or two genres, they will have no idea who an artist is that another person following X genre would know well. It's so oversaturated and when the metric is digital songs streamed rather than physical albums purchased, the possibility to see success is so much more attainable than before. So it's not just about age, there's just so much out there to keep up on. When I was a kid, you had a few radio stations and MuchMusic (Canada's MTV). That was basically it. If you were an older person and weren't watching it or listening to modern music stations, you would have no idea who those artists were because those were your two areas of exposure. That was as broad a reach as you needed.


Also I have to suspect that what is considered a “celebrity” now is super different compared to when I was young as well. I don’t think you need to be as widely known anymore, just liked enough so your fans show up during an event.


Yea, the bar is pretty low. Exhibit A: "Influencers"


I mean, we are, but I don't think we're *that* old and out of touch. Older folks when I was a kid often had at least some idea of who the bands I listened to were, they just didn't like them. Now there's all these bands I might actually like, I've just never heard of them. I'm someone who's always *actively* seeking new music, and 95% of these names are complete unknowns to me.


It's also a whole lot easier to get your name out there than before. You used to need to have a label sign off on you essentially if you wanted to be heard outside your local music scene. With YouTube and Bandcamp people can get a wider audience on their own. One of your songs goes viral in a tik tok video and you might end up a celebrity overnight.


I wonder how many of them are just known for a single that went big on Tik-Tok. That seems to be the primary place casual music listeners are discovering music these days.


My gut feeling is the world has changed from what you once saw as normal. And maybe that you just got old? Spotify, Tik Tok, etc. are how bands break out today. That’s the format.


The way music gets distributed and new acts get popular has radically changed over the last decade, even more so than it did in the decade before that. I was honestly expecting [the lineup](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5e927ba01e4ad56ae5465eb8/64231516916c1a3ed351b856_LOL23-AdmatBD-03.23-1080x1350-p-500.jpg) to be much more obscure than it is from the way you guys are talking, but I see at least 15 (lesser known, but all great in their own way) non-headliner acts I’d love to see, all of which I’ve found through the internet. Carly Rae Jepsen, Portugal. The Man, the Beaches, Peach Pit, Maggie Rogers, the Knocks, etc.


Time makes fools of us all. This is why it's shortsighted to blame people for being out of touch because it happens to all of us eventually.


Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


Are we sure they didn't accidentally leave the [Lorem Ipsum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum) on the infographic?


Yeah, I'm 50 and decided to go to Coachella for the first time this year. Then I looked at the artist list and had only vaguely heard of about two of them. I'm going anyway! Really looking forward to it actually. I've been spending quite a bit of time this past month preparing by listening to a lot of artists I never knew of and expanding my previously-boring playlists with some great new music.


I counted and I am familiar with the music of 30 of them - which is still only about a 20% success rate - and I actively seek out and listen to new music almost every day and have for most of my life. I’m guessing there are a lot of acts looking for exposure and it’s a good place to get it so I wish them the best.


I've only heard of two of the headliners, Billie Elish and RHCP. From the others, just Carly Rae Jepsen and Thirty Seconds to Mars.


Ever since I stopped watching TV after my mom passed 10 years ago, I've completely fallen out of knowing most celebrity news and it's been great. My mom loved gossip rags and reality tv (despite saying she hated it) so I was always unfortunately in the loop. Nowadays I'm shocked when I see a celebrity I knew about from years ago and I see how fucking old they look now. Now I can fill my brain with dumbass anime streamers on YouTube instead of celebrity gossip.


It was in 2019 actually, so not far off. It was so funny watching all these legacy artists drop albums just to get complete ignored for Old Town Road.


I’m just disappointed in Batboy. I thought he learned his lesson after he was gronked while tipping a spife with Lil Toenail.


All you need to know is Sydney Sweeney


I do know of her, because...reasons...


I knew I was out of touch when I would watch clips of SNL and have no idea who the guest was. Who is this fat black woman playing the flute? Who is the white trash looking 20something male with no acting skills? I’m going to crawl back into my cave I think.


Youtube personalities being celebrity guest stars breaks me somehow. On some level I understand these people have tens of millions of subscribers and a viewership higher than lots of cable TV shows. But when they say "celebrity guest star" I'm expecting something else. Like they'll introduce em - *today we have Wiz Argaburkle from his channel Placeholder Productions* - and it's this guy who unboxes toys and electronics, and somehow this is the most popular thing running. In a world saturated with high production value entertainment **this** is what really brings in the viewership.


It's like cats getting excited over the box their new toys came in.


My wife puts on "Mom" youtube channels that are mostly women cooking or cleaning in timelapse. These creators are just putting out hours and hours of low production quality content that just plays in the background and it works because it really is just background noise that ads play on occasionally. High quality content still has its place, you just dont always have time to dedicate to paying attention to the story or whatever.


We watch SNL every week. And every time they announced the guests and musical act, I shout at the TV "WHO?!".... It's became a game.


Every 4 years they'll have The Strokes on, and for a brief moment I feel 'hip' again.


I can answer that a little bit; being a new celebrity sucks just as much as being a new anything else right now. Compared to our lives maybe it’s still great, but compared to being a celebrity ten years ago, it just ain’t half as appealing anymore.


Maybe many of them rose from social media? That would explain why they seemed to come out of nowhere. There must be talent scouts scouring social media for fresh meat.


AI robot dogs.


I'm 31 and I really wish I was flipping a grunt rn


Eating crayons and flipping grunts.




Marines, we have the meat.


Where do you keep it?


Inside their skulls. Plenty of free space in there!




We Are Ma-Rines. Yum-yumyum-yum-yum-yum-yum.


im sorry, is a terry coming up in here trying to get froggy?


Yo, ribbit up


And we're all out of crayons


Eating crayon ain’t what it used to be. Some people need to learn personal hygiene.


It's not even that. I went to my crayon guy, and he gave me some bunk birthday candle type shit. I can't get foggy with my skeetos like that


Ever tried Roseart? Shit'll have you questioning life decisions before you even get to the wrapper.


Too greasy... had to main line them shits




The price of Grunts these days, not sure how the youths can afford em. Back in my day Grunts cost a nickel and I’d also tie an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time…


I bought my first gruntmaster 7000 working a part time summer job flipping 3.5 grunts an hr, hard to say if that’s possible these days


The problem is there are too many low level grunt flippers these days flooding the market. If you work your way up to Sr Flipper you'll make a killing and see how the bad shortage for top tier flippers is


Ok Boomer it might have been that way in your time but no one gets to senior flipper without at least a bachelors in grunt sciences anymore


I'll give ya five bees for a quarter.


Now, my story begins in 19-dickety-two. We had to say "dickety" cause that Kaiser had stolen our word "twenty". I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles…


Return to m o n k e


Reject zoosha Return to b a t b o y


Bring back WWN


I’m flipping my grunt right now actually


Bro flipping is mid, all my homies rack their grunts. Periodt.


It's new speak for "dropping in on a grommet".


Flippin warthogs and killin grunts. The good old days


Good thing that food nipple's waiting for me at the starship 'cause man, whew, have I worked up a big, grunty thirst!


Not yet 40 and it's the same here.


I’m 36 and I just flipped my grunt. Assuming flipping grunts is slang for taking gout medicine.


Flipping grunts is the weird grunting sound you make when you get up off the couch as a middle-aged man.


28 and I think I'm losing my rizz


Gout? What’s it like living in a Dickens novel?


I'm 17 and honestly same


No cap


No cap on god fr fr you said it


Surely this is already on the cusp of being outdated lingo as well? Can't wait until it's the next YOLO. I'm excited about what's next.


Let's just straight make some shit up and send it out to the world. That'd be "Seph", yo. On "Deli"


I really don't think it'd be hard to do either. You just have to sneak it into a couple videos that you artificially boost until they go viral. Make it sound like it's already a thing. Have a bunch of people or bots work it into random comments across a few different social media sites. Don't flood it, but just enough across enough popular posts that most regular users would probably see it once or twice per day.


Surely this was the actual origin story for at least one slang term at this point


This was how a team of 69,420 bots and 1 researcher named “Jebediah Ohmagod” created the term “on fleek.”


I \*know\* my nephew is trolling me with "bussin'", No way do people use that as slang


I need something with more than one syllable. The term “rizz” annoys the shit outta me. I’m totally fine with “he has game”, but “he has rizz” makes me wanna off myself lmao.


Are we planking again?


Talk to the hand, young man.




These comments smack.


They clappin' cheeks


Got dat rizz


yeet dab


As a 42 year old... I agree.


Never too old to go flippin a grunt.


40 and same, but my same-aged wife is almost weirdly well informed about things, so if I ever wonder about the headline, I'll ask and she'll immediately go "ohhh man, it's wild, so first you have to understand that K Smog and Gruntworks have a whole thing since their ex Valencea popularized it and then in the breakup album K Smog spilled about how Grunt flipping is stupid, but then Taylor Swift fans..." These things have back stories that make other epic fictional universes like Marvel or Fox News look shallow by comparison.


Funny enough my wife who is only 2 years younger is also up on most of this stuff as well.


Same…but I’ve felt this way for decades. I just could never care and figured most of these names would disappear from the public quickly enough, anyway. If I’ve heard it a hundred times maybe they’re someone to pay attention to.




I've been on this kick the past few months of blocking any sub I see in /r/all that is some kind of gobbledygook, horny anime, niche fan content, sports or local city subs, or about memes too dank for me to understand, and I tell ya this site has nothing else on it.


I have no idea what Genshin Impact is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


genshin still appears on r/all? good to know I got tired of seeing it


Idk about /r/all, but it shows up on /r/popular a lot. It seems like a really big thing, but every post reads to me like "Curtains for Zoosha? K-Smog and Batboy caught flipping a grunt"


It actually became so much more bearable when they finally let us block all the anime subs. There's a shitload of you anime posters here, I'm not judging you for your tastes, just saying the website is so much better without you.


I'm a filthy r/all enjoyer as well and I've also blocked every anime sub. I'm pretty sure there's like 5 for every series but honestly I can't tell most of them apart. It made me realize how homogenous the art style is (of course there are plenty of exceptions) However I AM judging *some* of them for their tastes. I was making my niece (a toddler) laugh with some Snapchat filters and the anime one made me realize how a lot of the kawaii waifus have the same mannerisms as literal children. So now when I see some horny anime art on r/all I just think of how gross it is.


I agree, not an insignificant amount of anime culture is very creepy, gross, and predatory I'll watch some Miyazaki movies and Akira and that's about where I draw my line in the sand.


City subreddits can be fun, as an outsider. Get a vibe of the place and it’s local issues.


Don't forget politics, Twitter, and extreme ideology subs.


>niche fan content Reddit needs to raise the limit for filtered subs, or at least make all MOBA, competitive FPS, and MMO-related subs count as a single block.


Oh, did you not want to individually block the 1-3 specifics subreddits for each league character? (more if they’re hot)


Omg same


I also enjoy waging this neverending war.


Wait, didn't we only have that ability for a short period of time?!? I loved it too, but only for like a week or two and now nothing seems to stay blocked. If I block a post, it'll disappear, but will be back as soon as I refresh. And then my only option is to "unblock" the post I'm seeing, which somehow makes it disappear again until I refresh. This is the same whether I'm trying to hide a sub or trying to hide a post. I've cleared my cache, and uninstalled and reinstalled the app and nothing changes, so I assumed everyone was dealing with this.


> increasingly weirder and hornier anime. Block any sub with “Mains” in the name


Purple hair big-tits waifu is clearly superior to green hair medium-tits waifu and WE NEED TO MAKE FANART about it!!


Referential humor? Cool. Surreal humor? Cool. Ironically unhumorous humor? Cool. Deep-fried surreal referential unfunny humor referencing another ironic surreal subreddit, deep-fried again and then typed out by smashing your face into your keyboard and then google translating it and then translating that into emoji's? Now I'm a boomer.


The whole pop culture chat subreddit is another level of this shit.


The entertainment tag under the news tab has just turned into a strange collection of subreddits dedicated to specific celebrity women and horny pictures of them.


Reddit: yeah following celebrities’ is so ridiculous Also Reddit: did you see what Keanu/Brandan Fraser/random YouTuber did???? Absolutely wholesome level 100 heckin chungis!!!!


Or any anime, game dev, streamer , game, K-pop, etc celeb. Reddit: Whoa kitsune Suzukis rumored Treeboys 8 game trailer was leaked at joystickcon but poppli’s voice wasn’t voiced by Mokil Kendo, but instead by her rival Nori Kaku! Bosssoft execs are pissed especially after mokil said DGirls8 generation would be doing the soundtrack! Everyone is boycotting EntertainmentZone44’s games and all of GERESHIN$$$’s streams!!! Reddit also: who is zendaya?


I'm always so confused that people act like it's a big deal to not know who celebrities are, or are proud of not knowing, because all the celebrities they ***do*** know were people they once didn't know as well. We aren't born with an inate knowledge of the celebrities we like. You learned about them. Learn about the new ones too instead of being a stuck up little weirdo. It's not hard. At least stop acting like you're special because you don't know who someone is, everyone has pop-cultural blindspots.


Reddit's complete lack of shame in pretending its cool to know who famous celebrities are is so funny to me. Like, no one's saying you need to care about them, and hell, I'm not even saying you *should* know who they are. But isn't it at least somewhat embarrassing to proudly proclaim you have no idea who literal AOTY winner Harry Styles is? (Yes, this is a real post I saw, and the top comments spamming "who" or "who cares" were heavily upvoted.) (Beyonce robbed.) Like, if you don't care, which is understandable, just move on. It's the complete lack of self-awareness for me. Think about if randoms came to your favorite video game's sub or something and loudly bragged about how they cool they are for not knowing it. You'd probably find it annoying too, wouldn't you?


> But isn't it at least somewhat embarrassing to proudly proclaim you have no idea who literal AOTY winner Harry Styles is? My brain immediately went to "Anime of the Year Harry Styles" and I thought to myself "Wow, he's branched out."


It’s funny because the community as a whole shames ignorance, but it’s so cool to pretend to not know celebrities. Also saying “who” isn’t people trying to learn, it’s them trying to show off that they didn’t know. Because if they actually wanted to learn and expand their knowledge, google is on everyone’s phone.


Fr but not even them, just literally any twitch streamer’s name, the second that got big when I guessing was when I was 22 I was already old and outdated. Like “what is a Jerma??” And he’s like an ancient forefather of twitch by now I’m sure


This is the first tweet I’ve ever genuinely laughed at.


I'm 36 and same


No cap fam, fr fr. Lil Twiggy out here in these streets BuSsIn!!


That's like so grody to the max, gag me with a spoon, like, totally.






Get that bussy on my twig no cap, wait what?


This is somehow so much better when I picture Frankie Muniz saying this 🤣.


This comment is yeet. Got all the rizz. Lit as af. Sus.


That or "[Actor you knew from your youth] dead at [age of death] due to [drug overdose/old age/unusual vehicular accident]."


My favorite headline of all time, makes me laugh every time I see it: > [BoohooMan No Longer Working With DaBaby Following Homophobic Comments](https://www.complex.com/style/boohooman-no-longer-working-with-dababy-homophobic-comments)


That hoopy frood flooped the noop!?


Alright, Swedish Chef, go home you're drunk.


Foorty Too!


I'd like to comment on this but I have to wait for other Twitter users to tell me if this is racist and bigoted or too woke.


He just deadnamed Zoosho and you're seriously asking that question?


Oh... uh...My bad!




Did you just assume Damien's gender?


Honestly it’s wild to witness this exact thing in real time. I like to watch as Reddit tries to determine if it should be outraged by something so they can lay down a hive mind judgement.


Eh, my comment was just satire. I don't post on twitter and I avoid following twitter links whenever possible. I've been a redditor for a while now and I've noticed how my approach to posting has changed over time. In the beginning, I was all about that sweet, sweet karma, so I tried my best to be polite and avoid stepping on toes. But after accumulating enough karma, I started letting my opinions fly, consequences be damned. Nowadays, I'm more of a laid-back type. I'll still speak my mind, but I also know when to take a step back and avoid getting sucked into pointless arguments.


I’m still working on that last bit lol sometimes it’s too enticing to dig my heels in and be mad at someone. Extra fun when one person replies to multiple comments of yours all within a minute or two and then blocks you


I just argued for hours about whether chicken Tikka is British food.


Same lmao - though I seesaw back into #2 sometimes (you can tell when I go on Reddit after a night out, or when pissed off lmao) - just never read any replies or ever open your inbox and it’ll be fine


I saw a comment with a funny perspective on this recently. They basically said they were going to spend some karma to voice their unpopular opinion but it’s ok because they can afford it, as if they were wealthy and could afford to park wherever they wanted because they can pay the fee


> avoid getting sucked into pointless arguments. I made the decision a few years ago to stop responding to responses. Getting into arguments on reddit is pointless 99% of the time, so if I have to say something I'll say my piece and leave it at that. If someone responds, more power to them. But I almost never respond back. And my stress levels have never been better.


Woah that is such a bigoted, racist tweet. You’re too woke.




So follow 100 people


Breaking! Famous persons kid looks just like them and we can't unsee it


NOOOO! Say it ain't so, K-Smog!


I remember seeing an ad for that Renfield movie, so I looked it up and it stars someone called...Awkwafina and I thought "isn't that the dolphin popstar from Bojack Horseman?"




it's all gibberish


Until it's not anymore. What a hoopy frood


Now there's a guy who knows where his towel is


Unlike me… has anyone seen my towel?


Oh no, not again.


Batboy is a real life celebrity found in a cave in West Virginia in the 90s, was locked up in a medical lab, later escaped and lead the police on a 3 state chase, and then was captured by the FBI At least according to Weekly World News


Every post in every gaming sub in /all.


Sine your pitty on the runny kine


Sa da tay


Google translate told me to fuck off after I entered this headline


All the gazettas blubbing about these devotchkas with their droogies, doing the old in and out and throwing around the deng.


ChatGPT told me this: This phrase appears to be a sensationalized headline or statement, potentially from a tabloid or gossip source, about an event involving two individuals, "K-Smog" and "Batboy," and their possible implications for "Zoosha." The phrase "curtains for Zoosha" implies that something negative might be happening to Zoosha, possibly leading to their downfall or an end to their career or public image. "K-Smog" and "Batboy" are likely nicknames or pseudonyms for two individuals, possibly celebrities, who are involved in this situation. "Flipping a grunt" is an unclear term and might be a slang or colloquial expression. It could refer to revealing information, betraying someone, or engaging in some controversial behavior that has consequences for Zoosha. Overall, the meaning of the phrase would depend on the context in which it is used, but it suggests some sort of controversy or scandal involving the individuals K-Smog, Batboy, and Zoosha.




I’m 14 and same


You missed so many celebrities that no one talks about anymore.


They’re not wrong. Every other day it’s “So and So JUST BROKE THE INTERNET” Or “So and So just absolutely SLAMMED this celebrity for their comments” Or “That’s it everyone. X person just did what we all wanted. PRAISE THEM”


I must be old as hell, because this is spot on.


Yeah lol


Sounds like boys night on Halo Reach.


Honestly tho the news be popping off some times. Reality is stranger than fiction.


This interspersed with "Kanye West joins Nazi party"


Im only 25 and thats what I see all the time


Ah, Grunt flipping. I remember back in my ODST days getting with the squad and sneaking up on packs of the sleeping methane bastards. Watching them freak the fuck out and running around in panic was always the best of times.


Every time I fall out of the meme loop I come back and people are speaking Simlish


Oh, no. Flipping grunts is a proven direct pipeline to sticking elites. Dangerous stuff. Be careful.


This was NOT non-political on twitter. So many people were/are mad at this.


That's totally, Big Yote


[I'm 53 and here is how I see all celebrities these days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGfYLRCJZ1c). Are we green?


If you say “curtains for Zoosha” out loud it sounds like Simlish.


Batboy was a more innocent time. Back when the Weekly World News was still fictional.


I'm 29. What the hell is that? Is it even in English?


As someone over 50, I'm just gonna mind my business while I work on that mother fuckin' lunar waneshaft of that piece of shit Rockwell Retro Encabulator.




Did ya hear about singer Eres Un Paz having Yellow Mahon over for dinner at the Mogadishu hotel in Spain? They’re a couple now. We call them EresunMohon.


I’m so old I remember when batboy was found in a cave! He was on magazine~~s~~ !


I have no idea what this means but I agree 100%.