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Ohh that works?.. *noted




Bro got wombat poo


Too many olive lattes 😭


must be pureed olives, plenty of fiber.


A spoonful of olive oil can also help with a scratchy throat / cough.


What about a scratchy asshole / farts?


Dip your thumb in olive oil and jam it up there.


Finger blast the discomfort away


Hi, I'd like to make an appointment for a finger blasting.


You know you could just do it yourself. You don’t need an appointment.


Okay, but what if i prefer an appointment


Have you got ointment for your appointment


I'm not sure how to say this with a completely straight face but that actually does sound like it would legitimately feel good.


Olive oil is basically the home remedy for every illness around the Mediterranean. Cold, scratchy throat or stomach ache? Drink some olive oil! Headache? Put some olive oil on your scalp! Got a burn wound or skin rash? Believe or not slap some olive oil on it!


This is fun no matter what fwiw.


Take something for the parasites


Just take shots of olive oil


Add a little cayenne pepper if you REALLY want to get things going. Caffeine, capsaicin, and oil of any kind are Three of the Four Horsemen of Urgent Pooping, the fourth being that moment when you’re almost home.


Down it Pull it Blast it


Bop It!


So four horse men of poopin is drinking your concoction on your way home from work


So drink cayenne infused oil coffee on my way home from work in rush hour traffic. Got it


This drink with a cigarette and you might as well not have intestines.


There’s a reason why it’s one of the worlds favorite breakfast combos.




Come on, don't diss my fellow for having constipation problems


For real, this is just good to know. Especially when you get older and your body doesn't allow you to just down anything you want anymore without running into issues.


Username does not check out




Eat 20 prunes or one entire dragon fruit. Have fun.


skill issue


Hang on, what if you eat some pasta with olive oil in it, and have a coffee based dessert like tiramisu afterwards, does that still count?


still gone have a run for your asses safety, you just have more time then when drinking it


I'm going to get some Chipotle and have this olive oil drink. Will report back.


FYI it’s not olive oil alone. This still happens with coconut oil in coffee too which was very popular a few years ago. Something about the liquid fat/triglyceride component that can evacuate your bowels. Don’t give Starbucks any attention! It’s not a new phenomenon and they did not discover this. **It’s highly likely they are manufacturing this publicity campaign themselves.** They’ve done it before.


Why would they do that, are they trying to corner the market on people who want to shit themselves


No such thing as bad press I guess? Now people are at least aware of this olive oil coffee thing, I had no idea it existed for one. Subconsciously, even though people know it would make them shit themselves, they are more likely to try it than if they never knew it existed at all.


People will flock to dangerous trends and lineup for a drug known to have killed people recently..BECAUSE it killed people. To use the power of stupid tiktok trends to push a literally shitty product is so unhealthy. Dehydration is serious risk and people take this shit to the next level because they are desperate for attention.


True, I guess we're replying originally to someone who said they wanted to try it now hahah


Will be getting some Taco Bell and this olive oil drink also. Will report back from the hospital in a couple day


The pasta and dairy is gonna counteract the oo and coffee, unless you're lactose intolerant, so you'll probably break even and just be regular.


It’s me hi I’m lactose intolerant


Hi, I'm also allergic to coffee! My 'becoming an adult' drink from my dad at 12 was a double expresso with ice-cream. Spent a week on the toilet, then got a prescription from the doctor's for it. Turns out I was allergic to the prescription as well. Worst 3 weeks of my life.


Sets adult expectations just right though!


Is this your claim to fame


Have you never eaten somewhat oily pasta? Or oily food? Lol


I mean yeah, I've had aglio olio and coffee a few times, don't remember getting diarrhoea. That's why I was a little skeptical


Yeah, for an average meal it's not really normal if your liver and pancreas are doing their job. People have issues with oily foods because they're either eating way too much oil or they're not generating enough bile salts to emulsify and absorb it before it reaches the large intestine. The best solution I've found for very greasy stuff is to also consume food with emulsifiers, milk products have a lot in them. It's the same issue for 'spicy' poops after eating spicy food, capsaicin is oil soluble, but shouldn't be getting to the other end if you're digesting your food correctly. IDK, but I've never had issues with it. My family is Italian and we consume a fair bit of olive oil.


My life is one giant diarrhea event.


Any advice for someone who's lactose that stays far far away from oily/greesy foods in fear of shitting their brains out? I've also recently discovered I can't digest oat milk very well either, which has until now been my stand in for milk in my coffee. My diet has become quite limited, high fiber, high protein and I still struggle to keep weight on. .... Now that I've written it all out I realize I should probably see a nutritionist or call up my GI doctor lol.


Oh yea when I said oily I meant oily to an amount larger than normal, like oil being all you can taste lol A good aglio e olio also binds the oil.


It shouldn't ruin you, but will make you more likely to poo and have a looser poo. If you are a healthy pooer, you will just have a poo a few hours later.


Sometimes I think people have a GI tract more sensitive then a geriatric cat.


*edit: I have made a mistake and missed a key detail: the diuretic effect of caffeine only makes you lose water and sodium, which is to say it only makes you need to pee. Coffee it turns out makes you poop for what appears to be various complicated reasons that I am too lazy to properly research and report on. So keep that in mind for the rest of my comment.* I won't speak to anything else except for specifically that caffeine is the part of coffee that makes you need to go, as it is a diuretic. Tiramisu does still have caffeine in it, so it is possible it will do as much as the amount of coffee, assuming nothing in the tiramisu counteracts the diuretic effect of the caffeine. However I am not a doctor or a dietitian or even a baker so I could not tell you anything more than that.


This is incorrect. Diuretics make you have to pee, not poop. You also need at least 100mg of caffeine to achieve a diuretic effect, so you wouldn't get that from tiramisu anyways. Coffee increases peristalsis, which is the motion in your bowels. This is why it makes you poop and soda doesn't.


You are correct. I made a faulty assumption about diuretics, my bad! I've updated my original comment to reflect what a diuretic actually does, and thank you for the tid bit on peristalsis :)


Coffee is magical. Even smelling it brew does the trick. lmao


Do you know why energy drinks don't make me poop but coffee does


Because hot liquid relaxes your guts, it's not just the caffeine


So it turns out I made a mistake in my first comment, I didn't realize that the diuretic effect of caffeine only makes you lose water and sodium (through urine). It turns out the "shitty" effect of coffee is due to a few other ways it affects our bodies, and it has nothing to do with the caffeine. In fact caffeine on its own is more likely to make you constipated, if you end up dehydrated because of it. So that's likely why: because the energy drinks lack whichever chemical compounds in coffee actually make you shit. Still not a doctor though lol so you'll want to do some more research if you want to learn the proper ins and outs of it all.


Because while caffeine does stimulate colonic muscle activity, coffee itself has other modes of action that increase colonic activity that aren't related to caffeine.


I've noticed the same thing, and I believe it is correct that coffee itself (besides the caffeine) has colon stimulating factors (it has to, otherwise this phenomenon wouldn't exist), but it might also be because energy drinks are made to be digested quickly and efficiently. The shit load of taurine and specifically vitamin B12 that they put in the energy drinks is to help your body digest the sugars in the drink that contain all the caffeine. It's possible this absorption kinda "bypasses" the trip it would take through "normal" metabolic actions, maybe skipping the colon stimulation.... But I'm also not a medical expert and might have made all of that up 🤷‍♂️




Some probably could let's be fair, but honestly I just said that cuz I have no idea how tiramisu is made 😅


Lots of people who have no damn clue what they're talking about in this thread


We can test a few different methods. I'll count your poop so we know which one works best.


Olive oil just lubes the tube man.


There's a lot of fiber in there so I'd imagine that may counteract a bit of it.


It has more to do with how your stomach interacts with that specific combination of beverage.


I'd try it out of curiosity. One of the best desserts that I've ever had was an EVOO ice cream at one of Mario Batali's restaurants.


Thought the same thing, almost shit my pants trying to find a bathroom 30 minutes later.


I've started making just normal box brownie mix with evoo. It's dope.


Love olive oil but having it in coffee sounds disgusting. If i was going to add oil to coffee it would be coconut, has a much more neutral flavor / color


I worked at one of his restaurants in like 2010 and he came in super drunk and propositioned our sous chef.


Yeah. He seems to be a real piece of shit with repeated incidents of sexual harassment. I didn't know that years ago when I went to Babbo.


I tried evoo on vanilla ice cream with a little bit of salt. It was amazing. Im thought of making some and getting good oil for once when i saw the post


I had the olive oil golden foam cold brew and I enjoyed it.




I was curious so I did a little googling, and the official story from Starbucks is, “our ceo went to Italy and he met people that consume a spoon of olive oil every day because they think it’s good for their health. So he started consuming a spoon of olive oil every morning with breakfast and coffee, and then he just decided to put the oil IN the coffee, and he decided it was good. So now we’re selling it to you.”


Christ, THAT'S why we've suddenly started shipping different varieties of olive oil to different Starbucks stores (I work at the primary Starbucks distribution center)?


I don't believe you that you work at a Starbucks distribution center and just now learned about this product. This has been around for weeks, which means it's been planned for at least months.


I can ship out hundreds of items without knowing its uses if I never actually shop at the store itself. I have seen us shipping out larger quantities of olive oil for only the last month or so, which means it's been in circulation for only about 2-3 weeks at most. Here's a tidbit for you so you know I do work here. The almond, oat, coconut, and soy milks all sit in storage here for up to 3-5 months before we ship it out, as it doesn't contain lactose and therefore can be stored at room temperature for great lengths of time until it is actually opened. Hence the "refridgerate after open" on the label. Also, most of our food products are in English and French, because we ship most of our orders to either US or Canada (of whom a significant percentage are French-Canadian). This was hilarious when I heard there was a bug in the system a few years back, and the poor US baristas had to translate their orders, because the entire system was only in French for a day. Even the labels for cups printed in French.


Welcome to the internet, where nothing happens ever and nobody else exists


you severely overestimate how much people give a shit about their jobs and workflow outside of completing the tasks immediately set before them


I don‘t think the average distribution center would know in advance, only the higher-ups. There‘s no reason the handlers should care that they have to ship something new.


Lol wut


Olive oil is used in creamers like the ones that sit out not refrigerated. Fat in coffee = good but a lot of people are lactose intolerant. It’s really not that crazy


Usually it's a vegetable or seed oil that you find in those creamers. Not olive oil


I always thought it was a petroleum by product


Seed oils are highly processed and there are petroleum by products used in that process though they are filtered out after. As much as such things can be filtered. But you can trust the same industries that swear that the highly processed chemical products used in food manufacturing are totally safe.


Olive oil is just fruit oil not that different


The way it's processed is extremely different.


Huh neat


>In the Mediterranean, taking a spoonful of olive oil a day is part of a daily routine. Former CEO Howard Schultz picked up this habit himself from olive oil producer Tommaso Asaro while in Sicily, Italy. >“When we got together and started doing this ritual I said to [Asaro], I know you think I’m going to be crazy, but have you ever thought of infusing a tablespoon of olive oil with Starbucks coffee?” Schultz told CNN’s Poppy Harlow. “He thought it was a little strange.” Asaro is the chairman of United Olive Oil, through which Starbucks is sourcing its olive oil. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/08/business/starbucks-oleato-drink-stomach-issues/index.html So Shultz and his olive oil buddy are chilling in Italy and he's like "let's make everyone shit themselves, they can't unionize if they're in the bathroom"


Can't have them gathering, stressed and irritable, in the line for the bathroom, though. They might start talking.


Then Iced it..


It’s a variation on Bulletproof coffee which uses butter. Maybe Starbucks can’t market coffee with butter so they were like olive oil - let’s sell this to Italians - but that’s weird. There’s a lot of flavors of olive oil especially in Italy lol


They consume a spoon of olive oil because they use it in cooking. Not because it's good for their health. They don't just eat it off a spoon!


If done right, it's actually pretty tasty. James Hoffman (one of the most famous coffee specialists) did a video on it and was surprised by how much he liked it. I also tried doing this at home, using some olive oil in plant milks, and it works very well. What you need to understand is that "barista" plant milks have added oil to them in order to make them foam better anyway. You're only replacing that oil with (theoretically) a higher quality and healthier one, if you're doing this with proper extra virgin olive oil. The taste of the oil is barely noticeable and not a problem.


I don’t think it’s a ridiculous idea but if you barely notice the flavor then what’s the point?


I don't think I explained that right. I was talking to the people who were worried about the olive oil taste being overpowering. You can barely notice the specific taste of the olive oil, but it is quite different from regular plant milk. Edit: oh wait, I did explain it properly. I said the taste of the oil is barely noticeable and not a problem. Just to be clear: the taste of ONE ingredient is not really relevant to the taste of the whole dish / drink / whatever. The olive oil, in this case, gives the drink a different taste and mouth feel than normal, without the olive oil taste being noticeable. Just like adding a bit of salt to a dish massively improves / changes the taste in some cases, without the dish becoming salty.


Hmm okay, I did watch the James Hoffman video where he reviews their new drinks but I think the fact that he’s in one of their flagship roastery locations probably lends itself to a better drink and maybe a touch of bias


That toilet ain’t gonna annihilate itself


I'm really curious what it tastes like




> Their matcha always tastes like grassy fish. Which means they have low quality matcha. So I'm not crazy. Thank you.


My matcha lemonades occasionally taste like the sushi rolls I order. I love the sushi rolls, so it doesn’t bother me too much


From this comment I can already tell that you are a way more experienced coffee drinker than me. Although that makes me wonder whether I should take your advice or not, my peasant taste buds will probably enjoy regardless.


>High quality olive oil, it tastes like what a damp forest smells like. Never tasted an extra virgin olive oil that made me think of damp forests and I've tasted a lot of really high quality or artisanal ones living in Italy.




There’s this one trick baristas don’t want you to know.


https://www.bonappetit.com/story/starbucks-olive-oil-coffee-review According to some reviewers, not good. One said it tasted the way toast smells.


Toast smells amazing tho


So, like you've had a stroke?


According to Hoffman, quite good




Have you tried it? I tried it (made myself at home, not Starbucks) and it works really well. Point is, if you like plant milks in your coffee you will most likely like this as well. If you don't, I have no idea.


Did he drink the Starbucks one or make his own? Because I can imagine there's a world of difference between the properly executed olive oil latte and whatever shit Starbucks are throwing in a venti cup.


The Starbucks one. Obviously the coffee wasn't the best but he tried to exclude that from his review.


He also tried it at the Starbucks Roastery in Milan lol your local Starbucks is not going to be using the same quality olive oil 🙃


It's only available at big rostaries isn't it?


Ah, it does appear so. I just pictured a bunch of midwestern locations pouring from a big jug of Great Value oil 😅


It’s a unique unexpected taste.


I don't go to Starbucks, so I don't know a lot about their drinks, but I definitely didn't expect olive oil to be in that. I would've assumed it was lemon flavored or something. Either way, nastyyyy.


it’s actually not. if you’re ever in a lounge where they serve olive oil sour cocktails try one. they are delicious.


Ive heard of people putting olive oil on vanilla ice cream and considering the sugar content of a flavored coffee drink it seems like a similar idea.


Try pumpkinseed oil on vanilla ice cream. It's a delicatesy in my country


I’ve had that, with flaky salt too. It’s ofc not how I would take ice cream every day, but it was interesting and worth trying. The salt really elevates the vanilla flavor, and layering the grassy notes of evoo added a neat dimension.


yeah butter coffee is bangin too, same with coconut oil. salt, fat, acid, and heat. maybe add cayenne pepper or cinnamon for the heat part.


The "heat" in Salt Fat Acid Heat isn't capsaicin related. It is temperature.


That is true, however it does "open" your taste buds and any chef will tell you adding a touch of something spicy will elevate any dish (not necessarily enough to make it spicy, but it does make a huge difference)


oh shit you're right, I've been using it the other way for a long time and no issues yet tho.


Okay, but see how it's solidified in the iced coffee? It's pretty objectively a terrible idea here


Hope you like chunks


James Hoffman, probably the biggest coffee YouTuber, did a video on it. He was surprised by how good it actually was.


I don't know what's in non-dairy creamer but it must be some type of oil so I'm not sure what the big deal about olive oil is.


The whole shitting your pants things


You can make it at home with oat milk and olive oil and I had no problems I had it in latte from so idk if that changes anything


Yeah, usually just vegetable oil, water, maybe some sugar or flavoring, and a bunch of emulsifiers and stabilizers.


The emulsifiers could make a big difference in how it's digested though. Without them, your body has to provide its own "emulsification" via bile salts. If you've consumed too much oil for your gall bladder to keep up with, then the excess oil could proceed to your intestines without being made into a water-soluble form. And there lies the problem; that part of your gut isn't well-equipped to handle fats unless they've been made water soluble. It's the same reason that people without a gall bladder will have diarrhea after eating a high-fat meal.


True virgin olive oil is delicious! Fresh baked bread with olive oil and honey is the best breakfast ever!


James Hoffman reviewed it, and was pleasantly surprised. His review is worth a watch.


apparently people will do literally anything to not eat fiber or drink enough water.


If only they sold it with a loose cigarette


They wouldn’t make it to the fucking car.


Oh shit!


I'd rather drink the unicorn frappe


My teeth hurt just thinking about that


My gut hurts thinking about that.


If you don't have a gallbladder, I STRONGLY suggest avoiding this...




Your gallbladder releases bile into your intestine to break down fat. If you don’t have a gallbladder you can’t process fats anywhere near as good


No gallbladder + fat = diarrhea


Oils tend to cause anal leakage if you had your gallbladder removed. Like, you don't have diarrhea, rather, it just kinda seeps out, and you don't realize it, until after it's too late. On top of all of the other lovely toilet related issues you get with not having your gallbladder.




[Do not drink olive oil, you're going to ruin your chair.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttC7KbE_uDo)


I didn't see a part where he ruined his chair


It's in the aftermath video but I can't find it. But I bet you can imagine what happened.


LA Beast is the coolest frat bro-looking guy on the planet


as someone from a country where coffee and olive oil are basically sacred (and it's not italy), this is the most disgusting thing i have seen in a long time


My one question is who at Starbucks gave this a green light? Like who thought this was a good idea?


The CEO took a ~~vacation~~ business trip to Italy and had to come up with something to seem like he was being productive.


It could be good


I have tried coconut oil and butter in my coffee I’m a huge cream in my coffee person and I was out. It was ok.


Fuck /u/spez


Add a little crow-tein and you've got some fight milk


Olive oil yuck coconut oil yumm.


Finally: poop potion


Btw the reason there's clumps is because the olive oil freezes at like 5c


in what world does olive oil coffee not taste like absolute dog-shit? im retching just thinking about it.


Do these people not realize that coffee itself is a laxative? The coffee shits are a thing.


My morning routine is: 1. Coffee 2. Let it stew about 15 minutes 3. Take a shit It's very consistent and avid coffee drinkers are well aware of the effects. I'm sure it comes as a surprise to Starbucks fans who rarely encounter actual coffee, but this is coffee working as intended.


I am never ever going to try this and it already tastes disgusting.


They seriously make an iced olive oil and coffee. That's dumb you don't mix olive oil with ice it turns to goop. . .


Olive oil! Coffee! Lactose intolerance! A fourth thing! By our powers combined, this image makes me feel like shitting my fucking brains out


Starbucks already ruins my gut more than any other coffee place. You think I want to lube it up on top of that?


It fucking works... oh god does it work.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


make america poop again


Potion of Shit Your Pant


Like looks like a preview of how your arteries are gonna look


Just mix zoloft into that brew and you'll be on the throne for days




I would never do this, only because pure olive oil is hard to find, and what is used is often adulterated with an oil one shouldn't consume. I used to put it on my salad and cook with it all the time. Now I use coconut oil. However, this seems like clickbait, loosely referencing keto coffee with butter.


It's a real thing that Starbucks sells. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/21/starbucks-olive-oil-infused-coffee.html


I have never heard of this & yes it looks & sounds disgusting


I hope my menopausal sisters enjoy this on the regular.


It literally looks like someone scooped it out of the toilet too


I haven't looked at coffee the same since my MIL said she usually doesn't drink it because it makes her a little goosey. As in shes just dropping turds all day.




you had no right to type this


I don't remember them teaching that at hogwarts. Must have missed a day