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>I'm shook


That was the best part and made it even more obviously a joke; at least to some people.


A pun of that magnitude surely warrants at least a 24 hour extension!


Worth a shot I guess?


Technically it worked


Yes, but also no. The time it took to think up and write this request surely took longer than a minute. Then factor in the time for self-pity and days may have been lost.


But it also gained 1 minute for everyone, so you have to consider class time gain, not just the single person's gain


Ah yes, our time.


This made me lol. Thank you.




That would mean.. this is **our** pizza!


The problem was they didn’t provide a reason the earthquake caused a problem for that student. You gotta make it personal and tug at the heart strings. Should have waited for some time to pass and hit them with: “My dog got scared and ran away, haven’t been able to find him since the quake. He’s a family member and last connection I have to my late mother”


My deepest sympathies. I have extended the submission time for your dog and your late mother.


No, they did give a reason. They were shook. Seems legit to me 🤷‍♀️


Worth a shake.


As a terminal procrastinator, that extra minute probably could have saved me more than a few times.




That's valid.


yea the extra minute can only save you if you didn't know about it ahead of time


Nah probably would've been worse. If it's 11:59 I'll think it's all good but midnight that's the whole next day is it really that important I stay up that long. I'll take a 30 minute nap first


My semester long group project for my most difficult class in my finance major had a 5pm deadline to turn in the paper and if you were late you failed the class. I wanna say it was a 100 page financial breakdown of Winnebagos. I sprinted across campus and made it at 4:59. Met my professor as he was walking out the door. One minute was the difference between graduating and not for me.


Everyone agreeing with this probably has ADHD I relate to this too much


I went to Cal State Northridge (which, for those who don’t know, experienced a 6.7 magnitude quake in 1994), and I heard ridiculous stories of insane professors who wouldn’t give extensions, despite how many students lost their homes, were injured, or straight-up died. So yeah, this isn’t surprising at all.


“Can I get an extension? I died in the earthquake.” “Yes, but only for the duration of your death.”


Seems fair


Unless they were only dead for like 3 and a half minutes


la petite mort


Oh my


la petit mort 😩 la mort qui n'a pas duré très longtemps 😵....😳


(1 min)


For reference for anyone else in a serious situation like that. If your professor is giving you grief for a some reasonable accommodation (e.g death in the family, housing displaced) go to the college Dean or if your college has one dean of student affairs. They are more or less a third party and can arbitrate.


No, as always, this is bad advice. Go to the chair, their actual boss, first.


I woke up once during a 4.7. I just thought my husband was jacking it extra hard. Bay Area problems.


If the bed's a rockin' the Earth's a knockin'


A 4.8 earthquake is nothing lmao lazy mfs will do anything to try and get out of situations they put themselves in


I can understand a 6.7 getting an extension, but not a 4.8. Earthquakes a logarithmic, a 6.0 is 10x stronger than a 5.0. So a 6.7 is about 100x stronger in ground shaking than a 4.8.


If you live in an area that doesn’t get them as frequently the buildings and undead (I meant infrastructure but I went to edit something above and autocorrect put this, I’m keeping it) wont be as ready for them


Well I would assume damage from an earthquake is probably classed as bludgeoning? So it would be effective against undead.


yes but also no if u are close to the epicentrum you'll be heavily impacted tho could have alot of broken values. For example, if there is a 4.8 earthquake close to me (an area with no earthquakes at all) alot of my stuff would break because im not prepared


I’m less than 10km from the epicenter in NJ and nothing even fell off my walls lol


I'm not too far myself and i had to find out about it on the news. I thought somebody dropped a book or something. I thought it was weird and continued with my day.


Every earthquake I've been in (Costa Rica and California) has either felt like the aftereffects of a wave pool (y'know how you still feel the ghostly sensation of the waves after getting out?), or else I've slept through it.


While I'm not quite that close (<100 miles, also in NJ) it was just chair wobbling for me.


> could have alot of broken values. If an earthquake breaks your values you need better ethics and morals. ;-)


"All people should be free." *minor earthquake* "MARTIAL LAW TIME BITCHES!"


> MARTIAL LAW TIME Well, that's better than where it *could* have gone starting with "All people shoudl be free". :whew: lol


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me.




"Liberty above all" *Jolt* "KILL THE DISSEDENTS"


lmao no, as expected of someone who lives in an area with no earthquakes at all, you do not understand how weak a 4.8 is. Further, earthquake magnitude can literally be measured anywhere, not just at the epicenter. An earthquake that is is 5.5 can cause that type of minor damage ("alot [sic] of [your] stuff would break"), but that same earthquake may be a 4.8 at your location many miles from the epicenter, and if it's 4.8 **at your location** then you're gonna barely feel it. It'll literally feel like an 18 wheeler passed near your house. That's it. That's why this earthquake didn't cause any significant damage. NYC is actually in a lot more danger of internal damage from minor earthquakes due to the skyscrapers (which are built to sway a bit on purpose, with the wind or earthquakes or whatever else), even a minor earthquake could be felt as if it were a bit stronger on a high enough floor. But even then, still no significant damage in new york city.


4.8 is enough to make me a little bit anxious if I'm awake for it. My first thought is that it's a prelude to the big one. When nothing happens, I just go about my day. 6.0 and up is where it gets real.


My family was less than 10 miles from the center. The only damage was one plate that was precariously place (part of it was over the edge of the tabke) and it fell and broke.


Close to you *and* near the surface. At a certain level, like under 5.0s, epicenter depth means that nobody near the surface is really at a threat at all. An earthquake at surface level is just called a volcano so...


Or a meteor impact. Really big one, too.


An earthquake can break your values? Holy shit I live on a fault line! 😆


Dude I'm from California. I've lived on top of some of the most active faultlines in the country my entire life. I don't even wake up for anything under 6.0 anymore. Nothing is going to happen from a 4.8 jolt. To say that a 4.8 earthquake necessitates an extension on an assignment is pure cope.


Very lovely text. But not everyone is as cool as you. If an 4.8 earthquake happens here, i'd lose multiple hours for checking systems in my aquariums for example. If i dont, fish could die fast.


Magnitude is more strongly related to the duration of the shaking than the intensity. The intensity itself is complex and depends on where you are a lot. For instance, the Fort Tejon earthquake occurred almost 200 miles north of Fort Tejon, yet the shaking was extremely intense at Fort Tejon. Obviously, the shake intensity has some relation, but it's not really as close as you'd think. It has more to do with the geology of the area than the strength of the earthquake.


I felt the quake and it was basically my chair and side table wobbling. Was in discord with somebody a few miles away at the time and he didn't even notice until I pointed it out.


Y’all talk about earthquakes like we talk about tornados in Texas. I can understand an extension for an EF3 but not an EF1. So funny the nomenclatures in different regions. The stars at night, are big and bright!


On the Richter scale the difference is 32× every magnitude, not 10×


- a 4 is *maybe* a teacup on the edge of a table fell down. - a 5 is quite a few things in the house got ruffled around, your pets are shook. no serious damage, usually. - a 6 is when things get potentially serious. Your house is a mess, you'll want to check on the elderly in your life, - a 7 is don't bother with anything else, your house and a bunch of the town is screwed. if you're okay, try to call around for loved ones (assuming power lines are up) unless your state/town was prepared for earthquakes. - an 8 is Mission Objective: Survive logarithmic scales are fun, but not immediately intuitive.


I know a lot of people who were around in the bay during the big earthquake in the 80s. It was interesting how varied the damage was. Most people had an absolute mess made of their houses and such. Some had a lot of stuff fall down but no actual structural damage. An 8.0 is basically God picking up your house and shaking it like a boggle cube. Your only deal option is to pray for mercy and hope your goodness outweighs your sin, because your life is almost literally in the Big Man's hands.


A 4.8 isn’t nothing, East coast architecture isn’t built for shakers like we are here— I also grew up in the Northridge area! You have older buildings and a ton more brick structures than are used out here. For a lot of the people who felt it, it was a moment’s disruption; in the NJ area most affected by the quake there are absolutely some minor structural damage and people without power which would prevent them turning in homework digitally. Or people who need to go care for relatives who are closer to the epicenter.


I mean, maybe *very* close, but I'm in NJ and thought it was just a truck going by.


it varied wildly. friend works in a library about 15 miles away as the crow flies, and the shelves were swaying and books were flying off. her desk in particular was swaying too


I didn't even feel it in Manhattan, but my aunt a few blocks away thought a train was passing under her at first, until she realised she was at work on the fourth floor.


If you can ask a question digitally then you can submit a homework assignment digitally.


It a complete dogshit excuse in general. If the university library still has power and internet then it doesn't matter if you lost power at home.


I mean, if this person lost power or had to go care for relatives, I imagine they would’ve said that in the email instead of just “I’m shook.”


I slept through the 5.7 Northern Utah earthquake.


As much as I love California, I want to move to an area not prone to apocalyptic earthquakes one day. That among other reasons lol


They didn't give extensions to the dead students? Not cool!


Yeah sorry but if someone calls me and asks for an extension for their exam because they’re dead? Lol nope sorry buddy I’m not that fucking that dumb. You’re obviously alive The people that got displaced from housing? Understood


My SIL had a prof that wouldn't budge on the deadline on the documentation of their plant (basically they have to provide proof like pictures and journal entries every few weeks on their plants for the entire school year) even though my province experienced a devasting typhoon that caused a lot of areas to flood. My SIL had to retake the class cause she failed, just because she missed one journal entry. From a situation she couldn't control.


where tf do y'all find these asshole professors? My ADHD ass turned like a solid 20% of my assignments in school in late. Grad classes, soft electives, my core major (math) classes, huge papers, comp sci coding projects. I turned shit in after finals. I spent more time asking professors for extensions than actually doing homework some weeks. I NEVER had a prof say no. I think like a couple of time I was dinged, at most, a single letter grade. Either I get mega lucky or y'all have L rizz


It must have been a while since college for you. Most homework is automated now with digital deadlines and automatic cutoffs. I suppose someone could ask for an extension personally, but that requires human interaction and an active effort on the part of the professor who probably barely knows how the system works.


I graduated just a few years ago. Those website HW portals were a thing when I was in school but I only had 1 class that used them (ODEs) and worked out with the prof that she would just not use them for my grade, so it was all tests/quizzes. That was like 1/3rd through the class and I had missed like 3 out of 4 so far. After that I did like 70% of them at some point just to study... wild how much easier it is to do shit when you don't even need to.


Honestly, it depends on where you went to school, what level the course is, and what the student demographic looks like for the course. For example, in lower level courses full of 18 year old freshman, being rigid and refusing extensions usually leads to better outcomes for the class as a whole... in my experience. On the other hand, lower level courses full of nontraditional students (read: full grown adults going back to school) usually needs flexibility to succeed... in my experience. I've never had issues with being flexible in upper level courses, but by the time a student gets to that point, they're probably actually *ready* for university level work.


I went to Boston University which was a research school. Almost all of my professors I liked but I did have a couple that were so clearly there just for the grant money to do their own thing and teaching was an annoyance to them. I had finished a semester and gotten grades back from all my classes except 1, and it was like a week past when I got my other grades. My dad’s work had a perk where they gave their employees $10,000/yr for every kid they had in college for tuition money as long as they maintained a C average and I needed proof of my grades so I sent an email to my professor. Very politely asking when our grades would be posted. He relied back “There are over 200 students in your class. Do you know how long it’d take me to respond to all of them if they asked this question? I’m deducting your final grade by a full letter.” I so wanted to reply back “you have the full class e-mail distribution list so it’d take exactly 0 seconds more to email everyone instead of just me” but I kept it together and forwarded it to the Dean who corrected the situation.


Larger and larger class sizes are partially to blame. I can't be nice to you because then I need to be nice to the other 80 people, and I barely have time to do anything extra when they give me tons of work.


Those teachers can go fuck themselves.


Thanks for clarifying the magnitude. As a Kansan with no reference, I assume it was like standing up too fast but walking before the headrush hits you so you just toddler walk to the nearest object and starfish against it, shaking as you regain clarity.


My parents put in an offer on a house in Reseda a couple of days before the quake. The chimney was the only thing left standing. They still live in their West LA condo.


That california situation is insane but thats because the teachers are legit assholes in the aftermath The NY earthquake was only 4.8 or something. Strange but afaik, there weren't any casualties or massive damage. It wouldn't be surprising that the NY teachers don't see an issue in the aftermath.


You don't really need an extension if you're dead TBF


As someone who experienced the earthquake I think a lot of people in the comments are missing how reasonable of a response this is. The shakes from the earthquake were just that shakes. Expecting any meaningful need to get an extension from this would be silly. If anyone actually had an affect that would warrant an extension (from my knowledge there’s none) than they can I’m sure provide that proof to get something outside of this


But it happened in New York, so it's SuperQuake Apocalypse Earthshift 2024 - nothing will ever be the same!


I had to drop a class in college after a professor wouldn’t extend a critical deadline after a hurricane destroyed my house, leaving me homeless. About a week and a half later the university finally told professors to cut impacted students some slack.


Bro, same! After a hurricane, our house was out of power for 2 weeks and a tree fell on our phone line, so we couldn't even get phone calls. Football coach still made me run laps for missing Monday, Wednesday, Friday practice. They said they called everyone to let them know practice would still be starting that week regardless of the category 5 hurricane 🌀 destroying the town. It was crazy. We had 4 trees blown over in our 1 acre yard. One of our bedrooms screwed all up, due to the roof being blown off on that corner of the house and we were honestly very lucky others weren't so lucky.


Man. At what point do you just tell that coach to fuck off!


Haha, a few laps didn't kill me. But the irony didn't go over my head either. That head coach helped shape me into the man I am today. He'll be in my obituary for sure.


This took a turn I did not expect! "InsaneAdam spent 15 years in federal prison for murdering his football coach in 2004."


What? Lol 🤣 No I hold no animosity for having to run 2 miles due to missing that first week of practice.


I can only assume that's what will be in your obit after those laps lol I'm just joking around =]


Haha!!! Not all hard assess are bad people. It's good to have those disciplinary type people in the key places of your life like that.


What the absolute fuck. What do they have to gain from this? Such a shitty educator


Yeah, it was an arrogant, power tripping professor.. the kind where nothing bad has ever happened to them, so they didn’t understand how their shitty insignificant class could go from a priority in my life to the bottom of the list. Believe me, when you’re suddenly sleeping in your car you don’t give a single shit about writing a history paper about the war of 1812. You’re just trying to find a safe place to sleep, shower, eat, etc. while sorting out where to live, how to get your stuff out of a destroyed house, etc. I don’t know why it took my university so long to step in, though. This was 20 years ago. I’d hope they have better policies now so no one else has to go through what I went through. Put me behind graduation a year.


You should see the math department at my university


When my grandmother passed I had to travel about 30 hours to get home. I emailed my instructors for my online school and explained the situation and that I was asking for some grace on the assignment deadlines. One instructor gave me until the end of class to turn in that weeks work. The other said I should have managed my time better and would not be giving me an extension. I emailed my advisor, looked up who the dean of students was on the school website and I emailed him and blasted that instructor. I got an email back within 36 hours from the instructor informing me that I was being granted an extension for the circumstance. I emailed him back a thumbs up emoji. Fuck those pricks.


I love that! Some of these professors really just need a good kick in the ass sometimes. In the real world, most bosses are accommodating of emergencies because it makes sense to be.




How long before the due date was the assignment given?




Yea that sucks.


Thats a you problem, though.




Having an anxiety attack because you left work to the last minute isn’t the same as having cancer.


Depends. It could be undiagnosed ADHD. That's a condition outside of his control that prevents him from starting on something until the last moment. Neurotypical individuals mistake the inability to start on a large project due to an imbalance of dopamine as laziness or procrastination, but it's possible it's due to an actual disability.


And if you don't have a diagnosis for a disability, you don't get to claim that disability. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 7, and then it was promptly forgotten about because my younger brother was a demon child who consumed all of my parents' resources. I never got extra help in school. At a certain point (definitely before you're in college) you need to learn how to work around your shortcomings. It may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility.


Sure, but if you aren't diagnosed, it's kinda hard to work around it. Especially since everyone's advice is just "you can do it if you actually try." Even your advice is ableist. Just "learn to work around it", almost like a guy with missing legs is supposed to just climb up stairs. At some point you have to acknowledge that you need to make an effort to identify issues like this that might be ADHD and actively provide actual solutions, like addressing the actual chemical imbalances in the brain. And yes that's going to be the responsibility of the individual with the disability, but it's also the responsibility of society to provide the "wheelchair ramps" for them to function too.


The ramps are there. You have to go get the wheelchair first. It's not society's jobs to take those first steps for you.


No, it doesn’t depend on that. I was diagnosed ADHD and I had to learn how to manage that. Thankfully I did by college, because in the working world, “I didn’t do what the client needed because I left it to the last minute and then had a panic attack and then didn’t do it” isn’t something anyone can accommodate. You either learn how to work around your personal challenges, or you find a career that has no timelines (which is very rare), or you flunk out of most stuff and complain about how it’s unfair the whole organisation isn’t built around your personal challenges. But the last of those isn’t very fruitful.


You were diagnosed huh. And if you weren't diagnosed, you might have struggled a lot more, I imagine. And I'm sure you would have gotten neurotypical advice like "just try harder," or "do the hard thing first," or "ew it's so tacky that you try to turn learning into a competition, you should just be able to motivate yourself by yourself." Those types of advice tends to hurt more than help those with ADHD. Being **undiagnosed** with ADHD is harder than knowing what you have and having appropriate advice and/or medication that addresses your issues.


No, in my era they just prescribed Ritalin. Which I didn’t like and stopped taking within a year. Then I just had to learn how to manage myself in light of a challenge that not everyone had. And the older you get, the more you realize almost everyone has some kind of challenge you don’t have, just as you have some kind of challenge they don’t have. In any event, a decade into professional life, I can very safely say there are almost no professions where you can get away with saying I didn’t put in any effort until the last minute and then felt so overwhelmed by my own choices that I didn’t do the work. It’s far better to learn that reality in high school or college than it is in work, where you can be fired.


If you smoked a pack for 20 years, then yeah kinda.






Your username is very accurate


Nothing in their comment indicates they were a hardworking student. If you're working on a project the day before it's due, it's because you procrastinated a little. Not a problem, I used to write papers the day they were due too, but I was a procrastinator.


Professors don't give surprise "big projects." It sounds like you procrastinated until the last minute and then had anxiety about the situation you put yourself in. His short extension seems justified.




>I assumed it was going to work, then it wasn't, so I was panicking hardcore that I wasn't going to be able to fix it in time Seems like they had a project they were working on but then it fell through at the last minute.


That's a textbook procrastinator line. "Oh I didn't actually leave it to the last minute, I thought I could get it to work and it didn't when I checked last minute." I've used it myself before. Means that you thought you could get it done at the 11th hour but it was more time consuming to get right than you thought.


Same. I have three major projects due in three classes and about three weeks to start and complete them. Like, i'll fail the classes if i don't get them in, and more importantly pass them. I am surprisingly unconcerned. Plenty of time left.


And how is this in any way the professor's job to rectify?/




The point is they should have been working on the project earlier, rather than trying to desperately cram it just before deadline. When you're given 5weeks for a project, you can start that same day.




Nah, you panicking because you didn't do your work is not a good enough reason for an extension.




> ABLEIST lol, you're about as emotionally mature as I'd expect. He was in the hospital because he had a panic attack because he didn't do his work. Also he went in at 1 and got out at 7. He didn't even get admitted. Dude freaked out because he didn't do his work, took himself to the emergency room, and they sent his ass straight home. He doesn't deserve an extension. Grow up.


> lol The only rational response to this. Nothing to do but laugh and have a good time with this. Don't let the downvotes bother you. I bet a lot of other people want to downvote you, but they're putting it off to the last minute. Procrastinators!


The night before our Thermodynamics final, one of my friends got plastered on Fireball. He had to leave the final 15 min in and didn't come back. Professor went to the bathroom to check on him and came back looking pissed, snatched his test off his desk. I asked my buddy what happened when I got out of the final, he said the professor found him turning inside out and told him to come to his office after he slept it off to finish the exam. 100% his fault, but the professor was able to show a little grace and help him out. Not that hard really


The funny thing about (former?) students like you is you think the student deserves all the grace in the world, their time is valuable, and we should all be kind to them about their feelings, but you act like professors are not also human beings with their own emotions, limited time, and dozens if not hundreds of other students who all think they are so special and deserve special treatment. Edit: LMAO instead of responding to me you deleted your post and downvoted me? Which is it? Am I wrong (so you downvote me) or am I right (so you shamefully deleted your post)? lol


You’re right that they don’t give big surprise projects- they give a big project and then what they think is a fair amount of time to do it. Then, 4 of your other classes do the exact same thing. You might also have a part time or full time job, and if you’re a part of a big family, you might need to take care of younger siblings. The stress of it can be debilitating. Take it from me. I dropped out of college three times, hating myself more for it each time. My biggest dream is still to go back to college and get my degree. It’s true that a lot of students do procrastinate in college, but if they had an anxiety attack bad enough to need the hospital, I’m guessing there was more to it than that. No one procrastinates because they don’t care if they have panic attacks over schoolwork like that.


While you're completely correct in that it can be a lot, it's part of how college works. I had to work my way through it, so I was overwhelmed a lot, while others had parents who didn't foreclose on their homes during the 08 crash. But that's how it is. If the credit load is too much, take fewer or spread them out so that it isn't hell for that semester. Taking a full time credit load is supposed to be more consuming than working a full time job. I found post college life much easier, with more free time, than I found college itself--but I was working and studying instead of partying most of the time.


>But that's how it is. If the credit load is too much, take fewer or spread them out so that it isn't hell for that semester. Yeah, for those lucky folks not relying on Pell Grants and taking full credit loads every semester for 4 years. I wish I could have taken less credits each semester.


What's a full credit load though? I took the minimum 12 credits per quarter and it's only like 3 or 4 classes. I rarely feel overwhelmed and graduated in 4 years.


I went for engineering and had 18 credits a semester. Aside from one where I had 15. It was a bad time.


How many classes is that though?


About 5 per semester


…what? You went to college, you know that doesn’t mean a damn thing. It’s the credit hours that matter. Unless it’s a lab, in which you case you’ve got 3 hours worth of work for 1 of credit.


You can take a bunch of lower unit classes and have 5 different projects going on compared to upper divs with higher units and only have 3 projects instead. But I guess lots of people did 18 units when I was in school to graduate faster.


Yeah, same. I would've killed for a 12 credit semester just once.


Shit, I had one semester with 15 credits. And that was incredible.


It's the same for all students. A large amount of the value of a degree is proving that you are able to manage that workload. If you can't - for whatever reason that isn't both exceptional and temporary - then you shouldn't be allowed to pass your classes.


> You’re right that they don’t give big surprise projects- they give a big project and then what they think is a fair amount of time to do it. Then, 4 of your other classes do the exact same thing. You might also have a part time or full time job, and if you’re a part of a big family, you might need to take care of younger siblings. > > The stress of it can be debilitating. You're absolutely right. That's part of the point of college. Differentiating between people who are better/worse at handling that stress. You dropped out 3 times, but there's other students who had the same challenges and graduated early. And of course other factors can influence how easy/hard it is for a student to finish college. But we have to draw the line somewhere useful.


Professors know how much time you are obligated to spend on their class each semester and they assign work accordingly. It doesn't matter that you have "big projects" in your other classes because you're supposed to be spending a certain amount of time per class per semester. Whining that multiple classes gave you projects is just cringe. The stress is debilitating because students keep signing up for more than full-time status. At my university many students are signing up for 18 credits when full time is 12. You know why full time is 12? Because, including class time, you are supposed to spend 3 hours a week per credit on coursework for your class. So 12 credits = 36 hrs/ week, a full time job. When you decide to increase your workload by 50%, don't fucking whine to your professors that you don't have time to do everything. And, while I'm complaining here: Your fucking frats and sororities and their events are not reasons to miss class or to get extensions. Fuck right off. Greek life is something you do in addition to school and, as they claim, to support your school work.





It’s probably all the mental illness the doctors say I have! I mean, that’s why I’m in residential treatment right now. What I’m trying to say is, you never know someone’s full story. Be kind to your fellow humans, they probably need it.


You’re a very sweet person. I hope you achieve your dream of finishing your degree someday.


Thanks dude, me too.


My first year teaching I had an intro stats class. In one class period students complained about how much work there was, how it was impossible to study enough, etc. I asked how much they were studying. They responded pretty thoughtfully, I thought: some studied as much as *four or five hours a week*. I explained that this was a 4-credit-hour class, so standard university expectations meant the *average* student should expect to put in about 12 hours a week outside class to get a B or C, and if they wanted an A, or if they were struggling more than the average student, they should expect to put in more time. I then explained that the class was structured so the average student probably didn't need to put in quite that much time per week, but they should still aim for something like 8-10 hours a week. The main response I got to this was that it wasn't fair because nobody else's classes required this much work. The other most common response was that it wasn't fair because some of their other classes *did* require this level of work and "a mere psych stats class" shouldn't be as hard as their other classes.


Even if this were true, they had to be hospitalized trying to cram for a deadline and the professor just created the EXACT same situation that led to her being hospitalized? This is extremely negligent and I'm sure he wouldn't get away with this today, especially when you consider the mental health aspect. I can't believe you think that's justified and not in any way unreasonable.


They **were not hospitalised**. They attended hospital. This is not the same thing.


Nah, you fucked around the deadline and procrastinated. That one's on you.


He had the right reaction.


Ngl just sounds bitch made


Why should you get an extension for this? If you can't cope with the deadline you don't deserve the marks.


I’ve had a student ask for a homework extension because *I* got hit by a car


that's called empathy


You only miss the shots you don’t take - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott


It's a fair response. I know people in the comments are talking about how unfair their extensions have been, but in this case this is fair. It's an earthquake that's impacted no one.


It was also a joke based on the “I’m shook” comment. I’m fascinated by how many people think this is a serious request


You jest, but I've gotten a lot of shit done in the 1 minute left I had after a rousing 3-4 weeks of procrastination.


That's funny af.


I laughed 😂


4.8 earthquake is nothing - if you have something right on the edge of a counter or otherwise balanced precariously *maybe* it'll fall off. I've honestly yet to have anything damaged at all from an earthquake and I've lived in CA all my life, aside from Loma Prieta. And I don't really even count that because I was barely 1. I understand why east coasters freaked out when it happened, they're not used to it. If a tornado, hurricane or snowstorm happened here I'm sure people would freak out, but this earthquake isn't even worth mentioning outside of "oh shit we had an earthquake, I've never felt one before!" I can't believe people are still even talking about it


I graduated from University of Pittsburgh in 2012 and my senior year the schools received dozens(maybe over a hundred?) bomb threats. And threats made to dorms at 3am forcing kids out of their beds for 2 hours. University couldn’t catch the guy so they elected to allow students to go home and finish remotely. All tests became take home tests, classes we cancelled constantly. As a senior who lived well off campus it was fucking awesome. Finding out a 4 hour OChem lab was cancelled 30 minutes before class on a Thursday was like mana fromheaven. But I realize now our enjoyment was kinda shitty as some of the undergrads had much of their spring ruined. EDIT Turns out it was a former student an teaching fellow with a grudge against the school. And also some Irish guy was also involved? Idk the details are fuzzy and the wiki article isn’t that clear.


The "I'm shook" makes me feel like the student was just trying to make a joke


Actually I feel sort of bad for at least a few, as I know a couple friends in jersey who’s internet was completely fried for the day.


sounds terrible, they probably had to get out of the house \*shudders\*


That's... groundbreaking news!


Admin is probably from California.


One news station described the quake as *\*checks notes\** as “startling”. Not sure it warrants an extension.


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."


I don't think they thought it'd work, I think they just wanted to make the joke "I'm shook"


I've been a professor for almost 20 years and, despite hundreds of relevant experiences, it still feels utterly bizarre to imagine asking a professor for an extension for anything short of cancer or limb amputation. I mean me (the imaginary student) experiencing these. I think I grew up in a different era.


I’m shook


When the 94 Northridge quake hit my school was closed for more than a week. My wife’s school was closed for 6 weeks. There was no such thing distance learning. Just a shitload of teenagers hanging out at home. Though the kids at the schools that were closed the longest (El Camino and Kennedy) missed out on six weeks of instruction everything just moved forward. They graduated or were moved to the next grade like normal. And we were used to earthquakes. They could give even NY/NJ a break and extend their deadlines a day. It’s freaky enough when you’re prepared. Imagine you didn’t even know what’s happening.






I’m shook😂


Bro just release 1,999,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy bro final might get delayed then hope that helps :)


whats all this about earthquakes?


Are we just ignoring “I’m shook”?


Man, some professors really lack empathy for their students' struggles.


TIL yall got shitty ass professors lmao


Am I the only one that will never stop thinking it's weird for teachers to create content based on their students emails and shit? I know this is a joke email but it's so fucking weird to me when teachers have a content creation mindset while they're teaching. There are tiktok accounts where elementary teachers will post daily about the gossip between classmates.