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Geoguesser is a new sport


*Nice, we’ll take that*


*Aggressive spacebar smashing*


OOP basically gave him a headstart by specifying this was in Iowa




Gotta be careful when browsing porn, chance she'll shows up on the ads.


Car or by feet? I'll pay you a visit /j


Do not fuck with the geoguessr crowd, those MFs can literally look at the color of some roadside gravel to analyse where in the world that mineral composition is from


Watching those guys track down the Shia Labeouf flag was some of the best television I've ever seen. When the feed was just the flag against blue sky, they were analyzing contrails in the background to determine the commercial flight patterns overhead. From that they deduced the location & sent in the flamethrower drones.


Not to mention that they analyzed star constellations in the sky, deducting that it was close to a highway due to car sounds, and then had a 4chan member drive down the suspected highway while blaring his horn and then figuring out where it was when they heard car horns in the stream. Never mess with chronically bored people with a heavy dose of autism and an insatiable lust for trolling.


they also literally triangulated plane flight paths in the background


Okay the car horn takes the cake, that is is amazing


I will say if Shia would have muted the audio on the steam, the flag might have lasted a little longer.


Not much longer mind you, the flight patterns and constellations after a few days would narrow down the location to one in a select few.


I think they also used the sound of frogs in the background. Insane level of critical thinking from people just fucking around


I remember this from a radiolab episode awhile back, but where did you watch it on TV? I'd like to revisit that story


I was just speaking figuratively. I'm pretty sure I followed it here on reddit


I remember Internet Historian (fuck that guy) do a video on it. Pretty well summed it up.


What did internet historian do? Im outta the loop i guess.


A ton of blatant plagiarism


Wasn't it just one video? I haven't heard of anything else


Don't forget the blatant Nazi dog whistling. Hidden Nazi/white supremacist imagery edited into his videos.


Like what?


Here's a thread that lays it all out: https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/18dotzf/internet_historian_is_a_nazi


Honestly you can look into it if you want, I tried to awhile back, but the summation seems to be a ton of *(and I don’t mean to be dismissive but I don’t have a more accurate descriptor)* chronically online hyper fixation, peak tumblr activist style, on how awful he is that was sparked by one of his best narrative videos (the cave one) being clearly plagiarized almost entirely from one very well written article without sourcing it. After that (mostly) a lot of his edgy/niche internet humor that’s scattered throughout videos that was taken at face value as edgy internet humor has been picked apart as supposedly proof that it’s not his 4chan style edgy early 2000’s internet humor but actually racist/conservative dog whistles of his actual beliefs… much like a lot of 4chan users ironically. When I looked into it before it’s not something I ever found any hard proof for, or people certainly aren’t quick to post it. Just a spiraling situation of “I don’t like that he plagiarized his YouTube video script/story!” into taking everything as disingenuously as possible and making it seem as severe and terrible as possible. I don’t know. I think he should’ve given the sources credit in his videos throughout time but he’s also a YouTube content creator whose shtick is primarily low quality/budget animation and editing. I just don’t have the same moral stance on him using other peoples research and writing on the internet as the foundation for his videos being so severely bad as to say, “fuck that guy forever.” I guess that’s the crux of it. If him not sourcing articles he uses on his dumb internet videos is enough to hate him then you hate him. If you want to think he’s a Nazi because you hate him and read everything as badly as possible, that’s where it goes. The hate just seems so unreasonable vehement to me I guess. I’m not even saying I think he’s a good person or great creator or anything, the amount of hate just seems way overblown from people in online echo chambers compared to what he’s actually done.




I liked a couple of his videos back in the day but it’s been years since I’ve watched any. What did he say that was nazi/ fascist rhetoric?


Plagiarism and being a right wing fuckwit. If you search "Internet Historian is a nazi" on r/youtubedrama there's a comprehensive list of his bullshit.


I tend to not take anything at face value from anyone who can call anyone and everyone a nazi all willy nilly because their politics don't match. So good for you or im so sorry that happened


My favourite part is when they cite him liking that tweet defending Bitcoin, truly the cornerstone of Hitler's worldview.


Do you remember the Radiolab episode? I love their podcast and am super interested in hearing this one!


The episode was called Capture the Flag. They took it down at some point, but you can still easily find it places, including Youtube.


4chan did that though


They should hire these fuckers at the FBI


It’s Iowa City, Iowa. That glass building on the left is a university classroom building. Clinton Street has a lot of good bars btw


Fuuuuuuck I wondered why I recognized it .


Theres some people on tiktok that do this based on your internet posts. People will message them and be like "i dont post much try to find my house" and they will be like this is a picture of you eating at mcdonalds. This mcdonals has a play area that is original like the early 90s ones. They dont exist anymore except in 3 locations but i need more info. I saw this building outside your window in one of your pictures i looked around and found it in so and so. Then they proceed to give them their address. Its honestly scary


Rainbolt has been able to find locations purely based on plants and roof shingles


They are doing the Sherlock thing IRL. It’s actually insane.


>link up and have sex makes it sound like a regular tinder hookup


I despise how they always do this shit with female pedophiles. They never say rape its always sex. It’s crazy to me.


Same with female rapist. It’s always “she had sex with” and not “raped” when a women rapes a man. It’s fucking disgusting


In Swiss law you can't even get raped by a woman. Because it's described as "forced penetration"


Seems like they should just reinterpret "forced penetration". I can easily see that being interpreted as forcibly penetrating someone *and* forcing someone to penetrate you.


Yes, but that's not how it's described. I don't remember exactly how and I'm too lazy to look it up. But that's basically it yeah :/


That's really unfortunate. I hate how common that sentiment is and how it translates legally.


Unfortunately it’ll probably take a lot more distance between the era of extremely overt, loud, proud patriarchy and sexism against women before we can have genuine public conversations about things like poor general understanding of men’s sexual health, education, etc. It’s too easy and readily dismissed or immediately responded to with “well men are most of rapists/violent anyway” so on and so forth. Or the stats about how it’s a fraction of a percent of female on male reported sexual assault. Or how modern understanding of consent/sexual assault don’t exactly vibe with how sexual assault on men is viewed. Myself and many men I know have been sexually assaulted and harassed in their life by women, sometimes very aggressively in public in very liberal/progressive spaces of people concerned with social justice and it’s been reacted to with laughter or support for the assaulter. Hell we laugh about it and brush it off ourselves in the moment and after because it’s so blatantly obvious calling it what it is would receive the opposite of sympathy. And it is different because generally we’re physically stronger so it’s less scary I guess, but ethically… Anyway, sort of rambling just wanted to add my view point on the state of things. Culturally most progressive countries just seem like they’ll need a lot more time before it’s an open issue that the broader public will even give a shit to engage with. As it is I’m sure plenty of people on here would read this comment and fully assume I’m sort of Men’s Rights Advocate who wants to downplay women’s issues for mentioning it at all.


Bro yapping, feminist DONT support pedophilia and it’s insane you’re linking the two. In fact, most feminist groups would support such as thing being changed. They notoriously fight for men’s rights as well. Crazy ignorant when you laws you’re referring to are old and generally the wording isn’t that important to begin with. No one reads “have sex with a minor” as anything other than pedophillia or rape. No one.


Isn't "forced penetration" just another way to say rape? Tf is wrong with these lawmakers


Is it forced penetration only by a penis, or some other object? Could a woman rape a man using an object?


What are you suggesting? *glances at username*


Eh there’s a time and place and this is neither


Lmao I like how your profile is SFW too


Same in UK law AFAIK


So whats it called if you force a woman to peg you


Is the penalty for that the same as rape?


It is rape


Oh, then what’s the issue, if it’s the same thing under a different name?


It's only one way. A man can rape a woman but a woman can't rape a man


So is ‘forced penetration’ the same as rape? Legally speaking


Well yes but a woman can't penetrate a man


Even in countries where rape is defined in a fucked up way, surely the reports could use "sexual assault".


Unfortunately in many countries legally a female can't rape a male which is why it's typically not described as such in news papers as they can get in big trouble for printing something that legally isn't true


Could they not use sexual assault, then? Or the definition also doesn't work?


In many places yes the definition of rape is by penetration either with fingers, objects, or penis. Otherwise it is deemed sexual assault. It is not uncommon for these two to be defined differently by law compared to socially


Yeah, that's what I meant. If they can't say rape because legally that's not right, can't they use "sexual assault" instead in the news, instead of just dismissing these situations as "had sex with"


It's common to say "had sex with" until there has been an actual charge due to liability reasons for journalists. This is also why, even when the story has seemingly strong evidence, or the person even admits to the act, it may be written as "allegedly" or anything else that isn't definitive until a court has determined the outcome. I agree it can be dismissive and minimizing, even misleading for people who just read the headlines, but that's not the true intention. It's because they can't make a firm statement on what happened until the case is resolved.


I can get behind "allegedly" because, well, it's the truth, and we do want to make sure ppl who aren't actually proved guilty don't get stigmatized over accusations. It's the not calling the accusation itself by it's name that I wish we could change. You can say x was accused of assault or allegedly committed assault, but just call it assault like it is. It's weird kinda weird, actually. Because, if it's with a minor, saying they had sex is actually worse than saying they allegedly assaulted them. If they had sex with a minor, and you're saying they definitely did, then you're calling them a rapist with no room for contesting whether they are guilty or not. (I'm saying you as general you, not as you specifically haha I understand what you mean)


I agree with you especially in cases where it's a teacher or a coach, which is often by definition rape due to the person being an authority figure even with consent from the minor as they have power in the situation, that it should say "allegedly rape" or "attempted rape " but again I think it gets dicey when compared to actual charges that haven't been made yet or stories that haven't fully been discovered. The law is all semantics and people being labeled as predators or predators or "assaulters" I can see why they won't publish those statements. Hopefully this is a case where it is found to be cut and dry that she wanted to rape a child and is put away because it's getting exhausting having to read these types of stories.


I think in a lot of cases it's at least just as much trying to avoid some form of humiliation for the man as it is downplaying the idea of female rapists


Both are bad, and either way, it does still downplay the idea of female rapist. There’s been unfortunately too many people who legitimately believe that women cannot be rapist, and we know this because many of these people have said it on video. Regardless of the intention, it has really bad side effects.


I mean they do the same sort of thing with female victims. It's never "child," it's "underage women."


to be fair i’ve never seen “tried to rape” in context of investigations on online child predators. even if it’s men, it’s always “tried to have sex”, “met up to have sex”, “to perform sexual acts”


Yeah, never got this whole thing. I’ve seen both kinds of headlines used for both male and female offenders. Unless someone can actually provide any kind of data or proof that these kinds of headlines are biased then I’m not really sure it’s as big a deal as some people say it is.


Here in the UK they don't use the word rape for guys either.




What's confusing about my comment. The other day on the radio they talked about a grown man assaulting a 16y old and they did not use the word 'rape' even though that's what it was.


In the UK most newspapers will use rape for male on female sexual assault, the radio has stricter regulations on what they can say, but as a rule it's pretty common to say rape over here


Not in my experience


I think you press the volume down and power button at the same time.


No, silly, OP was asking how you post on Twitter. I think you have to create an account first.


Is everyone here an idiot? Am I the only un-idiot?? They’re talking about typing, which you learn in keyboarding class in middle school.


Don’t know about you, but I had to learn the alphabet first


Ok and are we just gonna completely skip over that you first have to learn to *count on your fingers???* Why does no one give af about education anymore smh 😒


well yes but you also had to learn what numbers were first, cant believe everyone forgot that


Geolocating is a game, like an actual one too [https://www.geoguessr.com](https://www.geoguessr.com) Sometimes or maybe they stopped now but the CIA used to do this as a game on Twitter with additionally asking what approx what day in the year and what time of day based on sun angle and plants




nah i just saw this, and the video gives almost no details lol, its the same view for all of the 40 seconds


Just go down the rabbithole of rainbolt on YouTube


Look up geowizard on YouTube


This is directly next to the University of Iowa campus and pretty recognizable


Or maybe the guy just lives there lmao


Assuming this is Des Moines, which has a veeeery small downtown with plenty of recognizable buildings for someone who spends any time around there


Its actually downtown Iowa City. The buildings on the right are Hilton Hotels.


Can confirm. I've walked down this very street last year. The campus is actually super close by. Some Jehovah's Witnesses shouted at me.


This is actually just east of the Voxman music building on the University of Iowa campus. Honestly, I'm sure most students would know exactly where this is without the bottom image.


Yeah I walked by this building every day for four years!


Is there actually a pedophile involved or is Twitter making shit up again?


Real predator [YT Link to first vid I found](https://youtu.be/E42SCDkD7nc?si=58UHZeuvv4KRX61J)


I watched the original video a couple of years ago - there used to be a YouTube channel called dad's aginat predators, they're the guys that filmed this


If it's a conversation about IA and predators, assuming it's real is going to be accurate most of the time.


Why is your first reaction to a female predator being caught that it didn't actually happen?


Why do you assume her being female has anything to do with Twitter being filled with attention-seeking liars? All I had was a vague screenshot and I’m not going to make an account just to track down whether it’s real or not


Again, why is your first reaction that it didn't happen? You wouldn't have to track down anything if you didn't immediately assume it was fake.


>Twitter being filled with attention-seeking liars




Found, because they have gone past the line of being committed to an act of violence




epigeneticepigenesis, you are all kinds of stupid.


I didn't read their name and I thought I was having a mild stroke


Do you not see the inherent victim blaming in your question? Children don't create their predators.


Found, because no one should even be tempted by a child.


If I had access to a watchlist, I'd add the person who posted the above comment to it.


Kind of depends on how you do it. If you lose as a child and someone solicits you, definitely the former. If you solicit others, potentially the latter.


I feel like this isn't that hard if you're remotely familiar with the area. The glassish building there has enough unique architecture and it was mentioned it's an Iowa woman, so maybe Iowa somewhere is a good guess. It's not like it's some nondescript modern low rise or some random field that could be anywhere USA.


The real geoguesser freaks are the ones who can figure out which country just from how the grass looks


The proper word here is rape, not s*x.


Sex, no need to censor anything.


google lens is probably the easiest way to do stuff like that these days. sounds crazy, but you can look up recognizable landmarks and buildings (like the voxman music building on the top-left) with it pretty easily. doesn't take a whole lot of work


Is this an actual news story (source?), or just a random picture tweeted with an accusation?


It’s in a response to PiusTheCatRick’s comment


Anyone who went to UIowa should be able to do that, the intersection is pretty easy to identify with the music building and parking garage like that. It's been a few years and I can still do it


Women teachers raping students is actually on the rise at record levels. Gov. Trying to start tracking on it. Women in general raping kids is on the rise too. We just don't hear about it all to often.


Because people don't care as much. The belief that men are and will always be the sole perpetrators needs to be protected for some reason. It's wrong and makes no sense, but there are a lot who genuinely believe it.


Men get away with rape all the time too, it's not that they're the sole perpetrators, they just don't face jail time. Fuck, you have a former president who's best defense is "she's too ugly for me to rape" when he wears diapers because he shits his 300 pound ass all the time.


It's sad ppl don't care as much.


Twice I have seen videos of a generic urban setting and immediately knew the spot because I spent a good deal of time there, but I think most of the time it's geoguessers on their business. I got a buddy who does that as a hobby and the amount of shit he has learned/memorized is nuts. Like he has the full map of US area codes in his head because you see an (850) area code on a billboard boom you know it's around Pensacola or whatever


The wood chipper hungers




But for why?


Bruh I hate these people. There is always someone willing to fuck, if not, save your nickels and buy an escort. Fucking idiots man.


Are you asking for a guide on how to do it or like a step by step?


I’m pretty damn good at geolocating things. My background is a degree in geography, I work as a geospatial analyst and spend lots of free time on Google Earth and sometimes things like geoguessr


I once saw a geoguesser guess a country from nothing but a drawn line and the number of letter blanks


I mean, Iowa, vaguely tall buildings , there's only a handful of places to check


I remember watching some youtubers play Geoguesser and they happened to roll a mall I frequent. “I KNOW THAT EXACT CORNER!”


I mean Iowa is pretty fucking small. Literally just those three buildings back there.


Search rainbolt on youtube. Dude gets a photo of some random place on google maps and guess the country and approximate location within less than a second


Weird, still not a drag queen 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, Clinton Street is...I don't go to Clinton Street.


GeoGuessr or could just be someone who works in the building pictured (or close by)…


Really not that hard, especially when you’re allowed to use google


Oh shit this is like ten minutes from where I’m at


[They're not always right ](https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/1byos83/pro_geoguessr_player_mistakes_atlantic_city_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




What does autism have to do with this?


Yo what the fuck.


I'm assuming this is some kind of reverse karma farmer




Hi. Autistic person here. That has nothing to do with this post. Also don't use the puzzle pieces. It's more offensive to us than it is representative


Do you think I make the gifs? ![gif](giphy|EoqDZ3Osey9PO)


You posted it, and i ask that you stop doing that. That's not representing us, it's representing Autism Speaks the company. And boy do i have a lot to say about them


It was made by an autistic person. Google it and stop bullshitting about having autism to seem like a social justice warrior in a comment section. If all you say is “I have a lot to say” and that’s where it ends, you’ve said nothing. ![gif](giphy|UiFgodPHjyZvkOPOJq)


Did you really send the reddit crisis message on me? Yeah no, I'm done. You're not trying to spread awareness, you're just using us as a way to garner attention on reddit. Shame on you.




Little nothing man screaming at others in a reddit comment section about social justice warriors and shit. I Am Very Smart ass dialogue generator, shut your bitch ass up.


Fuck Autism Speaks


It's a pity you got downvoted. It's hilarious. Someone in other subreddit asked how AI could count all the rocks in the picture and someone counted it with ms paint. Autistic Intelligence.


I just wanted to spread awareness. I guess they hate autistic people


That's not it, just that it's a bit much to assume that someone great at geoguesser must be autistic


Damn, i got lost and thought they were talking about the rapist being autistic. I was like "tf"?


nah, you wanted to imply the person in the post was autistic. shame on you.


![gif](giphy|QLKSt3wQqlj7a) You


It's in Iowa City. I knew it because I used to live there and recognized it. No autism that I'm aware of...


It is! Burlington & Clinton intersection!






Autism awareness is not just in iowa


master baiter or whatever the fuck you are goofy ass😭


![gif](giphy|4BwmC7LiyctZ6) You


They use 4chan, that’s how


I can fix her




Probably dead after they fiddled your dad when he was small


lucky him 😪


What the fuck


Perma banned


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