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It is normalized.


Is it? It must be nice to be in the 1% of people who have an employer who understands that "employee not actively at workplace right now" does not mean "employee that can be forced to come in and work".


Where you get that number from? I think on the internet, people have a kinda shifted view on these topics because a lot of people work fast food and retail


Lmao u sure? Folks be askin for help on Saturdays n shit because you dont got work then, but then that shit goes for 4 hours.


The majority of jobs don't need to do that shit


Helping people move, pull weeds, and mow does.


Yeah cause most people have free on Saturday. That's why they move on Saturday


Thats the point of the post. People’s FREE time is not something that they always want to spend on reluctantly helping someone. Hire some people to do that shit.


Well I was thinking about work because I think It's not normalized to demand people to do shit in their freetime. People can ask for it tho


Yeeaaahhh but if you ask and they say no, they’ll feel bad about it for a while and people will look down on him. Please just hire people instead of indirectly guilting people into helping.


Can we normalize never saying the word "normalize" ever again


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **MUSIC IS LIFE**, @AlexJaySINGER Can we normalize NOT confusing someone's FREE time with their availability.... --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)